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Rated: 13+ · Book · Contest Entry · #2208434
Most entries are going to be E rated but some may go beyond that.
You just want to read? These entries will be freshly written for a contest. Since I plan on joining many then I'm putting them all in a book. Sit back and enjoy it. I'll try to do a (poem) line count, (story) word count, prompt, and which contest I entered in. Though I won't be mentioning it in the piece, but "The Contest ChallengeOpen in new Window. will be a part of a contest I enter since it's about entering into a contest following its rules. Wish me luck!
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March 8, 2025 at 5:44pm
March 8, 2025 at 5:44pm
Once there was a leprechaun
Who had a pet Golragon
It couldn't fly yet
So the leprechaun tries
To teach it to fly

First he went to a forest
And put it on a branch
Then told it to fly
But it was afraid

Next he went to the desert
And put it on top of a sand dune
Then told it to fly
But it was afraid

Then it fell in a river
And struggled until it reached a waterfall
Flew in the air mid fall
And returned back to the leprechaun

Noun: Contraction between gold and dragon: A type of flying insect that can swim and fly
The Golragon swims through the river until reaching the waterfall and then flies away.

Prompt: Leprechaun
Line Count: 17
Word Count: 95
Contest: "NEOLOGY Writing CONTEST-OPENOpen in new Window.
February 16, 2025 at 11:21am
February 16, 2025 at 11:21am
A place of books
Magazines, and videos
A place to sit down
And study or read

A place filled with adventure
Around the corner
Mystery in the air
Filled with lovers alike

A place to relax
All peaceful and quiet
Surrounded by books of all sorts
Time to focus

The library is the place
Filled with lovers alike
On the brink
Due to advance technology

Prompt: Library Lovers
Line Count: 16
Word Count: 65
Contest: "Poetry Topic of the Month ContestOpen in new Window.
February 3, 2025 at 10:37am
February 3, 2025 at 10:37am
Once upon a time
On a horseback carriage
I traveled to a land
Filled with mythical creatures

Dragons, griffons, and unicorns
Forests, deserts, and savannas
Best of all is the beach
Where the sea serpent rests

The places where I get to meet
All sorts of creatures alike
Living comfortably in their
Very own natural habitats

Topic: Journey to my favorite place
Line count: 12
Word Count: 56
Contest: "Poetry Topic of the Month ContestOpen in new Window.
January 20, 2025 at 5:00pm
January 20, 2025 at 5:00pm
"Don't go out there."

The puppy sniffed the dog door and whimpered. What adventures it could experience if it went out there. Then the warning came again. Without hesitating, the puppy climbed through the doggy door to outside. A blast of cold air hit its face immediately and it whimpered. Still, it had business to do. The puppy climbed down the stairs and went to its favorite spot, all covered in snow. Then it did its business. The chills were getting too much, so the puppy dashed back toward the doggy door to the safety of the indoors. The warning was fair and square. It should never had wandered out there.

The lady picked the lifeless puppy up from the ground on the top step and sighed. She had warned the puppy. Now it was too late. She took it in and then put on an electric heating blanket designed especially for dogs. Then she waited. The puppy started wagging its tail first. Delighted to see that it was working, she went to bring some water and food for the puppy. When the puppy woke up it smelled the food and went over to eat and drink. The warmth felt welcoming and never again did it want to use the doggy door for the rest of the night.

Prompt: "Don't go out there."
Word Count: 218
Contest: "Daily Flash Fiction ChallengeOpen in new Window.
January 13, 2025 at 10:39am
January 13, 2025 at 10:39am
A flurry of words
And punctuation marks
Marking the page in
A meaningful manner

Sometimes it makes sense
Other times it does not
But made of words that
Can still be read

The process is without
Limits beyond the
Like a hurricane

Or like a stick
On the ground
Freedom at last
To write as we please

Prompt: Freedom to Write
Line Count: 16
Word Count: 58
Contest: "Poetry Topic of the Month ContestOpen in new Window.
January 5, 2025 at 11:33am
January 5, 2025 at 11:33am
Take me back! The store treated me much kinder than this boy here did in a few days.

"I see you're a stuffed eight foot tall giant panda that had been sold at this store. Normally we have a no return policy on toys and there is no receipt so I can't just take you back in."

You see, I got an ouchie on my arm where that boy kept on tugging on my arm like I was a rag doll. I can't stand being treated like a rag doll mind you. This is an emergency. If I go back, I would become nothing but a pile of stuffing. I can show you where this ouchie on my arm is if you like. Please take me back!

"I see that you are in used condition which would make returning you even more impossible. Looks like there is stuffing coming out of the right arm. I will have to be sure that you are sold in the store before even making a consideration of a return. The manager would have to override the system. I've never seen such a large animal sold at this store before."

Yes, do anything for me to return to the store. Anything would be better than being stuck back at that boy's house again. I would be glad to get out of there. Oh, by the way did I tell you the real reason he started to get all angry with me? It's because I am only eight feet tall and he wanted 16 feet tall. He sure trashed me as can be because of it. Lucky for me I didn't fit in the garbage can no matter how much he tried. I do have feelings of course and I'm hurt that he didn't want me right off the bat. But then the abusive behavior he displayed to me just proved I didn't want to be with him right back. I wonder how his other toys survived his abusive behavior. Tugging me at both ends until I rip apart and such. Then claiming I was his worst holiday present ever. This New Year will end great if I could just be returned pleased. Go against your no return policy without a receipt. Call for your manager to check. I was bought at this store not too long ago. Maybe a couple weeks at the most.

"I'm sorry for your inconvenience, but I'm working my best to do what needs to be done. I see you still have your tags on in excellent shape. That will make the job easier in case the manager does decide to override the system and accept you back into the store."

Prompt: Return of the 8' Giant Panda Dialogue
Word Count: 450
Contest: "The Bard's Hall ContestOpen in new Window.
December 1, 2024 at 8:52pm
December 1, 2024 at 8:52pm
Roger turned around. The noise stopped. He wondered what could be out in this misty night. The drip drip of sprinkles wet his glasses enough he needed to use a towel to wipe them off. Certainly he saw a shadow behind him. It could belong to the fabled monster that was rumored to be on the loose. He didn't believe in monsters. Then he turned back and walked forward. Then the shadow appeared again. The being seemed to be coming in from behind. Slowly, he turned around again, wiping his glasses. The shadow and being disappeared once more. Whatever it was, it was clever enough to be teasing him. Or maybe his eyes were just playing tricks on him. He wasn't sure about that though. This was the second time it happened.

"Come out come out where ever you are." Roger didn't like hide and seek games and this felt like a hide and seek game. He felt certain that he saw a shadow of someone or something behind him and he didn't like that at all. Feeling around in his pocket, he searched for something he could use to protect him from whatever it was that was following him. Then he saw a shadow on the ground for the third time in a row. He turned around. "Gotcha!"

There on the sidewalk was a monster that was tiny and round like a ball. The moment it heard him it decided to move in a flash around him before facing him face to face once again with begging eyes. It didn't mean any harm and was uncertain about this human, if this human would take it in and help it find its parents. That was the one thing it really wanted. Nothing else mattered. It got lost in the mist and couldn't find its way back home. Still, there was something about this human that seemed promising. Maybe this human could help it find its way back home, despite all warnings against meeting humans.

"Who are you?" Roger asked it in a frightened voice.

"I am Gurgle and I need your help. Will you help me?" Gurgle replied and sniffed.

"I don't appreciate some kid following me around dressed up as a monster. Go back to your home," Roger said.

"That's the thing, I can't find my parents. I lost my way back home. I need your help to find it. I guess you aren't a believer in monsters?" Gurgle shed a tear.

"That's right. I don't believe in monsters. Well, since you are lost then I can help you out then. Come over to my home. Follow me. No more moving around quickly on the electronic skate at high speed. Or are you really-" Roger didn't finish his thought. He realized there were no electronic skates on Gurgle. Gurgle could be a monster and he agreed to help it.

"Did you say monster? Oh, I would love to meet a monster! I'm Alex by the way. And I'm great, just like Alexander the Great. I have a ton of information about monsters. It won't be easy to get you back home little one but we'll promise you we'll make it happen," Alex said, coming into view riding on a skateboard.

Prompt: Vignette
Word Count: 541
Contest: "Vagrant VignettesOpen in new Window.
November 17, 2024 at 5:29pm
November 17, 2024 at 5:29pm
Share a laughter
Hide those tears
Everyone has fun
Telling jokes and
Playing games

Go to the movies
Walk in the park
Sit around in the house
Have a wonderful meal
To talk about the next day

We're all friends
We're all family
We learn from each other
We correct one another
Woof goes the dog, meow goes the cat

Prompt: Gratitude
Line Count: 15
Form: Free style
Word Count: 60
Contest: "Thankful Poetry ContestOpen in new Window.
November 12, 2024 at 10:41pm
November 12, 2024 at 10:41pm
I'm thankful for
A place to live
Food to eat
Running electricity and water
Cats to chase

I'm thankful for
Gym to go to
Stores to shop
Movies to watch
Zoos to walk around in

I'm thankful for
School to attend to
Work to work hard at
Contests to join

Prompt: Gratitude
Free style
Line Count: 15
Word Count: 51
Contest: "Thankful Poetry ContestOpen in new Window.
October 27, 2024 at 5:53am
October 27, 2024 at 5:53am
Oso and Ixia went shopping with a load of diamonds with them. They wanted to give Arcobia a special gift for the New Year 5000 before the wet season began. They had to be swift because they also wanted to put anti-theft protection on it. This wasn’t going to be an ordinary gift they saved up for. It held the power to change everything. Arcobia could wish whatever wish she would like to and it would come true. Once in every ten years it could happen. Not just anytime. And this magical gem was going to be in the auction today. They knew about it. They didn’t know if anyone else knows about it. It came in Oso’s dream. He knew exactly what to watch for too. It was going to be labelled as an ordinary gem. The gem wasn’t expected to go for so much. He hoped so. It would be a bargain. They were excited over this dream to come true. This was the place. It matched in the dream. They went in.

First up was what looked like a magical gem but got labelled an ordinary gem. They were certain this gem had to be the one. They did the minimum bid on it and then a bandit stood up and bid higher. A few more bids as well before they bid again. The bandit chickened out right away but two others kept in. They bid once again. The two others dropped out and they got it, saving themselves a lot of diamonds. They went up, made their payment, and got the magical gem. Together they made a wish for the gem value to go unnoticed by the others. Then the next gem came and it was just an ordinary gem.

They had to wait to the last five gems to gain more magical gems. Their value was greater and their diamonds went down a bit. Still, they had full of diamonds by the time the auction was done. Their prize well spent. Most importantly they held the Wishing Magical Gem which worked in having its value go unnoticed. Even when they brought it up it was dismissed. That’s how they could tell their wish worked. They went home and wrapped it up neatly after putting the gem into a box. Now Arcobia could enjoy having wishes come true. Once every ten years. Of course they used it themselves. The year 5000 waited. They couldn’t wait for the dry season to end.

Prompt: Plot Background
Word Count: 415
Contest: "October Novel Prep ChallengeOpen in new Window.
October 17, 2024 at 11:43am
October 17, 2024 at 11:43am
"Where am I? Who am I?" I wondered as I tried to remember. Everything was blurry and I felt thirsty. This was all I could think of:

A lady figure sat down and pulled up a deck of 10 cards in her hands with a cup in her other hand. She encouraged me to pick a card. I was skeptical of the cards in her hands. I had a feeling it was all going to be bad news. Still, I had paid for her to tell me my fortune. I was a believer in fortune telling. Still am. So I picked the sixth card from the left.

"You are going to have grave obstacles along the way. It will take quick thinking and fast acting to dodge those obstacles. There will be a way to dodge them all. All of them. But you need to think fast or else you are going to get squashed. Please choose your next card."

I did the third card from the right this time. It was a number eight of hearts. Surely that would be a good sign. I looked up at her with hope but got a frown instead. Something was the matter.

"In eight months you will have to find the doom clock before it strikes 12 and deactivate it. If you don't deactivate it then the whole world as you know it will be doomed. When you deactivate it you will find your lover waiting for you on the other side. Please pick your last card."

I sighed. This was not going as planned. More doom. Fearfully, I picked the fourth card from the left. It was a king of hearts. I didn't know what to expect from this one. Twitching my fingers, I waited. I hope my last prediction would be a good one.

Try as I might, I couldn't remember the last prediction. It drove me crazy. I needed to see that fortune teller again so that she could help me remember the last prediction. However, here I was, looking around, lying on grass on my back, in the middle of trees. I didn't remember how I got to this place. Where was I? Slowly, I rolled over and crawled to my knees. Nobody was around me. Then a flash of memory of being in a tornado inflicted me. Was I here because of a tornado? My heart pumped even more at the thought. This wouldn't have been an ordinary tornado. The world looked different than the towns, cities, and farms that I was used to. Of course, there were places in the world that had trees. But I don't remember seeing these kind of trees before. It felt unfamiliar.

Just then, a large red dragon came swooping down and landed where I was. It moved its face near to me and I could tell this dragon was large enough to swallow me whole. I wondered what it was doing and why it even existed. I closed my eyes, surely I must have been dreaming. But when I opened my eyes the dragon was still there. It must have seen my clumsy movements because it laughed.

"Just what do you think you are doing? Want to join me and bring peace and rule the world mortal?" It laughed very hard.

"No. Nobody in their right mind wants to rule the world. But would love to bring peace. Let me think about it and then I'll have an answer. But I might answer no again," I said.

"Very well. I'll let you think about it then. You have a week to decide. The doom clock isn't working yet but it will. And when it does the world will be mine and you can be the commander of that world if you join me. I will stop at nothing to get what I want."

Prompt: Image of deck of 10 cards and a cup and candle.
Word Count: 643
Contest: "Chapter One - CLOSED till Spring 2025Open in new Window.
September 20, 2024 at 6:43pm
September 20, 2024 at 6:43pm
As the clock ticks
We want to make a wish
On WDC's birthday

For Writing.com
We want to wish WDC
To continue through the years

A dragon hatched
Just in time
For the party

To begin the Celebration
Of this wonderful site
Where we write together in different ways and
To make friends

The cake is here
The candles are lit
The food is set

To Celebrate this special occasion
In this special month
All with the friends we've made

Whipped cream frosting
Fruits and dips
Favorite foods are available

For a great Celebration
We have with our friends
On this special day

Prompt: As the clock ticks, make a wish
Sharmelle's Expressions Author IconMail Icon and I (Italics)
Line count: 25
Contest: "Poetry PalsOpen in new Window.
September 17, 2024 at 5:08pm
September 17, 2024 at 5:08pm
Draco knew he was special. Living in an aquarium all of his life didn't appeal to him though. He hoped for the right owner to come along and put him into a pond to live in. That way he could grow to full size without any problems. There were no hiding places in the aquarium he was kept in either. He was exposed out in the open. He didn't like that at all.

A young boy came up to his tank and stared at him, reading out loud "Violet Goby". He wondered what else he had to learn. The next thing he knew he was swept up in a net along with the others and put into a bag. Even less space to move around in and there was no decorations at all. He didn't like this one bit. Then he watched as everything moved past like a movie scene dazzling him and wondered where was he going. Then they were put in the back of a large thing- he didn't know what it was called- and everything became bumpy. He wondered how would he survive this trip. One of his pals suffered a heart attack and he did everything he could to revive his pal. It seemed hopeless. At the last minute his pal came back to life.

Light poured into the space as the boy took him and the others and revealed a giant pool of water. The bottom had decorations on it already and it looked like the space was filled with different sizes of hiding spots. It was not shaped like a pond like he had seen in pictures but he imagined this would be more than enough. It would work as well as a pond. The edges were rounded and he saw the water went deep.

"Welcome to your new home Draco and everyone else. I hope you enjoy growing big and feeling full here. There will be plenty for you to eat. This is a pool turned into a pond just for you, and I love Dragonfish alike. Maybe, one day, you can protect this pool," the boy said and then dumped everyone out into the pond.

Draco swam around, exploring his new setting. This was more like it. He had plenty of space to move around in and there was food at his convenience. The others were exploring the area as well. All he cared about was having the right place to live and he had found it. That little boy and his father seemed very promising. After eating some food he felt his stomach churn and wondered if he was going to be sick. At six inches long, he felt confident he could beat the others. He went to his favorite place to hide only to find his pal there too, also with a stomach ache. Wondering what was going on, he went to another hiding spot. Surely he can't die now.

When he woke up, he saw his pal moving about anxiously. His pal appeared healthy again! He felt better than before too with a new vigor of energy to move around.

"Want to play tag? I can speak! I'm Roy," Roy introduced himself. Now Draco knew.

"I'm Draco. Sure, we can play tag! You're it," Draco agreed.

"No, you're it!"

Prompt: Open
Word Count: 546
Contest: "The PET NEWS CONTESTOpen in new Window.
September 5, 2024 at 3:45pm
September 5, 2024 at 3:45pm
What if WDC didn't exist? Where would I write? First of all, I wouldn't have a writing website to go to upon a suggestion of a friend of mine. It just wouldn't have happened. I'd still be playing video games and drawing all the time. But, there would be one catch that might get me started on writing. Meeting someone who knows about Nanowrimo, or National Novel Writing Month and telling me about it. Then that would get me started in writing novels. Will I succeed? Probably not right away. But I would try anyway. I wouldn't have any direction on how to write the novel. I would be blind at it. Thus the journey of an artist who would have little findings in writing.

Most of my writings come from school. Classes that were required to take. I spend little time writing otherwise. Then a friend of mine came who knew writing. Of course, I supported her. But my level of writing was at the very basic. I had done no writing outside of school. I did my school work and gone to the library. Watched movies and read books. I did graduate and then met someone who knew of National Novel Writing Month. So I might have decided to give that a try.

I would find myself researching how to write a novel. Not knowing the details of plot, character, and elements of a novel. I would be all alone to do this. In my home. Then there was the move to Wyoming where I enrolled in College. It was the perfect degree in my interest. And there was more writing involved. But now I would be starting my first attempt of writing at home: a novel. I would use Google to find out how to prepare and then write an outline. I might not time the outline well enough, but it'd be a start. World building would also be a part of my process. My novel might not have a true villain to start out with. All of this I would do at home. Then November would come and I would write. Among homework and studying for exams, I would hit the daily goal. Towards the end of the month I'd have a finished novel. Would it be long enough? Maybe not in time. Or it maybe poorly planned and came up too short. Still, that would be my first attempt at it. My first writing at home that's not school related.

The second year would come and I would do my planning in October. Using what I researched online, I would come up with a better outline. I spent my time playing video games and drawing the rest of the time. I would also be focused on my harder classes. I balanced my schedule out with easy classes and hard classes. This was the time I spent learning how to write for newspapers. I did okay and my articles were good enough. Editing made them better. Then came November again and the writing began. This time I would have a super long outline to go by and worked on it whenever I wasn't working on school work. I made good progress and excelled the 50,000 words long mark. But ended before the 100,000 words long mark. Good progress. I now know that it would be possible to achieve. I became an overachiever and I passed my classes too.

After college I moved back to Nebraska. I enrolled in Game Designing and had a blast learning about creating a game. I also gained a job. Then came October again. Once more, I planned out a detailed outline. November came, I wrote. I put school first, of course, then wrote. I found it easy to just follow the outline I created. I may have a villain and a protagonist this time too. And a plot to follow. My first novel may lack a clear plot to follow. Fantasy would be my preferred genre. Filled with mythical creatures. Dragons especially. There maybe creatures I made up. Hybrids are a great example of what might appear. It matched my drawings. I made this attempt at 100,000 words. My very best. But that might be my top record of all time too. I would be satisfied at that level.

The school was costly, so I stopped. But the knowledge I didn't want to lose. Then I tried Accounting. It was okay. But stopped. National Novel Writing Month I didn't stop doing, though. I did artwork the rest of the time. I submitted to a publisher and got a rejection. I tried again and again until I got an acceptance. Even better would be if I got an agent and went for a larger company. This would be where I'd be if WDC didn't exist. My struggles would be apparent. I'm not the best editor either. I could make the book good, but it would take someone else to make the novel great.

My journey to writing would be a lot harder and more difficult. The novels would be of lower quality. I would not know spelling and grammar like I do now. The class I took for newspapers helped tremendously and wasn't forgotten. I believe I do have potential to make a difference if I didn't have to live under so many rules. There were the editing weakness in that my work wasn't polished to its potential. Just rusty with collecting dust from not being edited and worked on. I spent too much time with drawing. And my new hobby of creating video game ideas. There would be a limit of how much I could create and design. I would need to find a job in the field and my programming skills was poor. Just the basics. There would be things I would be in constant need of learning and improving to improve my first drafts of my novels. It could not beat the best writers, but it could inspire others into finding the joy of reading by those who don't care about grammar too much.

Prompt: What if WDC didn't exist? Where would you write?
Word Count: 1,019
Contest: "What if...? (Closed)Open in new Window.
August 20, 2024 at 12:05pm
August 20, 2024 at 12:05pm
Once there was a girl
Whose hair shone with beauty
Curly and black and long
Took an hour to brush

She sat on a stump
And played with her hair
The boys came along
And stared at her

She went to the store
And bought some new clothes
The girls came along
And whispered about her

She changed her outfit
And set her hair up
Then went to the party
Everyone cheered brightly

She won the beauty prize
A gold medal on a ribbon
And wore it back home smiling
Showing it off to her parents

August 9, 2024 at 1:47pm
August 9, 2024 at 1:47pm
Christian ran. Ran as fast as he could. Fire followed behind him. He didn't know why it was happening. If he could reach the edge of the lake he would be safe. Suddenly a tree fell down in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. He had to get out of there, there was a fire to the city. People ran around with torches in their hands. He lost his home. His girlfriend was nowhere to be seen. Engulfed by the fire. He had no choice; he had to climb over the tree. The fire inched forward threatening to devour it. He gulped. Then he started climbing over it. The tree fell on its own. It would block the traffic heading toward the lake as well. Over the trunk of the tree he went just as the fire inched its way onto the tree. There was no time to waste. He had to keep on going. He wasn't safe on the street. A looming flying figure could barely be seen among the smoke. The source of the fire. He didn't know what it was, only that he needed to hide from it. The sword in his side could come in handy.

Finally, he made it past the trunk just as the tree burst into flames. Seeing the flames reminded him of his missing girlfriend and how much she encouraged him to save himself. To go to the lake away from the fire. He gritted his teeth and turned around to continue running. Away from the fire. His girlfriend wanted him to live, even when he saw no reason to live. She was taken by the fire. That flying thing being the cause. Never before had the city been under fire before. Come to think of it the wings were stiff, like a jet. Still, that didn't explain the people running around with torches. They were spreading the fire. Dressed with air packs, so they weren't breathing in the smoke. This city was under attack and he was safe running in the middle of the road so far. 20 miles to go to reach the lake and hide. He was an excellent swimmer. Just then a rough guy with a torch struck him down.

"Out of my way!" That guy yelled running over him.

"Sheesh, I am." Christian mumbled, struggling to get back up. It had been like this throughout the run from his home.

"Keep on running, I escaped. You're too slow," a familiar voice whispered into his ear.

"Kristy!" Christian choked, relieved that his girlfriend is alive and safe. Faster than him, that's her alright.

With renewed energy, Christian ran alongside his girlfriend down the road. 15 miles, 10 miles, they were going to make it out of this fire. Each time they had to watch for and dodge people with torches and up in the air for more flying things. There seemed to be something the government wasn't telling them about. He knew about a war going on but he didn't expect it to happen here, in his home town. Just then a line of torched people gathered in their way, blocking their path.

"It's time to fight. Prepare our swords," Kristy said, drawing her sword.

Christian drew his sword and the fight began. The fire was hot as they exchanged blows, and he was able to get the upper hand in the fight, knocking down the torched people. It came at a cost, he got severe burns all over his arms and body. He gritted his teeth as tears came to his eyes. The water. The faster he got to the lake the better he would feel. Out of this fire. Looking around, he saw his girlfriend badly burned up as well. She was crying too.

"The water. We will get relief when we reach the water. We can't stay here!" Christian encouraged her.

Together, they started running again, faster than ever. They couldn't face another round of torched people. Those people spoke in a different language to themselves he noticed. Different country. Possibly an enemy country from where they came from here to wipe out this city. Five miles to the lake. He encouraged his girlfriend to push harder for the last five. She tripped and fell. He stopped and picked her up. The fire was spreading rapidly all around them. No torched people in sight here. He mustered his strength to pick her up and limped toward the lake. Now that he was carrying her his pace slowed down considerably. Still, he wasn't going to leave her behind. The fire seemed to follow the road. A big boom sounded as another flying thing appeared. More torched people dropped from it. It was an invasion from the sky! So that was how this fire started. The water will stop it. Water and tough people, people who could withstand the heat.

One more mile to go, and it seemed to take forever. At least they were away from the buildings into the woods now. Other stragglers struggled to run with the same idea: to get to the lake. Christian started sweating. So far they hadn't run into any more torched people. Only a spreading fire. A fire that was spreading even into the woods. Tree branches were falling down, luckily not on the road. Some trees had been uprooted and were laying on their side. Once again, not on the road. He took in deep breaths as he carried her along. The lake would be a place of refugee. It stung and hurt with each step, yet he had to keep on moving forward. Those torched people would die soon in the fire, he was sure of it. They couldn't survive for long in those suits. He plundered onward until he reached the lake.

The water remained untouched and burning trees blocked the way. Was this the end? It couldn't be. There had to be a way in. He observed many people pushing forward toward the lake only to be absorbed in the flames of the burning trees blocking the path. There seemed to be no way around it. The flames burned everyone it touched down to ashes. Then he spotted an opening and weaved his way toward it. Maybe he could get past this fire to the lake through this opening through the burning trees. Just a little bit further. Then he felt hot, as hot as he ever felt before.

August 7, 2024 at 9:34pm
August 7, 2024 at 9:34pm
One day a fellow dragon came
One stride after another
Into a forest full of magic
And wondered about treasure

Inward that dragon went
Greeted by Pixies and Fairies
To follow the fireflies
To the heart of the forest

Fireflies led the way
Fireflies lighted the path
The dragon followed the trail
Onward to the heart of the forest

Reaching the heart a puzzle awaited
The dragon took a moment to think
Reaching out piece by piece
Reaching out to complete the puzzle

Treasure chest got revealed right away
Treasure chest opened up on its own
Golden staff and a blue hat
The dragon became a wizard

A wizard who could fly
A wizard who could cast spells
The dragon was happy
And could turn back to itself at will

July 3, 2024 at 9:20pm
July 3, 2024 at 9:20pm
Rocking the place with Contemporary Christian music a long time ago,
Where did you go with your brilliant talent to display?
It's been a long time since I heard you sing in, in the band ages ago,
Now for a lonesome night just to hear the recordings replay.

June 26, 2024 at 10:36pm
June 26, 2024 at 10:36pm
Looking up into the sky,
I saw a falling star.
I made a wish deep down,
As it faded away.

The stars sparkled in the sky,
Until I heard a growl and looked down.
A dragon with a star on forehead,
Looked up at me and smiled.

It grew large enough for me to ride,
So I hopped on its back.
It flew high and I looked down,
To see stars reflected in a lake.

June 13, 2024 at 9:33pm
June 13, 2024 at 9:33pm
The plans I have in June
Is mainly attend school
Visit with my aunt
And achieve good grades

Medical Billing and Coding
I look forward to getting
Three months from now
Keeping up my pace

Chapters to read
Exams to take
I am happy
With my progress

10 subjects to cover
12 exams to pass
I plan to do 5 total
And prepare for Camp Nano

Prompt: June What are your plans? How do you feel about it?
Line Count: 16
Word Count: 66
Contest: "DWG Poet Know it, Show it MOVED TO FORUMOpen in new Window.

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Angelica Weatherby- Easter tim has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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