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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2008479
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Welcome to my little Den! Here you'll find all sorts of things- mostly blog challenges, but mixed in, you'll notice:

*Bulletp* I'm a bit of a fangirl *Starstruck*
*Bulletp* My life is very busy
*Bulletp* I enjoy using emoticons *Exclaimp*
*Bulletp* I don't tend to swear, but stuff happens.

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May 11, 2017 at 8:51am
May 11, 2017 at 8:51am
It's often said that writers need to write every day to become better at it...do you think that's true? Have you ever taken a significant amount of time off from your writing pursuits? What was your experience like in getting back into a habit or pattern of writing more consistently? And if you've yet to experience this sort of vacation from writing, please do tell us how you plan on picking up exactly where you left off, as if you never stopped *Smirk*.

That probably is true. Though do I do it? Absolutely not. *Facepalm* I suppose it's one of those things where, in an ideal world, it would happen, but in reality, you're just like "yeah, nah."

As for the "significant time off," I'm not sure I have. I mean, I took some time off from WdC after I first made the account- I was on and off, and since I was new, it didn't really matter. *Laugh* Haven't written much new stuff in a while, even though I've got an essay due soon... so I suppose you could count that as my "writing" *Wink*
Soooo I'm going to count that as my "writing" and avoid that last question. *Angelic* Because I don't know how I'd answer it. *Laugh* Especially since if I'm not writing, I'll probably be doing some other creative thing- either art or music, so still stretching those creative muscles, just in a different way.

Hmpf I still have to answer that third question about getting back to writing consistently, I suppose. *Facepalm* Thing is, I don't think I've ever written consistently, unless I've signed up for I-Write. I've done it a few times, but otherwise, I definitely just write either when I feel like it, or if the inspiration strikes. Unfortunately, that second scenario is much rarer than I'd like it to be, though sometimes I see a prompt and go "*Ha* Oooh!" Usually, though, that happens more for images than writing. *Confused* Like, I'll get a feeling where I just NEED to draw or sketch something, and so out come the drawing tablet and pen.
Yeahhh so I don't think I can really say *how* I try to write more consistently, aside from doing I-write, which makes you write something at least once a week. I don't think I do anything consistently, even art- just because I don't have the time. *Facepalm* I suppose school could qualify as consistent, but that's.... school is school, and that shouldn't count as a "thing"- it's more mandatory than enjoyable. *rolliing*
May 10, 2017 at 8:50pm
May 10, 2017 at 8:50pm
Most families have sent a relative to fight in their country's wars. Indicate the relationship you had with a family member who went to war and what his/her going or returning meant to you as a child or as an adult, depending on the relationship.

I, also, have not had a family member who went to war. I know Mom has a friend from when she first moved to the US, whose father fought in WWII, and I actually got to interview him about it in 11th grade, for extra credit. Otherwise, Grandfather was affected in WWII, that much I know. I did another interview for HumCore in freshman year of uni. And had to do a literary journalism piece for it. "Invalid Item

For those who aren't keen to read that, here's a very quick summary:
Grandfather left his home in Sichuan, China at 5, with his father, and left his mom behind. The Japanese were attacking the area (to keep it 13+) and they had to leave. They traveled by foot, to Hangzhou, by night- for 3-4 months, and fought off bandits and robbers.
They made pit stops in Guizhou and Sheng Zong, and stayed in Shanghai for about 2 months at one point. But some complications arose, so they had to leave once more, by night, and continue on to Hangzhou. Thankfully, Hangzhou was just a day's bus ride away, so with an elderly couple leading the way, they got to Hangzhou, after transferring into cars as well.
Upon arrival, though, Grandfather says he felt much more immature than when he had left- the dialects in Sichuan are very different from the one they use in Shanghai, so he felt that he had to learn everything all over again.

So yeah. Naturally, I wasn't around at that time, and neither was Mom, so I can't really say how it's affected me or Mom, but I think these experiences really have shaped Grandfather into who he is today. I could go into lots of examples, but I think I'll end it here. *Rolleyes*
May 9, 2017 at 1:18pm
May 9, 2017 at 1:18pm
Rather than the tired, boring "which famous person would you like to have dinner with" prompt, let's change it around a little...Which famous (but also non-chef and non-domestically focused individual) would you most like to prepare you a meal? Why that person, and what would you make them cook you? They will not be eating with you, but you will have to tell them what you think of the food.

Hmmm, this has to be methodical.... because firstly, they should be able to make food well. And then, on top of that, they need to make food I like. *Laugh* And they need to make that well, too. *Think*

With that said, I do like my food. And I like it spicy. Though that second isn't always a requirement, it gives everything a nice kick. *Bigsmile*

Unfortunately, I don't know too many famous people who share that passion liking for spicy stuff.... so with that said, the one person I can think of, whom I follow on Instagram, who shares some pretty nice food pics, is Mary Lascaris, from the previous cast of Hi-5- the one before everyone changed. I saw one here   that looked pretty yummy. It's healthy, too, which is good, since, as a student with terrible cooking skills, health isn't always the top priority when I'm making food. *Laugh*
Mom neeeever cooks/plates like that- it's always the Asian style of "everyone gets a bowl of rice, and then put whatever other food you might want, that I've cooked, into your bowl, yourself, from the communal dishes in the middle of the table." so it's nice to have those pre-portioned meals every now and then when someone puts everything on the plate for you and goes "here! This is your food. Eat up!" *Laugh*

Yeah, so going back to the prompt... I'd probably ask her to make that- and it looks yummy! I mean, there's the veggies, and the fish is good protein, and the mashed potatoes are yummy...... *drools*

****This is not a prompt to reply at 3:15 am, because it'll make you hungry. *Rolleyes*****
Lesson learned. *Facepalm*
May 8, 2017 at 7:39am
May 8, 2017 at 7:39am
The late comedian Don Rickles, born on this day back in 1926, once said "You throw your best punch; otherwise, don't do it." How do you get through writing something on the days when your best punches aren't working for you?

Hmmmmmm.... Unfortunately, I do usually heed this Don Rickles's advice- most of the days that things don't work, I just don't bother trying to make it work. *Rolleyes* I figured that the universe is trying to say something if nothing will work. You know, like, "take a break!" or "go do something else" and if school isn't doing what it should when it should, why push it? *Rolleyes*

Seriously, though, if my best still isn't enough, I'll probably put it off for another day. Or, if it's one of those "I know it's right there and I still can't get it" type of situations, I'll call a friend. Not literally call, but I'll go consult someone else. *Laugh* Fresh eyes always help. And so does a fresh brain. Also brings a new perspective.

Teamwork makes the dream work. *Rolling* I hate that phrase. *Pthb* Seriously, I do.
May 7, 2017 at 3:43am
May 7, 2017 at 3:43am
What's going on in your neck of the woods? Share a link of some good news coming out of your city, state, region, or part of the country, and tell us what you think about it (this is also because I can't find a decent non-political news story and I keep getting sidetracked by Facebook when I'm scrolling for news links *Laugh**Blush*)

Unfortunately, today's not much of a good day for news. There really isn't much going on in my area, state, region, or part of the country. *Rolling* The only thing I can report is that Stevie guy from "Invalid Entry has blocked me on Instagram after sending some scathing messages to my inbox. *Rolleyes* Prompted shadowfanglerz to call him "a GIANT (piece of male genitalia)" after I sent her screenshots. *Laugh* and yeah, honestly, I don't blame her. It was pretty harsh. I logged in to my Dragyn Facebook as well, and he sent the same thing, but more, to that account too. Good thing he didn't find my family one too. *Pthb* Probably thought that it'd be my sister or something. *Laugh* Anyways, I blocked him on there, after deleting his message request. Wish I hadn't deleted it, though, because it would be proof for later down the road if anything were to happen. *Facepalm* Oh well, I have the screenshots of the Instagram messages.

Though, if you want something to "aww" at, I found this   while searching for news. And since it's from a news site, that'll be my "good news" for the entry. *Laugh* It's so cute! And no matter what your age, it's always fun to attempt going the wrong way up (or down, though that's much more dangerous *Rolling*) an escalator. So for those with little kids, who are traveling on a plane, try this with them, and see if it works. *Laugh* It *should* tire them out, even if it tires you out as well.... then it's a double win- you sleep while they sleep! *Bigsmile*

Yeah, so sorry for no real "news"- it's usually pretty bustly here, but I couldn't find anything in the 13+ range that was interesting, today. *Laugh* I suppose it's just a boring entry. *Facepalm*
May 6, 2017 at 7:50pm
May 6, 2017 at 7:50pm
Create at least an 8 line poem - any form, or free verse - inspired by some of your fellow challengers' entries this week.

Plushies are people, too
In fact, they're just like kids.
Whether you say things like "like," or "blast,"
They'll be sure to follow.
Language is catchy!
Maybe that's why they're called "catchphrases". *Laugh*

We are role models to the plushies
Plushie see, plushie do.
So play nice! Or your plushies won't either.
Plushies are like an extension of you-
They can think for themselves, sure, when they party,
But if we're discussing political parties, they'll vote for the Pink Fluffy Unicorn.

You might say, "oh come on,"
But it's all totally true.
Silly, isn't it? Yes, it is,
But that's how plushies roll,
And you ought to be cool with it
Because it's all totally legit!

Let's say this all together, now: "Awwwww!"

"Plushies are people, too!", "blast", "language is catchy"- Kit
"Like"- Hanna ~ Be Kind 💕
Pink Fluffy Unicorn-Sally 's handle
"Oh come on"- Sally
Silly, think for themselves- Elycia Lee ☮
Ought to be- WakeUpAndLive️~🚬🚭2024
Cool- Apondia
Legit-Charlie ~
May 5, 2017 at 8:43am
May 5, 2017 at 8:43am
On this day in 1834, the first mainland railway line opened in Belgium. Have you ever taken a train trip? Not like a subway ride, but an actual passenger train? Tell us about it! If you haven't, would you? Where would you like to go?

Lucky for me, Australia has a pretty good public transport system. To the point where it has its own app(s). *Laugh* There's a Tram Tracker app, which I don't use, and then the PTV one, which I do- it's great for getting directions to places, though not so much for timeliness. *Rolleyes* I mean, I was waiting for a tram for about a half hour last night, when the app was saying it'd only be another 10-ish minutes. *Facepalm*

Back to the topic. Trains. I *think* I went on one in Hong Kong before- those high-speed ones and such. But otherwise, the first train trip I would be 100% certain of would be when I came here to study abroad, actually. Mom was at the airport early one morning and I took the tram to the station, and then went from one station to the next, onto the Skybus, and to the airport. The trains here are actually really nice- they're like bullet trains, I suppose, and I don't use them often, though I *think* if you stay in Zone 1 the fare is free, which is quite nice. *Ha*

I used them to get to Bounce, and to the tutoring for my Understanding Knowing and Learning class. That second place was in Zone 2- took about 45 minutes to get there, and another 45 to get back. *Facepalm* Bounce was slightly closer, like 30 minutes. Not that much closer, but close enough. *Laugh*

Oooh and I went to find the set of Neighbours and took a train to there- Pin Oak Court. That was cool- I also passed by Koala's old school, which means I must've been close-ish to where shadowfanglerz stayed when she came to visit Koala here in Aus.

In general, though, train rides are pretty boring. *Laugh* They're more reliable than the trams, though, in the sense that they DO stop at every station on the route (trams don't necessarily stop at every stop on their route sometimes, which makes going new places a leetle difficult *RollEyes*) and each stop is always announced. Trams almost always do that, but it's not guaranteed.

There was one train ride... I was going to Bounce- the train was about 80% empty and some random guy- I'm pretty sure he was a tradie- he came and sat right next to me. *Facepalm* In a rather smug manner, too, might I add. I mean, there were so many other seats on the train, and he just *had* to be next to me, right? *Rolleyes* I got up at the next stop to "look" at the map and then change seats. *Pthb* Definitely not my fondest memory of being on a train, but other than that, my other train trips have all been rather uneventful- would've been cool if I had met the Neighbours cast after that long trip (over an hour away) but I got to see Ramsay Street, so I should be happy with that already. *Laugh*

As for where I'd go (if I could) on a train, I'd love to go to Sydney via train. It departs here at the same station where I'd catch the Skybus, and arrives at Sydney Central. That'd be neat. I'd go visit Hi-5 and see if I could find their headquarters and such. *Laugh* I went to the NSW train site, though, and fares are $82+, even on concession fares. *Facepalm* so that's probably not on the cards any time soon.
May 4, 2017 at 9:14am
May 4, 2017 at 9:14am
What is one of your biggest fears, and how have you conquered it (or plan on conquering it, should you be faced with it later on)?

My first reaction was "I'm not scared of much.... What am I scared of? *Confused*"

I just had an epiphany, though, as SVU came on. I'm not really scared of one single thing at any given time, but depending on the circumstances, there are things I'm scared of.
Like, when I'm walking alone at night, I'm fully aware there could be someone, anywhere, waiting to mug the next unsuspecting person. I mean, this is supposed to be one of (if not the) most liveable cities in the world, but still, doesn't mean there aren't people looking to get some quick money off others. I don't know if I plan to conquer it, because all this SVU and NCIS:LA and such tells me to trust my gut, which means, when it's dark and I'm walking alone, be careful. And it's autumn/winter now, which means it's getting dark pretty early (5:30/6 pm) so I need to be especially careful when I'm heading back to my apartment from whatever activity I've taken on, because I'll be tired and maybe less aware or able to defend myself.

When I started learning/trying to do aerials, I was really afraid of falling on my head and cracking it open. *Rolleyes* To the point where I made a huge pile of clothes to aerial over, even though I haven't quite gotten it to where my hands don't go on the ground. Not much room to practice around here, unfortunately. As for conquering the fear, I didn't really do anything, but it just disappeared one day. I suppose something in my brain clicked, and went "you're not cracking your head open. Stop thinking you will!" So yeah, that's done and dusted. *Laugh*

Otherwise, I really can't say I have a major fear of anything.... disappointing others, maybe, but isn't that kind of a standard thing nowadays, with all the pressure people put on students and such? If you ever meet me, you'll find I'm rather adventurous. *Laugh* So not being fearful is actually kinda helpful in that sense. *Pthb*
Annnd I have no phobias, though for roomie's sake I could easily make up quite a few. *Pthb*
May 3, 2017 at 7:15am
May 3, 2017 at 7:15am
Should public figures (such as singers, actors, athletes, etc) express their political voice?

I've been doing some thinking about this, and as unfair as it sounds, I really think it depends on what type of audience these public figures are targeting. Kinda like teachers- as far as I know, K-12 teachers aren't supposed to disclose their political views upon students, since that's supposed to be for the kids to decide for themselves. Teachers are there to guide in education, I guess, not in politics, so I can see how that's something that would ignite controversy- especially if the teacher's views are different from the parents'- kids see the teachers as a guiding figure, who'll teach them right from wrong, amongst other stuff, so chances are the students would be influenced- a little, if not quite a bit- by the teachers' views.

With that said, and with my position being "depends who you are," if you're a celebrity amongst kids (Hi-5, the Wiggles, Disney(maybe ?), to name some) it's probably best if you kept those views to yourself. I'm hesitant to make a claim about athletes, though, because on the one hand, it's sport, and kids do follow it, but on the other hand, there's also a fair number of adults who are fans as well and can make their own decisions. Plus, with sport, I feel like parents are more involved in it if it's for the kids, which would mean there are other adults there to help buffer/explain/discuss whatever the athlete said, in terms of politics. Either that, or the kid will maybe ask the parents about what was said.

As for tween stuff, I'm going to say, keep it to yourself. *Laugh* Although, I'm also going to guess it depends on what their contract says. *Rolleyes* like, whatever they say to the press/on social media *can* come back to haunt them eventually, and with this being the internet age, I don't think anything is really "deleted" once you post it. *Pthb* They also need to consider that whatever they're saying reflects back on them, their brand, and whatever media they're representing or known for at that point.
Going back to that contract stuff, I know Sharni had mentioned some stuff about Hi-5 and the other crew members being discouraged to go out too much at night, for fear that they might be recognized and then the brand tarnished. Which makes sense, seeing that the city is known for its nightlife, and that's not really kid-friendly most of the time. *Rolleyes* Annnd, after Lauren publicly announced her moving on from Hi-5, she did a somewhat controversial photoshoot with Maxim, where she was wearing a rather revealing bikini.... and in some pictures, she only had a bedsheet on. *Facepalm* She put a positive spin on it, saying it was a "love your body" type of campaign, but I remember Charli and Kellie did something similar as well after they moved on from Hi-5- not as major, but still, I couldn't help thinking that, after so long in Hi-5 (7th grade to about freshman year of uni?, so about 5 years...) it was more a statement about "I'm capable of being an adult as well," and less about "be comfortable in your body". I also read from some article from Lauren that Hi-5 was a super "tight" contract, so under that, such an opportunity (if you could call it that?) wouldn't exist. Charli got a pixie cut (as opposed to the super long hair- about chest-length) and then Kellie got a photoshoot on the cover of some other magazine in black lingerie.

Back to the topic.... I know that it's fine for university professors to discuss politics, though, so I guess after students hit 18, or whatever age it is that some enter university, we are mature enough to make our own decisions? Personally, I don't care too much for politics, so whatever political statements people make, I'll probably either ignore, or if it's more subtle, miss. *Laugh*

So, yeah. politics, in the media? Definitely depends on who you're presenting yourself to. If it's kids, probably best to not say anything, unless you're actually teaching them how politics works, like the concept of voting. *Laugh* Otherwise, go ahead, but keep in mind who you're representing- not just as yourself, but as a brand for whatever band/show/movie you may be affiliated with at the moment or in the past.
May 2, 2017 at 12:19pm
May 2, 2017 at 12:19pm
Do you have a catchphrase? Something you find yourself saying often, or are known for saying? How did it come to be?

So I saw this   while not studying, and thought it was pretty fitting for today's prompt. *Laugh*

I have a couple. The first one I thought of was "ohhhhhhhh....." like those "aha!" "ohh"s. Apparently it's a thing I do. According to Mom, who's pointed it out multiple times when I'm finally unstumped and go "ohhhhh!" It's actually kiinda annoying when she does point it out, because it's that patronizing, "aww, how cute!" type of pointing out, which makes you all embarrassed and *Facepalm*-y, which eventually makes you want to stop doing it, even though you can't, because it's just a thing you do. *Rolleyes*
So there's that....

I also have the "Awww"- which, I'm not sure if I picked up from Kit or if she picked up from me. *Laugh* But there is the "awww".... lots of plushie talk, too, which usually causes the "aww". *Laugh* I picked up the term "plushie" from Kit, for sure. I used to call them stuffed animals, but "plushie" is much easier to say, so "plushie" it is. *Bigsmile* Plus, "stuffed animal" has that not-as-nice, alternate meaning, where you kinda go *Sick*, which means "plushie" definitely wins. *Laugh*

Annnd then there's the variations of "fair enough"- "yeah, that's fair," "fair enough,"... I'm going to guess it comes from hearing others around me here in Australia say it, since "fair dinkum" is a thing here, which pretty much means you're getting a good/fair deal. And since the Aussies like to shorten everything, "Fair dinkum" is just "fair" *Laugh* So I suppose I've picked up on that.

So yeah, three/four "catchphrases", but none too special. *Rolleyes*

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