Like any other day, I climbed the steep hill, that made me sweat through my thick jacket. When I thought about it, I would have to endure this for the two more years, at least.
By the time I got to the shoe locker, I felt exhausted, which was odd, as I wasn’t normally tired to this extent.
“Must be the heat.” I decided, walking grudgingly to homeroom.
What do you know, when I got to class, Haruhi wasn’t looking out the window, staring off into distance. She was too busy fanning herself with couple of notebooks. With her tongue sticking out, with sweat glistened on her forehead, I proceeded to greet her.
“Great morning, isn’t it?” I sarcastically asked.
“It’s too hot really!” she replied.
She missed the joke completely.
It being a Monday, her hair wasn’t done in pony tail, which probably didn’t help with the overwhelming heat.
“We should really get a fan in our club room.” I suggested.
“Kyon. That is an excellent idea!” Haruhi exclaimed just as Okabe-sensei entered.
The hot day went by as usually, until I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, in period 3, two periods before lunch.
“Sensei, may I be excused?” I asked politely, as I headed toward bathroom. When I got there, it was empty, as classes were still on. I sat in a stall but it didn’t help. Sitting there for 20 mins, I guessed that it was some kind of a false alarm, standing up and going out to the sink. Because it was so hot, I started to wash my face, before heading back to class...
Except... By the time I opened my eyes after washing my face, I found myself face to face with the sink top! Next thing I noticed was that my school uniform felt much heavier and baggier at the same time. And they were getting heavier. Before I knew it, I was completely trapped in the tent like clothes, which I fit into perfectly, only minutes ago. With a bit of digging, I managed to get out.
“Oh, why me!” I almost cried. “Is it you again, Haruhi! Did you want to meet a microscopic being?! Is that what this is about?!”
I realized that I had to quickly head to SOS Brigade room, to obtain some help from the time traveler, esper or the super AI. It took me over 10 minutes to get to the door of the bathroom. Fortunately for me, there was plenty of gap for me to slide under. When I managed to get out, I truly realized how insignificantly small I was. The hall corridor went on for thousands of miles and the ceiling was higher than any planes could go.
Lucky once again, SOS Brigade room was only three doors down the boy’s toilet. However, at my size, it was a trip of at least 5 km.
Not even halfway there, the thing I dreaded occurred in the back of my mind. The lunch bell rang, releasing a horde of student stampede onto my path. Fearing for my life, I turned around and faced the wall, sticking to it as close as I could. After about 5 minutes, walking died down a bit, and I looked around, to see only few students still about.
In another 10 minutes, I managed to get to the door of my rescue.
Usually, I knocked before I go in, but at this size, I doubted anyone would hear my knocking. So, I squeezed under the door, to see that...