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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #969382
Breaking the laws of blogging, one entry at a time.
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For repeated blog faux pas, including, but not limited to:

Obsessive ranting - guilty on 92 counts.
Repeatedly beating a dead horse - guilty on 17 counts.
Unnecessary use of curse words - guilty on 142 counts.
Boring daily recounts - guilty on 45 counts.
Pointless entries - guilty on 214 counts.
Contradictory statements - guilty on 72 counts.
Recounting toilet actions - guilty on 15 counts.
Overdramatization of insignificant things - guilty on 152 counts.
Overreacting to meaningless gestures - guilty on 22 counts.
Unnecessary temper tantrums - guilty on 75 counts.
Cruelty towards animals, superiors, peers, and inferiors - guilty on 146 counts.
Repeated bad grammar, spelling, and opinionations - guilty on 214 counts.

Suspect is considered armed and dangerous.
Do not confront directly, instead call the authorities
and slowly back away. Do not provoke suspect, as
she is easy to agitate. The best action to take is to
smile and nod. Any other response could lead
suspect to rant and rave for days without ceasing.

Dead or alive.

Offending evidence:
Merit Badge in Journaling
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Given for penning the favorite response entry in the Follow the Leader contest with "Come Again?"
(Exhibit A)

Merit Badge in Variety
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Because I never knew what to expect from your Follow the Leader entries, but I'm oh so glad you played!
(Exhibit B)

Merit Badge in Journaling
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I enjoy reading your blog. You always have something to say, and it tends to be interesting, too *^*Bigsmile*^*. Thanks for providing us all with food for thought! *hugz* Kit
(Exhibit C)

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May 1, 2006 at 1:42pm
May 1, 2006 at 1:42pm
Why are men morons? Seriously.

I have to have healthy fats on WW. That's eating things like olive oil, almonds, and macadamia nuts (the two nuts that have the healthiest percentage of fat to calories or something like that - I read it somewhere - but I digress).

I buy like 2 pounds of almonds at a time, and have a serving (23 almonds) every two to three days. That means that one bag of almonds lasts me months.

I went running yesterday. I ran for about an hour total, but not all at once. Anyway, I wanted almonds when I got home. When I get home to have said almonds, there's only 5 left in the entire bag!!! The last time I'd had some (which was about 2 days prior), there were 3 servings left.

I asked Jason if he ate 3 servings of almonds (as if anyone else would have *Rolleyes*) and he said, "Yeah, I've been watching them for 2 months and you never eat them!"

But I did eat them. I just didn't sit down and eat them like potato chips! I didn't eat them everyday. And he left me 5 almonds, which is like leaving the last swallow in the milk carton, the last spoonful in the ice cream carton, or the crumbs in the bottom of the potato chip bag!

He wondered why I was so upset about some stupid almonds. *Rolleyes*

I wouldn't have had a problem if he'd just gone and eaten a few, but he ate the whole bag, save 5 almonds. Then tried to act like he was gracious for doing so.

Men are morons. Mine included.

They should come with a warning label. Seriously.
April 30, 2006 at 3:06pm
April 30, 2006 at 3:06pm
We have a car wash on the corner of our street, about 5 houses down. It's kind of nice because when we go to wash our car, it rarely gets dirty since we don't have to drive it very far back home.

What sucks, though, is those damned rice-boy gangsta wannabes who pull up in their whatever piece of crap (or sometimes nice) car with their sub woofer cranked up so high it rattles MY windows. And they're never quick about it. They feel the need to detail their ENTIRE vehicle while listening to their radio so loudly that I can hear it, even with all of my doors and windows shut.

It's motherfucking annoying. And this guy has been there for about 15 minutes. I'd call the cops, since he's breaking the noise ordinance, but he'd probably be gone by the time the cop got there.

I've also thought about walking my happy ass down there and drop-kicking his sub woofer in. But that wouldn't be very nice of me, would it, to stop his beautiful bass even though my son is trying to take a nap in his bedroom.

Boy, I'm pissy today. That's what happens when I go running, expecting to be able to eat some almonds when I get home, and I get home to find Jason has eaten all but about 5 of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I asked him why he didn't just eat those, too. Asshole. *Pthb*

In other news, my laptop is due to be delivered on Tuesday. I'm uber excited! *Delight* I just hope that I'll be able to transfer all of my data off of my old Inspiron. Otherwise, I won't be so much excited as I am devastated because that means I'll have to take the hard drive someplace to have the data extracted.

My Grandparents 50th wedding anniversary is coming up. They're having a party on Friday. What do you get for the couple who has everything? I don't have a lot of money to spend, so I can't buy them anything extravagent anyway. Any ideas, though? Or maybe I should make them something. I don't have any pictures of them, though. So I can't really make a mini-album, unless I go pick some pictures up from them, and then I'm giving up the surprise. *Pthb*
April 28, 2006 at 8:51am
April 28, 2006 at 8:51am
I ran 2 miles yesterday, without walking. *Delight* It took me 23 minutes, which is slightly behind my old pace. I'm not discouraged by that, though. Eventually I'll have my old pace back. It doesn't help that most of the trail that I run is uphill. I'm sure if it were straight, without any turns, I could run a 10-minute mile.

I would have never thought that running would be something I could do and stick to, but I have and I am. It's odd. Even when I don't feel like doing anything but laying in bed all day, I will still make myself get out and run.

It's a beautiful morning.

BTW... does anyone have a Nextel? I just called them to find out if I could get a cheaper plan, and I could. The same amount of minutes, PLUS free nationwide direct connect. If you have a Nextel, I can 2-way you for free. I don't know if you can 2-way me back, though, if you don't have nationwide DC, without paying. *Pthb*
April 27, 2006 at 9:27am
April 27, 2006 at 9:27am
Everybody is consipiring to make me sleep deprived this week. Ethan's woken up in the middle of the night twice, and then when he doesn't last night my fucking sister calls the house at 1:30 am "on accident". *Angry*

I couldn't get back to sleep for another thirty minutes. Something about receiving a call from a sibling at 1:30 am is ultimately terrifying in that you're expecting it to be an emergency or something. Not a wrong number.

So the phone call sent me into a mini panic when I first heard the ring. I couldn't help it, especially since my Dad was admitted into the hospital last week because they were worried he was going to have a stroke. His blood pressure was through the roof, and they wouldn't even let him drive to the emergency room in Kalamazoo because they were pretty sure he would have a stroke while he was driving. So he had to be admitted in Augusta, at the VA hospital there.

Anyway, back to the no sleep thing. After she goes, "Oh my God! I meant to call Julia, please don't kill me!" I hung up and went back to bed. I laid there forever and then finally fell asleep, dreaming about... something or other. It had to do with genealogy, I think. *Laugh*

At 6:00, Ethan woke up. This is the third time this week that he's woken up before 7 am, which is strange. I don't know what's going on there. I finally get him back to sleep, and get back to sleep myself, and my cell phone rings and wakes us both up.

I'm tired. I have to run today. I think I'll nap when Ethan does and run when J gets home.
April 23, 2006 at 2:20pm
April 23, 2006 at 2:20pm
I don't know what's up with me. I'm in a funk, but not really. I don't feel like being chatty the past week or so. Nor do I feel like leaving the house, unless I go to run.

It's sort of like depression, but not. I have no sex drive to speak of, and no motivation to do much of anything, except go running and watch what I eat. I don't know what's wrong. I feel fine, but at the same time, I feel just blah.

The thing that's worrying me is the sex drive. Where did it go? I want it back. I think J does, too. *Pthb*
April 14, 2006 at 3:01pm
April 14, 2006 at 3:01pm
I went running outside for the first time in a while. I also started the new week of running... the 3 min, 5 min one. It wasn't as hard as I was anticipating. It actually felt a lot easier outside than the last week did inside.

Jason went with me and he walked with the baby while I ran. Then we went to the park afterward and Ethan went down the slides. He wanted to go on the swings, but the bigger kids were hogging them (they only have 2 swings for the whole park) and he's too young to sit on the regular swings, anyway.

I had my yearly exam on Wednesday. I'm now IUD-free and can start having babies. Not that we're going to be trying anytime before now and October, but I guess it was starting to imbed in the side of my uterus (which is why certain things had become painful - like wearing tampons and certain positions when J and I had sex).

We also talked about what I need to do to prepare for October. She said she would like to see me at 130 pounds (!!!!!!!!!), and to start taking a multi and an additional dose of folic acid. My iron was at 11.5, which means I'm anemic (always have been, probably always will be).

She seems to think that at 130 pounds, my estrogen will be lower and I won't get as sick. But we're also going to be proactive about it. The minute I get pregnant, I'm to call and get an appointment. The minute I start having morning sickness, I need to get on Bendectine. If the Bendectine doesn't keep it at bay, then we up it to Zofran.

She said no waiting until I'm puking 5 - 10 times a day. If we can keep me from puking, period, then we won't have as much trouble keeping the hyperemesis under control.

I wasn't going to buy the jogging stroller this week, but with as easy as it felt to run outside, I want it. I want it bad.
April 13, 2006 at 9:31am
April 13, 2006 at 9:31am
So I couldn't help reading it before bed again last night. No nightmares this time, though. It had slowed down again and there weren't any violent actions scenes with people dying. I only have a few more days of reading left with this book. Then I'll go back to Jack Kerouak.

Anybody know a good series they could recommend when I finish this book? I'm picky, though, so nothing similar to Ann Rice. The Vampire Lestat, et al, were just boring to me. *Pthb*
April 12, 2006 at 8:49am
April 12, 2006 at 8:49am
I'm not allowed to read the Dark Tower before bed anymore. Especially if all of the chapters I read are about Roland's ka-tet being broken, and Eddie and Jake dying. It fucks my mind up before I go to sleep, and then I have strange dreams about weird shit.

It made me scared to sign onto Writing.Com this morning, the dream felt so real. I expected to open up Internet Explorer, go to Writing.Com, open the IM console, and see the same thing I had seen in my sleep.

I hate reading this last book. Not because it's a bad book. Because it's the end. It will be over soon and then what will I have to look forward to reading? Nothing as comparable to the Dark Tower series.

I cried when Eddie died. And I cried when Jake died. I was attached to these characters. I've read them for some 2,000 pages, and now they're dead. The ka-tet is no more, and the Dark Tower is near.

Yes, I know it's a book. But I've been reading this since 1999. I've read and reread the previous books. Now I have the last book, and I don't want to read it, because then I have something to look forward to reading.

Notice that I'm avoiding talking about my dream. It was morbid and frightening. And I don't want to talk about it.
April 11, 2006 at 10:11pm
April 11, 2006 at 10:11pm
Streak is OK. He's not dying, but he's not in the best shape. The vet couldn't diagnose it with 100% certainty, but he think Streak has a disc protrusion, which is comparable/similar to a slipped or herniated disc in a human's back.

Basically, he has to take it easy and we're giving him a mild pain killer. If he doesn't take it easy, he could end up paralyzed. It's better than the worst diagnosis. Especially since they ran blood tests on him for cancer and whatnot. I wanted to bawl because I was glad and all of the worry washed away.

I'm going to bed now to read some of the Dark Tower VII.
April 11, 2006 at 2:25pm
April 11, 2006 at 2:25pm
The last of the 90sec run-90sec walk-3min run-3min walk x2 was today. The last 3 minutes feels endless to me, but I make myself finish. It's only 3 minutes. And it's usually the last minute that makes my legs burn. Next 3 cycles are:

5 min warmup brisk walk
Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
Walk 1/4 mile (or 2-1/2 minutes)
Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
5 min cooldown walk

I have a helluva hard time going 3 minutes. It's going to be a battle of mind-over-matter to go 5 minutes.

The weather is starting to get nice. I'm buying a jogging stroller this weekend so I can go in the morning with Ethan.

It gets easier, right. Someone tell me that it gets easier, because 5 minutes is really feeling impossible to me. It's intimidating, knowing that with 3 minutes, I feel like my lungs are going to explode.

Although, about a month ago, 90 seconds used to make my lungs feel like they were going to explode, and now 90 seconds is like nothing to me. I could run 90-60-90-60-90-60 for hours. *Wink*

Streak is sick. We're not sure what's wrong with him. This morning he woke up with a huge lump on his abdomen and wouldn't eat. J gave him one of the pain pills we got for Storm when the two got into a fight and Storm's leg got torn up. He's doing better now and has eaten, but he's going to the vet to find out if he's given himself a hernia or something.

I bawled my eyes out when I got up with him this morning and even walking made him shake and cry. I laid on the floor and rubbed his belly and kissed his snout and brushed his hair. He relaxed and calmed down and went to sleep.

I'm not really a dog person, but I don't hate them. And I really hate it when one of them is sick or missing. It feels like one of my kids is sick. In my half awake state, this morning (at 6 am), I for some reason thought Streak had a tumor and that we would end up having to put him to sleep.

Of course I've come back to reality since then, and the practical part of me thinks he just pulled a ligament in his hind quarter, which is making the entire muscle swell. I really hope so, anyway.

hehe... couldn't figure out what to title this entry, so I copied Jay's debut novel is out now! and used a line to a song I'm currently listening to. Anybody got a guess as to what that song is?


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