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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2059682
Blog for October 30 Day Blogging Challenge And November, and December....and so on...
An interesting thing to do....And now I've become a blogging addict *Rolling*
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October 3, 2015 at 9:14am
October 3, 2015 at 9:14am
Write a short bio for yourself in today's blog. Tell us all of your likes and dislikes.

That's pretty easy. My life is an open book. I'm 49 years old. I am the mother of three, grandmother of three.
I like reading, crocheting, knitting, sewing, gardening, watching my grandson (the other two are in a different state, so I only get to talk to them on the phone). I also like board games, some video games. Some tv shows and baking.

I like writing. I just didn't know how much til now.

I dislike politics but will talk about them. I dislike poor management systems. I dislike fanatics and people who judge. I dislike anyone who comes after my family in word or deed. I dislike dealing with the mood swings menopause drops on my head.

For the most part I am an agreeable person. *Smile*

That's pretty much it - you get what you see.
October 2, 2015 at 7:52am
October 2, 2015 at 7:52am
Make us laugh with some classroom humor from your years in grade-school, or write a related poem or story.

Wow...a trip down memory lane (what's left of it *FacePalm*. Well, my family and I had just moved down from Michigan to Mississippi. I had never left the state before, let alone leave to the other side of the country. I lived in the northeastern part of Lower Michigan, so Mississippi was a bit of a culture shock to me. Overly friendly people who would talk to you whether they knew you or not, that southern "twang" everyone spoke in, sweet tea (what is THAT?) and black people. I had never met a black person before. I wasn't prejudiced, it just wasn't an everyday experience in northeastern Michigan back in 1980.

I started school that fall, and my Mississippi History teacher was an older black lady named Mrs. Troupe. She was very friendly and pleasant, but she talked about 100 miles an hour. I mean she spoke VERY quickly. Topped with a thick accent, sometimes it was hard to understand her.

I remember one day, listening to her lecture (I had just started ninth grade) trying very hard to understand what she was talking about. I don't remember the subject, only that I couldn't understand a point she was making. I must have looked puzzled, because she called on me. I asked her to repeat what she said. She did. I still couldn't understand. She repeated it again. I still looked dumb-founded. By this time the class was snickering at this Yankee girl. She called me up to the desk, and spoke to me quietly...I still didn't get it. I felt like I was in a foreign language class. She smiled at me and shook her head, then sent me back to my seat.

At the time it wasn't funny, but over the years I've traveled far and near, and now when I look back at that time. I have to shake my head and laugh. I don't' know if I ever really understood her, but I passed the class with a B, so I must have done alright.
October 1, 2015 at 9:36pm
October 1, 2015 at 9:36pm
What did you do in September? Did you have any writing goals or other goals? Do you have any writing goals or other goals for October? What do you like most about the month of October?

Well, let's see here...I joined Writing.Com on September 4th. I came in during the 15th Anniversary Party week, and boy, was it intense! I had a blast - and it was like really being in a party room. Contests, and How-do-you-dos and all kinds of things. Everyone was (and still is) friendly and helpful. I've made some friends, joined some groups and done all kinds of contests and reviews. I've started a nifty MB collection, and I hope to add to it. But my main purpose here is writing.

Already, I have 2 short stories and 2 or 3 poems to write for Halloween themes, and I have entered the Give It 100 challenge with writing a poem a day for 100 days. I'm working on saving up gps for an upgrade by the end of the year. Got a little carried away by spending at the "Lucky Bones" Game today. But it's for a good cause, and I had a blast.
I've also entered a NON-NaNo challenge for a non-fiction work that I would like to get published soon.

What do I like most about October? Well besides gaining back an hour of sleep...LOL...I am excited about the crisp clear air. I like the change of seasons, and the coming of the holiday season.

I have a lot of ideas running around in my head, and I'm trying to keep up with them. It's a fun time, and I'm glad to have WdC as my home away from home.
October 1, 2015 at 1:36pm
October 1, 2015 at 1:36pm
Ready for the 30 day Blog Challenge!

I'm excited about all of the cool things here at WdC...
I bailed Jen~ out of jail, started preparing for the NonFiction NaNo...Doing reviews and Give it 100...

I must be a glutton for punishment...LOL

But writing is my passion, and I hope to learn the discipline necessary to become at least a decent writer...

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