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by kymee
Rated: 18+ · Book · Adult · #1793794
About my everyday life, my struggles with addiction, sexual abuse, bipolar and family
A blog about my life and how I got through some serious issues in hopes for a better tomorrow *Heart*
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December 5, 2012 at 6:45am
December 5, 2012 at 6:45am
Another year, another Christmas. Much better than last year now that I am clean. Not sure what I'm doing for the holidays yet. We don't get snow here. I know I will see my family. I wrote a poem about Santa Clause hope you like.

Santa’s Message

A jolly, old Santa Claus
On a snowy Christmas Eve,
Going to see good boys and girls
Giving gifts to those who believe.

There’s a spirit inside this Santa
That sparkles throughout the year.
He says “Ho, Ho Merry Christmas”
To all those far and near.

Joy and happiness across the world
That’s the love he tries to spread.
Until next year, “Merry Christmas”
As Santa flies off in his sled.

December 1, 2012 at 8:38am
December 1, 2012 at 8:38am
Have you ever been afraid of fear? Unable to move on because of fear? I know I have had fear to the point that it paralyzed me. What I finally did was face my fears instead of running from them like I've done my whole life. I faced them, and it was never as bad as I thought it would be.

Fear of Fear Itself

No one ever mentions fear
For fear seems to find us first,
When you least expect it
It’s almost like a curse.

It keeps you from doing things
You might want or need to do,
Fear means you don’t have faith
I believe this to be true.

Fear can be a crippling thing
or you can face it head on,
Walk through the fear you have
and watch your faith get strong.

Don’t let fear consume you
There are options here today,
Confront it or go around it
Just don’t ask it to stay.

November 27, 2012 at 3:29pm
November 27, 2012 at 3:29pm
So many languages say Merry Christmas in their own way. For us it is Merry Christmas, what is it for you?

Language of Christmas

Merry Christmas said everywhere
In different languages we share,
An understanding of our own
As a heartfelt message is shown.

With Christmas trees, stars and lights
Shining brightly all through the night,
A celebration and of prayer
To be with family and to share.

With faith, hope and Christmas time
Bells are ringing, hear them chime,
Logs are burning, stockings hung
Time for hugs and lots of fun.

A shiny start on top the tree
Is what Christmas means to me,
It’s my belief in God above
Making the world go around with love.

November 25, 2012 at 8:25am
November 25, 2012 at 8:25am
Lately my poems haven't been that good. I have a lot of things on my mind and I just can't tap into my heart that well. Here is one for you to read to pass the time. My sister-in-law might have cancer and my brother too, then I have my issues with a tumor on my ear, the doctors will also be checking for cancer. Not too worried about myself, but I am about the others. Pray for us please.

Railroad of the Past

A picture at a railroad stop
Through the village seen below,
The railroad doesn’t work no more
No conductor to say hello.

Overgrown are plants and trees
and clothes hung there outside,
Missing is the railroad train
and the times they took a ride.

This was all so long ago
They’ve adapted and moved on,
No more stops through this village
Since the railroad is all gone.

The village became poor again
With people living on the streets,
Begging for food and money
Giving their lives up in defeat.

To have the train come through again
Would bring joy to this old place,
A wish wanted by those in need
Which can be seen upon their face.

This story was from a picture
Painted before me today,
Though railroad times are of the past
There’s still beauty found in the day.


Who Needs Them

Jerks are plenty everywhere
Who think they are all that,
There are jerks of many kinds
Who’s name is called a rat.

In love they treat you terribly
They ignore you and talk bad,
They like to flirt and never call
They’re mean and leave you sad.

I’ve had my share of many jerks
Who charmed me along the way,
I gave up liking every jerk
They no longer get to stay.

So get your radar fixed for sure
Get rid of all these creeps,
If your radar sounds again
You better kick them to the streets.
November 22, 2012 at 6:54am
November 22, 2012 at 6:54am
Happy Thanksgiving to all. I pray it will be everything you want it to be and with those you hold most dear.

Voice of Reason

Listen to the voice of reason
Even when you think you’re right,
Open up your ears and hear
and gain some new insight.

Listen to the voice of reason
When others say that you’re wrong,
Let your pride be put aside
and still feel that you belong.

Listen to the voice of reason
and put your emotions at bay,
Use the common sense you have
and you’ll have a much better day.

November 19, 2012 at 8:49am
November 19, 2012 at 8:49am
Wrapped Up For a Moment

It comes in many colors
and many characters too,
There’s Santa, bells and snowmen
These are just to name a few.

It’s put on top of boxes
and goes under the Christmas tree,
A bow sometimes goes on top
and can be beautiful to see.

You can wrap yourself up in it
but I think it just might tear,
Some children like to take a peek
When it’s sitting under there.

Paper that gets thrown away
When Christmas Day is done,
Unwrapped paper on the floor
Can still be loads of fun.


written for a contest
November 16, 2012 at 6:34pm
November 16, 2012 at 6:34pm
Feeling internally grateful and on the right track in my spiritual life and thought I would share it with you.

My Spirit Moves Me

The spirit that lives and breathes in me
Is my lifeline to being alive,
Without my faith and belief
I simply wouldn’t survive.

Inside my spirit moves me
Like nothing I’ve ever known,
It’s power and strength guides me
and gives me courage in which to grow.

There’s a connection from God above
That lives in my spirit and my soul,
I hear my spirit speak to me
As it tries to make me whole.

The message I’m hearing is clear
andI know I’m on the right track,
My spirit moves within me
and never will I look back.

November 16, 2012 at 7:34am
November 16, 2012 at 7:34am
It's raining here in Southern California this morning. I am not a huge fan of the rain it affects my joints to where it's hard to walk. I do appreciate and respect Mother Nature though. Here's a rainy day poem. I can't wait for the sun to come out again.
Rain, Rain Go Away

Trying to walk in the wind and rain
With my umbrella heading the way,
Trying to protect my face and hair
So I arrive at work okay.

My rainboots are on to keep me dry
and a coat to protect my dress.
This wind could certainly blow me down
Causing my clothes to be a mess.

I struggle to walk and I can’t see
If I’m going the right way or not.
Should the wind blow the other way
It will damage the umbrella I bought.

These rainy days are gloomy at best
At times I don’t mind getting wet,
But today I must keep myself dry
or I will become very upset.

The wind and rain can’t make me cry
I can’t wait until its all done,
Until the sun comes out again
That’s when I’ll really have fun.


The Hourglass for Eternity

The hourglass for eternity
That’s equal on both sides,
Sand that slowly seeps on through
Leaving nothing left inside.

A man that’s present in the glass
As a figure and a guide,
Will help you till the very end
If that’s what you decide.

The hourglass for eternity
With a choice on how you live,
Comes with it a special gift
If you allow yourself to give.

November 12, 2012 at 11:16am
November 12, 2012 at 11:16am
Happy Veterans Day to all who served our country and blessing to all those who have died.

One Special Veteran

Grandpa I want to thank you
For all the things you’ve done,
For fighting for our country
Whether we lost or if we won.

You gave so much of yourself
and believed in what was right.
You did things you had to do
To fight the best fight.

Now that you’re a veteran
You deserve so much respect,
For being someone special
and for helping to protect.

All the things you went through
In mind, body and soul,
Was such a big sacrifice
To reach your final goal.

I see you as my grandpa
and a veteran proud and true.
You’re someone I look up to
and certainly do love you.

November 8, 2012 at 5:57pm
November 8, 2012 at 5:57pm
This is how I feel at the present time, the hope in my life. I hope you enjoy it. Everything is going well.

Hope In Life

I hope to have a peaceful life
For myself and those I know,
Free of constant chaos
One where I can grow.

I hope to have a life of joy
With happiness from my heart,
One where I can face the world
Be productive and take part.

I hope to think beyond myself
Help those who are in need,
Love myself and others too
Do good things and succeed.

I hope to always serve the one
Who to me is God above,
Be the best that I can be
be grateful and show my love.


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