Bryan finally woke up to the gentle sound of the waves washing ashore and the morning light filtering in. Bryan noticed that the snore monster that is Max wasn't in the bed. In fact he wasn't even in the hotel room.
"The man is sneaky when he wants to be," Bryan said to himself and realized that he had a bunch of dry precum on the back of his leg from last night.
Bryan had a quick shower and headed down to one of the open air buffet style restaurants to grab some breakfast. It was nice to just have food available and not have to cook for himself or Max. Bryan didn't mind cooking now and again, especially if Max enjoyed it, but Max can be rather demanding.
Bryan grabbed some tea and some pancakes and some fresh fruit and took a seat close to the edge so he could get a better view of the ocean and see people as they walk by down towards the beach or pool.
Bryan was halfway through breakfast when he saw Max and his heart skipped a beat. Max was walking towards the beach with a towel thrown over his hairy shoulder, a speedo that looked more like a thong than an speedo against his thick hair butt and thicker than Bryan's waist thighs and his mesh trucker's hat.
"There you are not!" Max shouted noticing Bryan in the restaurant. Bryan felt his face turn red from embarrassment from being pointed out by the nearly naked redneck bubba. Bryan waved. The other hotel guests were a bit shocked and a few whispered gasps and comments filled the air. The staff just went about their business.
"Come see me when you're done, sleepy head?" Max shouted and continued on his way.
Bryan finished up his breakfast and headed after Max.
Bryan found Max sprawled out on a deck chair, his skin looking freshly oiled from the sun tan lotion. Max's size was on display, his doughy beer gut looked wide and round while his soft chest sat above. Max had pulled down his speedo a bit to tan his fat pad, aka fupa or under belly. Bryan wished he had the same self confidence as his step father.
"Did you have breakfast?" Bryan asked.
"Yeah, first thing this morning," Max said looking up from his shade," Fed this gut good this morning."
Bryan nodded noticing that Max's gut looked a bit more bloated than usual.
"What are you doing today, boy?"
"I was thinking of doing the city tour," Bryan said remembering a free tour was included with the hotel stay, and that he could enjoy any excursions that were available for free too.
"Well, have fun. Don't get lost," Max said closing his eyes and putting his hands behind his head and getting into a more relaxed position.
"You sure?" Bryan asked for clarification. It wasn't like Max to just let him go like that.
"Yeah, go," Max said and one of the many hotel workers showed up with a pitcher of a margarita.
Bryan decided to go and leave Max to his tanning.
The city tour was full of mostly middle aged couples who were already half drunk or culturally uneducated. But Bryan did learn quite a bit about the city of CancĂșn.
It was late afternoon when Bryan got back to the hotel and he decided to take a swim and he found Max right where he left him, chugging away at a pitcher of beer now. His gut looking bigger and tighter from eating and drinking all day. His skin was turning a golden or bronze colour.
"Hey Bryan, time to get ready for food!" Max commanded as he got up from his deck chair, his gut looking bigger than before.
"Sure," Bryan said and got out of the pool and grabbed a towel and began to dry off.
"Hurry up," Max commanded and began to walk towards the hotel. It was more of a laboured walk with how full his gut was.
'How can he be hungry still?' Bryan thought to himself as he quickly followed Max who was letting out burps every few steps.
Bryan and Max got into the elevator and Bryan could feel the heat radiating from Max, then Max unleashed the loudest burp of the day and the loudest fart Bryan had heard in a month.
"Been holding that in," Max said knowing Bryan was stuck in the elevator for at least another 40 seconds.
Once in the hotel room Max told Bryan to shower first and Bryan quickly got in the shower and began to wash off.
After a few minutes Max came into the washroom, naked and forced his way into the shower stall.
"Max!" Bryan protested.
"What?!" Max said loudly looking down at Bryan," I don't feel like scrubbing today."
"So you want me to?" Bryan asked.
"Yeah," Max said and placed his hands on his hips and pushed his gut out towards Bryan.
Bryan did as he was told and began to wash Max.
After the shower the two headed down to the main dining room where once again Bryan was the go-for, fetching Max plate after plate after plate. Max had on a white tank top undershirt and a Hawaiian short sleeve shirt undone over top. As the dinner went on the white undershirt got tighter and tighter and by time he was done it had ridden up to expose an inch or two of his bloated gut. Bryan had never seen Max eat so much before. Sure Max could eat a ton, but never this much. It was scary yet a bit of a turn on.
After dinner Max announced he was going to chill out by the smoker's beach bar for the night and told Bryan to do whatever.
Bryan took in the amateur magician show and went back up to the hotel room to watch some TV and relax.
Bryan was asleep by the time Max came stumbling in after one o'clock in the morning. Burping and stumbling drunk and reeking of cigar smoke. Bryan could see that Max's undershirt was looking tighter and now half of his gut was exposed.
Max drunkenly mumbled a couple of things while he headed to the bathroom and let loose a torrent of piss into the toilet. He swished some mouthwash and then disrobed and came to bed.
"Hey babe," Max said drunkenly sitting down on the bed causing it to groan under his weight and started to paw at Bryan.
"It's late and you're drunk," Bryan said and covered himself with the blanket.
"But I'm horny as fuck," Max wined and pawed at Bryan," Com'on, just a B-J?"
"No," Bryan said.
"Fine," Max said and flopped down and started to jerk it.
It didn't take long before Max unleashed a strong load that splattered everywhere.
What happens next?