Wendy raised her torso from her mattress, and stretched her arms while releasing a quiet yawn. Her sleep was foreign, for it contained no dreams of any kind that she could recall. She jumped out of her bed toward the nearest dressing cabinet of two doors. As she approached it; she quickly rubbed one eye and, in turn, rid herself of looking the least bit tired. She opened the doors of the cabinet, revealing a mirror tall enough for her, clothes galore and a pink and polka-dotted ribbon on the inside of the right hand door. She took off her night gown, straightened it out, and swapped it with the ribbon. She put her ribbon behind her head and used both hands to tie her bow with a smile and a tune in her hum.
She glanced at her reflection to see if her bow was on right; before finishing the knot, she quickly glanced back at her reflection with a
slightly troubled brow. She tightened her bow and held her pose.
She slowly brought both arms down, with her right hand coming close to her centre.
Her eyes dropped their glance to her belly's reflection. It looked a little bigger than usual. She placed the hand on her koopa shell belly, rubbing its surface on one small place.
The spot felt a little softer than Little Miss Koopaling remembered her shell had been before this day. This widened her eyes a little. Then she rubbed some more of her belly, which felt softer as well. She rubbed a slightly larger spot-soft as well. All of her belly was rubbed, and it was all a little softer than a koopa's shell would be.
Wendy looked back up at her reflection's face. She thought back to yesterday morning and the mushrooms. Her eyebrows raised as high as they could go. Soon, a smile appeared on her lips.
This must be the mushrooms working, she thought. Maybe they have a slow effect, but it's working...and my shell well be hard again later.
She brought her clenched hands close to her face and bent her knees down like springs.
Just then, the bedroom door creaked opened with Roy peering in.
Wendy turns to him with a loud "DON'T YOU EVER KNOCK!!!"
This startled the big bonehead back, still holding the door knob and pulling the door closed. Sounds from the other side seem like Roy bumping into Morton and two large thuds.
At breakfast time, all of the Koopalings were eating from their bowls of the Cheep-Cheep stew prepared for them; except Iggy and Lemmy, who juggling eachother's soup from with their bowls.Wendy finished her soup and left her bowl in front of her. She lowered her eyes and eyelids and widened her mouth with a smile; as she rubbed her small hill-shaped stomach, slightly moving its position on her body. Ludwig notices this and pauses his stew-eating. He turns his head directly to Wendy and raises his left eyebrow a centimetre. Wendy sees this, loses her smile, and turns her head away.
"Hmph" she scoffed.
From a separate part of the castle not presently visible, a roaring and dominating voice called out.
Whatever was left of the stew in the Koopaling's bowls was quickly finished, as the seven siblings ran out of the dining room and into the hall, one-by-one. Ludwig was in the lead, followed in order by Morton, Roy, Iggy, Wendy, Lemmy and Larry
In the hall was a giant red door, which Ludwig knocked on to open it. Roy and Morton shoved him out of the way, and went through when the doors were separate enough to enter. Ludwig stood back up and cut in front of Lemmy.
In the door was a set of stairs which lead to many elevators and firebars leading down a round shaft of bricks. Morton, Lemmy, Larry and Ludwig retracted into their shells and spun past their other siblings down the obstacles; while Roy, Iggy and Wendy-with her subtle gut shaking in increments- jumped down behind
At the bottom was a large green pipe, which they all jumped into in the order they went down. Soon enough, they all arrived in a giant chamber, where their father-the large and powerful Bowser-was waiting for them. They brought their attention to him.
"Alright kids. You're all here, so here's my plan."