Chapter #23Kim Implausible by: Seuzz  Your mother calls from downstairs: "Chelsea! You have a visitor!"
You shout back and hurriedly set up the mask and the golemization mix, which is all ready to put inside it once Kim's mask is finished.
She is halfway up the stairs when you step out into the hallway, and you greet her cheerily. Her smile is more subdued, which doesn't dissuade you from giving her a hug. She is a short, pert redhead, and though she hasn't many curves, she feels very nice in your arms, and you briefly reconsider your decision to stay as Chelsea before recommitting yourself to your current guise. You take her hand in yours and lead her into the bedroom.
"Before we start, I just have to show you something," you exclaim, and snatch up the mask. "Isn't it the most incredible thing?"
She cocks her head. "What is it?"
"It's a mask. Duh! I found it in this old flea market, you know, down on Powell Street? And oh my God!" You clutch her arm. "It was only five dollars! Can you believe it?" You press it into her hands.
"It's pretty neat," she says. She does seem intrigued by it, even if she doesn't sound enthusiastic. She turns it over and over. "What's it made out of?"
"I don't know. But the old woman who was selling it? She said it was, like, made by a famous artist or something. I don't remember the name."
"And she was selling it for only five dollars?" Her skepticism is no less withering for being so lightly couched.
You shrug at her query. "I just thought it was really pretty. Probably I'll hang on my wall someplace." You glance around thoughtfully, as though trying to pick out a spot. "First, though, I think I'll turn it into a Halloween costume. Wear it as a mask. Oh my God!" You clap your hands. "Can you imagine? Like, I'll get this white or silver shawl? What do you think would be best, white or silver? Maybe some bangles. And then get like a cape? And then a top that's cut, you know--" You indicate a plunging neckline and a bare midriff. "And some shorts and boots? And I can be a sexy Grim Reaper." You laugh with delight. Actually, now that you've improvised the idea, you have to admit it sounds really nifty.
"But there aren't any eyeholes," Kim points out.
She is so practical, you think to yourself. "Well, I'll just punch some in it. Here, hold it up to your face, so I can see if there's room."
She reluctantly accedes to your prompting, and you gently push it closer to her face. It vanishes into her, and she topples back onto the bed. You cluck your tongue. "You're so gullible, Kim. I guess that why everyone trusts you with all their problems."
* * * * *
You get the mask off her, seal it with the new paste, and return it before she can recover. The new Kim--a golem version of the girl, sitting atop her original--sits up with a puzzled look on her face. "Kim," you say in a soft but imperious voice as you stand before her with your hands on your hips. "You have to do what I say. Don't you?"
Her eyes widen, then fall, and she glances around. Then she swallows and nods.
"You know why, don't you?"
She shakes her head, and turns very pale.
You sit down next to her on the bed and put your arm around her shoulders. "It's because there's now a little bit of me right here, inside you." You touch her forehead with your fingertip. "So, we're really like the same person." You put your face close to hers. "And since we're the same person, you want what I want. You want to do what I want to do." You squeeze her. "We're more than best friends. We're more than sisters. We are the same person."
Her eyes clear, but there is still nothing like understanding in them. "But I don't know what you want."
"That's okay. I'm going to tell you." You take her hand in yours and caress it. "I want you just to be yourself. You can do that, can't you?" You give her a smile with a side of deep dimples. "But, I also want you to keep your ears open. Listen to what people are saying. All the things that you hear about at the school. And every day, you write them down in an email and send them to me. Here, I'll show you."
You lead her to the computer and open up the mail browser.
"I already have the email account set up for you, so no one will know what you're doing. Because this is a secret. Like, you're a secret agent for me?" She smiles and nods. "The account name is kimchelsea, one word. Isn't that clever? The password is 'chelsea is my boss'. No capitals." You figure maybe typing that password in every day will reinforce your hold on her. "Just send the email to yourself, and I'll log in every day and read it. Isn't that clever?" She murmurs her agreement, and you peer down at her. She's being very quiet. "You had something you wanted to talk about with me?"
She stares at you blankly a moment, and then shakes herself. "Oh, yeah. It's about Jeremy and Eva."
"What about them?" you ask with feigned innocence.
She gets a rather pained look. "Um ... I just heard that they've broken up."
"I've heard they were never really going together. But go on, tell me what you've heard."
"Well, I also heard that ... you pushed them apart."
"It was for their own good," you tell her in a very serious voice. "They only thought they liked each other. Jeremy is very shy and awkward with girls. He wasn't really interested in Eva. He just thought he needed a girlfriend. It wasn't fair to Eva, and it really wasn't fair to him. When the right girl comes along, he'll be much happier."
She looks thoughtful, and bites her lip.
You lean forward and touch her knee. "You believe what I've told you, and you agree with me, Kim."
That causes her to perk up. "Oh, of course. It makes total sense, Chelsea."
You smile. "I knew you'd see it my way. You should tell everyone that too. But, you know, be nice and diplomatic about it. You're always so nice and diplomatic, Kim. It's why people love you." And why you'll be such a perfect puppet, you think to yourself as you show her to the door.
* * * * *
After that you call Gordon, looking for Caleb. Gordon says Caleb isn't there. You ask where he is. Gordon says he doesn't know. You sigh. "Did you get together with Steve and do something with a mask?" The dumb guy says he did. So Caleb must have switched into Steve.
Confirmation comes when you call Patterson. "I knew you'd find me," he says when you ask why he didn't call to tell you of the switch. "Chelsea has a brain."
You snort. "Well, I just got Kim, so we're out of masks."
"I'm on it. I'm up in the fuck room, making more. God, it stinks."
"What if Jason busts in on you? We need to get him too."
"He hasn't got a key. Gordon lets him in, and I told Gordon that Jason isn't welcome anymore."
"Well, we still need to get him."
"Why? He's an asshole and he already does what we tell him."
"Fine. I'll scratch him off the list." You open up your database. "I guess we'll get Charles Hartlein next. He can be yours, and that will make us even with five each."
"Remind me again who we've got."
You rattle off the list. His complement includes Steve, Gordon, Jeremy and Jessica. You've got Chelsea, Eva, Kim, and the golems for yourself and Caleb.
"How about you let me have myself back," he says. "Not that I don't trust you, even though my old self is sexy and I know Chelsea can't resist me." You make a gagging noise. "You let me have myself back, and you take Charles. He's practically a girl anyway."
You start to argue, but stop: Chelsea, Kim and Charles would make a good matched set. "You'll have to be the one to get him," you tell Caleb. "You and Gordon can hustle him up into the VIP room."
"I'll do that tomorrow."
You're still staring at the database. "This is all too confusing, too many people under the wrong-- Wait, are you going to get a mask polished by tomorrow?"
"Trust me, I figured out a way to get it done."
"Really? Well, if you say so. Anyway, let's call everyone up to the VIP room tomorrow after school and get masks swapped around so we know where all the originals are. It'll be easier than having to keep looking at this dumb spreadsheet."
* * * * *
The next morning you pass along a bit of your own hair to Gordon--and giggle and push him away when he gets grabby with you--so he can pass it to Caleb, then spend the rest of the day relaxing as Chelsea. Mostly that means huddling with Kendra and Gloria. They have some juicy news about Kelsey Blankenship and Karl Hennepin, and you make a mental note to have Kim sniff out more details. You also have fun sneering at the loser boys you find near your locker or sitting next to you in class. The class of "losers" also includes Caleb Johansson and Will Prescott, and you mix their insults with the order to report to the fuck room after school. The same message goes to Kim and Eva.
Everyone is there after school, including a very truculent Charles Hartlein. Steve proudly displays a set of four newly polished masks. He also says he has a new plan for spreading your influence more deeply through the school.  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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