This choice: Force Eva and Jeremy to break up • Go Back...Chapter #22Of Cheerleaders and Splits by: Seuzz  "We're all on the same team, you know," you say after you're settled back in the lounge chair with the others standing before you. You smile at Jeremy and Eva. "So I know that you guys know I'm only looking out for our best interests. And I think it's best, guys—"
You pause to draw the delicious moment out.
"If you two don't see quite so much of each other any more," you conclude.
Neither Jeremy nor Eva moves, but you feel Gordon shift his weight.
"You need to focus, and that means no distractions. Eva," you tell her. "I don't want you going on any dates with Jeremy, or seeing him alone, either at school or outside of school." That takes care of the girl that is under your control, and you glance up expectantly at Gordon.
He hesitates a moment, then speaks to Jeremy. "Same goes for you, Richards. Steer clear of Eva."
"And if anyone asks," you add, "tell them that it's because you've decided it's best to keep all your energy and concentration on your schoolwork and athletics. Also, be sure to tell everyone that you talked about this with me and Gordon, and we agreed." That'll make it clear whose idea this was.
They mumble their agreement, and turn to leave. Eva looks vexed, but Jeremy seems surprisingly content with the decision. He lingers a moment. "So does this mean I don't give Eva a ride home?"
"Gordon'll take her home," you interject before he can reply. "Eva, sweetie, stay here a bit longer?" She winces but turns to face you again as Jeremy lopes away.
Gordon sits in a nearby chair, to gaze at you stonily as you scoot up to Eva.
"I also want you to keep your ears open for what people say," you tell her. "Be natural. Be angry with me. Get them to talk about me. And every night write it down in a report and email it to me."
She nods. "Does that include what Jessica says about you?"
"Jessica will be sending me her own reports. Isn't that right, Gordon?" He grunts. You smile wickedly at Eva. "Don't be so gloomy, Eva. It's like spy work. You're a secret agent, a double agent for me! It'll be exciting!"
She blinks, and then a little smile appears on her face. "Yeah, I guess it will be," she says. A glint comes into her eyes. "Should I stir up trouble?"
Hmmm. "No, don't make trouble on your own. Just keep me informed. Now go get yourself something to eat while Gordon and me talk. Then he'll take you home." She nods and trots into the house.
Gordon leans back after she's gone. "Damn, girl, you are cold. I can't believe you went through with it."
"I can't believe it either," you confess. "There's so much going on up in here, though—" You grab fistfuls of hair and shake it out "—that I just thought it best to go with the flow until I could get it sorted out."
He gives you a curious look, as though puzzled, then hooks his foot with yours. "You got a whole lot going on lower down, too. This kind of shit usually gets you horny."
"Mm-mm." You shake your head and pull back. "Remember who you're really talking to, dude."
"I could make you scream." His jaws clench. "Gordon's done it before."
"And Chelsea wasn't always faking it," you tease. "But let's save it for a special occasion. Right now I think my social media is backing up." You pick up the cell phone from your elbow and tune him out. He rises with a groan and leaves.
* * * * *
The Garner twins glare at you darkly at practice the next morning. Jessica tries picking a fight with you, but you ignore her and focus all your ire on Eva. She can't do anything right as far as you're concerned. You mock her back flips. You belittle her form. You tell her she could get herself higher off the ground if she just lost that extra weight.
Toward Cindy Vredenburg, though, you are all smiles and encouragement. "You can just tell when a girl is in a really great relationship," you enthuse to the squad near the end. "She just feels lighter and wants to bounce higher." You do a somersault, and the effect of your speech is somewhat ruined by the way you tumble awkwardly at the end and pitch forward onto your hands and knees. No one dares laugh, though.
Still, you feel your face redden even as you try to brush it off with a joke. "Seth must really have Cindy doing her somersaults for him. That's it for today." You suppress a tremble of rage and humiliation as you summon Kendra, Maria, and Gloria into a huddle while the others dutifully troop off to the changing room.
"I know I was really rough on Eva today," you tell them, "but you saw how much better she was. Jeremy was totally fucking with her head. This morning, on the way to school, Gordon let slip a little secret about him." Kendra and Gloria lean in eagerly, but you keep quiet, frowning at Maria until she too comes closer. "He and Steve offered to let Jeremy use the special room. You know." You tilt your head toward the "fuck room"—the loft where the top jocks take their dates. Gloria and Kendra grin. "And you know what? He turned them down!"
"Ohmigod!" Kendra gasps and covers her mouth. Gloria titters. But Maria frowns. "Didn't he have someone he could take?" she asks.
You cast her a withering glance. "Of course, Maria. He could have taken Eva. But don't you see? He didn't want to."
"I wonder why not," she murmurs, and wafts back into Cloud Cuckoo Land.
"Totally fucking with her," Gloria says. Kendra nods, adding, "He's so awkward."
"I know, it's like he's still fourteen," you roll your eyes.
"I thought you said Gordon lost his virginity when he was fourteen," Maria says, suddenly returning.
You crimson. "There's a reason I don't tell you everything, Maria," you snap. "It's because you always get things mixed up." The Official Story, of course, is that Chelsea and Gordon have always been together and never with anyone else. "Don't spread what I told you about Jeremy around," you tell the girls. "I don't want to, you know, cause them any more embarrassment."
With luck, it should be all over school before tomorrow.
* * * * *
Lunch in the cafeteria is a little strained, naturally. Eva and Jessica sit at the far end of the AAA table; Jeremy sits at the other. You and Gordon take the middle; he holds you close, and you cuddle up and kiss him wetly whenever you can, letting Chelsea's persona do the work. Talk, though, is about the absent Jason Lynch, who is finally in trouble over an altercation.
"It was Hartlein's fault," Seth seethes. "I heard the fucker and woulda punched him myself, but Jason got in first."
"Did he really call Jason a faggot?" Cindy asks.
"So what if he did?" Steve Patterson snorts. He drains his chocolate milk. "I call him a faggot all the time."
"You're not president of the drama club, and you don't say 'Bee-oop, there goes my gaydar again' when Jason goes by," Seth retorts.
"Sure he wasn't talking about you?" Dalton Douglas chortles.
"Fucker knows he's untouchable," Gordon growls. "School doesn't want a lawsuit."
"What's gonna happen to Jason, honey?" you ask. He shrugs. "Maybe you could talk to him, change his mind?"
"Wouldn't do any good. Steve, we gettin' together tonight?" He turns to his best friend.
"What time?"
"Six? The usual place, then head out from there?" Steve nods at Gordon, who then looks down at you. "Wanna come?"
"I'll have to see. Oh, I got something to leave in your locker." That'll be the mask supplies. Whether you are along or not, by this evening Patterson will have been converted.
* * * * *
Instead, after lunch you go looking for Kim Walsh, the student council president. You shouldn't be surprised—and you aren't—when you find that she has been looking for you.
"Can we talk about Eva Garner?" she asks. "And Jeremy Richards?" she adds meaningfully.
You turn placid, innocent eyes on her. "Sure. I guess you heard how they broke up." Her lips compress as she nods curtly. "You're such a good person, Kim," you say, squeezing her arm. "I think I know what this is about. I was pretty sure you'd hear about it and want to talk to me. Can you come out to my house tonight? Like, around five-thirty?"
She actually looks relieved. "Yeah. Um, I don't want me to think I'm second-guessing you ..."
"Don't worry about it," you tell her cheerfully. "If I can't change your mind, I'll let you change mine!"
* * * * *
Instead of hanging out with friends you go home to prepare for Kim's visit, mixing up the varnish and magical powder and getting everything in order. You then follow it up by composing extensive notes to yourself based upon what you've learned and pondered since taking over Chelsea. It's a nice, long list of names, and you review it approvingly. Hartein should be an especially useful recruit.
The doorbell rings, which brings you back to the present. You don't need to run Chelsea to have the benefits of controlling her; and Caleb would probably appreciate the quality time that a golemized Chelsea would be more willing to give him. Also, you'd have a better sense of what Kim knows and thinks from inside her.
... And yet, you reflect, as you catch sight of your face in the mirror over your desk, Chelsea is so much more attractive.  | Members who added to this interactive story also contributed to these: |