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Welcome to my little Den! Here you'll find all sorts of things- mostly blog challenges, but mixed in, you'll notice:

*Bulletp* I'm a bit of a fangirl *Starstruck*
*Bulletp* My life is very busy
*Bulletp* I enjoy using emoticons *Exclaimp*
*Bulletp* I don't tend to swear, but stuff happens.

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October 21, 2016 at 8:33am
October 21, 2016 at 8:33am
Doing Thursday's and Friday's in one go, because I've been busy!

Thursday's positive- it's the little things- breakfast!
Well, for starters, I actually ate breakfast. and I ate it before noon, which, given my track record, is quite the achievement.
though my actual positive thing would have to be that it was yummy. *Bigsmile* I got those breakfast biscuits that people are always saying are good for you in the commercials, and I had one the day before- milk and cereal flavored- which was good, and then yesterday I had the chocolate flavor. *Hungry* I dunked it in milk as well. *Laugh* it's like having milk and cookies for breakfast, and who doesn't want milk and cookies for breakfast? Seriously, yummy. And yeah, I know I posted about it already for day 4, but I guess that kinda shows how much I like them? *Laugh*

Friday's positive- I made it to tutoring!
Yeah, so apparently it's been five weeks since I last went. *Shock* To be fair, they didn't have homework club for two weeks- and the most recent two I was sick, and the last one, I missed the bus and therefore the train to tutoring (it's an hour's commute via public transport), so good thing I made it this week, since I needed to get the form signed to say I actually did go tutor all the times I did. But all that's sorted now.
Also I got a rather nice white hot chocolate today after walking in the rain for a half hour to and from the train station, at the station where I got off after tutoring. The public transport system isn't too great where I tutor, so I gotta walk, and though it's not a terribly long walk, it's long when it's raining and you don't have an umbrella. *Laugh*
Oh and I did a song recording today of a Delta Goodrem song. I promised someone a song recording if they sent me a picture- and they did end up sending the picture so I had to do the recording. *Blush* For the record, I suppose I *can* sing but I don't believe I do it well/well enough to sing for other people, so don't even think about asking me. *Laugh*
October 19, 2016 at 4:41am
October 19, 2016 at 4:41am
Gonna do this and then head off to finish my coding project. Due tonight and I'd really really really like to get three green diamonds on it.

So positive thing #5 for today- the written Chinese test wasn't as disastrous as the other one. There was an 8-photo comic strip we had to narrate out/write a story about in at least 300 words, and I think my word count came in at about 350, at least. I stopped counting after 300 to focus on improving my other translations. *Wink* The plotline was absolutely terrible, but my word count was good. *Laugh* If you'd like to read the story, I'll try to rewrite it as best as I can in English, down below. If not, I'll post a warning and you can stop there. *Laugh*
Also, the meds have started working. Though it's not necessarily a great thing, it's good that it works, because the medicine doesn't taste great. *Rolleyes* and since I didn't eat anything all day (yes, all day!) I got a burger after sending out part 3 of the Ice Cream Auction package. And a milkshake. And neither had ingredients I cannot eat: chicken, spinach, onions, and garlic (things you'd normally expect on a burger!) It was from McDonald's but a "Create your own" one, so it had a beef patty, brioche bun, jalapenos, 3 slices of tomato, 2 pieces of lettuce, 3 heaps of shaved parmesan cheese, and sweet chili jam. Then I got a chocolate milkshake. *Bigsmile*
Apparently, 祖父 means grandfather and not landlord. *Facepalm* Oh well, my story worked anyways. *Laugh*

Read on for the story; if not, stop here!

One day, a man brought his son to see the landlord. The son was very polite when he met the landlord and shook his hand. Then the man's father came along, and the landlord was very happy to see all of them and invited them in to take a picture. The guys were all happy and agreed. So the landlord told them, "Actually, I'd like to try something new. Grandfather, stand here in front of the vase of flowers. Father, can we have you holding on to Grandfather's arm and then get yourself up in the air so your feet are towards the ceiling? I want your son to do that on your arm, too." Now, the landlord's instructions weren't very clear, but the family didn't want to be rude and ask for clarification, so they went for it. The son went first and popped onto his father's arm. Then the father went and got himself onto Grandfather's arm. The grandfather, unfortunately, wasn't strong enough to support the two of them on his arm, and he fell onto the floor, bringing down the father, son, and flowers with him. The landlord was very mad! He yelled and scolded the grandfather for a very long time- he did so until he was out of breath and out of saliva. The grandfather, enraged that the landlord had scolded him for such a long time, turned to his son (the father) and scolded the father until he was also out of breath and out of saliva. The father, embarrassed that the grandfather would scold him in front of his son and make him lose face, then turned around and scolded his son. The son didn't know what to do, so he just cried. After he was done scolding the son, the landlord told the grandfather, "you'd better give me some money, fast, to pay for what you did." The grandfather replied, "Actually, it's not my fault. It's my son's fault. You'd better ask him for money." The father, upon hearing that, shifted the blame to his son. "Actually, it's not my fault. It's my son's fault. You'd better ask him for money." The son, even though he was only eight years old, turned and said, "Actually, it's not my fault. And it's not Grandfather's or Father's fault, either/ It's your fault." The father was shocked, then said, "Actually, my son is right. Come on, father, come on son, let's get out of here!" And so they left.

The end. *Laugh*

October 18, 2016 at 7:42am
October 18, 2016 at 7:42am
Day 3 was a huge rollercoaster for me, actually. It started out decent- I had to up my med intake because the pills weren't doing what they were supposed to do, and then I got some really exciting news, which made me super happy- as in, almost-squealing-in-the-middle-of-lecture sort of happy, and then ended the day by crying over a grade. *Facepalm* So now I'm trying to think through yesterday and what I did, because I know I did some grocery shopping, too, so I think that'd be my positive. *Laugh* Grocery shopping, because I bought some delicious grapes, which I'm munching on as I type. And then at night, I just laid there in bed and watched YouTube videos from Kurt Hugo Schneider while IMing on WdC. Haven't heard of him? Look him up; he's got some pretty cool stuff on his channel.

Day 4- today- a series of small wins- to start, the breakfast biscuits I bought yesterday are ah-mazing. As in, "who would've thought?!" kind of amazing. *Laugh* On the dry side, but with tea or milk, *Hungry*! Made it to the Post Office before class today and sent out part 2 of Kit 's package she won from me at the Ice Cream Social-
I had to separate it out into 3 4 different parcels/packages because otherwise, it'd be too heavy for them to carry by air, and it'd have to go by sea, which could take two months and doesn't have tracking. And I have a large overall distrust of the international mailing system, so I need to put tracking on my packages! Anyways, after the Post Office, I did a bit more stationery shopping- notebooks were on sale again so I got 3 more. Was slightly late to class, but that was fine. After the computing lecture, I went up to the professor, introduced myself, and told him thank you for being so understanding about my situation last week. I think I genuinely surprised him because people probably don't do that anymore. *Laugh* And tomorrow's computing lecture is cancelled, which means I have an interview with Embrace Education in the morning, then two tests in the afternoon- Chinese Listening and Chinese Writing- and then will be done for the day. I think today's big win, though, would have to be vegetarian dumplings. *Delight* I can't have chicken right now, and pork is okay, though only in small amounts, and there's quite the list of other stuff I can't have right now, and the vegetarian dumplings didn't have anything on the no-eating list. I got 12, like I usually do with the regular dumplings, and this time, ate them all in one sitting- erm, standing, because I was making congee as well. Yeah I said I don't like congee much, but I bought thousand-year eggs today and those are delicious with congee, so I made congee. *Laugh*

Okay, I've probably gone way over the 250 words even if I averaged out both, so I'll stop here. *Wink*
October 16, 2016 at 2:00am
October 16, 2016 at 2:00am
It's 4:52 here and I've got a flight later tonight so chances are I'll forget to do this unless I do it now. *Laugh*

So, 25 positive things, day 2:
Back to School tomorrow!

I've missed enough school this last week, but it was worth it! So I guess back to school is positive. *Laugh* I still don't have a partner for the speaking tests (starting this week *Shock2*) but I emailed the teacher again asking if I can do a speech instead or something if nobody's replied by tomorrow morning. I think it's a suitable alternative for a dialogue between two people... unless he wants me muttering like a weird person in a monologue, which will probably totally change his view of me. *Rolling* I think right now I'm one of those Foreign-born Chinese people who are somewhat proficient in the language and somehow make it through the various Chinese levels through to 6. Annnd given their way of instruction, I can see why he thinks that even though I'd say my Chinese is more at the semi-fluent level than just-proficient. *Laugh*
I also kinda need to study for Chinese here because while my aural skills are definitely okay, my reading/writing skills are definitely taking their time to get to the same level. The written test is on Wednesday this week- I'm NOT forgetting this time (yay me *Laugh*) and so is the listening test, which I should, in theory, be okay with because like I said, my aural is better than my written. Considering I like to write. *Laugh*
October 15, 2016 at 10:31am
October 15, 2016 at 10:31am
Hmm, since it's already 1:10 am, 10/16/2016 where I am as I'm typing, I think I can easily reflect back on the 15th and find at least 1 good thing to write about. *Bigsmile*

So, let's go with: I'm almost completely recovered!

If you followed my newsfeed last week (not this past week, but the one before *Think*) you'll know/have seen (not pictures, just my news!) that I've somehow contracted HMF- Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease, along with a side order of school sores around my mouth. I saw a doctor two Fridays ago, who gave me a note getting me out of school for Monday and Tuesday, because he wasn't sure if my symptoms were school sores, HMF, or both, and on Monday, I saw him again for a follow-up, and he gave me the rest of the week off. I flew down to Tassie to be with family this week, and I'm going back to school on Monday.

Anyways, that's in the past- not whining, just reporting. *Bigsmile* I am getting better every day- I can walk/run/maybe cartwheel (haven't tried, but reckon I could *Laugh*) normally now, whereas before I'd hobble around in fluffy socks, taking ten minutes to use the bathroom that was about 10 feet away. My face looks pretty normal now, too. The dried-up sores are flaking off one by one, and hopefully by Monday I'll look good as new, or almost new.

I do think I needed this extra week off, even though we literally just had our not-so-mid, mid-semester break two weeks ago (so I was off for a week, went to school for 4 days, then was off for another week. tough life. *Laugh*). I've caught up a bit more on the computing class- today I finished the second problem in the three-problem project, and I've begun thinking about the last one, and thinking about how to approach it. It's due in 5 days, so I'm not super worried, but I know I have to do it because science is not a strong subject for me!
September 17, 2016 at 1:08pm
September 17, 2016 at 1:08pm
No no no, I'm not a stalker, just a very proud and doting cousin. *Laugh*

Anyways, the following entry you'll be reading is in addition to "Note: *Facepalm**Facepalm**Facepalm**^*Face..." because I hit the 2500 character limit. *Laugh*

I took 113 pictures today, according to OneDrive (it's syncing my pictures from phone to cloud right now), and that's including all the selfies my cousin took of himself and Dino . He got three four new friends today: Puppy, Mami Dino, Baby Dino and Doggy. All very original names for a 3-year old to come up with, I know. *Laugh*

Okay, so first thing's first- creepy dude
SOMEONE on this site (I won't name names, but you know who you are *Wink*) suggested he liked me... Ew? *Rolling*
What happened was- I was waiting to cross a street and an old guy (can tell from his scratchy, kinda high-pitchedy voice) came up behind me and said "ni hao!" Tones are all wrong and I'm pretty sure I met him before on the tram or something when he tried convincing me to join some sort of religious club of his. *Pthb*
I had my earphones in so I ignored him- multiple times-and finally ran off across the street. I walked a few paces then stopped and pretended to look at my phone- in reality, I was listening to see if he had followed me across and was coming after me- I wasn't actually listening to any music when he came up behind me, nor when I crossed the street! He wasn't following me, so I turned back around and saw he had turned the corner where I crossed- and IT WAS HIM.
"Lil' Hugs A Lot Puppy"  
I wish I could attach a picture Wait I actually did take a picture of it! *Laugh* I couldn't find a picture of it on the 'net. *Shock* Even Amazon didn't have it. But I bought it from a newsagency-like place last week when I went tutoring- they were SO SOFT and only $3. I had to! *Worry* I mean, really, how could I not?! I bought 2- one for this cousin, and a purple bear for the cousin in TX. *Bigsmile*
yeah, so I got the non-bacon one, because I highly dislike bacon. The original "special" was eggs with spinach and bacon (*Confused* never saw that combo before!) but the guy was super friendly and said anything could substitute anything, so I went for tomatoes to sub bacon. *Bigsmile*
Annd Baby likes me better. I asked him, "who do you like better, Jie Jie or Dai-o?" (He couldn't say sis's full name when he was younger so he ended up with Dai-o. His response was "Jie Jie" *Bigsmile* (Jie Jie means "older sister" in Chinese, and he couldn't say "Dragon" either, so we opted for Jie Jie (pronounced tzeeyea tzzeeyea sorry, best I can do with English from Chinese- look it up on Google Translate- 姐姐).
ANYHOO: sis takes pride in that she's "everyone's favorite"- ranging from Mom to Grandfather to baby cousins- and she's more tomboyish and outgoing which probably attracts the kids to her more. Unfortunately, we failed to record this momentous piece of history, so I'll just have to write about it instead. *Laugh* You can ask my aunt and the baby's dad. They heard it and laughed along. *Bigsmile*
Jurassic World Exhibition  
I saved 98.99% of my pictures and videos to Snapchat memories and since my phone is still syncing pictures through onedrive, I'm not sure now is the best time to grab them from there. Regardless, I nabbed 5. *Wink*
Before we went in, we asked the baby, "are you excited?" He nodded. Once we got in, it was dark and loud, and the dinos were HUGE! The ceilings were so tall you could probably do aerial silks from them, and the first dino was "lying down" with his neck extending out forever! Okay, not forever, but you get my meaning.(bottom left) Then at the end ***Spoiler Alert for those who haven't gone and might still go!*** The Asset out of containment is the end of the "exhibition" and the T-rex roars, yells, thumps, stomps, etc. *Laugh* I don't blame the baby- if I were his age and size, those dinos do NOT seem friendly!
He was happy at the end, though, since he got the two new "hybrid dino"s, as the tag states. We guessed one was a cross between a leopard dino (mami dino) and a zebra and dino (baby dino).
QVM- not as many pictures- more family selfies and such which I won't post
Ummm and I tried Twisttos- those swirly potatoes you eat on a stick? It was pretty good. you get 2 flavors on the Twistto so we chose satay and chili. Baby loooooved it- but after a few bites of chili, he went to "papi" and said "too spicy" but after drinking some juice/water/tea, he'd wander back to me for more. *Laugh* and so I'd feed him more chili Twistto, and after a few more bites, the process would start over. *Rolling*
Jam doughnuts- definitely overhyped. I don't think they're that good! *Shock* The jam wasn't very sweet and there was scarcely any in there too.
As for pictures and selfies and such- I may be changing my FB profile pic soon. Keep a lookout. *Laugh*
Luna Park:  
It really reminded me of a permanent street fair more than anything, with pretty overpriced tickets. *Pthb*
But nevertheless I had a 20% off unlimited rides coupon so we used it for me and the baby- he LOVED the kiddie bumper cars even though he could barely operate it. Unfortunately I'm probably about 10-ish cm 5-ish inches too tall to go in with him and help him out. *Laugh* though I got to hold his hand while in line and then settle him into the car. *Bigsmile* Yeah, everyone probably thought I was his mother or something. *RollEyes* as for my aunt and the dad- my sister and our father? *Laugh* except none of us look much alike. except the baby and aunt. and he has the dad's curly hair.
Yeah, so the rides I went on- the Sizzler, The Spider, coney island drop, carousel (with baby), arabian merry (with baby), and silly serpent . I was going to bring Baby on the silly serpent and Sizzler with me, but he said silly serpent looked "scary", and he was too small for Sizzler. *Frown* So I told him next time- he needs to eat more, sleep more, run more to grow more. *Laugh*
I don't have pictures of what I bought from there just yet because they're in aunt's hotel room- they brought back all the bags before dinner and then dropped me off after eating.
But I did buy him a pinwheel. It was green with white polka dots. I remembered his mom said that he was running around blowing on the flower I won him because he thought it looked like a pinwheel. And whaddya know? The gift shop sold pinwheels. So I brought him over and told him to choose one- his mom was like, "yeah, sorry, can't buy it because we won't have enough room in our luggage." But then I noticed she bought some grab packs- and in them, there was still empty space.*Idea* So, since he was still holding on to the pinwheel, he followed me to check out and I bought him the pinwheel. He was very happy. *Bigsmile*
We called a cab because my aunt seemed tired of public transport. *Laugh* and on the way to dinner, Baby fell asleep on my arm as I was hugging and patting him, then eventually readjusted himself so he was leaning on me (I was in the middle seat and he was on my right.) *Bigsmile* I hugged him even tighter. *Heart*
Until we got to China Town and had to get out. "Baby want bao!" (not bao as in the food, bao as in bao bao, hug-抱抱- google translate it *Wink*) Then to be even more specific, "Baby want Jie Jie bao!" He's gotten significantly heavier since August, I'll have you know! *Laugh* Got quite a good workout with my arm muscles just trying to carry him high enough so he could see.
The food was quite good too- Chinese food, what's there to really not like? and seeing that it's 3 am now, I ought to go sleep. *Laugh*

September 4, 2016 at 12:53am
September 4, 2016 at 12:53am
Because I can, and because I don't have the patience right now to do much else. *Rolleyes* This should help me decompress. *deep breath*
I'm only doing this because I saw the Sept. 4 prompt and I would LOVE to share that one. *Laugh*

Sept 1:
How do you feel about themed blogging? Do you feel you learned a lot and would do it again? Those of you that haven't done it, what do you think, would you try it?
It's definitely fun! I was more on-and-off with last month's themed blogging but I did it last year and had a blast. Pity this year I was busy and couldn't do more of what I wanted. From what I've heard it was fun- maybe a bit too much fun. *Laugh* Apparently some people had some hidden motives on this trip. I won't say who or what, but that's what I've been told recently. *Wink*

Sept 2:
Fun Fact Friday!

As you're all obviously aware, yesterday WDC turned 16 (which is ancient in internet years!). Now's your change to plug some of the birthday events you're hosting and/or taking part in.

Hmm there's Mod-opoly, WdC-opoly, the Ice Cream social, birthday poetry contest, and the masquerade. I *think* that's it. And I need to get reviewing again while the big multiplier is up. Need to squirrel away those GPs for my premium in December.

Sept 3:
Creation Saturday!

Pick an apocalyptic event, and tell us how you plan on surviving it.

Unfortunately, unlike Delta Goodrem, I'm not much of a survivor.
Ummm but I guess if something like Noah's Ark happened to occur, I'd stock up on lots of food and stay in my apartment until it all dried up? All that water is bound to evaporate at some point, right? So long as I have a solid form of entertainment, I'm all good. *Bigsmile*

Sept 4:
The Sunday News!
This week, HurricaneHermine   hit parts of Florida before beginning to make its way up the east coast of the US. What's the worst inclement weather situation you can recall being a part of?

There was a typhoon in Hong Kong in 2008, during the Olympics. I remember it because I was there! There was one day where the whole bottom shopping center part of the hotel was shut down because nobody could get to work. And one guy was so smart: he went out swimming/surfing/something like that in the typhoon, only never to be seen again. *Shock* *Laugh* Our flight back to Australia also got delayed a day because no flights were allowed in or out. The nice thing was, from what I remember, we got two rooms: one for me and sis, and one for Mom and Uncle. So there were 2 TVs to watch different stuff. Cartoons for me (the original Teen Titans) and Friends for everyone else. I'm a loner and don't like that show much. *Wink*
August 10, 2016 at 2:00am
August 10, 2016 at 2:00am
We're in Italy? *Ha* Pasta, pizza, calzones... *Hungry* I can't wait for tomato sauce that's not loaded up with salt and sugar- AND learn how to make it. *Bigsmile* Unfortunately, I'm not that big a fan of olives, so I'll have to skip out on that...
This hostel doesn't look too bad, especially compared to the other hostels
The Leaning Tower of Pisa sounds fun- I've always wondered what makes it lean- maybe now we'll find out. *Whistle*
I'm liking today's itinerary- pasta class AND a museum? *Ha* Oh yeah, um, except, I can't ride on horseback. I've never done that before. *Facepalm* I'm definitely open to learning, though I've heard it's not easy, and you're gonna be subject to a very, very sore butt afterwards. I'll look forward to sleep tonight, that's for sure. *Laugh*
August 9, 2016 at 10:25am
August 9, 2016 at 10:25am
I loooove hotel brekkies. *Bigsmile* Especially the buffet ones with local fare. Had that in Hong Kong- it was DELICIOUS with lots of dim sum and Chinese food. *Hungry*

Also, my bike-riding skills are definitely below-below par, soo I may have to just walk or something while everyone bikes around Nice. *Laugh* I'll definitely be sure to wear sneakers. *Wink*
I hope this happy hour place has those little tapas you can get, too. That's where the good deals are- not the drinks. *Whistle*
Honestly, I'm more about the food right now because I'm hungry- not that I didn't eat dinner or anything- I DID, but I'm still hungry. *Frown*
I want Italian food now. *Rolleyes* Actually, I'm fine with any food right now. as long as it's food. *Pthb*
And no, I didn't see who's there. Internet data restrictions. *sighs* At least the TV is back.
August 9, 2016 at 10:00am
August 9, 2016 at 10:00am
Monte Carlo is fun. I remember seeing it in Princess Protection Program I think... Might not have been that, but it was definitely Selena Gomez. *Laugh*
Monaco is TINY. My school in the US is probably bigger than this city. *Rolleyes* I'm also a brisk-ish walker- the kind that gets mild road rage at slow walkers, so I could easily cover this place in an afternoon. *Laugh*
I'm not sure I'd want to see the zoo- after taking that humanimals class last quarter I do have a very different perspective on zoos and aquariums and other places with collections of animals. I won't get too much into the details and politics and such, but in a nutshell, there's plenty of animal abuse going on in those menageries, and I don't want to support that.
11:55- such a precise time for guard changing- but then again, I guess they're guards. They need to be precise.
As for celebrity sightings... I hope we'll see Taylor Swift or some other really famous person. She's definitely on the top of my "celebrities I'd love to meet" list. I probably won't do much high-end shopping, but I'll definitely keep my eyes peeled for anyone famous. *Bigsmile*
I've met Jack from Revenge already, I wonder who else I'll meet? *Ha*

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