You took a glance in to your not so distant future, as you were heading straight for the lady's left shoe. You slid through it harshly, making you hurt your flabby stomach. You laid there for about a minute or two, then got up to smell a horrible sense of aroma. "This just got to be the most horrible smell I've sniffed my whole life!" You looked back at the hole, too high for you to even climb. You felt the sides of the shoe, seeing it was kinda soggy. "Why is this wet?" Just as you were complaining, you looked back at the hold, seeing a most horrible sight. In front of you was 5 albino toes coming inside. Each one was a wrinkly as the others. "This can't be freakin' Happening!" You had no time to stall, so you followed your quick reaction, and went deeper into the shoe, reaching the toe section of the shoe. The smell has increased by a mile, also the fabric of the shoe got even wetter. At least you were able to save your own behind, but wasn't able to find a way to crawl out. You were caved in, inside an old woman's shoe, deep inside the toe section, and to top it all off, it was wet.
You couldn't help it but stare at the sickening toes that blocked your escape hatch. The toes just wiggled, and you looked a little close, seeing a crust of toejam stuck between each one. It wasn't even green, but a kind of golden color. Also, her toenails were so long and shape to take place of kitchen knives! "Haven't this lady ever heard of a pedicure? Ah, well. At least There not near me. Now to think of a plan." You turn around, facing the fabric. You take a seat, sitting criss-crossed, and began thinking of a way out. As you were thinking, you couldn't figure out that you were slowly slipping by the wetness of the shoe. By each passing second, you were getting closer and closer the the woman's creepy toes. "Huh? What?" You look around, seeing you were just an inch away from her toes. Then her monstrous piggies leap and grabbed you into their clutches. "NO!" IT was a bit too late for cries, seeing you her now under the crevices of all five toes. Then you were squeezed painfully, releasing a liter of foot sweat, that drowned you. You had a little in your mouth, giving you a terrible feeling inside you. Then her toes started pounding on you like a set of drums. You were plummeted into the soggy shoe, tasting all the sweat and dirt that has been implanted in the shoe. She then grabbed you once again, and squeezed the living flash out of you. You were then dropped, and she placed her big toe on top of you. You couldn't take any more of this terrible torture, so you quickly crawled out under her toe, and rushed back to the corner. "Ok. There's only two ways I can get out of here. I can either crawl under her foot to the other side and climb the heel. Another way is venturing up the side till I get to the other side, then climb the heel." Which idea do you take?