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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #982524
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
*Smile*          *Smirk*          *Wink*

L'aura del campo

'é a lua, é a lua, na quintana dos mortos'
♣ Federico García Lorca ♣

Higgins Street Bridge, April 25th  2009, Missoula, Montana

L'aura del campo. A breeze in the meadow. So it began the last day of Spring, 2005; on the 16th day of the month of Light of the year 162. This is a supplement to my daily journal written to a friend, my muse; notes I do not share. Here I will share what the breeze has whispered to me.


On a practical note, in answer to your questions:

Gifts from NOVAcatmando kiyasama alfred booth, wanbli ska ransomme Iowegian Skye

Merit Badge in Reviewing
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For your support and suggestions on my haiku "Lone Poinsettia" which took second place in the contest and will be published.  Thanks for helping make it a winning poem! Merit Badge in Nano Winner
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CONGRATULATIONS on your achievement! *^*Bigsmile*^* Merit Badge in Reviewing
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For help finding a title for my first chapbook.  We're not there yet, but your ideas are always interesting.
Merit Badge in Funny
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Merit Badge in Friendship
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Thanks for being my friend.


grannym Merit Badge in Appreciation
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For brightening my day with your delightful offerings ~ Thank you so much! *^*Heart*^*



passed away November 12, 2005

Please visit her port to read her poems and her writings.
More suggested links:

Before the strom, Bushton's water tower.
These pictures rotate.

 Kåre *Leaf5* Enga
~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop,
The Fish
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June 1, 2021 at 7:06pm
June 1, 2021 at 7:06pm
Navigating the shallows

Wending her way through shallows,
weeping willows caressed her arms
as she watched an osprey fish
while grey skies promised rain.
"I wish." She prayed that harm
would never come to roost among
the swaying branches, that pain
would wait for some other day;
her arms felt leaden, her lungs
ready to return to clay, the pole
hung heavy. As she turned and saw
a rainbow, she lifted her face
to receive a cleansing, the hole
in her heart slowly sealing
as a fish broke the surface
sending ripples racing towards shoals,
and a shimmer of hope her way.

© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga [178.105] (12.juni.2021)

17 lines with rhymes.

The Taboo Words Contest ~ On Hiatus  (13+)
create writing that has wings
#2139468 by Choconut

Taboo words for 'PUNTING ON THE RIVER':

boat, water, punt, float, splash or any derivatives of these words.
June 1, 2021 at 6:29pm
June 1, 2021 at 6:29pm
“Dazy Hell”

Dazy, Dazy, allow me to nip your bud.
I’m half crazy for th' iron in your blood.
It won’t be a longish huggin'.
I must cut short my clubbin',
         'fore dawn bleeds red,
         asleep in bed
in a casket fit for a stud.

Mikey, Mikey, here is your answer true.
I’m not crazed to be stuck forever with you.
I'm cloaked in silver and garlic
flesh rubbed to give you colic
         ‘Cuz no one pecks
         upon my neck
in a casket built just for you.

© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga [178.102] (22.juni.2021)

Monsters Under The Bed - CLOSED  (18+)
Nursery Rhymes have taken a dark turn...
#2231795 by Lilli 🧿 ☕

Original version (1892)

First sung by a computer in 1961:

June 1, 2021 at 5:11pm
June 1, 2021 at 5:11pm
Sit next to the fire, as close as you dare

         a solstice villanesque

Sit next to the fire, as close as you dare
as beacons are lit to beckon the dawn.
Snuggle with me to dispel the chill air.

Don't pout about how this life's so unfair,
weighing the yeas and nays, the pros, the cons;
just, sit next to the fire, close as you dare.

Forget about others who stare and glare.
Think only of my shoulder as you yawn.
Snuggle with me to dispel the chill air.

No matter the mosquitoes, don't be scared.
Be happy and joyful; be not withdrawn.
Sit next to my fire, as close as you dare,

knowing that I'll always take the best care
of you, my love, take refuge in my brawn.
Snuggle with me to dispel the chill air

and to banish the cobwebs of despair.
I'll protect your heart, for what's gone is gone.
Snuggle with me to dispel the chill air.
Sleep next to my fire, as close as you dare.

© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga [178.99] (22.juni.2021)

Prompt: *Moon* Write a villanelle about the shortest night of the year.

3rd place in
The Solstice Poetry Contest  (ASR)
With the Solstices coming in June, let's write poetry!
#2251187 by Future Mrs. B

May 30, 2021 at 12:26pm
May 30, 2021 at 12:26pm
June 0 ... 2021 till June 0 2022.

I will need to keep my prompts in this ancient p-log for

Promptly Poetry Challenge (2023-2024)  (E)
52 weeks + 52 prompts = 52 poems
#2222203 by Lilli 🧿 ☕


52 of them in 52 weeks. Catch-ups allowed. A challenge, not a contest per se.

1. "PPC#1 Ursa-June [116]
2. "PPC#2 When a moment lasts a lifetime [146]
May 30, 2021 at 12:26pm
May 30, 2021 at 12:26pm
It's time to say goodbye


Soon Lamps will cast their Light announcing that it's time to head Home. Night gathers in the East and races to catch up with the run-away Sun.

We talk until we cannot see the white Thread from the Dark.

It's time to say goodbye until the Morn.


It's time to say goodbye until the Morn.

Will Dawn ever come? Sit with me as the Moon rises to cast our Shadows, glows to show us the right Way forward... if not home.


Chill enters my bones but the warmth of your Embrace will linger after you're gone. Go now before the Nightengale is hushed by the Owl. Go before the Lamplights gutter, before our Joy is crushed by those who envy us. Go, and travel safe. Take this candle, to guide you to the coming Dawn.

© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga [178.127] (27.mai.2021)

May 30, 2021 at 12:25pm
May 30, 2021 at 12:25pm

There's a certain symmetry in golden wisps that criss cross the northwest, the flag waving goodbye to the day, the clouds, the rains, goodbye to the river racing towards the sunset.

As Twilight gathers her skirts and Night his lanterns. Goodbye.

As air cools and summer sky darkens. Goodbye.

As the golden globe seeks other venues, bringing them dawn. Goodbye.

© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga [178.126.s] (26.mai.2021)

Note: sunset comes late in Western Montana.
May 13, 2021 at 12:58am
May 13, 2021 at 12:58am

Together we fell from a cloud to wet the mountain peak where we parted ways. We slid downwards, each to our own destiny, off to different seas. But drops do not control their fortune or fate. In a cafe far away we sit in bottles at the back of a shelf. Apart together, bound not free. Until we're both sold to travel side-by-side. With our benefactors' kiss, united once more.

© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga [178.125.s] (25.mai.2021)
May 13, 2021 at 12:57am
May 13, 2021 at 12:57am
Butterfly Herbs on the 22nd of May

salted caramel
the clatter of dishes
soft music harmonizes with hushed chatter

under tin ceilings
older than the living who
after a year stuck in their caves venture forth

to sit as always
among bins of coffee and jars of tea

all seems normal
even the snowflakes in the early morning

gracing the hills

adorning the trees

© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga [178.122] (22.mai.2021)

12 lines. Butterfly Herbs is a cafe in Missoula, Montana.

Submitted to
Stormy's poetry newsletter & contest  (ASR)
poetry newsletter gift point contest
#310188 by Stormy Lady

May 13, 2021 at 12:56am
May 13, 2021 at 12:56am
So much promise

So much promise
but you slink away to the west
not even bothering to tell the flag that now hangs limp.

We would wave
if we had a glimpse of a glow.
Another sunset is never promised
and skies darken as we wonder about dawn.

© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga [178.124.s] (24.mai.2021)
May 13, 2021 at 12:56am
May 13, 2021 at 12:56am
Declaration of The Bab

Was it raining that night
when the Heavens opened up and spoke.
Did the fragrance of flowers
or the songs of nightbirds intrude.
Did it matter.

A moment linked to other moments,
suspended in time,
when ground-dwellers begged
for a message from the Sky.
Did it rain then too.

Not winds nor sunshine ever mattered
to those deaf to mercy,
to those blind to grace,
dumb from whatever rained down upon them
from threatening clouds.

© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga [178.123.s] (22.mai.2021)

Declaration of The Bab, 22 May 1844, 2 hours after sunset

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© Copyright 2024 Kåre Enga in Montana (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kåre Enga in Montana has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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