You live a quiet life just outside a quiet little town. A couple years ago, you decided you would like some company and so had gone to the pet store. There many animals, but the one that caught your eye was a female dog that had apparently just come in that day. Right there and then you knew that you didn't want to leave without her. Thankfully, you didn't have to as they sold her to you without any problems.
When you got home, you decided to name her. Molly seemed a good fit. Over time, you started...noticing things every so often. Like how your dictionary and other books would be pulled out of their space on the bookshelf and end up near Molly's bed lying open. One day you actually caught her in the act, even staring at the open pages. There were also times when you had her with you when you were using your laptop and she seemed...oddly intent on what was on the screen.
After wishing Molly good night, you go promptly to sleep. In the morning, however, you feel something nudging you awake, as well as something staring at you intently. Groggily, you say, "Alright, Molly...I'm getting up. I'm getting up..."
What snaps you out of your grogginess is what came after saying that: a female voice responding happily, "Good! Can't have you lying there like a lump, can we?"
You open your eyes wide, close to rub the sleep out of them, then open them again to see the source of the voice. It's Molly, but wildly different from how you remember you beloved border collie last night.
She had always been a beautiful dog, but now she's humanoid. As you get up, and your vision comes into focus, you note her feet are still very much dog paws, her tail wagging behind her, and her head still being that of a dog's. She's still covered from head to toe in soft brown and white fur. The teats on her belly are gone, replaced by an enormous pair of fur covered breasts on her chest. Her hips flare out perfectly from her waist, and her round ass could overflow your lap if she sat on you, were she average woman size.
But that's the final thing you notice as you stand to your full height. Molly is huge. You can hardly help but to stare at her breasts - they're about eye level to you. Her ears barely brush the ceiling, which puts her at 8 and a half feet tall at least! Molly giggles and says, "Well? Are you going to get dressed and have breakfast, or are you going to just stare at me all day?"
Immediately you break your gaze from Molly and ask her to leave while you get dressed. Once finished, you head downstairs to the kitchen to fix yourself breakfast. As you get the coffee machine going and start some toast, you spot Molly sitting at the table with a book in her slender (for her size) hand. "So...that's what you've been doing with my books, dragging them to your bed and such." you say coolly.
"Sorry about that...I've long been trying to read. I know you've seen me a few times -" Molly starts, but you say, "What? How did you...?"
"My nose is like a million times better than yours, good sir, I could smell you there. Your toast's burning, by the way."
You rush over to the toaster just in time to see your toast become unsalvageable. Blasted machine either barely warmed the bread or burnt it to a blackened crisp. It's due for the scrap heap. You consider offering the charred toast to Molly, but she shakes her head. "Uh-uh. Burnt toast tastes worse than book covers, and those are terrible." shrugging, you toss it into the garbage.
"Guess I'll just have coffee this time." you mutter, and then ask, "Same deal with staring into my laptop screen?"
Molly answers, nodding, "Yep. I admit, while most dogs don't care about what their human masters do when it doesn't involve them, but I've always wanted to be able to emulate that. Do what they can do. Eheh...I guess now I got what I've wanted, didn't I?"