As I squeezed under the door, I came out, to be assaulted with smell of sweat and feet.
“Wow, that stinks. Where’s it coming from?” I asked myself, as I held my nose with my right hand. Looking around the gigantic surroundings, the only movement I saw was Haruhi sitting on her Commander chair, panting like a dog, with her shoes ditched to the side, with her feet hanging hundreds of feet above the ground
From my perspective, it was a sight to beheld as she stood so tall that she seemed like such a powerful sentient being, with me being a piece of dirt to such a magnificent creature.. Anyway, back on topic, I wondered whether Haruhi did really cause this whole mess, and also whether the world would end, if I showed myself to her.
With Haruhi, you always had to worry if she would scrap the current world and make a new one or not. However, I doubted that she would destroy the current one, just because she found her friend at size of a watermelon seed.
With this mindset, I decided to approach the giantess, who could be my only hope of being restored to normal size. Or, possibly the cause of it all. I quickly dashed under the table, to avoid being stepped on, if anyone came into the room. Slowly but surely, I was getting nearer to Haruhi, and the closer I did, the louder the panting and stronger the smell of feet seemed to me, overloading my senses.
“Where is everybody?” Haruhi boomed to noone in particular.
I wonder the same question myself, as I expected everyone to be here by now.
Few minutes pass and now I am right under her right foot, as she has her right leg crossed over the left. From there, I can see how dirty the white socks have been stained and also how they are slightly wet with Haruhi’s sweat. With it being so large and moving and blackish, it looked like a very large storm cloud. A wet one. As I further ventured on, I noticed that I can peek under Haruhi’s sailor skirt, revealing her plain white cotton panty.
This reminded me of the times when she used to get changed in front of the boys. Those were some good times. Now, she became conscious, and kicks me out of the club room every time, using violence. Knowing that, I hoped that she doesn’t look down right now, as it would be obvious that I am taking a scenic tour.
Soon, I make it to one of the leg of the chair that she’s sitting on, only to realize that it’s impossible for me to climb it as it has no footing and is merely a smooth metallic wall.
“What now?” I asked, rubbing my head with my hands, annoyed by how strong her feet smelt and how tired I felt.