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Rated: 18+ · Book · Arts · #2206688
Blog and other works of literary sense
Here is a collection of ruminations and whatnot.
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September 9, 2020 at 5:42pm
September 9, 2020 at 5:42pm
I'm feeling slightly discombobulated. My mouse in my computer isn't working right. I haven't the funds to replace it. i'll have to use my finger to do the job of going on different websites. I can't cut and paste or copy and paste my photos. It's very disturbing. But I have at least some way to write things and keep up with my businesses.

My LLR is as usual. Some people have increased in their looks at my FB page on LulareoMaryIone. Then i have to attend their team seminar. I have been working on Mary Kay university and watching videos on selling and doing virtual makeovers. It makes me rather cringe to have to do a virtual facial online. i am shy about this and my SO is not interested in my going online to show off how to give my face a facial and skincare plan.Then there's the Norwex selling. I'm still unable to work my way round it. Then the ThirtyOne Gifts business. I'm trying to get more people to buy from them. i am unable to know why my account has been abbreviated so i cannot go on their home business pages. I might have to find out about that sometime soon. i want to know if they still recognize me and want me to sell and i might need to be able to have my account activated. it's all very confusing.

i guess I'll do that now. i'm feeling somewhat unhappy but this is all a piece and it is like that for anyone doing work for a company that is contractual. i need to make sure that i'm really a part of their business.

Will have to update soon.

September 8, 2020 at 7:33pm
September 8, 2020 at 7:33pm
My thoughts have drifted to a part of my 'past' in the Philippines.

I was told and experienced life as a student at St Dominic's School which became Dominican School. The school i attended from the first to the seventh grade was located on Governor Forbes street across from the University of Sto. Tomas. The Wiki page tells that the Dominican School was located or is, at Lacson Street, in Sampaloc, not in Manila.

Further, my high school, St Theresa College in San Marcelino Manila never was anything because it was ruined in the War. They built a School in Quezon City, on Sta Mesa Heights.

Therefore, my past in the Philippines is HIGHLY SUSPECT. I surmise that I NEVER lived in The Philippines as a child.

All of it was a FICTION brought about my that woman Elizabeth II, the Queen of England. Why did she do it? I do not have all the answers but I believe that she wanted me to think I was always Filipino and I'm NOT. I was born somewhere in Ireland, and my real mother, Maggie Smith had me after she had an affair with my real father Prince Philip of Edinburgh. Then I was taken to be raised in Lancashire, England with a family named McGreavey.
September 7, 2020 at 5:29am
September 7, 2020 at 5:29am
I'm up now having breakfast. My head is aching and my heart feels as though it's racing. It's a common occurrence on Mondays. I call it Bloody Monday. It used to happen on Sundays and now they've moved it to Mondays. And to top it all off, it's Labor Day when all the weird ghostly bastards are on the prowl. They can't come to my house anymore. They're barred. They are impotent.
September 6, 2020 at 10:20am
September 6, 2020 at 10:20am
Change is usually something that happens to someone, and not a change that someone wishes. If it comes from within, the change is for something healthy, a better looking body, borned of a fitness kick. Or looking good in terms of cosmetics like makeup or some new way of skincare. For what is makeup for but to cover the skin and give an illusion of a smooth complexion.
If Change is happening to someone it isn’t always a good thing for them – job loss, a loss of a love one, a loss of limb or some loss of living tissue in their person. If this is what is happening then one has to cope as best they can. Losing a job one can find another job and it may take time, and usually one has to find a temporary employment. In my case, I went to work for a department store. If it is a loss of a loved one, then one has to cope with last things – getting the body put into the ground and remembering them with a headstone. One has to let them be and remember that Jesus said, Let the dead bury the dead. Then if it is a loss of vital tissue, one needs to understand what made that happen. If it’s a bad appendix it needs to be taken away, and if it’s more deadly like cancer one has to weigh the ins and outs of chemotherapy and find an informed opinion. One can’t wallow in depression about any of these because it will decrease the will to live and thrive. We can’t all be walking around looking glum. One thing that I did when I lost a parent (she was a step-parent) was to get back to work and plunge into the job as good as I could, knowing that this will distract me from mourning. As it turns out the step-parent was not good and in the focus of time that evolved since she passed away, this memory of her life is now in a bad memory bank somewhere not to be deficited in any way by my trying to dredge up a memory which was a false on. One can also think of doing other things to put up a new schedule that had a void left by the loss – going for a new hobby, or going back to school to learn what’s new, or even adopting a pet to fill the void of not having anyone to take care of. In my case I adopted three pets at first to find some means of companionship due to the loss of this stepmother. The pets are good because they owe their lives to you – you are their god, and they get their food and water and shelter in their ‘furever home’.
You have to decide whether you want to sit and brood or whether you need some fresh air into your life and find a new focus to see what talents that have lain dormant in your life and past.
Resurrect these talents and accept what you create as an expression of your psyche. You’ll be happy you did.
September 4, 2020 at 10:54am
September 4, 2020 at 10:54am
At this point I'm feeling a bit better but not that much more. I have had to keep my puppy off of things to eat. The light in the front room is out. I don't know why it just has gotten all dark. Nobody can work in that room until the lights are restored. I was hoping to use that room or at least find a way to use that room but now it can't be used when it gets dark. I do not intend to write there anyway, at least not write during the night. Once the night comes and the lights in that room are on, one can see into the room and one could berevealed. So I do not intend to do much writing but I do intend to blog a bit, and to comment on stories as needed. As God directs me.

Working on sewing and crocheting, and some knitting too. A few dishcloth ideas. Doilies, arm warmers, and socks (if the pattern can be deciphered well enough).

Not going to work on my LLR, and other contracting jobs. Not this weekend, at least. I'll just do the usual sewing stuff. I'm tired of being killed by bad thoughts and their hateful superiors. I do not wish to die for anyone now. I'm tired. Please my God forgive me. I'm not good anymore. at least, I'm not that good that I can find any real happiness in dying for some cause. I just want to have peace of mind and soul. I wish to ask some shrines or places of worship to find time to pray for my intentions but I haven't any money left except for a dollar and sixty four cents.

My social security check will come in 12 days. At least that's the schedule. I have to pay:

The light bill
The sewer bill
Taxes (I owe taxes)
LLR (I bought two outfits for August and I need to buy for September to keep me in it) pay the dresses
Buy some Norwex maybe
Cell phone bill
Mary Kay inventory

Some other stuff for the dogs, the cats and treats for them. some subscriptions, website fees, and giving stepDad some money for cash and buying my cigs. Some other stuff that I cannot remember. I do not know whether I can keep up with the contracting work. Some days I have no energy and cannot even stay at the computer because of this sluggishness I feel. I am told that is when the bad thoughts are killing my energy. If it persists I have really no real recourse but to pray to My God to help me.

Even now I have an ache on my left arm and I know it's just a random thing. I get random aches and pains a lot. A few of them I can pinpoint to some deficiency in my diet and I'm supplementing that. Which reminds me I need to add a few more cubes of sugar into my coffee. Sugar is a big thing for the body - for the mind - the brain lives off of the sugar (glucose) in the diet and in the bloodstream that perfuses its tissues. if you're feeling sluggish that could be why - my sugar levels are low. It should not be low.

Some of the time I can work and that is good. But I cannot write much now. I feel as though if I wrote I'll be made to suffer what I've done in accomplishing writing even a few paragraphs. It' fun to write but the consequences can be disastrous. For me and my loved one.
September 4, 2020 at 4:54am
September 4, 2020 at 4:54am
Hi, the weekend is coming up. Those who are traveling need to be careful as it could be tricky and the wish to come home is high. Just place your trust in God that all things will come to a good finish. We must always be happy that we are alive so we can't risk anything to make life suffer in us or somehow in our experience of it. Pray as you drive to work or do whatever it is you're doing, so that God always knows what it is you're up against. There'll be so many obstacles in your way to Heaven but be assured that Heaven is waiting for you, and you'll be Happy Always. God bless You all, Mary.
September 2, 2020 at 6:39am
September 2, 2020 at 6:39am
Today I was scrolling through my Pinterest and I saw a pin about a free pattern for dishcloths. I'm always up for free patterns so I followed the URL and found the place where they claimed I could get a free pattern. I came to realize that I had to fork over 2.99 to buy the thing. I was disappointed, to say the least. So I went back to the same or original website and saw more ideas for dishcloths. I saw this one that had a fabric plus a crocheted part. I thought I could duplicate this without any real problems. I kept scraps of cloth in my sewing box and found one that had a good size to it. I got out my sewing box (the one that holds thread and needles and pins) and got up a needle threaded and went to work on getting the frayed (the one side or two that had been cut and was going to fray if it had enough handling) edges folded in and sewed using a stitch which I think is called a blind stitch (don't hold me to that I am not as conversant with the usual stitches in needlework) or a whipsaw stitch and it looked good. I'm on the second side of the fabric. Once I have the sides stitched up I can work on getting it attached to getting a crocheted edge on one end. That crocheted end will end up as a taper with an overlap where I could hold down the dishcloth with a button and voila, a dishcloth. it cost me nothing now, of course, but it might be cool as a present or something.

i like sewing this sort of thing. I've had other times that I used a different stitch to hem the pant legs of my pants (when I would be needing it shortened) or the ones that my stepfather bought (he is not tall) and that was always ok. He's not asked me to do it any longer as he has found a supplier of pants that have the right length for his height. But sewing was also something I went into back in the day when I was interested in saving money and took sewing classes. The classes were incomplete as I have not learned the fluid way to attach zippers. One time I had a lovely tweed material and made a pair of Hepburn-like trousers. The zipper was not a go and so I had to wear the thing with a huge safety pin and wore over large sweaters over it. The trousers were lovely to wear and I wish I had them still. I might just do one again and see how I luck out with putting in a zipper. The trousers that have elastic waistbands aren't my thing - they're tacky and smack of the sweatpants that people like to wear around the house.

I did not pursue sewing as a serious thing then because there was a store in town named Lazarus which had super duper sales on clothing that eliminated the need for me to buy material, pattern, thread and accessories to make an outfit so I said, do I pay for a sale item that was like $11.99 (marked down dramatically) or spend over $20 for all that I needed to make same? So I went out of the sewing of clothes but now I'm thinking it might be fun to make projects with the sewing machine. I had a bad sewing machine then, it got so tangled up in the end or beginning of the seam and I hated hated hated having to unravel them and so, well, I now have a new sewing machine but I'm somehow reluctant to use the thing! I have such a rather strange "phobia" if you call it that, that I fear that I might not do a good job or maybe the machine is just too intimidating.

i have to say that i need to visualize myself approaching this new machine and getting to know it like a new friend. I also bought all that i need for some patterns - yes I even bought patterns, clothes for mother and daughter, scrub uniforms, aprons and so on so I could make these things. But, still, the poor new sewing machine is back in its box and I feel as though I've missed making a new friend, somehow.

I hope that before the end of this month I'd have at least got up to getting a working knowledge of this machine. It's really nice and made by a famous brand.

Other than that my day has been relatively boring.
August 31, 2020 at 4:35am
August 31, 2020 at 4:35am
I'm convinced that if each of us were to be an advocate for the weaker members of our families (wives, elderly and the children) we can make a better world for ourselves and for the rest of our country. Each country will be equally blessed in this manner so we can have peace and harmony. There will be less misunderstandings between us and on the whole, between countries.
August 29, 2020 at 8:46pm
August 29, 2020 at 8:46pm
What I was thinking of when speaking about working for an establishment is that once one has retired, they have to try to earn a taxable income so as not to be under the fiendish eyes of those who have this Puritanical idea that everyone everyone everyone needs to have a job to put into the US Treasury so that when things have to be spent (any of the things that could befall the USA), there would be money to be taken out to rescue and repair and rehabilitate the States. There is a lot of thought that is directed at the US Treasury. Witness how Sen Graham hated to have Washington DC as the 51st state. He seemed to be unhappy about having to spend more of the US treasury on another small state like DC.

So in my case, I’m on social security but I do work for myself as a writer and independent publisher. I’m also on several business platforms including Lularoe, Mary Kay, Thirty0ne Gifts, and Norwex. I’ve not earned much from these lately and so I do not have any taxable income so far except for what I’ve spend on LLR clothes. I love those clothes so I will be spending on these clothes as the months go by. I these are taxable and they are, then we shall see.

I was driving along one day and a thought came to me and asked me if I had taxes filed. I said Yes. And then the thought asked if I got a refund. I said No. This thought was concerned that I wasn’t earning taxable income. I assured her that I was self-employed and whatever i earn on my business is taxed. That thought seemed to be satisfied to think that i am a taxpayer. Still.

I never wanted to retire but the situation of my life had changed so materially that I had to earn or get some social security and once I got to the age where I could earn social security that is what has happened to me.

I hope this helps some people.
August 29, 2020 at 7:24pm
August 29, 2020 at 7:24pm
I'm convinced that I'll gain status in my community, nay my country, if I went back to being gainfully employed. Self-employment doesn't seem to cut it with some big people in my country. They insist that I pay taxes and I don't pay taxes on my social security check. #work

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