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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1300042
All that remains: in afterlife as 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know. 20k views

Some torn to the ground
Some burn to the ground
Others removed brick by brick
Redesign for the times
When the lease comes up
Or just fold up

When you have a bad day and need a reason...

Formerly: New Zenith To Hell…(all started with arc as writer here from the trials of Rising Stars to Preferred Author to WDC Quills Best Poetry Collection...

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it…he does not become a monster.” - Some guy, I guess. Look it up?
I’ve been to the abyss and back. Not so bad.

The loneliest happy person you'd ever meet, when not the saddest person who needs to be alone.

In an ever-changing world, we need to handle topics at the ready. If you roll over and give in to the narrative without lending a voice, might as well hand over your civil liberties. Voices could connect to true conscience and spirit for honest and open discourse. Why feel so redacted?

Unify on issues or don't but put drama aside. Open minds require complete objectivity. Or, agree to disagree and have a beer. Just writing what I feel without the narrative-altering mind f---ing with my head.

[MY Chorus]
In your house, I long to be
Room by room, patiently
I'll wait for you there, like a stone
I'll wait for you there, alone
- Chris Cornell, RIP

Some other stuff

My recent poetry:

The Absence of Wavelength  (18+)
12.3k views, 2xBest Poetry Period. A nothing from nowhere cast words to a world wide wind.
#1149750 by Brian K Compton notes an echo~

Sometimes epiphanies about my insights on writing and life and what goes on...

Blah, blah, blah

Merit Badge in Rare
[Click For More Info]

I like your work!

Thank you WakeUpAndLive️~Happiness for honoring me with your kind words!

Read here some old blog entries...*PointRight* 2018 Highlights

More...*PointRight* 2018: The Quiet Ones

Brian K Compton notes an echo~
"Invalid Entry A signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018 -- WINNER -- Merit Badge in Second Time Around Contest
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on winning the Grand Overall Prize in  [Link To Item #2164876]  with your beautiful poem, [Link to Book Entry #933358]. This poem really moved me. Great writing!

Rachel *^*Heartv*^*

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October 24, 2017 at 10:13pm
October 24, 2017 at 10:13pm
I didn't want to open the email, so I had my wife do it. The new Wisconsin poet laureate Karla Huston read my poetry and had advice for me. I doubted I'd get a reply, let alone the next morning. I didn't want to be intrusive...and she wrote me a long and thoughtful email.

Ms. Huston wants me to submit. She also located three poetry reading spots where I can share and suggested I join a poet's group of about 500 that's over 60 years strong. She talked about all the ins and outs of approaching publication and being a poet today. She knows poet laureates that don't submit and just self-publish! That's because they write, teach and talk about poetry everywhere they travel.

I submitted four poems to this poet laureate. It was very difficult choosing while hopefully not overwhelming her. What I picked...the styles of two contrasted the other two in verbosity.

"Thank you for sharing a few of your poems. I really liked 'Feeling Autumnal' and 'Celtic Roots.' My taste runs to poems with simple language and smart metaphor. That's my taste, though."

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2131601 by Not Available.
Feeling Autumnal   (E)
Relating life and death to the fallen leaf.
#2095313 by Brian K Compton notes an echo~

Now, going classic school girl, trying not to gush, I thanked her in a short follow up, letting her know I appreciated her time and helpful advice, which I will use.
October 24, 2017 at 8:17am
October 24, 2017 at 8:17am

He never once released
The panel beneath
Their toaster.
Years of neglect
Shook from her heart,
Washed down the kitchen sink.
Her onion bagel
Sated a pining appetite
For something different.

Just learned what '50 Shades of Red' means...and from all places, Wikipedia. Some things you can't unlearn.

October 20, 2017 at 4:12pm
October 20, 2017 at 4:12pm


We must let go this
all or nothing reality —
the unbearable lightness of being.
Scrub memory?
Seek eternal sunshine of the spotless mind?
Rather hunker down
alone in my delusion,
find purpose for the endless stirrings,
heart still beating,
wanton, yet;
hope daunts, as I’m still seeking
a friend for the end of the world

Free verse
12 lines or 13...your call

October 18, 2017 at 8:25am
October 18, 2017 at 8:25am
Signature image for Honorable Mentions for 2017 Quill Awards Merit Badge in Poetry
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on being named Honorable Mention for Best Medium Length Poem, Structured, for [Link to Book Entry #922328] at the 2017 Quill Awards. *^*Smile*^* For more information, see  [Link To Item #quills] .

Uninspired on an overcast morn,
shrouded, a mist of ideas newborn
evaporate true inspired revelation.
Dear Autumn with your condensation,
wonder why you abhor a leafy loft,
send away my humecant words soft?
Withered truants twirl, fumble, hide.
What I seek no longer lives inside
a foggy window, merely a facade --
tiresome reflection looks at me odd.
Clouded in aged memory's wake,
behind every smile I cannot make,
rages a beauteous, symphonic death;
when Winter smears white my breath.

14 lines
Traditional, non-sonnet

Prompt: behind every smile
Words: facade, abhor, wonder, mist

I know what I feel inside, can't fully express it with my face on the outside and I'm aging as winter threatens again. Why don't you understand me?
October 12, 2017 at 11:27pm
October 12, 2017 at 11:27pm

Believe is what you said and so I did,
waited, alone for you
in this uninhabited dark.
Trust is what you said,
hold fast I did,
dying inside,
awake in memory, slow
decaying in my heart.

Visions stir,
enter pale light.
I seek anew
just the touch of you.
The essence of true love lost
I crave.

How to get back in your good grace,
see your dark face
with an approving look.
Encased in my cell,
I've chased away hell,
relegated to lament all you took.

You'd unclothe me,
leave me to spoil?
Such sickening sweetness,
now emerging, awakened
amid the odor
of your rescinded vows.

A taste for your flesh
lingers on hungry lips.
I have not forgotten
your tongue, teeth-gnashing
youth, truth inhaled;
now blemished,
lurid, hiding from me in light.

These visions stir me
from a dense antechamber,
enter pale light
to seek anew
just the touch of you --
the essence I crave.

You left me here.
You left without goodbye,
to stain and die.
And, the one reason I waited
In death was to celebrate
when you join me again.

46 lines Free Verse

October Dark Dreamscapes Poetry Contest for picture prompt

October 7, 2017 at 8:23am
October 7, 2017 at 8:23am
It's a strange, forbidden place
They'll say, don't go down there
But, it begs me try, scale
The rocks, seek the unvisualized,
Thinking, it can't be so bad
You're entreated to a cavern
Mocking this lonely shape
You won't dare go further
What else have I to do
, thinking
You need me, need my eyes
Explore a lost, unloved world,
To return and tell others
You're not some ugly mystery
But hidden truth to be shared
But, would you want that?
I go deeper within each mission
Treacherous, consuming
Exhilarating that I live. But,
I share no more
Because I have tried, survived
And died with each ruinous search
Never actually finding you, but me
Alone, all the more.

The Hollow of Truth?
The Cavern
October 6, 2017 at 6:57pm
October 6, 2017 at 6:57pm

When I was ignorant and verile
I dreamed I could move mountains for you
There's been a cave in
And apparently it's my fault
Buried in my own emotional rubble
I don't hear anyone digging
It's peaceful, I'll give it that
I'm not in dire need of rescue
No emergency here, waiting
Dreaming decathexis tastes like
Two decades of dirt you made me eat.
September 29, 2017 at 1:58am
September 29, 2017 at 1:58am
Just scratching the surface,
Digging holes deepest
In soft sand.
But, my hand
Is but a tool
Of the disparaged mind.
Would scoop your brain,
Heaping, oozing spirit
Of knowledge,
Fill the ground
With its beguiling love --
Stamp it firm
And go home.
Let me rest.

September 24, 2017 at 5:51pm
September 24, 2017 at 5:51pm
"But there is wisdom in being circumspect about such things, to reflect before telling what can never be unsaid, or sharing some supposed “honesty” that may wound beyond healing. Better to swallow even that which scalds than to unleash, for whatever reason, an unknowable damage that might have been spared."


Perhaps, what drives us as writers is not knowing, not understanding what is going on. We try to fill in the gaps, try to make sense with our unknowing, by writing. Maybe, the origins of fiction was from being denied the truth.
September 23, 2017 at 8:07pm
September 23, 2017 at 8:07pm
Does this sound like sarcasm? Oh, now it does?

Came out of a funny dialogue I had to get myself to read and review when I was too distracted and idling over unnecessary things. I'm learning I have more to write since I've reapplied the reviewing process to my writer's schedule...

Why you should review:

Studies of your brain
(No actual source)
show it is small
(Don't quote me on this)
when it
does not contain
words. How
to get words In that
cranial cavity,
you say?


But, I don't know many words.

That's why you

But, words can be hard
to understand. Writer's mix
them up in different ways.

I hear you say this,
dear 'aspiring writer.'
To understand words
you read and
evaluate their meaning
in a process I like to call
Reviewing is good for
a brain that needs words --
needs to process them by

This reviewing and writing
you speak of...
will it be hard on my

(Now I'm just putting
words in your mouth --
see what I did there?)
It's possibly harmful for
your brain under
certain conditions. You
must take precaution.
Consider reading when
it is quiet,
a place well lit, so
you may ponder the words
of another,
allowing you to write
your feelings about them
in a review.
For instance:

Your story about
a favorite cat that died
made me feel sad...
Your poem about mother
made me very emotional.

You can elaborate
on those thoughts,
if you are advanced
in the ways of
(Don't look that up).

By reviewing, you discover
new words and new
expressions. Consider it
an adventure for
your brain that needs
The more you do this
it will be like
riding a bike (simile),
because it becomes
easy to do.
And just think (Something
else a brain does),
you will meet other writers
who are readers who
will consider your writing
(review or other) and
give you feedback on your
It's a process
writers go through
to achieving
success -- just by

Fill your brain with
other people's words and
envision a whole new
panorama of critical
that will lead to
better learning and
understanding of
And, you'll have a use
for your empty brain.
Or, just plant some nice
September 23, 2017 at 5:35pm
September 23, 2017 at 5:35pm
Maybe, I hate fiction,
he said, he
wondered aloud.
Of course!
Maybe, I hate spoken word
fiction -- audio books
read by the male Siri.
Or, do I hate
stagnant attribution,
or plot, while still fresh:
the fragrant smell of
how one visualizes the world
why we do
waiting to get through
some thought about
the past, if
I did things differently
novelists realizing
missed opportunity?
is it me?
I missed an opportunity
starting the chapter of
my next novel
seventeen times,
each start better
than the last, tricky
working out that
forgotten -- no longer
hammered out on inked,
soiled linen-like
paper, reams unbound
from glued, form-fitted
wrap, now
remote files stored
two or three
laptops ago, nay
I hate fiction.
I hate said,
he declared...
for emphasis.
And, I hate punctuation.

I'm done.
September 21, 2017 at 10:33pm
September 21, 2017 at 10:33pm
She would have been 94 years forever young today. Happy Birthday, Mom. *Cake2* Her love of books and poetry inspired a young lad:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2131601 by Not Available.

Her Crooked Smile   (E)
His floral devotion to Mother lives on.
#2085712 by Brian K Compton notes an echo~

** Image ID #1205467 Unavailable **
September 17, 2017 at 7:10pm
September 17, 2017 at 7:10pm
Just one person,
Wish I were one hundred,
I could kiss you all,
Let you know you are whole,
Because that would let me know,
I am.
September 15, 2017 at 12:03pm
September 15, 2017 at 12:03pm
Looks behind at his wake to see,
He put everything back straight in Their House.

September 15, 2017 at 11:11am
September 15, 2017 at 11:11am
Another 1-Finger Type

Leave it alone
See how clouds swirl...
Leave it behind
Smell autumn's arrival
Hear dry foliage clatter
Forgotten laundry
Soon unpinned stems

Come over here
Touch dewed lawn
Come to my voice
Taste sweet apple
Savor sour perfection
Look my way

Harvest this
Not memory
Do not mine
Rockpile of thought
The sun soon departs
While it lasts
Come cast a look
Leave it behind

I cannot
In good conscience
Leave him behind
I cannot
A poor boy confused
Refuses to leave
Blond, blue-eyed
Does not know

I cannot
Pure in heart
Look ahead
I cannot
A delicate child
Scared to come
Mussed clothes
Bare of foot
Fears, still
Hasn't realized

I cannot
Quit him
I cannot come
To his aid
We're both stuck
Go on ahead
We're all right here
Say goodbye to autumn
The sun, vistas
Someday seen

Before you go...
Too dark
I'll be here
Until we meet again.

I was beautiful once
Realized too late
Can't get it back
Still inside me
I keep reaching in
But something different comes out
Energy spurned
Humming deep within
Teasing, reminds
I was beautiful once
Innocent, lost
Still in a dark
Husked heart
When I near you
Truth lighting
My cavernous soul
With no eyes
I yearn to be within
Reside with you
Describe for me
What's there
So at least I can shed a tear
I was beautiful once
I did not know him
At least I did
Time forgot
I feel him
And he won't come out.

September 14, 2017 at 11:18pm
September 14, 2017 at 11:18pm
"You don’t get to control everything. You can wake up at 5 a.m. every day until you’re tired and broken, but if the words or the painting or the ideas don’t want to come to fruition, they won’t. You can show up every day to your best intentions, but if it’s not the time, it’s just not the fucking time. You need to give yourself permission to be a human being."

September 9, 2017 at 7:38am
September 9, 2017 at 7:38am
A poet is like a murderer,
Leaving clues at the scene of his crime,
Hoping you piece them together,
Come looking for him;
So he can kill you
Where he lives.

September 6, 2017 at 12:21am
September 6, 2017 at 12:21am

No matter the ups and downs
The times we cause each other's frowns
I stand by a beautiful stream
Flowers stun, monarchs freely dream
Longing only for your loving touch
Longing for the One I need so much
The only tears I chose shed are of joy,
Our life with the artist and wonder boy
No matter the black din that divides us

Before it all falls apart
And I'm staring at an empty vision in my head.

Finality forces us summarize
Slow down, look around
I'm doing a dance here. No partner, music? Think I'm going to stop.

Context, Brian

August 16, 2017 at 10:30pm
August 16, 2017 at 10:30pm
Discovered wattpad finally (my kids have been using it). Taking a trial run and thinking about putting a majority of my writing there on the app, once I get familiar enough with it.
Not exactly the place for old farts or poets, but I have to see what else is out there for me. Need to move my roots around and see what else is out there.
I've likely outlived my usefulness here, though I love creating items to share. I'm failing fellow writers in the feedback area because I'm too focused on me these days...and the eyesight thing. *Cool*
They say wattpad is 90% readers. I can finally pursue fiction on my terms.

I have long been a cheerleader for this site, trying to share it throughout internet and social media, hoping to build a following here. I guess it didn't have the desired impact.

When someone told me I was among the Top 10 writers on this site, I thought, need to find a bigger pond. Fortunately, internet streams connect writers everywhere. Just need to see where this new journey takes me.

Plus, I think Brian Keith Compton might resurface!
August 2, 2017 at 12:53am
August 2, 2017 at 12:53am
Thanks to the following: GabriellaR45 iKïyå§ama ruwth Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ Brenpoet Warped Sanity 🌕 HuntersMoon Meg turtlemoon-dohi MDuci Tornado Day willwilcox Alexi Alan Philps alfred booth, wanbli ska River McKenna M.A.GEORGE Brittany L. Engels Elle - on hiatus blue jellybaby CJ and Muse Sparky Cinn ♥tHiNg♥ Choconut Angels in my Ear tYpO/T.Boilerman Ryan Jentzsch just jess:NovelWriting101 ßlueyeʐ Marsha Musselman shaara PuppyTales ~WhoMe???~ Merisol Venice just jess:NovelWriting101 Mare ~ extended hiatus tucknits WakeUpAndLive️~Happiness Ann Ticipation Kit kafkaesque April Sunday Bill Thomas Whata SpoonStealer Acme Adriana Noir Spiritual Dawning Allen Harriet AnaStar TAofR DMT - THANK YOU WRITE.COM Andrea Jones ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy Charmin Christopher Corcoran ren (baby no. 2 due in June) AXiLeA BIG BAD WOLF Happy July 4th! bob county Brandiwyn🎶 Cody Wayne COUNTRYMOM-JUST REMEMBER ME Dan Sturn dblameck (David) CHarris Chris Breva Crys-not really here 🌑 Darleen - QoD Dave Destiny Diane ~SilverMoon~ Doremi Dorianne J. A. Buxton Dr M C Gupta drifter Elijah Jones embe emerin-liseli Equilibrium eyestar~* Storm Machine Forge Angus amy-Has a great future ahead Forgotten Places fyndoria grandmapenny Cobwebs-In-Space Reindeer Ida_Matilda_Wright Help iluvhorses gmacintyr ghostranc Gossamer Dreams GrimReaper-WDC Angel Army 🪽intuey🕊️ Jacqueline jaya Jeff Just an Ordinary Boo! Kat Kate - Writing & Reading katwoman45 Kenzie kingarpo Ladyoz ~Lifelessons~ Lahtnamas Wise Lexi Lifeaholic LinnAnn -book writer Lorien Lou-Here By His Grace Magoo Mara ♣ McBain Maria Mize Mark C ~ 9 years on WDC! Shanachie Michaelmountain:spring hope Monty Mrs. Whatsit Mumsy MuseinMeltdown 1leila123 Nanapockets Nomadic_Soul northernwrites NOVAcatmando Annette in Paris pentatonic Princess Megan Rose 22 Years Prosperous Snow celebrating Pumpkin quihad Rachwrites82 rachie Rapunzel Rebecca Laffar-Smith Restless Soul Richard Briley Jr Richard Vance ridinghhood-p.boutilier Robert Waltz Ronis brain tumor is gone! Rose Praying for Peace Ruth Satuawany Seabreeze Sanita Serenity Seisa-sleepingcatbooks.com ShelleyA~15 years at WDC ShellySunshine Socorro Sophy Startiara Stephanie Grace StephBee Steve adding writing to ntbk. Stormy Lady SueVN SummerLyn Guthrie Tammy~Catchin Up~ teatei David the Dark one! The Knight Has Found Romance Simply Adore ♥ TheInstinctWithIn Tigger thinks of Prancer Tim Chiu Tsa~House Greyjoy tsurtidogni typingrhyme very thankful VictoriaMcCullough Vivian Wenderoo! papadoc1willy KimChi writerchuck Yellow Rose Zeke Pat ~ Rejoice always! ~*~Damiana Returned~*~ ~A.J. Lyle~ Lisa Noe
The StoryMistress The StoryMaster


I write poems on my cellphone now. I could have never imagined that.

To celebrate 11 years, I will add to this blog post throughout the day with all of my favorite moments here at Writing.com these last 1.1 decades...

The first poem I offered this writing community:

Memory Fades  (E)
Memory fades from the words we don't follow.
#1139344 by Brian K Compton notes an echo~

Written about a girl in college who didn't think we were compatible until it was too late for us...our lives were moving in different directions.


Someone noticed me as more than a newbie within a month of joining. A WOW award by a member who shared my Michigan roots....and a poem that seems to have become my most successful among readers and reviewers...

🎨 Before I'm Rejected By You 🖌️  (E)
Artist fears commit to subject.🥇WDC Hall of Fame Poem. 22,888 views. 77 reviews. TY
#1152712 by Brian K Compton notes an echo~


Going on a high speed chase, backward through time, looking for myself. The detectives eat donuts, the coroner readies sharp instruments, the newsroom plays games with crumpled copy, while I haven't arrived yet....

The latest Apple iPhone poem...

Love and Words

Poetry isn't my first language
It was a beating rhythm
In my mother's belly
My fraternal twin
Until I set pencil to spiral notebook
It revealed itself
Having hidden in my flesh
Imprinted on shared DNA
Celtic roots
Like risen cream
Giving birth over and over
To her traditional flavor
Tamed by a foolish boy
With ideas of his own
Only to return
For the womb
To heal his eyes, ears, mouth
Show all
What love and words
Truly are made of.


And now, I tweet about my experience as a writer via my Twitter account...


Lots more treats to come today...


In 2009, I was recognized with as North Star recipient from Circle of Sisters, thanks in part to Gabriella and Kimchi, but not without my early recognition as a Rising Star from MDuci . Where are you Marlena?

The recognized poem...

My Oxygen  (E)
Remembering the life and love she gave from one little molecule.
#1633450 by Brian K Compton notes an echo~


Perfection is lost once we try to conceive.

Everything beautiful we yearn has already been perfected...and lost.

Ambition is now the cruel mistress, leaving me with all these unfinished projects.

What keeps us going is this naive belief we can find truth...when actually we're deluding ourselves with our own fantasy. (A)ware of that, we still keep trying. There is joy in the chase, this process. Maybe it is not illusion but love of the game.


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Brian K Compton notes an echo~ has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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