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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2232901
Psalm 90:10, "The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty if we are strong....
Three Score and Ten the Introduction,

Well here we go, After 50 years I am going to take another attempt at writing. The first time was the Palmer writers correspondence school in 1969. The writing will be not a book that will be written with the idea of being published, But will be a writing of thoughts unencumbered by possible publishing and monetary gain. This writing will be a hybrid of Journal and Reminisce. It is important to me that the writings are my true thoughts at the time, not influenced by any factor. The writing will try to explain how a 70 year old white, male USA citizen now relates to today's world. Is every oldest generation lost in their own world, that they aged into? What do I see, and feel as I age farther. I know I am not normal as in what this world today would consider normal. But I hope I am in the ball park writing the thoughts of a 70 year old. I hope for you to learn to know who I am, As I search for Who I am at 70+ This work will carry on until I am no longer able to think or write. This will be done on a nearly daily writing interwoven with a life's reminiscing. This writing has been in the planning for 10 plus years. and I have now made it to this starting point. This writing is dedicated to My Wife The Kitten, My family, My grand children, Lukas, Levi, Luis, Lydia and Sonora Pearl. I thank you God that you have allowed me to have your Three Score and Ten Time.
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September 21, 2021 at 10:59am
September 21, 2021 at 10:59am

We are getting ready to head north. There is always much to do there, This time it is lawn mowing and mowers to clean and put away for the season, Hurray! Then I need to do some tree clean up from a wind storm, trees have fallen over our wood road. And potatoes to sort and clean up, A short crop this year due to deer damage and being too wet. And the never fail to need doing, Strawberry weeding. But I want to get in some bass fishing.

When we return we are supposed to take a few short days to celebrate our 25th anniversary. The wife was okay with putting it off two weeks. The Little Dog makes it necessary to do day trips so we make adjustments. We are now walking with a painter for the garage. So we will see what happens on that front that may affect the day trips. I sure hope the painter is more competent then the roofer was.

But things should start winding down here and becoming more reasonable. Who knows I might even get to writing more.

I hope you all have a great week
September 18, 2021 at 7:21pm
September 18, 2021 at 7:21pm

It is still dry in the garden, And warm also. But the season and chores need to go on best as possible. We are cleaning out the garden as crops fad and go through there season. Something like us, we fad away also and are then replaced by a new crop of human life. As best we try we can not stop the seasons, And for good reasons. We are not going to plant fall spinach and radish this year. It is because of the dryness and also I am tired. The git up and go has got up and gone. I have many things to do before freeze up so I need to prioritize what I do with my productive time

Since I have written last I attended the Brothers Fishing Trip. It was a success. There were six of us out of seven still with us. I have not seen two brothers for a couple of years. It was a good time and many fish were caught also. What is note worthy is that we all get along, No fighting or jealousy. Our mother is looking down with a smile on her face, along with all of our past family. I Love my brothers, but it is nice to catch more fish then they do. Next week I need to take the boat back with us north. It will be good to get the biggest part out of it out of my garage here. I cannot fit the whole thing in as the Flea Market inventory blocks the way.

Speaking or should I say writing about Flea Markets we took in one last Sunday as attendees not venders. It was a new flea location for us to visit. Being a Sunday of a Saturday and Sunday there was a small crowd and the inventory was picked over. But it was a nice day, It is not a long drive and I did manage to find a couple of good buys. We will go back at some time, Most likely next fall. The market is only held spring and fall, that being twice a year.
Now Lukas and Levi I am going to give you a phone call and find out how the chickens are doing.

I hope you all have a Blessed Evening
September 11, 2021 at 6:34pm
September 11, 2021 at 6:34pm

It has been awhile since I have written, Not by choice. I really have the desire to write but the fingers and mind are weak. But to day I have a little time, So I will write. This spring summer has been a whirl wind. We are now emptying the garden. There is a lot of empty space. We pulled the melons and cabbage today. The garden down here in the south of Wisconsin was decent. The dryness and some what above normal heat did not cause lack of production. We still have somethings out but the garden is made and closing for 2021.

Now up north is another story. We dug the potatoes or I should say what there was of potatoes, only about one bushel. There were lot's of problems there, A late planting due to wetness, Potato sets over sprouted, Wetness though the season, Deer eating them off more then once, and Potato beetles. But we are thankful for what there was and we will use them wisely. I remain optimistic that next year will be better.

Monday I leave for a short three day fishing trip with my brothers. it looks like my brothers from Texas and Missouri will attend. I have not seen them in a couple of years, it will be nice to see them. I brought the boat down and will pick up one brother on Monday then come back for the boat and leave for the fishing destination. There will be six of us this year. We have been doing a fishing trip yearly for about 30 years. Now the task is to catch more fish then the brothers, not an easy task.

Tomorrow the wife and I are hoping to take in a Flea Market as customers, not as fenders. We like to do that once in awhile. It is interesting and hopefully rewarding to view other peoples sales technique. I always hope to learn something new. There is so much yet to learn and the days grow short.

I am getting sleepy and we still need to go to the grocery and get supplies. Lukas and Levi did you get the cows scraped down? How I miss those Grandkids and the cows. Have a Blessed Week, Please
August 30, 2021 at 8:55pm
August 30, 2021 at 8:55pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 13
Hello Grandkids, You are missed

My, My, How the time flies are we the only ones so busy we lose days. And so now I look back and wonder what we have done. I think the big thing is we sold our beater fishing truck for salvage parts. I sure am glad not have look at that truck anymore. We got enough to cover our repairs over four years, I think. The main under side frame was rotted through, Not highway safe. I hope the person can put the vehicle parts to good use. My brother handled the transaction as we were not up there. There will be no more fishing or second vehicle up north as we use it so little. Buying this old truck was a bad choice on my part, At the time I still had thoughts of using it to take the tractor with trailer to the farm. Now after a few more years I know that will not be happening. That it is another possibility that is no longer an option.

So what else is new, We were up at the north location last week. The potatoes are still soil wet. we are so dry here and it is wet up there, both are a problem. We did get the complete lawn mowed which is a lot. We weeded the strawberries with more to do when we go again next week.

We are now getting ready for the brothers annual fishing trip. It is three nights and has been an annual event for the last about 30 years. There is normally 4-6 of us there and it is serious fishing. To the twin grandsons Lukas and Levi, Love your brother always but catch more fish then he does. It is a good time. I do not see my brothers near enough. This is important stuff.

This week we are staying close to home, doing garden work, painting and internet item listings. We have another Flea Market on Sunday. The weather looks good. It does look like it will cool down some, but still not much chance for rain. I hope you have a Blessed Week, Did you guys get the eggs collected?
August 24, 2021 at 10:27am
August 24, 2021 at 10:27am
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 7
Hello Grandkids
We are getting ready to leave for the north and a bit cooler temps. It is always a chore getting everything together to leave. We need to make some stops on the way up, pick up the chain saw, grocery and bank. The grass will need mowing and strawberries attended to up there. The season is starting to wind down. We are picking our first watermelon of the season today to take with us.
Lucas and Levi, The flea market this past Sunday was Okay, not great. Not nearly as many people visiting as the market in June. It was nice to see some of the grandkids during the market. They have never seen a Flea market before. They looked around, but seemed tired. They were camping close by so could visit. The day before they did a very long biking trip, to long for me. Then after the market they were going swimming at the park. I hope the parents remember they are only twelve and not tire them to badly. I think school starts for them this week.
I am doing double duty here writing this blog, I am first priority, writing to you the Grandkids. Then to the blog readers. So the writing can seem a bit strange. Have a Blessed week
August 20, 2021 at 1:26pm
August 20, 2021 at 1:26pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 3

Today I loaded the van for our Sunday Flea Market. It was not a easy task, trying to guess what to take along. There is only so much room in the van and only so much table room at the market. I hope I choose correctly what to take. Today it is warm or should I say hot outside. Now I know by reading others we are not in the big league hot, but is still drains me out. Here it is noon and I feel sleepy. How did I ever farm.
This coming Tuesday we will go north and miss some of the heat here. It is much more tolerable there. We were hoping to go up this week but the van needed back brake repairs, which are now done. So we will go next week and hope to do some fishing there. I can not seem to get fishing here as there is always a chore to do or the weather is bad. I did get a meal of crappies last time up there even if it did take two evenings. Maybe it will be better this time.
I hope you all have a Blessed Day
August 17, 2021 at 10:48pm
August 17, 2021 at 10:48pm

I wanted to make an entry for this day. I now have crossed another bridge into my 72nd year. I have always tried to be prepared for all normal earthly possibilities. but now at this time I have been caught flat footed. The world has been turned upside down. I feel like the world, The USA is spinning out of control. Just when I think it cannot get any worse it does. Maybe a some likeness with the 1930's. The situation is very depressing and agitating. I try to go about our life as we always done but it is getting harder to find normalcy.
What has stayed the same is my believe in God and his ultimate control. I try not to worry and keep the trust and faith and pray more. But it is not without difficulty in today's world. Tonight I pray things will turn around and go a better direction in this 72nd year.
August 16, 2021 at 9:46pm
August 16, 2021 at 9:46pm
Three Score and Ten + Day 364

Well it looks like I will cross into year my 72 year being 71 tomorrow, Three Score and eleven years. What has changed with me in the last year? I try to remember what it was like to turn 70. I think now at 71 years I can still function with my daily chores and do projects as needed. I still am able to carry on with the small hobby business. But I do tire out easily. I get stressed easily. I am getting clumsy. My seeing and hearing is getting worse. but on the plus my thinking is clear even with not being able to grab some words I want when I want them. I am still determined and stubborn. I will continue to swing at the ball as long as God allows me to. My swing may get feeble and slow but I will swing. I do not know how to do otherwise. The most important thing for me now and has always been the Wife, We continue to put up with one another. My biggest fear is her getting sick or worse. We Thank god for our health. Now on to another year. Grand Children Our Best Wishes.
August 9, 2021 at 2:01pm
August 9, 2021 at 2:01pm
Three Score and Ten + Day 357

It's a cloudy rainy day, perfect for writing. My options for outside work are limited. But some how I am not in the writing mood. I am very tired. I feel depressed. I did not sleep well last evening. I was then and am now agitated by the direction this world has taken. I did not recognize that events could and would get so bad. This is not the way I planned to go out. If there are in the future accurate history accountings they will be arguing over where things started going wrong and why. There may be no defining moment or event. But for my two cents worth it was the Kennedy assassination and the Viet Nam War and its lasting social consequences. I will not go into why I think that. What ever my reasons they will not make any effect at this time.

I am disappointed over what I have written this past 357 days. I have been wanting to write to the grandkids. I do not see them near enough. So I hoped that I could fill in with writing, So they would know what made me, me. But I have wrote about things and events and activities not about my thinking and belief systems. Grandkids your grandfather takes the lesser path. I do not run with the herd. I stand on the hill over looking the herd, watching and learning not wanting to join. Trying to be prepared for times of chaos, for what chaos I do not, did not know. I am troubled and afraid for the children and grand children, the wife and myself. God help us all.
July 31, 2021 at 7:25pm
July 31, 2021 at 7:25pm

We are ready for our Flea Market set up for tomorrow. The van is loaded. Now if I am taking the right items. That is always the question. if I chose well we may do well. We can take about a third of the flea market inventory. I hope experience leads me chose well. I have been doing flea markets 30 plus years. The flea markets now wear me out, I chose, Load the van, Unload the van, Set up the display, Hopefully sell for about six hours, Tear down, pack up, load the van, When back home, unload the van and store away for the next market. Before the van is loaded to leave there is the research and marking that can be very time consuming. This is done so a stranger can haggle and try to get a 3.00 item for 2.00. BUT, we are fortunate that we are able to still do markets, I is enjoyable meeting the other venders. What a nice group of people with similar interests and stories. It is a social event for us as we now have few opportunities for that type of thing. The Little Dog Biscuit will be joining us tomorrow as an associate sales dog. He says we will sell for 10% value in treats. His normal dog sitter is busy. It will be an experience as he loves people.
I hope you all have a Blessed Evening

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