Chelsea has suggested a lot of people to you since she promised you another identity. You've had some ideas yourself. As you gorge yourself on food that Yumi Saito really should not be eating, you let your mind drift back to those suggestions and ideas.
You remember more or less when all this started, with Chelsea suggesting that maybe you should adopt another identity to be a go-between for Yumi and Gary Chen, before you decided to put them directly together. Who were those suggestions?
Oh yeah. Justin Roth and David Kirkham.
You know the first two, at least by reputation, and you've seen them around with Chen, so they'd fit in well as friends of him and Yumi. Kirkham in particular might be a good one to snag, so that he's not always smirking at you when he sees you and your ... God, it's still weird to think, but ... your boyfriend.
Who else has Chelsea suggested? You have the vague memory that she suggested Sienna Goldman one time, and Susie Lekuawehe and Kristina Townes. The first two don't have steady boyfriends, but the latter is awfully close to Parker Stott in a way that suggests there's an "unofficial" romance going on.
The last time you and Chelsea talked about this, she suggested some rich guy who goes to Eastman. She also suggested some country club types. You're not sure who all she has in mind there, but Anthony Kirk, Geoff Mansfield and Martin Gardinhire would qualify. Related to them, she also once suggested Amanda Ferguson. She and Gardinhire might still have a use, as a way to keep Kelsey pinned down. You don't remember her suggesting Kim Walsh, but it occurs to you that the student council president is another possibility.
She has also suggested Paris and Peyton Morrow, who could be fast-tracked to replace Eva and Jessica on the squad, or some of the girls for the new JV squad. You're not sure you want to go through your junior years again, though. Besides, there's a chance the expansion might not go through. (Which might be another reason to make Kim Walsh a face.) Maybe you should wait to see which senior girls try out for the two open slots on the varsity squad instead.
You're bemusing yourself with these possibilities when Chen leans over and suggests a quick visit to the loft before he has to leave for work. That reminds you of another idea you had a long time ago: Steve Patterson, and any others with access to the loft, so you don't have to worry about not getting use it, or being interrupted inside it. You briefly muse that something like might be the best way to make a decision: Think of the type of people who would be useful as additional identities, and not simply in terms of who seems attractive or interesting.
And finally, there's the least likely possibility. Now that Gary Chen has served his use, maybe you could talk Chelsea into making a new mask of the guy, and giving him to you.