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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2232901
Psalm 90:10, "The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty if we are strong....
Three Score and Ten the Introduction,

Well here we go, After 50 years I am going to take another attempt at writing. The first time was the Palmer writers correspondence school in 1969. The writing will be not a book that will be written with the idea of being published, But will be a writing of thoughts unencumbered by possible publishing and monetary gain. This writing will be a hybrid of Journal and Reminisce. It is important to me that the writings are my true thoughts at the time, not influenced by any factor. The writing will try to explain how a 70 year old white, male USA citizen now relates to today's world. Is every oldest generation lost in their own world, that they aged into? What do I see, and feel as I age farther. I know I am not normal as in what this world today would consider normal. But I hope I am in the ball park writing the thoughts of a 70 year old. I hope for you to learn to know who I am, As I search for Who I am at 70+ This work will carry on until I am no longer able to think or write. This will be done on a nearly daily writing interwoven with a life's reminiscing. This writing has been in the planning for 10 plus years. and I have now made it to this starting point. This writing is dedicated to My Wife The Kitten, My family, My grand children, Lukas, Levi, Luis, Lydia and Sonora Pearl. I thank you God that you have allowed me to have your Three Score and Ten Time.
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January 31, 2021 at 10:27pm
January 31, 2021 at 10:27pm
Well its time to say Good By Month, January is in the can as they say. It was been decent temperature wise but I am getting tired of handling snow. I was out there again a lot today, I am tired. February will start of with a bag. I ordered a new Kayak and it arrives tomorrow. I sure hope there was no problems with the shipping from North Carolina. Then tomorrow they are going work on putting Fiber Optic cable in the Sidewalk easement area. That should be lots of fun with all the snow and frozen ground. I told them nothing on my side of the sidewalk. They seem like they are trying to please. I hope there is no problem. I will admit I am very territorial of our property and I am also very respecting of others territory and property. Then on Friday they are coming to put new carpet into our main Bedroom. We have been here 24 years and the carpet when we moved here was not new. It is looking pretty dingy now. This wife picked out a medium dark green color, It should match the wall paper nicely. There never seems to be a dull boring moment in our lives.

I wanted to write this evening about boxes. The kind you put things into. I like nice neat square boxes that stack nicely and I can put lives events into them. With everything planned and coordinated so it can be boxed up nicely and stored. Or maybe displayed at times. It is upsetting for me to face chaos or bad preparation. There are times I wonder if I could at times put my guard down. but I am afraid to do that, I know now other way to be. I may be compulsive somewhat but I need for things to flow as needed and planned for.
The year 2020 was not easy to put in a box, it was messy. As I say we shall see, about 2021. The yearly to do goals are written down. And so after this week a bit will be done, So it is starting out right. But the year is young. I am not putting together a group of boxes yet.
January 28, 2021 at 9:32pm
January 28, 2021 at 9:32pm

I am now getting down to the bottom if the Ice Cream Bowl. I sit here Thinking, There is so much in our now American culture that I can not agree with. But I will say we live in interesting times, For better or worse. I often think I will most likely not see how human behaviors can all come to a agreeable end. I am loosing hope and trust in the integrity and character of the "Me First" mankind. My hope and trust now is in the character of the Christian God. There is no better place to be.
Have Blessed Evening
January 27, 2021 at 7:18pm
January 27, 2021 at 7:18pm

It is the end of another day. The problem is it is all gone. As I age a day is like a Bowl of Ice cream. You get the bowl filled, you see it maybe with raspberry syrup. It looks great. You can not wait to dig in to the bowl. You start the enjoyable task of eating that bowl of Ice Cream. and before you can wink and turn around it is gone. You put the bowl down and wish there was more.

I get up in the morning. The day looks great with some raspberry trim. I dig into that Bowl of day. I get busy, focused, eating all the day has to offer. But it, The day is gone to soon. It seems like every time I turn around I am going back to bed. Is that normal for me to go slower, but the day melts away faster. Maybe I will get a bigger bowl with the longer sunlight days. At that time I will have more I need to focus on so I will need a bigger bowl of Ice Cream. I hope I can handle a bigger bowl.
I wish you tomorrow a Blessed Bowl of Ice Cream
January 25, 2021 at 1:57pm
January 25, 2021 at 1:57pm

Another couple days has come and gone, more snow shoveled and more to come later today. Last night I had a bad sleeping night. I went to bed the usual time. I was tired. But guess what the muse turned on and the mind kept churning. All I could think of is past earlier times and experiences. I sure have had a active busy life. I decided it was time to talk to my middle daughter about early times and events that have shaped me. While I still can do it. I have thought about writing it, But it scares me to write some things down. Not that there is anything bad, bad, but that it would be emotionally for me difficult to write somethings down. I will at times here write some relevant things on this blog. I just thought of something writing this. My oldest granddaughter has an interest in writing and has for a number of years. She is a voracious reader at seventeen years. Maybe at some time she could be interested in writing a life story from interview. I gave her the internet address of this site. I have not seen her since all this virus blow up.

As for last night, There are many times I think of the past. There are good and bad memories. But it is my past life and easier for me to reconcile with then thinking of the future. I know what the past was, I do not know what the future will be. The future for me is troubling, I see little up side. What I see is a steady down hill slide to ....... So as difficult as some of the past was, It is more comforting for me then the future.
Prompt Jan. 25
Write about something antique or inherited that you own. Who owned it before you? Where did it come from? What’s its story?

This going to be difficult. My paternal grandfather died shortly after I was 5 years old. I have some memories of him, But not a lot. I still to this day think of him often and feel a closeness to him. I have this feeling that we had a bond that I miss. I am named after him as was my father. He died at 57 years after a some what lengthy illness, way to young. My father was still a young man, An only son with two older sisters. He I think took all of my grandfathers things. As I grew up my father and his father made there lively hoods in the woods. Trapping and Hunting and selling minnow fish bait. They both had at times bait and tackle shops and wholesaled bait. My grandfather had also small farm when he died as did my father. But he was also a trained tin smith, and earlier in his life had worked with his brother installing furnaces. At any rate he made by hand minnow buckets for carrying minnows out of the woods, and some small minnow tubs for selling bait out of in his garage. When my father passed my next door brother closest age just took a lot of his bait minnow things which included the buckets and tubs. He also sells fish bait now. I was the executor of my fathers will and I was not happy about that going on as there is a total of Eight Sons. But I kept my mouth shut and let it pass. At any rate my brother later did not want to store the buckets and tubs and did not see the importance of them and returned them to me. They now they have a place in my garage. I grew up seeing those buckets and tubs all the time, I used them. But I did not realize that my grandfather had made them. My father and I were not close and he did not discuss his father with us. Every time I see them I think of my grandfather and his talents. I do not know what will come of them as I have no sons to give them too.

The other thing I have of my paternal grandfather is his last Wisconsin Sportsman's License, signed by him. It is framed and hung with his photos.
I hope this story is not hard to follow. There could be more to write. Have a Blessed Day

Prompt January 24

Write about your most memorable or unique teacher from the years you were in school. What made them so interesting and what do you remember about them the most?

This is a easy prompt. My tenth grade World History Teacher. Who was also my wrestling coach which is a whole story in its self. He would say in class, " If you take one thing from this class, That should be "Learn how Think". Which now I take to mean learning How to Critical Think, Being able to put 2+2 together and come up with the right answer, I now take it to mean logical constructive problem solving thinking. I hope I have learned that lesson after near 60 years. [Do they still bother to teach world history ?]
January 22, 2021 at 12:19pm
January 22, 2021 at 12:19pm

Does anybody know what it is, Or what it is for. I went outside And I looked up to today see this kind of round thing about the size of a Half Dollar. It looked funny kind gold color against a Blue Sky? It did seem to feel warm. Could it be a UFO, or maybe some Defense off the record top secret. Do you see it too? What do you think it is? I do not remember seeing before. If I did it had to be along time ago.

In other news, I did not fish yesterday where I had planned too. It was just to windy. I did not want to drive that far and find it too difficult to fish. So I fished close by, Madison Chain, It was bad, Very windy, The fish had Lock Jaw, Fished about 3 hours in the open. I was rewarded with two small crappies and a potato chip blue gill. But Hey I did not get skunked. There were a few others out there also seemed to be not Catching, But were Fishing

Today I did the Dirty Deed I opened my property tax bills. I always put it off as long as I can. It is not a small amount. It can make for a bad day. If you are not in Wisconsin you may not realize what a burden they are. Our sales tax is less then many states, Our income tax is less then many states. But they make up for it in spades with the property tax. We have half due by January 31. I will pay half on Monday. As an added bonus the house insurance is due at about the same time. Whoopy, Lucky me.

I am beginning to see light at the end of the Sheet Music Tunnel. The main part is close to done. There will decisions to be made about the remaining sheets, Trash it, List it, Fix it, or Save it.

PROMPT January 21st

What’s one thing you wanted to do in 2020 that you couldn’t do or didn’t get to do? Will you make it happen in 2021?

We hope to visit historical sites and museums here in Wisconsin. We could not do it last year, Maybe not this year. We want to take some kind of wedding anniversary trip. As I always say, We Shall See.

I hope you are having a Great Day
January 20, 2021 at 1:11pm
January 20, 2021 at 1:11pm

I am not in the best mood today for writing, but it is good therapy for me. I thought I needed to do so before I went out again to deal with snow. The shoveling of snow can also be therapy as is weeding. I listed some items for sale yesterday and will again later today. My internet sales have dried up lately. All I can do is list more items hoping they are the right items to list.
The little dog was not feeling well yesterday. He seems like he pulls a muscle and does not walk on all fours. We give him a anti inflammatory pain pill and he does better. His legs are short and steps are difficult for him. I carry him when I can down the outside steps, hoping that will help. I am still sorting sheet music. I hope to be done with it this week.
I am going to try a new place to ice fish tomorrow if it is not too windy. I used to summer fish it but have not in years. It is a small lake that had winter kill a number of years ago. I have read that they are catching decent fish there now. We shall see. It is about 1.5 hours away, not a trip I like doing. We had Crappies yesterday, Always good eating.
Wishing you a Blessed Day

PROMPT January 19th

Do you like things to be carefully planned or do you prefer to just go with the flow?

A good question to write on, I need to be prepared with the T's crossed, the I's dotted and the ducks all in a row. I always have an agenda. I have plan A, Backed up with plan B, with maybe a plan C. I do not try to go with the flow of the herd. I have always walked my own path with God's guidance for me. I have framed and hung on our stairway wall a Abe Lincoln Quote, "I will study and be Ready and maybe my chance will come" I look at life as a Chess Game with my opponent being the so called Power Brokers that set the agenda for the herd. I like our cat will not be herded. I will work to protect my Independence and Privacy. I hope and pray for the best situations, But plan for the possibility of the worst situations.
January 18, 2021 at 12:42pm
January 18, 2021 at 12:42pm
I had planned to write last evening, but it did not happen. I had a few bids on the auction to watch and protect, auction was over about 8:00. And I had come back from Ice Fishing about 5:00, Just dark.
The fishing sure has been tough for me, But I did manage a good meal of fish this time. It is supposed to get cold here shortly for a couple of days. I have not been using the portable shacks here. They are getting hard for me to pull in the snow. Every year they seem to get heavier. I keep them up north. I do use a sled with runners and a good seat down here, Much easier to pull. But if the weather is real cold I will just stay home.
At any rate I got tired and didn't write. Today we are going to order the new carpet for our main bedroom. The carpet there now is about 25-30 years old and is doing the job, but is looking tough. We have been in this house going on 24 years. The wife picked out a medium green color to match the wall paper. There is not much selection of colors in todays carpets. Every thing is a blauh neutral color.
Later I will work on a couple of sale listings and continue on with the sheet music sorting. I hope to get done with the sheet music this week so I can start a new project.
Have a Blessed Week

PROMPT January 17th

What do you do to escape or distract yourself from negative thoughts and emotions? How do you take your mind off something you don’t want to think about?

That is a easy prompt, I go fishing. There is a lot I do not want to think about these days. So I need to fish a lot. It helps that I like to eat fish. Doing an outside activity hopefully with some sun also helps. In the summer there is also a garden to get away into. I need to stay busy.
I think I have come up with an idea for going to bed, In stead of thinking about tomorrow and what needs to happen, I think about what I did accomplish today. That hopefully gives me satisfaction upon sleep.

PROMPT January 16th

In your entry today, write about something you overheard while eavesdropping on a conversation you were not a part of.

To answer this, I do not have much opportunity to over hear conversations of others. And if I happen to hear something, I keep my mouth shut to others. I have little regard for gossip.
January 14, 2021 at 9:47pm
January 14, 2021 at 9:47pm
We came back for the north a day early trying to outrun a snow storm. Which we did. It was raining here earlier and know some snow but not the amount of snow coming in the north woods. I will need to shovel some here in the morning.
As for the fishing, It was a very nice day on the ice Wednesday. I had to go by my self as my brother was fixing his permanent ice shack. He was moving it to a new location and the roof blew off into the road almost hitting him. His helper was driving ahead of him with the shack. He got a good laugh telling me about it.
But back to the fishing, It was terrible, One small crappie. So I did not get skunked. I am glad the wife did not want to go along. When she goes and she does once in awhile on a nice day I want her to catch fish, it makes for a lot nicer day.
This will be short this evening. I get tired out driving back from the north. I seems like all is good here. Luna the cat was glad to see us.
Have a restful evening
January 11, 2021 at 10:02pm
January 11, 2021 at 10:02pm
It is time I put some words to paper, or should I say to screen. We will be leaving for the north in the morning. I like to be there well before dark. We go up about once a month in the winter months if I can get into the driveway. We will check things over, Do some, a lot of reading. No Computer up there. So it is a good break from the turmoil. And I will fish with my brother. I caught a few gills yesterday down here, Just enough for Potato fish soup.

Why, You may ask would a sane person sit out in the cold for hours with a pole in your hand and trying to catch a fish. I ask myself the same question. I will attempt to answer that question. On the surface it is good exercise, Good fresh air and at times vitamin D sun. It helps with the winter blues, at least for me. Getting out and doing something is important. another on the surface factor is I Like to eat Fish. A Good clean healthy food.

But under the surface there is more to fishing, at least for me. It is a down time, a get away from the everyday situations. When I fish every thought that does not focus on the fish is gone. There is a peace with a fish focus. It is emptying your mind of all the clutter so you can reabsorb when you come back to your day job. It is an excitement of the possibilities, A bigger fish, A new lake to try, A new bait to test out, It is hope and optimism. Fishing is a rejuvenation of life.
I always say the hardest cast to take is the last one. I often wonder will I know when take that very last cast. A fisherman truly does not want to know.

Have blessed Week
January 8, 2021 at 10:37pm
January 8, 2021 at 10:37pm

Sorry I have been slow to return here to write. I went ice fishing a couple of days, Returned here each day, But very tired, and did I mention the lack of fish. It was bad. But was really bad was yesterday after fishing I got stuck with the van.
I went to this lake for the first time did knowing what to expect. Went to the landing road and it looked unplowed but drive able. As I went along I noticed I was going down hill at a good slope. With still a snow covered road. There was no place to turn around to go back so I drove to the parking lot and landing, about a mile. I went and fished but I had a worry in the back of my head, So I quite early while there were many other guys fishing and It was not dark yet. And as considered possible I could not go anywhere. I kept going through the snow to a layer of ice on the asphalt parking lot. I use my ice chisel and small plastic ice fishing shovel to get turned facing the right direction. Two big young guys tried to push me but I could not get going. I was getting worried by now. Then a fellow from Montana stopped and had a Come Along Strap and big Four Wheel Drive. We pulled me with no problem up part of the hill we unconnected he drove of and I just sat there spinning. He backed up and reconnected and pulled me all the way to the main road with no problem.

After many a Thank You, He drove off and I drove off. and I Thanked God a kind person was there to help and did so. There is at least two lessons to be learned here. One do not drive a van on an unplowed unknown road. And two to have a pull strap in you vehicle, Which I do know. I hope I never have to use it.

So then after all of that I still came home with no fish. I had one nice gill which I gave to another party of three that had four fish for the whole day. It looks like a nice lake to fish in the spring with the kayak for crappies.
To night I give Thanks, It could have been a much worse situation. have a Blessed Evening

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