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by Peep
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1272781
Join me in the pathos if you dare!
I am a 37 year-old newlywed. I have a 17-year-old daughter and eight-year-old step-son. I plan to retire in Costa Rica with my husband and until work like a slave. I avoid writing to avoid using clichés, sounding redundant, passé and editing my own work (which I rarely do). I have a magazine journalism degree, which I barely used, having sold out to corporate communications (mostly high-tech stuff.) Approaching 40 I realize if I ever want to become a "real' writer honing my craft at home, then I must start writing every day. This blog is my attempt to write something daily. Wish me luck and thanks for taking an interest in whatever dribble trickles out from the catharsis.
October 29, 2008 at 11:53am
October 29, 2008 at 11:53am
My mother died Sept 11, 2008 -

Last night I dreamed:

My mother called and told me she was being readmitted to the hospital for her stomach and I said "no how could they" like i knew this meant this was it - and I said I would be right there and we were both very sad and I immediately rushed to be with her.

I dreamed about her the night before as well but can't remember - that is why I will be creating this dream log - so I can remember.
June 6, 2007 at 10:24am
June 6, 2007 at 10:24am
Wow, how embarrassing to admit that in 2007 I am just now entering my first blog. Yes, I am consistently a late technology adopter. I find this exercise rather odd in that I keep reminding myself that I am not writing a diary entry... this is for "other eyes" so say something important or at least entertaining right?

Well I want to use this space to comment on one or two things that "occur" to me each day. I will let you know when I find one. It's early. I have discovered today that french press travel mugs (you've got to love REI) do not like it when you push the thingy on top too fast!

Ok, must go to work - more I promise later.

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