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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2008479
Nothing official here; just come chill!

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Welcome to my little Den! Here you'll find all sorts of things- mostly blog challenges, but mixed in, you'll notice:

*Bulletp* I'm a bit of a fangirl *Starstruck*
*Bulletp* My life is very busy
*Bulletp* I enjoy using emoticons *Exclaimp*
*Bulletp* I don't tend to swear, but stuff happens.

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May 1, 2017 at 6:58am
May 1, 2017 at 6:58am
"A lot of it starts with playing instruments and working with other people...some of the new generation is doing it on computers and they don't have a clue as to how to play anything." -Musician Ray Parker Jr. , born on this day in 1954. How does "it" start for you, whatever "it" is?

Okay, my first thought at this was music- you toy around with instruments, find out what works, what doesn't work, and then maybe go to collaborate with others and create this great thing.... But as for the computer bit, I mean, I don't see what's so bad about the computers. They have some really cool features sometimes, I mean, I watch Kurt Hugo Schneider's Youtube   and he has some pretty cool computer things which he uses as instruments. I mean, look at this:
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and this:
[Embed For Use By Upgraded+]

Who says you can't play anything on computers? Definitely not this guy, and definitely not HP. *Laugh*

Which is actually completely off my point. *Rolleyes* I was walking back to the dorm after class today and thinking about the prompt, and I suppose "it" can apply to lots of other things, too. Like jobs. After this weekend with Hi-5, I've been reconsidering my plans on becoming an elementary school teacher. I love kids, yes, but the older ones don't actually respond to me as well, as, say, the pre-school age. My cousins are 3 and 4 right now, and I love them to pieces. So in this case, playing instruments is like trying out different jobs and trying to find one you love. Working with other people- working with different age ranges. I've worked in elementary classrooms before, and while it was nice, and the kids were cute and everything, but something just wasn't there. And after working in the booth yesterday, and interacting with some of the toddlers who came around, I realized maybe pre-school is the better fit for me. Mom says I'll be the easiest pushover ever, but that's in an elementary school setting. In preschool, that might be just right, because those younger kids do need more leeway to run about and explore their surroundings. Plus, it's not standing in front of a class all day and teaching a group of kids. It's more interactive and they're all wiggly and could be little teddy bears waiting to be hugged. *Laugh* Plus, going back to Hi-5- I could really learn a thing or two from them, if their target age range is anywhere from preschool to age 9. I'm looking forward to the launch of their new series in two weeks, and hopefully I'll be able to pick up some points on how they teach the kids without making them feel like they're learning.

As for the computer bit, in this analogy, it's actually somewhat true. Taking a bunch of aptitude tests on the computer to see what job you should go into does nothing. Actually going out into the field, on the other hand, and trying out different jobs, is much more helpful. Just like in 10th grade, we had to do the PSATs, and alongside that, some test that suggested what kind of career a person should have, and I think I got something like construction worker or brick-layer, based on the answers I gave. Unfortunately, I'm not that strong, so construction worker is pretty much out of the question, but brick-layer? Mom saw that and went *Facepalm*. I was rather mortified, to say the least. *Rolleyes* Honestly? I don't mind physical work. Every now and then. Like yesterday, moving stuff to the van was good fun, because I like helping out and such, but if I were to do that as a job? I'd probably die from exhaustion/malnutrition/dropping something super heavy. *Rolling*
April 29, 2017 at 8:05am
April 29, 2017 at 8:05am
Hello! I'm sure this is loooong awaited. *Laugh* okay, not that long, since it's only been, what? (24+6=30) 30-ish hours (as of typing/beginning this)? since I actually met them, but hey, here's the update!

Brief-ish summary of the day- the expo/show opened at 9:30, and I got there around 10. First 3K people every day get a free goodie bag, so I went early-ish. *Laugh*

I did see on the PDF map the other night, that there would be a Hi-5 booth. Wasn't sure if that meant they'd be selling Hi-5 merch, or it was where to go if you wanted to meet them, or just a Hi-5 promotional/informational booth. Turns out it was the first. *Ha*
I got there, got my goodie bag, and then headed straight for the stage- figured I should figure out where I need to be to see Hi-5 before the show, rather than waiting for 12:00 then going "ack, where's the stage?" *Laugh* And then I saw the Hi-5 booth. The ladies were all so nice there. I saw the Jup Jup plushie (one of my goals for that day *Laugh*) and immediately went for him. He was $35. A little pricey, but I've wanted him since a few years ago when I saw that there was such a thing. I just know I was still in high school when that happened, so at least 3 1/2 years ago. *Laugh* And he is just as soft and huggable as the pictures make him look. *Bigsmile* And equally mischievious! That roommate of mine better be careful with her stuff, or you never know what Jup Jup might do. *Whistle*

Anyways, I got Jup Jup, and they asked who it was for. I said myself. *Laugh* And explained my life-long fandom of the show, very briefly, as I was looking around. I also mentioned how I nearly auditioned but chickened out. *Rolleyes* Do I regret it? Maybe a little.

Back to the show (The whole thing is called the Essential Baby and Toddler Show, so that's the "show" I mean, not the Hi-5 performance. Yet. *Laugh*).... I hung around for a while longer, and chatted to the ladies there. Unfortunately, I don't remember all three of their names- only the one who encouraged me to message the Hi-5 page- Shahnee (? Sorry if I mis-spelled!). She also mentioned that I should post on the Facebook page with my opinion once the new series comes out, on May 15. As a true fan, I know what's good for the brand, she said. I definitely plan to do so! *Bigsmile*

I had another walk around the complex- the stalls were a little oddly arranged (in my direction-orientation-lacking opinion) and picked up some freebies- and a unicorn balloon animal . Entered a bunch of raffles, as well, and actually won $300 for a photoshoot thing that I'm probably now going to use. *Laugh* So if anyone's in the area and wants it, let me know. *Whistle*

I pretty much alternated between hanging around the booth and walking around to look at stalls- but every time I went back to the booth I bought something new. *Laugh* Am I a shopaholic? Noooo...... maybe? Maybe just for Hi-5 items, because I was talking to Kit and she mentioned how I'd go wild if I were allowed.... and I said back I'd buy every single Jup Jup and Jar Jar and Jed Jed and all their friends. *Rolling* I mean, I *did* get a pink one (Jor Jor) as well, on behalf of Kit. *Laugh* I also really wanted the pillow, but it was $30 and a little expensive. *Frown* I was eyeing it the whole time, though. *Laugh* And I got a free activity book/story book from the House of Dreams, from them, which was really nice. *Bigsmile* It's an activity book, but I was looking through it, and it's mostly stories and bios and such, which is pretty cool.

OH and there was a petting zoo!! I went in, too. *Shock* I've actually never been in one before that day, so that was pretty cool. I didn't pet most of the animals, but I gave the sheep a pat, and I pet a bunny. It's a start. *Laugh* Mom has this thing against petting zoos- the animals are dirty, germy, etc. And I don't blame her, honestly, but it's a thing kids need to experience. *Laugh* And now I have. *Rolling*
I also got a sticker from them, saying I'm a future farmer. So, I guess if joining Hi-5 never happens for me, and if teaching doesn't work out, I can be a farmer. *Rolling*

Annnd the Hi-5 performance. It. Was. Awesome. *Bigsmile* I was so happy when they did "Living in a Rainbow"- it's so hard to find videos of that song on Youtube, for some reason, so I guess by virtue of rarity I really like that song. *Laugh* There was also "Stop and Go," "So Many Animals," "Night Time, Sleep Time" (which is actually a songlet, so I'm surprised they turned that into a group song!) "Party Street," "L.O.V.E," and "Wish Upon a Star."
It was also a relatively quiet crowd. *Laugh* Mostly babies, and toddlers who literally looked like they just learned how to walk, since it's a Friday, and most kids should be at school. I was proooobably the wildest one there, and I was just seat-dancing the whole time. The other hand was holding my phone so I could record the whole thing. *Laugh* Which is why the video is so shaky the whole time. Maybe I should get those selfie stick thingies. *Laugh* Sis has one. *shrugs* Could stand it up on a chair or something so I can properly seat dance with both hands. *Laugh*
And afterwards, I got a picture with them. *Bigsmile* Everyone was rather impressed I knew all the moves- Lachie was joking that if he forgot something he could just look at me and be like "oh! that's what it is/was" and I was also the oldest fan there, by far. *Laugh* Surprisingly, there were no teens/adult fans in the audience that day. Would've been cool if there was someone there from the forum I used to visit.
After the performance, there was the meet and greet- I saw Lachie backstage afterwards and tried to take a picture but he spotted me and moved before I could get a proper one. Oops. *Laugh*
I also got hi-5s all around after the picture. *Bigsmile* And another fan card. *Laugh* Maybe I should've used the fan card as the trinket image. *Laugh*

So, thank you, Hi-5, if you're reading this. I had a lovely time, and it was a great first experience. *Bigsmile* I hope you'll come back before I return to the States, but if not, I think I can say that I'm happy to have that as my one impression of Hi-5 live. *Delight* Dreams and wishes do come true, even if they take 21 (okay, 20, but still!) years. *Heart*

Annnd for those who still haven't seen that I posted the video of the live performance or want to look through pics of the show:

Annnnnd all the pics from the BandTShow  
April 4, 2017 at 12:12pm
April 4, 2017 at 12:12pm
...because it seems to fit the theme of the past 24-hours or so? *Laugh*

Remember BAMP? I'm sure y'all do. All that drama, about a girl named Tamara, and her terrible flyer design and such... Yes, I know this is public, and actually, I don't care anymore. *Wink* No, I'm not going to get ranty- yet. We'll see.

Tina messaged me this morning. Remember her? She's the one who called me that night- after I had asked to talk with Mary (who was in charge at the time) privately about Tamara- and then told me "I don't think Tamara's trying to take your job!" I wasn't comforted much, honestly. I just said what she probably wanted me to say, so that I could hang up and then just get on with it. *Rolleyes* My night, that is. Not that it had much else to it- probably some raging on the newsfeed about the situation, and then some homework, studying for Chinese, etc. Still, better than dealing with them. *Pthb*

Anyways, the message. Random. And odd. Enough to warrant the blog entry. *Wink*

Yeah, I mean I haven't talked to her in about a year now, and I haven't even tried to initiate contact- not that I'd want to, in the first place- so what makes her think that we're okay enough for her to "Dragonnnnnnnn" me? *Confused* I mean, it's 6 pm on a Monday- doesn't she have a life? And the triple question mark thing... and the last message. *Facepalm* Yes, it's been long, but it takes two to tango, doesn't it? I didn't message. She didn't message. So why now?
Makes me skeptical. I don't know. What do they want? Oh well. I'm not planning to reply. *Laugh*

And then the other randomness of the day: references in the intro paragraph! *Shock* What the reasoning is behind this, I have no clue. It's not like we're quoting people, though, it's more like "oh yeah, there's been studies done on this before, for example, from X and Y, and Z and A." but still.... references in an intro? That pretty much goes against all the rules of essaying we've ever been taught. In America AND Australia. And considering I nearly failed Psych, here in Aus, last semester because of the essay, and I'm pretty sure the requirements didn't state I needed to include references in my intro... and my tutorial partner/study buddy, who was born and raised in Australia, has never heard of it either. *Laugh* So it's definitely not just an American thing.

Annnd while we're on linguistics- "Note: The perk of not staying on topic: You make new d..." *Thumbsup* That happened, today. *Laugh* What happened was, someone in my group would say something, like "color", which I'd say "col-er", but they say it as "col-eh" and we deduced that it's the "u" that makes a difference in how we speak. *Ha* not quite related to how identity shapes our communication patterns, but still, a linguistic discovery- and it's intercultural, isn't it? *Laugh*
February 17, 2017 at 7:12am
February 17, 2017 at 7:12am
thank you, Kit , for informing me of today's blog prompt. I had a hoot finding a bunch of the odd laws of Australia. *Laugh*

Dying is illegal in the Houses of Parliaments – This has been voted as the most ridiculous law by the British citizens. What's your take?
What weird laws exist on the books where you live? If you could write a weird law, what would it be?

Well, what's the punishment for dying? *Laugh* I mean, you're dead, anyways. *Rolling* You wouldn't be able to carry out the punishment- unless it's those situations when you've died and the hospital people revive you. But then you haven't really technically died yet, have you? Yeah, I wouldn't say it's ridiculous, but it's definitely nonsensical. And the lines are slightly blurry. *Whistle*

Weird laws of Australia:

1. You may not wear hot pink pants after midday on Sundays. It is illegal.
*Shock* I'm pretty sure I've done that before. In fact, I do have a pair of neon pink sweatpants with me, which I may wear for a bit on Sunday, after noon, just because. Quoting from my sister: I like to live on the edge. *Rolling*

2. Only licensed electricians may change lightbulbs, even in a private residence.
Well, looks like uncle's a criminal. *Laugh* He changed one just last week, at the tea party. On the bright side, looks like the electric business will never die. *shrugs*

3. You may not dress up as Batman or Robin.
I don't even know. *Laugh* I don't. I really don't.

4. Taxis must have a bale of hay in their trunks.
*Confused* I don't think I've seen this. *Laugh* I should take a taxi at some point and find out.
And while we're talking about hay... hay is for horses, which leads to #5:

5. Bars must have a stable and water, and should be able to feed their patron's horses.
*Idea* so that's why the bar next door shut down! *Rolling* No stable for the horses.

6. Walk on the left-hand side of the road, only.
Walking on the right is apparently also illegal.
While we're discussing left and right......

7. In the absence of a urinal, you may relieve yourself on the back left tire of your car.
I didn't create these rules- this has nothing to do with me!

8. Wearing felt shoes, black clothes, and shoe polish and walking on the streets in that will get you arrested.
Apparently cat burglars dress like that. *Cat2*

9. Having a disguise without a lawful explanation is illegal.
Maybe Halloween would be an exception. *Laugh* Or, maybe, Halloween is a lawful explanation?

10. If you're offering a reward for finding a lost item, you've gotta say "no questions asked" on the flyer/ad.
Encouraging thievery, maybe?

11. Don't sing obscene songs in public.
If someone hears you, you'll get in trouble. For real.

12. Don't throw a bag of cats and dogs into the Parramatta River.
However, you may throw them if in separate bags. *Facepalm* Please don't, though.

13. It's illegal to ask anyone if their dad was a criminal.
What about their mom? And who asks that, anyways? I get that Aus was a penal colony to begin with, but who asks such a thing? *Laugh* and what about grandparents?

14. It is illegal to force more than 6 bottles of beer into a kangaroo.
And how, may I ask, does one even force beer into a kangaroo to begin with? Maybe I don't want to know. *Laugh*


As for my own weird law- it's illegal to get up before noon on the weekends and 9 am on the weekdays. *nods* *Laugh*
February 7, 2017 at 6:50pm
February 7, 2017 at 6:50pm
What is the weirdest way you have ever heard of someone trying to cure a cold or a headache?

This is a fun one. *Laugh* I read Kit 's and went *Shock2**Rolling*.

There was this one episode of Hannah Montana, I remember, when Miley and her dad (or brother, I don't remember, and can't find the clip, unfortunately) were sick, and Roxy, their bodyguard/helper, had found out, and she made them this yellow-y orangey gunk to help clear the nasal passages. That's probably the weirdest one I've heard of- I don't even know what she put in it (not that I do want to know *Shock*) but I remember her making it in a pot- it was thick, like a chowder-y consistency, I'd say. Or maybe even a little clumpy/lumpy sort of thick. And then she had the patients lie down and put this plastic sheet/apron thingy on them. Then she ladled the concoction onto their chests. *Shock2*
Yeah, definitely the weirdest one I've heard of.

I know Mom prescribes banana and salt for a sore throat, and banana and honey for an upset stomach.

Then there's the Chinese remedies of herbs, spices, etc, which I don't like, at all, because they're kinda gross, to be honest. *Laugh* Chinese honey isn't bad, though. It's loquat syrup, and sis and I would take a spoonful when we were coughing or had a sore throat. It's really sweet, but it's supposed to be medicinal. Mom would always say we're not supposed to talk for a half hour after taking that medicine. I later learned that was just to shut us up. *Rolleyes*

Personally, I swear (sorta) by orange juice. With pulp. Double pulp, even. I try to make sure I have a water bottle filled with OJ whenever I go out. My sickness frequency has significantly decreased since I discovered the deliciousness of Nudie's OJ. *Bigsmile* Actually, after arriving back here in Aus, I got sick pretty soon because we didn't have fresh OJ in the fridge. 3-ish liters of double-pulp Nudie later, I was pretty much better. *Ha* if that doesn't prove anything, I don't know what does. *Laugh*
February 3, 2017 at 7:35am
February 3, 2017 at 7:35am
Many of the food-related traditions associated with the Chinese New Year--including eating fish, sweet rice dumplings, and certain vegetables--have their origins in Mandarin-language homophonic puns. Jot down a list of food-related homonyms, such as homophonic pairings like "lettuce" and "let us" or "beets" and "beats," or homographic words with multiple meanings like "cake" or "milk." and weave us a story to celebrate. Lettuce begins with the rooster.Creativity matters./

I thought this was just a list, Kit! What have you gotten me into? *Laugh* Just a head's up- I'm going to be taking most of these puns from Pinterest. *Pthb*

Whale.... Lettuce begin by saying I'm beet... We were playing Just Dance earlier, and while we had an a-maize-ing thyme, our gbrains and bodies were fried at the end. The Pan-o (piano) prodigy kid and his mom both came to play- they were quite the pear, and we went for about 2 1/2 hours. Our dance skills are rather waffle. apple-ing, even. Al-dough, we did have egg-celent laughs, and nearly went bananas from dancing Moskau, Rasputin, Walk Like an Egyptian, and Bollywood. Mom even tried for a pizza the action and did quite a few rounds of "Cake by the Ocean" (Unfortunately I'm not too fond of that song *Rolleyes* Udon have any clue how much I disliked it. *Facepalm*) Buut I did get all the high scones scores because nobody can do the Flashdance cake kick and punch like I do. *Angelic*
I'm soy tired, so this is where the story ends. Orange you glad? *Pthb*

As for my list:
1 cake
2 milk
3 roast
4 fry
5 fish
6 orange
7 thyme
8 oregano-l (original)
9 orange
10 pear/pair/pare
11 bananas
12 beet/beat
13 pizza (piece of)
14 bean/been
15 udon/ you don't
16 chili/chilly
17 cantaloupe/ can't elope
18 matcha/much, match
19 Guacward (taken from pinterest)  
20 impasta from shadowfanglerz
21 This   *Rolling*
22 Kale/kill
23 dill/deal
24 meal
25 beef
26 donut/do not

Who doesn't love coffee?   (besides me *Laugh*)
{x-llink:https://www.pinterest.com/pin/216946907028574662/}Oh, and this one.{/x-link} *Shock2*

Actually, I'm just going to link this whole page   because it's totally half and half- half of it is soup-er adorable and another half of that is rather cleave-r and funny, and the rest, well, might as well, rye-t? *Whistle*
January 27, 2017 at 1:22am
January 27, 2017 at 1:22am
Actress Tiffani Thiessen, born on this day in 1974, once said "When you interact with someone you always take something from them." What is something you've been able to take with you from any of your fellow challengers so far this month, and how have you been inspired by each other?

Confession time, maybe? I don't usually read other people's blogs. *Blush* just, no time. Usually I just go to Kit 's place to grab the prompt, then I'll read her entry and that's about it. *Facepalm*

Buuuut.... her Day 21- "Day 21 - On Making The Best Of What You've Got helped me craft my own day 21 prompt! Her choice of characteristic got me thinking about Inside Out- the movie- and then I thought of Anger and my idea spawned from that. *Bigsmile*

Also, her entries almost always (assuming they're not a short story or something!) leave me thinking- and thinking for a good bit, too. I suppose that's what happens when you have a philosophy student as a friend. *Laugh*

I think the biggest "lesson" I've learned this month, though, is to just do your best. Even if the "best" isn't great, hey, I tried, and that's what matters, right? Plus, this is my blog- so if you don't like it, go find someone else's stuff to read. *Pthb*
January 26, 2017 at 8:48pm
January 26, 2017 at 8:48pm
The Sunday News! Seven WDC authors were just promoted to Moderator status! ("Note: Congratulations to...") Visit one of their ports and review one of their items...and in your entry here, now would be a good time to tell us what your goals are for being with WDC (whether you're a newbie or someone who's been around the block awhile). Make sure you include your review, using the Invalid Review tag.

I'm not an official challenger this month, since I didn't exactly sign up in the forum, sooo I'm going to skip the review since I haven't done one in about forever and am really not in a reviewing mood. Sorry. *Meh*

Goals for being with WdC- Well, I'm almost at 500 reviews, so I'd really like to see that 500 number by the end of February. That's a short-term goal, for sure. As for by the end of the year, I'd like to see that number at 700 by December 31, 2017. And I'd love to start an image commission shop here- been doing some commissioned images around here and it's nice to be making pictures again.
Obviously I'd like to write more, again. I've written, what? One? creative thing so far this year and that's just *Facepalm*.

I might reorganize my port a bit- add some nice images to the folders here and there, and rearrange some items as well.

Annd that's about it, I'd say. I'd like to be a bit more active but still make sure I'm keeping up with everything outside of this site, since I *am* a student, and unfortunately, that means school and grades need to come first.
January 23, 2017 at 2:17am
January 23, 2017 at 2:17am
Describe how any personality trait would/could look as a physical characteristic, and create a character who embodies or uses this to his/her advantage.

Oooh, actually, I read Kit 's story, and it reminded me of The Berenstein Bears. There was one episode where Sister Bear was jealous of her brother's new bike, and then Brother Bear got it as well, then Papa Bear... And Mama Bear was just *Facepalm* *Laugh* *searches it on Youtube*

[Embed For Use By Upgraded+]

Anyways.... I'm going to go Inside Out style on this, and say a person can breathe fire if they get angry enough. *Shock*

Hi, my name is Maesi. Maesi Kletchman. And I breathe fire. I'll be the first to admit that, while it's pretty neat, it's not exactly a pleasant sensation. See, there was this one day when I found out my boyfriend of, like, 3 years was cheating on me with my best friend, Alyssa, and that was what started it all. Turns out, he'd been lying the whole time. It still impresses me, to this day, when I look back and try to see all the signs that lead to it. Even now, I haven't quite figured out how long they were together- or, maybe I should say would have been together- had I not found out. He called me on Alyssa's birthday and wished me a happy birthday. Naturally, he was... inebriated to say the least, and I suppose he pressed the wrong speed dial. Either way, that was when I knew it would be over between us. Never again. I tried the pity party for all of, like, 5 days, and realized it wasn't for me. But what was, was revenge. My heart felt lighter, and the days passed normally again, instead of dragging on like every day was the Winter Solstice. It was great. I kept plotting against them, and a fire just grew inside of me. It burned me from the inside, out, but I felt alive. It was amazing, like I was a phoenix, being reborn. I ultimately just wanted to break them up- to show him how much pain and sorrow he caused me. I got someone off Craigslist- a deejay-type guy- to help me out by mixing together different sounds and such, so it sounded like he was with another girl- and I sent it to Alyssa, anonymously. She was devastated, of course, when I saw her at school the next day. Mascara was running streaks down her face, and by trying to rub it away, her whole cheek turned all gray. Troy? He was clueless what he'd done, and was doing all he could to console her, but it was no use. I filmed their breakup, and streamed it live, on Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter. And left it on, using the hashtags cheaters, breakup, and epic. It went viral, man. You should've seen it. And after that, during class, I went out and singed some of Alyssa's prize possessions- a One Direction T-shirt in she kept hung up in her locker, and some aluminum foil that was there for decoration. I managed to broil a T into the door's inside, and once I was done, I knew I'd taken the right path. Sometimes, the high road isn't the right option. Only revenge can offer you closure, and a chance at another, better life.
Troy got sent to juvie- he was nearly 18, so just lucked out there, and Alyssa, well, she's no longer an acquaintance. No, I didn't let my rage out on her, while she was sleeping, but trust me, I was tempted. Instead, I took it out on her backyard, leaving yet another T. Every now and then, the fire comes back, burning hot as ever, and when it does, I find Alyssa or Troy, and keep reminding them of the mistake they made, all those years ago. It's going to haunt them. Forever.
January 22, 2017 at 8:44pm
January 22, 2017 at 8:44pm
Fun Fact Friday! On this day in 1885, the roller coaster was patented by L.A. Thompson. Tell us about a time you visited an amusement park.

Hmm the last one I remember visiting was Luna Park, when aunt came up to watch the TNS concert with me. We took the baby, as well, and the two of us got the unlimited rides wristband. Actually, I have an entry about it here- "Invalid Entry.

Let's see what else I can remember from that day- I started off on the spider ride, I think. It was odd because this had 6 legs, not 8, so wasn't really a spider.... *Confused* It was one of those rides that spins you around and goes up and down, while the carriage twists back and forth, and I think the actual spider design had a smirky face. *Laugh*
The baby went on the mini bumper cars, which he really enjoyed- he went twice, maybe 3 times! He loves cars, so being able to drive one was probably a mini-dream come true for him. *Bigsmile*
I took him into those mirror maze places, but it was really dark- covered in black cloth on the outside, and inside a rather dark venue as is- so he got scared and ran back outside.
Towards the end of the day, I wanted to bring him onto the Sizzler ride with me, but he was too small. The Sizzler is the one where it flings you back and forth while you go in a big circle.
Silly Serpent was probably the only ride there that resembled a rollercoaster. Okay, there was a ghost-hunting one, but it was closed- either for maintenance, or because it cost too much to operate in a non-peak season. Yeah, anyways, Silly Serpent- I think 1 1/2 rounds where it just goes up a bit and then dips down- the gentle, kiddy/tweens rollercoaster most amusement parks have. That was the last ride of the day, I remember. The other rides I did included the freefall (which aunt said I looked like I was having too much fun on. *Laugh*) and the Merry-Go-Round, and a kids' elephant one that's kinda like a carousel, but in the air. *Laugh*

We had dinner in Chinatown afterwards, and Baby fell asleep in the taxi ride to the restaurant. He's 3, so that's acceptable. *Wink*

Yeah, that's about it. Pretty much a summary of the other post, but hey, that post is probably better since I wrote it the day of/right afterwards. *Laugh*

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