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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2059682
Blog for October 30 Day Blogging Challenge And November, and December....and so on...
An interesting thing to do....And now I've become a blogging addict *Rolling*
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November 5, 2015 at 6:41am
November 5, 2015 at 6:41am
Prompt: Pick three authors- two who have written books you've read, and one from WDC- and construct your idea of 'The Perfect Writer' compiled of your favorite traits of theirs.

Let's see writers: I pick these three:

J.D. Robb (aka Nora Roberts) - In Death series
Charlaine Harris - Sookie Stackhouse novels
Jim Hall - NonBlogging Blogger

The Perfect Writer
Granted, this is only my opinion, but these characteristics are what I would consider a perfect writer to have:

Someone who obviously can tell a story. Need I say more here?

The story is riveting, at times serious, and at times humorous.
Eve Dallas - serious about investigating a murder, but wants to do bodily harm to "whoever" finds and eats her secret stash of candy.
Sookie Stackhouse - a Louisiana barmaid wants to have fun! Being caught up in vampire politics sucks!
Carol the Muse - cracks me up! Jim writes about her lovingly, but I know wants to "strangle" her at times.

Builds interesting characters that you really care about and want to "get to know"

Serious about writing, but doesn't seem to take themselves too seriously.
I've read Nora Robert's and Charlaine Harris' biographies, and from what I deduce in their writings - this is a passion, but they also have "lives" outside of their writing.
I've not read Jim's biography, but have talked with him over this past couple of months regularly.

In my case, I could read a series forever, so when the series ends, it's disappointing, so I end up reading them again. If I read something more than once, I consider it *ThumbsUpL* *ThumbsUpL* or 5 - *Star*

In Death series - all books twice (at least) and anxiously waiting for newest one.
Sookie Stackhouse novels - all books twice and working on third time.

Jim Hall Whenever I get the opportunity! Since I'm here every day, rarely a day goes by that I'm not reading/reviewing/emailing him *Smile*

Nothing out of the ordinary here - This is my ingredient list for the perfect writer.
November 4, 2015 at 12:52am
November 4, 2015 at 12:52am
"Imagine you're Cinderella and tell us how you danced at the ball."

Seriously? The only thing that I do worse than sing is dance. This white woman CANNOT dance!
I don't think even being Cinderella could help me *FacePalm* ! I love music, and I would love to learn how to ballroom dance. Hell, I'd settle for line dancing! But "ain't happinin' capt'n"!

I can picture a lovely ballroom, with a small orchestra. Waiters in their livery and wigs serving champagne in delicate glass flutes. Ladies all aflutter with their tall powdered wigs and low cut dresses with lots of bling showing. They are fanning themselves as they gossip about the new girl that they haven't seen before. She is in a golden ballgown with glass(?) slippers! She smiles shyly as she approaches the grand staircase leading down into the ballroom.

Then there ends the fairy tale, as she would trip over her own two feet and roll herself down the stairs. The evening ends in shocking gasps and a few poorly covered chuckles. Some gallant young man helps her to her feet as the doctor is summoned to her aid.

That would be the luck of my evening. No dancing, and either a broken or severely twisted ankle .Ahhhh....never promised you a "Disney" ending!

just saying.....
November 3, 2015 at 7:47am
November 3, 2015 at 7:47am
"How much would not having internet access for an extended period of time impact your life?"

Extended? Are we talking about a long vacation weekend or are we talking Zombie Apocalypse extended?

For if it were just for a long weekend, I suppose I could handle it. I mean the point of a vacation is to unplug, right? To unwind mentally and/or physically, and allow the creative juices to rejuvenate, then get back to work.

If we were to go beyond that, it would start getting difficult. I mean I could do some sewing, and some crocheting or knitting to fill the time, but that would start to get a bit old. Since I don't work outside the home, I don't get out a whole lot. I found WdC a couple of months ago, and it has given me some "outage" and the ability to expand and share my writing, and to connect with others and read their works.

To go back to not having that would be a major blow for me. I would eventually adapt, but I imagine that I would do so in a "not lady-like" fashion (there I go again, blowing my sweet-heart facade).

So, nah, don't think that would work out for me. So, putting the dad-gummed Zombie Apocalypse on NOTICE: Do NOT MESS with MY INTERNET!!! I will GET you!!!


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November 2, 2015 at 12:41pm
November 2, 2015 at 12:41pm
My go-to feel good music :

You are going to laugh, probably. But if I am in a bit of a funk or need to get motivated, I go to Richard Simmons and "Sweatin' to the Oldies"


There's just something about "Oldies" music that gets my heart going, and puts a smile on my face.

When I am feeling the need to be extra motivated, I like this song from Footloose: Bonnie Taylor's "I Need A Hero"


As a matter of fact, I will be listening to the soundtrack from Footloose and from Momma Mia while writing for NoNWriMo this month.

November 1, 2015 at 9:33am
November 1, 2015 at 9:33am
Come up with a fake news headline...something you'd see in a checkout line tabloid at the grocery store. Convince us that it's something we should believe.

Imaginary Friend Goes Missing!
Foul Play Suspected!

An imaginary friend has been reported missing. Investigators are looking into suspects. Especially since one has commented on smothering said friend with a pillow! Details are being held and suspects are being questioned. There is obviously more going on than meets the eye! More details will follow pending the completion of the investigation. Stay tuned!
October 31, 2015 at 4:17pm
October 31, 2015 at 4:17pm
"Hello, Mr. Turkey, or may I call you Tom?"

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble.

"Well, then, Tom it is. I see you are all penned up. Would you like to go home with me?"

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble.

"Oh, it's a small, cozy home with a fireplace, and a kitchen with a spectacular view. I think you'd like it."

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble.

"Great! Let me just get you out of the pen and into this box. It will be for your safety as we ride to my house."

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble.

"I think you'll enjoy my home for the holidays, Tom. As a matter of fact, I'd like to make you the guest of honor!"

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble.

"Well, here we are, Tom. I'll put you in the pen out back so you can get some fresh air before the festivities this weekend."

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble?

"Here you are, Tom. I hope it's to your liking. I can't wait for everyone to see you this weekend. You will be the star of the show, I am sure!"

174 words

October 31, 2015 at 11:48am
October 31, 2015 at 11:48am
How did you enjoy this month's challenges? Would you like to see this format repeated in future "Unofficial" months?
Do you have any suggestions for themes?

What else did you do during October? What are your plans for November?

This month's "unofficial challenge" has been a lot of fun. This was my first time doing a blogging challenge, and I have to say, some of them made me have to think *Headbang* ! But in any case, with November starting TOMORROW, and there are so many people doing the NaNo. (not to mentions a few doing the NoNWriMo (myself included)), it will be all I can do to keep up with the daily blogs. I plan to do so, though.

As far as suggestions for ideas...I'll have to chew on it, and I'm sure when I'm done, regret for suggesting or asking will commence...LOL. There are some crazy people here at WDC, and I plan to be added to their number...muah hah hah hah!

I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween - or just a blessed day, if you don't celebrate!
October 30, 2015 at 2:49pm
October 30, 2015 at 2:49pm
How many ways can a person earn gift points (gps) on Writing.Com? It is a question posed by the MB Challenge for Finance.

So, as a "newbie", I thought about it for a bit:

Ways to earn gps:

Reviews can earn you points. Most reviews are a minimum of 250 Characters, and minimal ML writing is recommended. That doesn't mean you can't dress up your review...just make sure there is more "review" than "frosting" when you do so. Some reviewing groups post the minimum they prefer, and when you are entering contests that call for reviews - make sure you read ALL the rules *Smile*.

- For any groups you belong to such as

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Open reviews (under the Read and Review icon)

Entering Writing Contests such as

Daily Flash Fiction Challenge  (13+)
Enter your story of 300 words or less.
#896794 by Arakun the Twisted Raccoon

Posting Weekly Goals:

Weekly Goals  (13+)
Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday!
#1949474 by The StoryMistress

Entering contests such as:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2059678 by Not Available.

You can also get requests for reviews by people who request them. They pay in gps for your review.

If you look at reviewing by types or genres there will be postings on the covers that will give you bonus gps for a review of their work.

This is by no means all inclusive, but these are a few ideas to get you started on your way towards earning gps. And you can find all kinds of goodies to get here on WDC that will take gps for payment. Good luck!
October 30, 2015 at 12:11pm
October 30, 2015 at 12:11pm
Haunted Halloween - Almost everyone loves a haunted tale. Write about a haunted place, could be fact or fiction.

Just outside of town, there is an abandoned amusement park. The tiny entrance building is still there, but it has fallen into disrepair, with faded, cracked paint and broken windows. The once welcoming gate stands off-kilter barely held together with a rusted chain and padlock. I'm sure there is someplace along the fence line where some industrious, if not bored hooligans have gained entry into this once grand establishment.

The skeletal remains of the roller coaster and Ferris wheel still soar high above the park. Once a paradise of adults and children alike, the park's memories are all but faded, like echoes of its joyous past. If one stood around long enough, one could conjure the smells of popcorn, hotdogs, and cotton candy. The laughter, squeals of delight and screams of terror all mingle into a cacophonous melody in the recesses of its mind. Some of the locals have said that carnival music can be heard playing late at night.

There has been talk of tearing down the old park, but as yet no one has come forth to do so. Some say that it is haunted, and to look at it, you could imagine why. Rumors and tall tales abound, and no one knows who or where the owners are, or if they are even alive.

If you come to visit our town, be sure to come and see the haunted amusement park. Perhaps you'll find a story to capture your imagination.

October 29, 2015 at 1:54am
October 29, 2015 at 1:54am
Day 4 - Halloween Menu - You have decided to host a Halloween Party. What will your house look like, describe the costume are you wearing, what creepy foods will you serve?
Share a recipe or two.

If I were to host a Halloween Party, I'd have to go all out (probably why my daughter won't let me *FacePalm* LOL...

I'd love to have ghosts "floating" through the tree branches in the front yard by the walkway. I'd line the walkway with pumpkin lights and have several sizes and shapes of jack-o-lanterns by the front door. There would be lots of "spider webs" around the corners of the living and dining room to add to the atmosphere. Halloween party music would be softly playing in the background

I think I'd like to wear a Raggedy Anne costume. I even know how to make a wig out of newspapers and paper mache.

What kind of party would it be without red punch with ice cubes with frozen eyeballs floating around it? Or Oreo dirt cake filled with gummy worms? Dismembered hands holding the napkins and silverware on the table. The table cloth would be the spider web material with a bunch of the plastic spider rings scattered all over.

Witch Finger Cookies:


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