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Life, Prose, Poetry, Philosophy, Opinion, Faith
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Thanks Tornado Day for sponsoring me in the "Rising Star Group" and being my friend.

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December 24, 2007 at 3:40pm
December 24, 2007 at 3:40pm
. . .

This was awarded today, I am so grateful, and thought to place it here.

I Just Don’t Know

I just don’t know. A lot of the feeling is confusion, coupled with despair. Oh, the heavy heart. Were is enlightenment anyway? Is it in me? Is it in you?

I’ve had enough!

People are always saying that the more hardship we go through, then the stronger we become. So why is it that I feel so much pain, with my brain, heart, mind, and soul?

Ever since I was a young boy, as soon as I heard about God, I thought, wow, we all should follow that path. The path to love, kindness, caring, and compassion. I became immersed in the concept, so immersed, I tried to teach that philosophy to others. Thinking that if I had those traits, then how could I go wrong. Guess what? I have lived my life in receipt of not those traits, but their evil teammates; despair, anger, sorrow. Yet, I always move forward!

I refuse to allow the evil teammates control over me. So why do I feel so weak?

I believe that we need to treat each other with the love that we would want to be treated with. I’ve tried to observe that philosophy, for most of my life. I find the world to be harsh, and uncaring, a lot of the time. Then I remind myself, that I am here to be light, and human, with love, dignity, and respect. I just want love, and affection, and get to give it too. That feeling of love is God. It is the closest to God, that I can get on this earth.

There are reasons for all things. There is a course, a path, that the earth is on, and we are here for the ride. I just want the ride to stop sometimes, or get on another ride with more happiness. Did I not get the right ticket at the gate? What’s going on? Aren’t we supposed to be happy? Isn’t that what it’s all about? Why do I feel like I’m in a dark hallway by myself?

I just don’t know. Am I really not good enough? Am I really not attractive, intelligent or rich? I try with all my mental capacity, to think of reasons why those things are not true. But the unfortunate reality, I keep coming to, is one of self-judgment, and condemnation. Moving that road to happiness, further, and further, from me. At least I’m on the right road!

Somehow, I’ve been on a journey, and I don’t even know the destination. Living life with a taste of distain, and utter vile, because of the past. Knowing there is another misery around the corner. How can the attainment of happiness be gained, living life in that manner? Again, I try so desperately to see the light in the sky, yet the clouds never seem to clear. Why? Yes, I know, clear the clouds yourself, give me a break. I’ve exhausted myself, trying with every fiber, to clear the bloody clouds!

What is the goal? What am I supposed to be trying to attain? I just don’t know. Isn’t it love, sharing, compassion, along with passion? Isn’t it peace of mind, and body? Isn’t it calmness of heart, and spirit? So I keep trying time, and time again, to attain these wonderful things, yet I feel like I’m fighting a lost cause.

So I have a hard time bringing happiness to myself, how could I even dream of giving happiness to others. That seems to be pretty important to me. Being human, and individual, and sharing that with the people I meet, in the culture I live. I know that people are unique, and individual, every single soul on this earth is. Yet, there is the thought that people should conform to the all. Individuality has been blurred in the haze of what is our society. I just can’t live like that, or should I say, I don’t want to live like that. If I do, then I have lost myself, I have become one of the many, and not the one. It must be not right, to not be yourself, right?

I look at it all, and wonder why. Why do I keep bringing myself, heartache, and despair? There must be a reason, there’s a reason for everything right? There’s a reason for my being, and your being, right? There’s a reason for our being, right? There’s a reason for our choices, right? There’s a reason for our attractions, and preferences, right?

I express myself to the best of my ability. I communicate from my heart, and soul. I also know that I will keep going through this earthly plain, with the hope for love, affection, and happiness. What else can I do? How about you?

December 15, 2007 at 8:24pm
December 15, 2007 at 8:24pm
. . .

My Master says to not be public when praying.

To pray in small groups I think is the very best format to share the Good News. As you know that were three or more are gathered, then so is God. ( I have felt the awe inspiring raw Power of the Holy Spirit in my life, even up to the present.) Giving the ability to denote the degree of importance one thing may have over another.

We are always in charge of our mental air; aside of course for the poor souls who've medical condition that has impaired them. I have my very own wall of rage, and astonishingly as it is, I sum the too's and frow's, and measure deciding the most sound action to take. Not just for self, but for all!

The Holy Spirit is everyone’s upon request, and performs the unimaginable!

In Christós,

December 11, 2007 at 7:26am
December 11, 2007 at 7:26am
. . .

I have been the grateful, and awe inspired recipient of the most caring, loving, giving, praising, congenial, kind people any man would be honoured to know.

Since my interactions with the most talented and loving souls on earth, here at Writing.com, I've found a resting place.

A place that is an analgesic to sooth.

Great THANKS with my LOVE, to all those who helped through-out the year!

My special thanks to.....YOU!


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August 29, 2007 at 9:26am
August 29, 2007 at 9:26am
August 21, 2007 at 11:08pm
August 21, 2007 at 11:08pm

...the night turned to day and then a small dose of courage took hold.

The newness of the moment gently lifted the veil of sleep with an acknowledgement that a good job had been done to recharge for the simple, yet monumental actions that were to transpire.

Thousands upon thousands of fully equipped soldiers had walked slowly into straight lines parallel to each for as far as the eye could see both East and West. And the closeness of these opposed forces made visable the colour of their eyes; blank stares of fright seen in every one of them.

Great preparation had taken place for this very cold day...
July 1, 2007 at 8:55pm
July 1, 2007 at 8:55pm
Stay calm and collected now. Soothe yourself with the infinite divinity of harmony, the infinite divinity of God, and what is of the right. All that is now is for a reason. You are dealing a life hand now. Let us be sure that the outcome is on our path. You are dealing with a life event that is intertwined with the true “You”. Not just the exterior; it is your spirit's response to the intrusion on your path of right, your path.

Rest in the arms of angel's for a while. I don't mean find a good looking attraction and lay down together, but, all the same, that is a good idea too. I am referring to actually mentally placing yourself in an angel’s arms, and feel the divinity of it. Very clarifying for life, and the proper scope it should be in; the scope it deserves. A wondrous feeling of awareness is obtained, that no matter what, is our core being, and is always here. We have learned love, peace, harmony, passion, grace, charity, and much more. We were given these understandings to use, to enrich ourselves, and to enlighten others on the power of these simple philosophies.

That is were you are right now. I am with you. I am with you as the closest being I have on this earth. I am with you in Spirit and energy. My power is at your disposal.

I am very confident that you will impress yourself, and me too, when done.

July 1, 2007 at 8:23pm
July 1, 2007 at 8:23pm

Many govern their behavior to align with understood expectations.
Through interaction with others, and solitary meditation
Coupled with love, joy is manifest.

July 1, 2007 at 7:53pm
July 1, 2007 at 7:53pm

It is important for children to be loved and nurtured. Help them to grow into the future leaders of our community that they are.

As a man, I live my life nurturing my humility, and feeling the Lord Gods love with each heartbeat. With that love the strength of one becomes the strength of a thousand.

It is essential, “that power”, be used as a key to unlock the miracles of our off-spring. When that task is undertaken we become cohesive, producing trust, honesty and faith in our community; so we continue to grow as the civilized society we are, and ensure longevity.

Since the development of our vocal cords we have attained the ability to communicate verbally, with that ability has come the responsibility; moral conduct. From one generation too the next, we must pass our value system with pride and dignity, then watch it flourish in the generations to follow.

Hot & cold, right and wrong, must be learned and taught, because our ability to do so simply exists. It becomes crucial for parents to teach their off-spring, so they will carry on the gauntlet of our own integrity. A gauntlet forged by my father, his father, and his father before him.

There have always been, and will always be, boundaries in our lives which creates the necessity for the legal code, which maintains order. Order between people, shows a community rising to meet the headwinds of tomorrow with vigor.

It has been increasingly important for each person to re-acquaint themselves with their nobility. The majesty that each person has is worth the entire universe. You and I are miracles on earth that are here to learn, teach, and love.

When that awareness is captured again, understanding of one another will become innate. Evolution will have moved foreword, bettering us yet again. By, so bringing us closer to God.

Without that innate understanding, our society, and the very community we live in, will continue to poison itself at the trough of ignorance.

The very values that we have learned and accepted are in the process of collapse. Manipulating our solid foundation. A monstrous need has come about to proclaim vibrantly right from wrong, in response to this collapse.

The very events that are experienced, as our lives are lived, are under consistent evaluation. Thereby, choosing the path of our lives will be lived; individually.

A degree of thought, in that process, must, without question, be given to the group; the society in which we live. A failure to do so will not avert complete collapse. The just cocoon in which we live, will be shielded from further damage by the righteous of men.

Basic principals, and basic values, require the most basic of thought. The rift of understanding can and will be surmounted as we continue to grow with renewed awareness.

Dynamic ability for accomplishment rests within us all, and when nursed with compassion, that ability becomes insurmountable. Events that we have yet to experience must be weighed by the scale of values & morals we were raised with, by doing so, we allow the floodgates of accomplishment to open even further.

We each have our own consciousness, which in turn gives us our individuality; separating us from beasts. Consciousness must be utilized correctly, if not the results could and would be devastating. Our thought patterns are essential to survival and advancement as the human race.

The understanding and sharing of ideas mounts us atop the pyramid, of which again responsibilities are inherent.

Decisions that we make on a daily basis impact ourselves and those around us. Because of that interaction with one another we acquire the understanding of boundaries, which were learned in turn, by how we were raised from childhood to adulthood.

The happy and sorrowful events we experience in our lives must be weighed with craft. A craft, which one must become a successful apprentice. Without; our psychological well being becomes hampered with hurdles, obstacles, and defeats. Not tapered with happiness, optimism, and success.

Our core always has been, and will be, one of strength. The ability to cope with catastrophic happenings, is clear evidence of the majesty that our souls possess. In regal fashion, our strength should be celebrated with gratitude, knowing we have each cashed in a number of blessings; count them.

Amalgamation of deceit with our value system is completely unacceptable. Stress fractures in the fabric of our society will become irreversible if it’s ugly head becomes an accepted form of communicating; our dignity becomes tarnished. The intricate variables by which our lives are lived, become labored because of that pathetic amalgamation. Those variables are negotiated successfully only by the apprentice.

The skill that the apprentice has acquired from his teacher will be utilized for life. Moral conduct, values, and principals are skills taught and, depending upon the quality of the teacher, learned for life. We must without question, always be steadfast against ignorance. Knowledge, as we negotiate through our life path, will set us free from self imposed suffering, and catapult us into near bliss.

Proud vocalization of our own integrity is essential to reignite passion for who and what we are, a society of clear and concise thinkers, with well versed intention. Without that vocalization the ills of our society go unattended, leaving us vulnerable to deceit. Deceit being a cruel reality that must be fought with valor, understanding triumph is at hand. In the midst of that triumph, we will be moved closer again to our divine Creator; rewarded by our very existence. Response to our reward must be one of impeccable values and majestic being.

Bygone days are here no more, the lessons learned in yesteryear are preparations for tomorrow. The manner in which those lessons are learned, mold us as individuals running along the same maze of decision. These decisions become a valuable aid, for the apprentice we are, to learn the craft of life.

Lessons are learned from life to death.

Cognition becomes stifled, when our aspirations are guilded by dishonesty, an unworthy trait, one of many. Our strength must be used to filter these unworthy traits, to increase the degree of clarity in our lives, a clarity that guides us collectively through life.

The astonishing abilities that have become apparent thus far in our lives, will pale in comparison with what is to come, an enlightenment the world has wet to see; the solidification, in the metamorphic sense, of our own dignity. That milestone of achievement will cast bright light were darkness loomed, bring the simplicity of our lives to hand.

Lessons accumulated in our lives, budding our seeds of knowledge are brought into line by how we were brought down the path. Paths guided, as children, by our parents, with, please God, a high degree of sensibility, morals, and values. Solidifying our foundation which has become weak with ignorance.

Our lives are lived in the present, past, and future. As we move moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day, awareness must always be given the power we have, which clears away the “clutter” from our journey on earth.

As we profess our values, morals, principals, and live within their boundaries, true bravado and courage are expressed by our being alive and exclaiming who and what we are, here and now. Feeling the magnificent infusion of energy; God. Leading us to sanctification and content happiness.

Renouncing the image of Jesus as a
melancholy aesthetic. A progressive
theologian calls for his resurrection
as a joyous revolutionary

Happiness being one of the powers at our disposal to alleviate, ease anxiety, and bring us closer as a community, must be put on the pedestal it most righteously deserves.

The vast amount of powers we possess are encompassed only by infinity in which our entities exist. Tapping ourselves for the power we have been given, keeps us moving on the train of evolution, which always will be in motion.

Regardless of ones birth on the train, the same journey is being completed by all aboard. Ingraining the spirit of unification in us all, making my power yours and yours mine.

As our innate awareness of one another fine tunes, the pool of energy created will be felt, giving us a knowing sense of solicitude, filling our lives with the wonders of the universe, along with the magnificence of life; opening our hearts and minds.

Upon the realization of our change, the world will shake the dust from it’s coat, and cobwebs from it’s attic. Filling us with Co-operation, essential for our development.

How we express ourselves is a key component to how our lives are lived. through that expression we construct our persona, a persona beneficial to ourselves and those around us.

As the past is looked upon by the present, and the present looking forward to the future, our mortality is evident.

Our living experience must retain a balance, and focus on path’s paved with good, honesty, and hope; coupled with integrity and value.

An awareness in us all cries out to be soothed and comforted, with gentle affirmation in reserve, always enhancing our humanity, buffing our crown.

Our movement forward is a glory for us all. The glorious miracle that we are a part of , sings of jubilation in contempt of misery.

Walk through time with open arms and a receiving heart, sharing your divinity with the court, always keeping in touch with frailty. Frailty; inevitably a portion of our divinity in itself deserves a pedestal of righteousness.

As our inadequacies are cleansed, so is our spirit cleansed. Our ability to grasp our complexities brings stability to the core. Without; an interior battle is always waged, insulting ourselves and God.

July 1, 2007 at 7:50pm
July 1, 2007 at 7:50pm
Happenings, events, occurrences, coincidences, are relative to the very essence of who and what we are, here on the planet earth.

The weight one places upon one’s response to external stimuli is molded from the essence of who we are, and who we have grown into. We give what has happened and what will happen the driving force in the interaction. When the past and the future are banished, then totalness of the experience, it grows, grace is attained. When focused on the moment and total commitment to the interaction there are no external pressures from the ego to dictate how it, the interaction, unfolds.

A commonality from self intuition reveals in us all that we strive toward acceptance and acceptance can be as fleeting as a summer breeze.
July 1, 2007 at 7:46pm
July 1, 2007 at 7:46pm
Thought of our flight of time, great times are yet to come. Always sure that our happy times, are much more yet not done. My heart calls with love for you, with tender praise, and gallant valor. Our touch of hearts enraptures love, with spirit dancing kindled, bringing the heart. Lap of tender, in our flight together. Embrace of spirit, I so thank you, my heart so sings, with spirit keeping chord, and true.

The soar of heart, in the world of now, is life renewed anew. When our hearts unite, my praise for you is true. My heart beats with the touch of your hand; I am always the man I am. The energy is nice to share, then embrace with care. My heart does sing sweet song.

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