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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1649240
Gratitude breaks the spell of Writers Block
Staring at a blank page is like staring into a snowfield. The snow, untouched by civilization and unmarked by living creatures, blinds you for a few minutes, it glistens reflecting subtle shades of pure white and rainbows at odd angles. If you stare at the snow too long, you get lost in the interplay of light and shadow.

As the day wears on, you become awestruck at the beauty of the snow's perfection. You marvel at the way an oak tree cast its ebony shadow across the pure white snow. You watch the tree's shadow change, grow and shrink, as Earth turns and the sun moves from morning to evening. If you stand out in the snow too long without moving, you risk snow bite or freezing.

If you are fortunate, a red fox will walk across your line of sight. The fox will leave his footprints written in the snowfield. As you watch the fox move, the spell holding you in one spot staring at the snow is broken. You are free to go inside out of the cold and out of danger.

I must say,
writing 500 words a day
isn't difficult,
unless I'm attempting to write
on a single subject.

On Monday, October 28, 2013, I began posting my weekly goals at "Weekly Goals. On Tuesday, October 29, 2013 I began keeping track of may accomplished goals in this journal.

"O SON OF BEING! Bring thyself to account each day ere thou art summoned to a reckoning;
for death, unheralded, shall come upon thee and thou shalt be called to give account for thy deeds."
Bah'u'll'h The Hidden Words of Bah'u'll'h, Part I.'From the Arabic, #31, page 11

'Heinlein's Rules for Writers

         Rule One: You Must Write
         Rule Two: Finish What Your Start
         Rule Three: You Must Refrain From Rewriting, Except to Editorial Order
         Rule Four: You Must Put Your Story on the Market
         Rule Five: You Must Keep it on the Market until it has Sold'

Robert A. Heinlein

It is enjoined upon every one of you to engage in some form of occupation, such as crafts, trades and the like. We have graciously exalted your engagement in such work to the rank of worship unto God, the True One. Ponder ye in your hearts the grace and the blessings of God and render thanks unto Him at eventide and at dawn. Waste not your time in idleness and sloth. Occupy yourselves with that which profiteth yourselves and others. Thus hath it been decreed in this Tablet from whose horizon the day-star of wisdom and utterance shineth resplendent.
Baha'u'llah, Tablets of Baha'u'llah Revealed After the Kitab-i-Aqdas, Pages 21-29: gr 32

I changed the way I did entries in this book several times. Beginning on March 21, 2018 the entries will cover the topics of spiritual, inspirational, and religions. However, the genres it will be under are Women's, Inspirational, and Spiritual with a tag of Religious.
Previous ... 41 42 43 44 -45- 46 47 48 49 50 ... Next
July 26, 2017 at 4:13pm
July 26, 2017 at 4:13pm
‘Idál (Justice), 15 Kalimát (Words) 174 Badi - Wednesday, July 26, 2017 CE

"It is clear that life in this fast-fading world is as fleeting and inconstant as the morning wind, and this being so, how fortunate are the great who leave a good name behind them, and the memory of a lifetime spent in the pathway of the good pleasure of God."

I always enjoy reading 'Abdu'l-Baha's writings because they always give me something to meditate on. I will be meditating on this, on and off, the rest of the day. I am not sure what to write about this quote, the only person I think of when I read it is my mother. She left a warm and loving feeling behind when her soul ascended into the Abha Kingdom.

1  Bahái Words For July 26, 2017.

July 25, 2017 at 1:47pm
July 25, 2017 at 1:47pm
Fiḍál (Grace), 14 Kalimát (Words) 174 Badi - Tuesday, July 25, 2017 CE

"This spirit is one of the divine bounties, a manifestation of the Sun of Truth; but if the human spirit receives the breath of the Holy Spirit, then it is a pure spirit. The breath of the Holy Spirit is the divine teaching; in it the spirit finds eternal life. It is the heavenly light and illumines the human world by the divine qualities. Hence we must endeavour to act according to the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh."
‘Abdu’l-Baha (From a talk at Alliance Spiritualiste of Paris, 9 November 1911; Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 17, January 19, 1912)2

I attempt to read the sacred writings everyday because they allow me to receive the Holy Spirit. I can feel the Holy Spirit flowing through the Baha'i scriptures. I have found, the best way for this to happen is to say a prayer before reading the scriptures. Sometimes I say the Long Healing prayer, which was revealed by Baha'u'llah, or a prayer of protection revealed by The Bab.

Weather Report

Virga descends
shafts of sunlight penetrate
gray afternoon clouds

I created a new book today. The name is "Invalid Item and I'm going to list all my completed items in this book in alphabetical order. I don't know if it will help when it comes to rewriting the hard copies of the poems I'm finding as I go through, but it will help when it comes to finding poem's I've already rewritten and posted in my port.

2  Counsels and Explanations by 'Abdu'l-Baha -- Daily Readings for July 16, 2017

July 24, 2017 at 1:51pm
July 24, 2017 at 1:51pm
Kamál (Perfection), 13 Kalimát (Words) 174 Badi - Monday, July 24, 2017 CE

"O ye beloved of the Lord! The Kingdom of God is founded upon equity and justice, and also upon mercy, compassion, and kindness to every living soul. Strive ye then with all your heart to treat compassionately all humankind—except for those who have some selfish, private motive, or some disease of the soul. Kindness cannot be shown the tyrant, the deceiver, or the thief, because, far from awakening them to the error of their ways, it maketh them to continue in their perversity as before. No matter how much kindliness ye may expend upon the liar, he will but lie the more, for he believeth you to be deceived, while ye understand him but too well, and only remain silent out of your extreme compassion."
‘Abdu’l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Baha3

Equity, justice, mercy, compassion, and kindness is something we can really use today. The problem is that it appears a lot of selfish people are in power, and, 'Abdu'l-Baha says, these attribute don't work with them. I can testify to this because I've dealt with selfish people and they will simply continue to use you no matter how kind you are to them.

Goals for the Week of 23-29, 2017
Posted on "Weekly Goals for 7/24/17-7/28/17

*Box* Finish, at least, five of the unfinished poem in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose.
         As of today, those poems are: 49 to 56, 58, 60, 61, 63 to 74, 77, and 80 to 84.
         Added and 85 to 95.
*Box* Finish entry for "Rhythms & Writing: Official WDC Contest.
*Box* Review a minimum of four items each day with, at least, one written by a newbie.
*Box* Prepare template for Game of Thrones
*Box* Work on going through poems or stories I have in drawers or boxes.

This month I have had to reboot my router three time. Once today and three times on July 15, I'll have to keep an eye on this issue because it may mean I'll have to get a new router. I think that's about $60.00 which could be difficult to get. I'll say some special prayers for this and leave the situation in God's hands.

3  Counsels and Explanations by 'Abdu'l-Baha -- Daily Readings for July 22, 2017

July 23, 2017 at 3:40pm
July 23, 2017 at 3:40pm
Jamál (Beauty), 12 Kalimát (Words) 174 Badi - Sunday, July 23, 2017 CE

"Fear not: I am come into this world to bear witness to the glory of sacrifice. The drops of this consecrated blood will be the seed out of which will arise the mighty Tree of God, the Tree that will gather beneath its all-embracing shadow the peoples and kindreds of the earth. Grieve not, therefore, if I depart from this land, for I am hastening to fulfill My destiny."
The Báb4

The "mighty Tree of God", the Bab was referring to grows stronger each day. Across the planet Baha'is are nurturing that tree with their acts of kindness and material sacrifice. The Baha'i in Iran, the cradle of the Faith, are in prison and have had their livelihoods taken away because they are Baha'is. The Baha'i youth, in Iran, are forbidden to attend college because of their faith. Instead of renouncing their faith in Baha'u'llah, the Baha'is of Iran continue with their daily lives as best they can.

It's a new week, so I need to review my accomplishments of last last week. I cleaned off and straightened the wooden television stand by my computer desk. I also completed several poem in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose, while adding some new ideas. I think I'll have to put one idea on the back burner for a while because I can seem to find any information on the person. I'll change that idea to someone or something else. I have 84 ideas for poems with Poems 1 to 48, 57, 59, 62, 75, 76, 78, and 79 completed. I have to complete Poems 49 to 56, 58, 60, 61, 63 to 74, 77, and 80 to 84. I can't seem to find anything on Bahíyyih Khánum, so I'm going to change that idea to something else.

Bahíyyih Khánum

"Something greater than forgiveness she had shown in meeting the cruelties and strictures in her own life. To be hurt and to forgive is saintly but far beyond this is the power to comprehend and not be hurt."
Excerpt from A Tribute to Bahíyyih Khánum by Marjorie Morten in The Bahá’í World, 1932-1934, Page 181-185

I feel rushed, so I think the best thing to do is just take a deep breath, say some prayers, review, and attempt to finish some of the poem in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose. Fortunately, I won't be writing an entry for "Invalid Item until around the end of August because I'm participating in "Game of Thrones. I still have to finish cleaning out the red box by the printer and I should see what I can do with some of that stuff in my bedroom. Not that I sleep in there because I sleep on a recliner in the living room, but at least my back doesn't hurt and the swelling in my legs goes down at night.

Goals for the Week of 23-29, 2017
Posted on "Weekly Goals for 7/24/17-7/28/17

*Box* Finish, at least, five of the unfinished poem in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose.
         As of today, those poems are: 49 to 56, 58, 60, 61, 63 to 74, 77, and 80 to 84.
*Box* Finish entry for "Rhythms & Writing: Official WDC Contest.
*Box* Review a minimum of four items each day with, at least, one written by a newbie.

4  Bahái Words for July 23, 2017.

July 21, 2017 at 1:39pm
July 21, 2017 at 1:39pm
Istiqlál (Independence), 10 Kalimát (Words) 174 Badi - Friday, July 21, 2017 CE

"O thou who are firm in the Covenant! Be thou firm in the Cause and be engaged in service. Awaken the souls and make mindful the (heedless) minds. The spiritual outpouring will become uninterrupted and the meetings of heart to heart constant. Rest thou assured upon the favor and bounty of the Beauty of Abha."
‘Abdu’l-Baha (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 1’)5

I am engaged in service to the Cause by writing 200 poems dedicated to The Blessed Beauty. For the past week or so, I have been so focused on writing those poem that I have let a couple of writing projects slide. I need to finish an activity or essay for "Invalid Item by Sunday 8:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time. I also have to finish a story I started for "Rhythms & Writing: Official WDC Contest before July 31 at 8:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time. I also have to review a few items each day, so I'll have to change the weekly goals until October 22 or before (if I complete the 200 poems before the bicentenary celebration of Baha'u'llah's birth.


Silence whispers to my soul,
Unobtrusively it tones,
Recall my mind to my goal,
When the scriptures I intone.

Silence echoes in my mind,
Speaks to me in shades of light,
About my faith in my kind;
About my concept of right.

Silence is the secret key,
That unlocks the door of self,
That reveals the secret me,
Locked in the prison of self.

Whispers echo through my mind,
That intone matter's violence,
Echoes running through my mind,
That sacred scriptures silence.

I cleaned out the right bottom drawer of my computer desk yesterday. Inside the drawer I found several poem which were unfinished or needed rewriting. I'm going to place the rewrites or the unfinished poems I can't immediately work on in one of my journal.

Personalities of Trees7

Trees have personalities,
The tall and stately palm
Intones Psalms.

The following poem was written on March 10, 1986. I don't know what inspired the poem or made me feel hopeless that particular day. The one thing I'm sure of right now is that writing poetry helps dispel depression.


When hope is gone,
And dream are lost,
A nothingness consumes the mind,
A nothingness that is filled
With fear, and hate, and sadness.

When hope returns,
And dreams are reborn,
The nothingness will perish,
And on wings of faith and hope,
We'll fly, toward our destiny.

5  Counsels and Explanations by 'Abdu'l-Baha -- Daily Readings for July 19, 2017.
6  Originally written in 151 Badi (1995 or 1996).
7  Originally written in 1995 or 1996.}

July 20, 2017 at 2:10pm
July 20, 2017 at 2:10pm
Istijlál (Majesty), 9 Kalimát (Words) 174 Badi - Thursday, July 20, 2017 CE

"The most exalted Pen doth weep unto itself over what hath occurred in this contingent world. Matters have reached such a pass that a stagnant pool claims to be the ocean and a lizard doth claim to be an eagle. What hath occurred? What smoke hath encompassed the world? Hath not the fragrance of this revelation been diffused and distinguished itself from aught else? Can not the straight path be discerned from the pathways of evil? No! By my life! The truth with all of its attributes and actions is and always has been distinguishable from aught else and those who are possessed of insight have not and will not be mistaken over this."

This scripture reflects what is going on in the world today. The only way to overcome the fear and hate that flows across the planet is acceptance of the unity of the human race. No matter what religion, what nation, or the color of people's skin we are all humans. As humans we have more in common then the total amount of our differences.

8  Bahái Words for July 20, 2017.

July 19, 2017 at 2:15pm
July 19, 2017 at 2:15pm
‘Idál (Justice), 8 Kalimát (Words) 174 Badi - Wednesday, July 19, 2017 CE

O My servants! … With firm determination, with the whole affection of your heart, and with the full force of your words, turn ye unto Him, and walk not in the ways of the foolish. The world is but a show, vain and empty, a mere nothing, bearing the semblance of reality. Set not your affections upon it. Break not the bond that uniteth you with your Creator, and be not of those that have erred and strayed from His ways. Verily I say, the world is like the vapor in a desert, which the thirsty dreameth to be water and striveth after it with all his might, until when he cometh unto it, he findeth it to be mere illusion. It may, moreover, be likened unto the lifeless image of the beloved whom the lover hath sought and found, in the end, after long search and to his utmost regret, to be such as cannot “fatten nor appease his hunger.”

I'm not sure how good a job I'm doing when it comes to focusing on Baha'u'llah. Perhaps I shouldn't worry about how good a job I'm doing and just focus, or, at least, attempt to focus. It's easier at 70 to focus my heart and soul on Baha'u'llah then it was at sixty or fifty. I think the only thing I can do is continue to pray, meditate, and read the scriptures. I seem to be able to do a better job when I work on the poems I'm dedicating to the Blessed Beauty.

Goals I have Accomplished today

*BoxCheckB* Poem 62 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
*BoxCheckR* Poem 40 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
*BoxCheck* Poem 41 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
*BoxCheckR* I did get some review accomplished, but nothing on my review list.
*BoxCheckB* Poem 45 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty

Today the only thing I wanted to do was write poetry. I wrote "Zombies at Dawn and entered it in Stormy's Newsletter contest. I finished 3 poems of the 65 I have planned so far. I still have 138 of the 200 to plan and 158 to finish.

Goals for the week of 17-21
posted on "Weekly Goals

*BoxCheckB* In "Bicentenary Poems and Prose finish poems 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39.
*BoxCheckR* Finish paper work and get in the mail before Wednesday.
*Box* Review items on Item Review lists.
*Box* Write an essay and/or activity for "Invalid Item.
*Box* Work on We Will Rise Up!

9  Bahái Words for July 19, 2017.

July 18, 2017 at 12:17pm
July 18, 2017 at 12:17pm
Fiḍál (Grace), 7 Kalimát (Words) 174 Badi - Tuesday, July 18, 2017 CE

"O people of God! Do not busy yourselves in your own concerns; let your thoughts be fixed upon that which will rehabilitate the fortunes of mankind and sanctify the hearts and souls of men. This can best be achieved through pure and holy deeds, through a virtuous life and a goodly behavior."
Bahá’u’lláhBahái Words for July 18, 2017

Right now, I'm busying myself writing poem dedicated to the Blessed Beauty, writing blog entries responding to blog prompts, and reviewing. I'm also waiting for the letter carrier to deliver mail so that I can take some paper work out while I pick up today's mail. Earlier this morning I took two bags of trash to the alley before picking up yesterday's mail. It wasn't anything important, so I guess it doesn't matter much when I picked it up.

Goals I have Accomplished today

*BoxCheckB* Poem 33 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
*BoxCheckR* Poem 34 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
*BoxCheck* Poem 36 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
*BoxCheckR* "Pants on Fire read 3 entries.
*BoxCheckB* Poem 39 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
*BoxCheckR* "Deconstructing a Life, Chap. 6
*BoxCheck* "Pants on Fire "Like Father, Like Son

I'm doing alright concerning the poems dedicated to the Blessed Beauty. I have finished poems 1-39 and I have poems 40-60 to finish. After that I will still need to write 140 poems before October 22. Once I finish poem 60, I will have to look for some more ideas. Since I still have 21 poems to finish I'm not going to worry too much about new ideas until after I finish poem 60.

Goals for the Week of July 16-22, 2017

*Box* Add chapters to
         *Box* "Invalid Item
         *Box* "Invalid Item
         *Box* "Invalid Item
*Box* Review chapter, poems, or stories in
         *Box* "Hawks With Sins
         *Box* "Diamonds or Dust? "April in Aleppo
         *Box* "Invalid Item Chapter 3
*Box* Finish story We Will Rise Up!
*Box* Finish poems in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose
         *Box* Poem 40 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 41 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 42 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 43 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 44 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 45 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 46 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 47 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 48 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 49 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 50 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 51 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 52 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 53 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 54 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 55 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 56 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 57 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 58 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 59 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 60 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 61 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 62 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
*Box* Send two c-notes anonymously

I added two new poem ideas to the 200 poems I dedicating to the Blessed Beauty. That gives me 61 planned with 39 of those completed. I'm going to attempt to complete these one after another, unless I begin working on an idea and can't stopped. That's what happened in the first 39.

Goals for the week of 17-21
posted on "Weekly Goals

*BoxCheckB* In "Bicentenary Poems and Prose finish poems 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39.
*BoxCheckR* Finish paper work and get in the mail before Wednesday.
*Box* Review items on Item Review lists.
*Box* Write an essay and/or activity for "Invalid Item.
*Box* Work on We Will Rise Up!

July 17, 2017 at 11:32am
July 17, 2017 at 11:32am
Kamál (Perfection), 6 Kalimát (Words) 174 Badi - Monday, July 17, 2017 CE

"Delight not yourselves in the things of the world and its vain ornaments, neither set your hopes on them. Let your reliance be on the remembrance of God, the Most Exalted, the Most Great."

This is a good motivational quote for this week because I need to pay more attention to it. I've been worrying a lot lately, which means I haven't been placing my reliance on God. When I place my reliance on God, I worry less. In addition, I don't put things off because relying on God dissipates my fear. I have a lot to accomplish this week, so I don't have time to worry. Worry slows me down by taking my focus away from what I'm doing. If I don't focus on accomplishing my goals then I don't get very much done.

Goals for the Week of July 16-22, 2017

*Box* Add chapters to
         *Box* "Invalid Item
         *Box* "Invalid Item
         *Box* "Invalid Item
*Box* Review chapter, poems, or stories in
         *Box* "Hawks With Sins
         *Box* "Diamonds or Dust? "April in Aleppo
         *Box* "Invalid Item Chapter 3
         *Box* "Pants on Fire "Forecast: More Twitter Storms!
         *Box* "Deconstructing a Life, Chap. 6
*Box* Finish story We Will Rise Up!
*Box* Finish poems in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose
         *Box* Poem 33 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 34 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 36 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 39 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 40 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 41 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 42 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 43 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 44 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 45 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 46 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 47 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 48 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 49 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 50 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 51 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 52 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 53 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 54 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 55 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 56 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 57 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 58 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 59 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 60 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
*Box* Send two c-notes anonymously
*Box* Listen Clear Micheal O'Connor 877-320-3657

I requested $10.00 from Survey Spot transferred to my PayPal account. Once it was transferred to PayPal I transferred it to my Bank of America Checking account. I should hit that account sometime on Tuesday or Wednesday. I posted to my Poet 999 blog today, it's been about a week since my last post. I'll have to post more often this week.

Goals for the week of 17-21
posted on "Weekly Goals

*Box* In "Bicentenary Poems and Prose finish poems 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39.
*BoxCheckR* Finish paper work and get in the mail before Wednesday.
*Box* Review items on Item Review lists.
*Box* Write an essay and/or activity for "Invalid Item.
*Box* Work on We Will Rise Up!

Goals Completed Today: July 17, 2017

*BoxCheckB* Posted this weeks goals to "Weekly Goals.
*BoxCheckR* Poem 30 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
*BoxCheck* Poem 32 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
*BoxCheckR* Poem 38 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
*BoxCheckB* "Pants on Fire Review 3 entries.
*BoxCheckR* Finish paper work and get in the mail before Wednesday.
*BoxCheck* "The Most Wonderful Day of . . . Chap. 5

10  Bahái Words July 17, 2017

July 16, 2017 at 9:19am
July 16, 2017 at 9:19am
Jamál (Beauty), 5 Kalimát (Words) 174 Badi - Sunday, July 16, 2017 CE

"O my God, my Master, the Goal of my desire! This, Thy servant, seeketh to sleep in the shelter of Thy mercy, and to repose beneath the canopy of Thy grace, imploring Thy care and Thy protection.

I beg of Thee, O my Lord, by Thine eye that sleepeth not, to guard mine eyes from beholding aught beside Thee. Strengthen, then, their vision that they may discern Thy signs, and behold the Horizon of Thy Revelation. Thou art He before the revelations of Whose omnipotence the quintessence of power hath trembled.

No God is there but Thee, the Almighty, the All-Subduing, the Unconditioned."


This is my favorite evening prayer, and it was the first Baha'i Prayer I memorized. I read or recite it every night either before or after I turn out the light to go to sleep. If I go to bed too early I wake up about midnight, if that happens then I read the Midnight prayer by 'Abdu'l-Baha. I read or recite the prayer by Baha'u'llah, The Bab, and 'Abdu'l-Baha because I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit when I read them.

I need to focus on finishing poems 28, 29, 30, 23, 33, 34, and 36 this week. I can still work on the other, and list any ideas I come up with. However I need to finish those seven poem sometime between today and Friday.

Goals accomplished today.

*BoxCheckB* Poem 27 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
*BoxCheckR* "Promises and Premonitions, Chap. 4
*BoxCheck* "Diamonds or Dust? "Aprils snow
*BoxCheckR* Poem 28 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *BoxCheckB* Poem 29 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty

I went to the Baha'i Center this afternoon for the July Devotional Services. While I was there I purchased two book The Sufferings of Baha'u'llah and Call of the Nightingale. Reading these books should give me a lot of ideas for the rest of the 200 poems I'm dedicating to the Blessed Beauty. The subject of today's service was "All true healing comes from God", which is a quote from 'Abdu'l-Baha. The subject of the August 20 meeting is "Will of God".

Goals for the Week of July 16-22, 2017

*Box* Finish making out paperwork and mail
*Box* Add chapters to
         *Box* "Invalid Item
         *Box* "Invalid Item
         *Box* "Invalid Item
*Box* Review chapter, poems, or stories in
         *Box* "Hawks With Sins
         *Box* "Diamonds or Dust? "Thrown out of the office
         *Box* "Invalid Item Chapter 3
         *Box* "Pants on Fire "Setting Priorities
         *Box* "The Most Wonderful Day of . . . Chap. 5
         *Box* "Deconstructing a Life, Chap. 6
*Box* Finish story We Will Rise Up!
*Box* Finish poems in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose
         *Box* Poem 30 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 32 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 33 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 34 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 36 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 38 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 39 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 40 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 41 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 42 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 43 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 44 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 45 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 46 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 47 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 48 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 49 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 50 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 51 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 52 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 53 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 54 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
*Box* Send two c-notes anonymously

11  Bahái Words for July 16, 2017.

July 15, 2017 at 6:18pm
July 15, 2017 at 6:18pm
Jalál (Glory), 4 Kalimát (Words) 174 Badi - Saturday, July 15, 2017 CE

"O thou handmaid aflame with the fire of God’s love! Grieve thou not over the troubles and hardships of this nether world, nor be thou glad in times of ease and comfort, for both shall pass away. This present life is even as a swelling wave, or a mirage, or drifting shadows. Could ever a distorted image on the desert serve as refreshing waters? No, by the Lord of Lords! Never can reality and the mere semblance of reality be one, and wide is the difference between fancy and fact, between truth and the phantom thereof."
‘Abdu’l-Baha (‘Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’)12

I don't think I have a lot to worry about, and, even if I do, there isn't much I can do about it anyway. I need to place everything in Baha'u'llah's hands. I worry too much about things I can't do anything about, instead of focusing on the t hing I can do something about. Once I place a situation in Baha'u'llah's I need to leave it there instead of attempting to take it back with worry.

Goals I Accomplished

         *BoxCheckB* "In the Age of Magical Thinking, Chap. 1
         *BoxCheckR* "Hawks With Sins "Word Of Illusion

Yesterday, my router lost is connection twice and I had to manually reboot it. So far today, it only lost its connection once. I hope and pray it last until I can afford a new one. A Cox router cost about $60.00, but I don't think I have to have a Cox router to keep my Cox internet connection. If I can find a cheaper router then I will, but only if I can keep the Cox internet connection. I'll have to do a search to see if I can get something cheaper. I'll also have to call Cox to see if I can use another router and still keep my Cox internet connection.

Goals for the Week of July 16-22, 2017

*Box* Finish making out paperwork and mail
*Box* Add chapters to
         *Box* "Invalid Item
         *Box* "Invalid Item
         *Box* "Invalid Item
*Box* Review chapter, poems, or stories in
         *Box* "Hawks With Sins
         *Box* "Diamonds or Dust? "Aprils snow
         *Box* "Invalid Item Chapter 3
         *Box* "Promises and Premonitions, Chap. 4
         *Box* "Pants on Fire "Setting Priorities
         *Box* "Deconstructing a Life, Chap. 6
*Box* Finish story We Will Rise Up!
*Box* Finish poems in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose
         *Box* Poem 27 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 28 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 29 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 30 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 32 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 33 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 34 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 36 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 38 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 39 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 40 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 41 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 42 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 43 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 44 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 45 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 46 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 47 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 48 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
*Box* Send two c-notes anonymously

I think I've finished "Poem 27 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty", which is The King of Glory. However, I'm not quite sure, so I will wait until Sunday to remove the restriction off the private setting. I've found that it's, almost, always a good idea to let a poem rest overnight before deciding if it is finished. I know that I can't always do this because some of the poem's I write are for one-day contests, but when I can let the poem rest overnight I will.

12  Counsels and Explanations by 'Abdu'l-Baha -- Daily Readings for July 14, 2017.

July 11, 2017 at 2:26pm
July 11, 2017 at 2:26pm
Fiḍál (Grace), 19 Raḥmat (Mercy) 174 Badi - Tuesday, July 11, 2017 CE

"O God my God! I beg of Thee by the ocean of Thy healing, and by the splendors of the Daystar of Thy grace, and by Thy Name through which Thou didst subdue Thy servants, and by the pervasive power of Thy most exalted Word and the potency of Thy most august Pen, and by Thy mercy that hath preceded the creation of all who are in heaven and on earth, to purge me with the waters of Thy bounty from every affliction and disorder, and from all weakness and feebleness.

Thou seest, O my Lord, Thy suppliant waiting at the door of Thy bounty, and him who hath set his hopes on Thee clinging to the cord of Thy generosity. Deny him not, I beseech Thee, the things he seeketh from the ocean of Thy grace and the Daystar of Thy loving-kindness.

Powerful art Thou to do what pleaseth Thee. There is none other God save Thee, the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Generous."


Healing prayers and going to see a doctor when necessary are the best ways to heal mind, body, and soul. Baha'is are encouraged to see a physician on a regular basis because sickness and disease affect both the body and the spirit. To rely only on one type of healing is not to treat the whole patient. In order for the body to heal a person needs to see a doctor while saying healing prayers on a regular basis. The same thing goes for mental disorders, but in this case a person needs to see a psychiatrist in addition to saying healing prayers.

Goals Accomplished for the Week of July 9-15, 2017.

*BoxCheckB* Finish fantasy newsletter
*BoxCheckR* Blogger of the week announcement/ballot
*BoxCheck* Contact winners of June Bloggers of the week with theme
*BoxCheckR* Finish poem "Legend of the Winged Unicorn.
*BoxCheckB* Created "Barbados Crossword for "Invalid Item.
*CheckGr* Review accomplished from my To Do List.
         *BoxCheckB* "The Crawling Thane
         *BoxCheckR* "Assorted Short Stories
         *BoxCheck* "The Illusion of Changing Tides, Chap. 3
         *BoxCheckR* "Last Spark
*CheckO* Finish poems in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose
         *BoxCheckB* Poem 20 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
         *BoxCheckR* Poem 21 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty

I'm doing fairly good today. I could be doing better, but at least I haven't played solitaire instead of writing or doing surveys. I need to push myself a little harder to get everything accomplished before Friday, July 14, at 8:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time. I don't know how much I can get accomplished in the next few day, but I will do what I can. I keep adding things to the To Do list before I have everything accomplished on it. At least, I will have something to do instead of worrying.

Goals for the Week of July 9-15, 2017

*Box* Make out paperwork and mail
*Box* Add chapters to
         *Box* "Invalid Item
         *Box* "Invalid Item
         *Box* "Invalid Item
*Box* Review chapter, poems, or stories in
         *Box* "The Search for Christ - Part 2
         *Box* "Diamonds or Dust?
         *Box* "In the Age of Magical Thinking, Chap. 1
         *Box* "Invalid Item
         *Box* "Promises and Premonitions, Chap. 4
         *Box* "Pants on Fire
         *Box* "Deconstructing a Life, Chap. 6
*Box* Finish story We Will Rise Up!
*Box* Finish poem in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose
         *Box* Poem 22 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 23 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 24 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 25 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 26 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 27 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 28 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 29 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 30 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
*Box* Send two c-notes anonymously

Goals for the week of 10-14
posted on "Weekly Goals

*Box* Make out paperwork and mail
*Box* Add chapters to to at least one of the three interactive stories I promised to add to.
*Box* Work on or finish poem Legend of the Winged Unicorn.
*Box* Work on or finish story We Will Rise Up!
*Box* Finish, at least, on poem in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose.
*Box* Review chapters, poems, and/or stories on this week's To Do List.
*Box* Write essay or story about Barbados for "Invalid Item

"Blogging Circle of Friends - DAY 1670 July 12, 2017 Prompt: “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” ― Marcel Proust How do you have new eyes or see the world with new eyes?

13  Bahái Words for July 11, 2017

July 10, 2017 at 10:37am
July 10, 2017 at 10:37am
Kamál (Perfection), 18 Raḥmat (Mercy) 174 Badi - Monday, July 10, 2017 CE

"The fruits that best befit the tree of human life are trustworthiness and godliness, truthfulness and sincerity; but greater than all, after recognition of the unity of God, praised and glorified be He, is regard for the rights that are due to one’s parents. This teaching hath been mentioned in all the Books of God, and reaffirmed by the Most Exalted Pen. Consider that which the Merciful Lord hath revealed in the Qur’án, exalted are His words: “Worship ye God, join with Him no peer or likeness; and show forth kindliness and charity towards your parents …” Observe how loving-kindness to one’s parents hath been linked to recognition of the one true God! Happy they who are endued with true wisdom and understanding, who see and perceive, who read and understand, and who observe that which God hath revealed in the Holy Books of old, and in this incomparable and wondrous Tablet."
Bahá’u’lláh from The Kitab-i-Aqdas14

Both of my parents are dead, Daddy died on April 14, 1998 and Mom died on November 29, 2012. I think I did my best for Mom while she was alive, but sometimes I'm not sure. I don't know what I could have done for Daddy because he stepped out of my life when I was a child. Since they're both dead, the only thing I can do for them now is to say Prayers for the Departed.

Goals for the Week of July 9-15, 2017

*Box* Make out paperwork and mail
*Box* Add chapters to
         *Box* "Invalid Item
         *Box* "Invalid Item
         *Box* "Invalid Item.
*Box* Review chapter, poems, or stories in
         *Box* "Assorted Short Stories
         *Box* "The Illusion of Changing Tides, Chap. 3
         *Box* "Diamonds or Dust?
         *Box* "Invalid Item
         *Box* "Pants on Fire
*Box* Finish poem Legend of the Winged Unicorn.
*Box* Finish story We Will Rise Up!
*Box* Finish poem in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose
         *Box* Poem 20 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 21 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 22 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 23 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 24 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 25 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 26 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 27 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 28 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty
*Box* Send two c-notes anonymously

I'm not very motivated right now, in fact, I'm a little depressed. However, depression isn't going to get anything accomplished this week. I have a lot to do this week, so I can't stay depressed or nothing will be accomplished. Perhaps part of the problem is fear or doubt that I can accomplish anything. That.. I don't know what I was going to write there because I was interrupted by the door. Anyway--I think what I was going to say is--I have a lot to do so I'd better get motivated or, at least, pretend I'm motivated or I won't get anything accomplished this week.

Goals for the week of 10-14
posted on "Weekly Goals

*Box* Make out paperwork and mail
*Box* Add chapters to to at least one of the three interactive stories I promised to add to.
*Box* Work on or finish poem Legend of the Winged Unicorn.
*Box* Work on or finish story We Will Rise Up!
*Box* Finish, at least, on poem in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose.
*Box* Review chapters, poems, and/or stories on this week's To Do List.
*Box* Write essay or story about Barbados for "Invalid Item

14  Bahái Words for July 7, 2017

July 9, 2017 at 3:48pm
July 9, 2017 at 3:48pm
Jamál (Beauty), 17 Raḥmat (Mercy) 174 Badi - Sunday, July 9, 2017 CE
Martyrdom of The Bab

"O God! Refresh and gladden my spirit. Purify my heart. Illumine my powers. I lay all my affairs in Thy hand. Thou art my Guide and my Refuge. I will no longer be sorrowful and grieved; I will be a happy and joyful being. O God! I will no longer be full of anxiety, nor will I let trouble harass me. I will not dwell on the unpleasant things of life. Oh God! Thou art more friend to me than I am to myself. I dedicate myself to Thee, O Lord."

It's Sunday, the beginning of a new week. I finished "Canada yesterday and posted it on "Invalid Item, so there isn't any use worrying about it now. I can't say that I'm happy with that essay, but it finished for the present. I may rewrite it later, but for now I'm letting it stand as it is. A new country will be posted on "Invalid Item tomorrow and I have other items I have to finish. There are two or three interactive stories I have to add chapters to, I have to finish a fantasy poem, a story for "Rhythms & Writing: Official WDC Contest, and I have seven poem started in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose. I also have to finish my edition of the fantasy newsletter, and do the Blogger of the Week for "Blogging Circle of Friends .

Goals for the Week of July 9-15, 2017

*Box* Make out paperwork and mail
*Box* Add chapters to
         *Box* "Invalid Item
         *Box* "Invalid Item
         *Box* "Invalid Item.
*Box* Review chapter, poems, or stories in
         *Box* "Assorted Short Stories
         *Box* "Diamonds or Dust?
         *Box* "Invalid Item
         *Box* "Pants on Fire.
*Box* Finish poem Legend of the Winged Unicorn.
*Box* Finish story We Will Rise Up!
*Box* Finish poem in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose
         *Box* Poem 20 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 21 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 22 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 23 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 24 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 25 of 200 Dedicated to the Blessed Beauty
         *Box* Poem 26 of 200 Dedicated to The Blessed Beauty

"Blogging Circle of Friends prompt for DAY 1697: July 10 is National Clerihew Day. A Clerihew is a four-line poem rhyming AABB. It is usually about a famous person. The first line is the name of the poem's subject. This poem is supposed to be funny. For more information about this poetry form see http://shadowpoetry.com/resources/wip/clerihew.html. Write a Clerihew.

Goals for the Week of July 9-15, 2017 Accomplished

*BoxCheckB* Finish fantasy newsletter
*BoxCheckR* Blogger of the week announcement/ballot
*BoxCheck* Contact winners of June Bloggers of the week with theme

15  Bahái Words for August 16, 2014

July 2, 2017 at 5:00pm
July 2, 2017 at 5:00pm
Jamál (Beauty), 10 Raḥmat (Mercy) 174 Badi - Sunday, July 2, 2017 CE

"Glory be to Thee, O my God! Thou hearest Thine ardent lovers lamenting in their separation from Thee, and such as have recognized Thee wailing because of their remoteness from Thy presence. Open Thou outwardly to their faces, O my Lord, the gates of Thy grace, that they may enter them by Thy leave and in conformity with Thy will, and may stand before the throne of Thy majesty, and catch the accents of Thy voice, and be illumined with the splendors of the light of Thy face."

It's the beginning of a new week, and I like to start the week with a prayer I haven't discovered before. I didn't have to look far today because of the prayer sent to me by Bahái Words. I can feel the Holy Spirit flow through that prayer. I have to admit, that for the past few days I haven't focused on the scriptures or the prayers the way I should. I think that's why I'm encountering depression; I'll get back to saying the Long Healing prayer tonight before I go to sleep. I usually read the healing prayer from my phone (I downloaded an app), but for the past few days I haven't watched the battery charge closely. I've had to charge the battery after I go to bed.

Goals for the week of July 3-7
to posted on "Weekly Goals.

*Box* Review a total of 28 items wit at leas 7 written by newbies.
*Box* Finish short story or poem for "Power Reading Pleasures.
*Box* Begin short story for "Rhythms & Writing: Official WDC Contest.
*Box* Finish short story, essay, poem, or activity for "Invalid Item Week 6 by Friday.
*Box* Finish Poem 13 of 200 dedicated to the Blessed Beauty (I only have a title for this poem.)
*Box* Finish my next edition of the Fantasy newsletter.
*Box* Do four things I've been putting off.

It's the beginning of a new week, which is the first full week of July. I know, from experience, that this month will pass faster then what I want it to. I have a three or four things I have to finish and get off this week, otherwise they won't get done. I also have some writing projects I have to start and finish in July. I finished The Dragon's Peal today and submitted it. Yesterday, I finished God's Way, Not My Way. So now all I have to do is the paper work and off site submissions by Friday, July 7, to have everything accomplished I've been putting off.

16  Bahái Words for July 2, 2017.

June 30, 2017 at 5:23pm
June 30, 2017 at 5:23pm
Istiqlál (Independence), 8 Raḥmat (Mercy) 174 Badi - Friday, June 30, 2017 CE

"Concentrate all the thoughts of your heart on love and unity. When a thought of war comes, oppose it by a stronger thought of peace. A thought of hatred must be destroyed by a more powerful thought of love. Thoughts of war bring destruction to all harmony, well-being, restfulness and content.Thoughts of love are constructive of brotherhood, peace, friendship, and happiness."

Love and unity are positive, while war and hatred are negative. Therefore, thoughts love and unity are stronger then negative thoughts such as war and hatred. All positive thoughts and actions are stronger then negative thoughts and actions because positive thought descend from the spiritual realm while negative thoughts and actions are reflections of the human being's animal ego.

Goals update for Week of June 26-30, 2017
Posted to "Weekly Goals

*BoxCheckB* Finished essay for "Invalid Item "Fighting Global Warming in China.
*BoxCheckR* Finished story for "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest "Cathedral of Lost Souls.
*BoxCheck* Accomplished review goal.
*Box* I'm still working on the poems.

17  Baha'i Words for June 30, 2017

June 28, 2017 at 12:32pm
June 28, 2017 at 12:32pm
‘Idál (Justice), 6 Raḥmat (Mercy) 174 Badi - Wednesday, June 28, 2017 CE

"Were a man in this day to adorn himself with the raiment of trustworthiness it were better for him in the sight of God than that he should journey on foot towards the holy court and be blessed with meeting the Adored One and standing before His Seat of Glory. Trustworthiness is as a stronghold to the city of humanity, and as eyes to the human temple. Whosoever remaineth deprived thereof shall, before His Throne, be reckoned as one bereft of vision."

Reading this quote reminded me that I have a lot of writing projects I have to catch up on. I don't know if I'll be able to get everything caught up before July 1. I think the best thing to do is start with the closest deadline and work backwards from there. The problem is that I'm stuck on the one with the closest deadline, but I just start writing and see what I come up with. I need to finish it by Friday. I can get a lot accomplished today if I don't let myself waist time. My problem is that when I have a deadline I stress and find busy work to procrastinate with.

*BoxCheckB* I have finished and submitted the story "Cathedral of Lost Souls to "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest.

18  Baha'i Words for June 28, 2017

June 26, 2017 at 10:45am
June 26, 2017 at 10:45am
Kamál (Perfection), 4 Raḥmat (Mercy) 174 Badi - Monday, June 26, 2017 CE

Prayer for the Departed

"O my God, O Forgiver of sins and Dispeller of afflictions! O Thou Who art the Pardoner, the Merciful! I raise my suppliant hands to Thee, tearfully beseeching the court of Thy divine Essence to forgive, through Thy grace and clemency, Thy handmaiden who hath ascended unto the seat of truth. Cause her, O Lord, to be overshadowed by the clouds of Thy bounty and favor, immerse her in the ocean of Thy forgiveness and pardon, and enable her to enter that sanctified abode, Thy heavenly Paradise.
Thou art, verily, the Mighty, the Compassionate, the Generous, the Merciful."


This morning I'm a little sad because I miss Mama. She has been in the Abha Kingdom since November 29, 2012, I know that she is happy because she is with Baha'u'llah and her parents. I still miss her and cry, at least, once a month. I also miss Grandma and Grandpa; however, I have gotten used to missing them and crying because I miss them. I don't think I have gotten used to missing Mama. I don't think I will ever get used to missing Mama and wanting her with me.

I had intended to write something else, but then I got to looking through the Baha'i Words folder in my Cox inbox. I found this prayer and realize I did not say a prayer for the departed this morning. Now that I have said the prayer, I will get on with this entry. I intended to write about my motivation this week, and thinking about motivation always brings Mama to mind because she always encouraged and motivated me.

Goals for the Week of June 26-30
posted in "Weekly Goals

*Box* Complete poem I have started and submit.
*Box* Complete short story I have started and submit.
*Box* Complete two items for "Invalid Item, submit one by Friday and the other by Sunday.
*Box* Review as many items as possible with newbie items as a priority.

I didn't get much writing accomplished today, but I did make several phone calls and took care of some business. I'm feeling less depressed this afternoon. I have more to do tomorrow, but this evening I'm going to write and/or do surveys.

19  Baha'i Words for June 21, 2017

June 17, 2017 at 1:57pm
June 17, 2017 at 1:57pm
Jalál (Glory), 14 ‘Núr (Light) 174 Badi - Saturday, June 17, 2017 CE

"Be always kind to everyone and a refuge for those who are without shelter. Be daughters to those who are older than you. Be sisters to those who are of your own age. Be mothers to those who are younger than yourselves. Be nurses to the sick, treasurers for the poor, and supply heavenly food to the hungry."

Kindness should be the watchword of every person of faith. Sometimes it is difficult to show kindness to people who aren't kind to you, but those are exactly the one a persons needs to be extra kind to. You don't have to let them run over or brow beat you, but you should show enough kindness to say a silent prayer for them. There have been times in my life when I didn't show kindness to others, but I can't go back in time to change that. I can, however, change the way I respond to people in the present and the future.

200 Poems by October 22, 2017

According to my calculations, October 22 is only 127 days away. I set the goal today when I was reading posts on Facebook. Someone posted, to one of the groups I belong to, that he or his friend would writ 200 blog entries dedicated to the Blessed Beauty. At the time, I didn't realize how short a time was left, but, even if I had known, I don't think it would have mattered because I still would have set the goal. I don't think a time limit was given; however, I decided I needed to give myself a deadline. I chose October 22, because it is the 200th Anniversary of Baha'u'llah's birth.

In order to accomplish this goal, I have to write approximately one and a half poems a day. I have to face the possibility that I may not be able to write two poems a day. The important thing is to make a faithful attempt at achieving the goal. I already wrote one poem today dedicated to the Blessed Beauty which I posted in "Melting Snow "Creation Saturday: There is Only One Way Out. I will post a copy of each poem in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose when they are finished. I don't know if I have to rewrite the first poem yet because I need to let it lay a couple of days before deciding that.

Light Bulb Moments:
To the Blessed Beauty

A light bulb moment
After prayer, meditation,
And contemplation.

20  Baha'i Words for June 17, 2017

June 14, 2017 at 12:51pm
June 14, 2017 at 12:51pm
‘Idál (Justice), 11 Núr (Light) 174 Badi - Wednesday, June 14, 2017 CE

"The first duty prescribed by God for His servants is the recognition of Him Who is the Dayspring of His Revelation and the Fountain of His laws, Who representeth the Godhead in both the Kingdom of His Cause and the world of creation. Whoso achieveth this duty hath attained unto all good; and whoso is deprived thereof hath gone astray, though he be the author of every righteous deed. It behoveth every one who reacheth this most sublime station, this summit of transcendent glory, to observe every ordinance of Him Who is the Desire of the world. These twin duties are inseparable. Neither is acceptable without the other. Thus hath it been decreed by Him Who is the Source of Divine inspiration."

It's Wednesday and time for a Midweek Reflections entry. I've already made two of those entries in "Melting Snow, so I don't think I'll make another entry with that title. I have a lot to do today. I have to finish a short story, post it on "Comma Sense Classroom Forum, and do some reviews. I'm not feeling very inspired right now; in fact, I'm a bit depressed and appear to be getting more depressed. I was fine this morning after I took my work to the dumpster in the alley and then around the block. I still have some coffee in the kitchen maybe that will get me out of my depression.

I submitted the following to "Spiritual Newsletter (June 14, 2017): I am a Baha'i. Baha'i fast for nineteen days between sunup and sundown. Our fast occurs during the month of ‘Alá’ which falls the first nineteen days of March. The end of the Nineteen Day fast is Naw-Ruz (it falls on the vernal equinox). I am now 70 years old, so I am no longer required to fast, but when I was fasting I can assure you that watching other people eat or drink didn't bother me.

I took the personality test mentioned in "Short Stories Newsletter (June 14, 2017), and it turns out I'm a Mediator Personality (INFP-T). I'm 70% introvert, 86% intuitive, 67% feeling, 86% perspective, and 54% turbulent. As a Mediator my role is diplomat and my strategy/goal is constant improvement. I submitted my results in a comment to this newsletter.

Today's Accomplishments

*BoxCheckB* Donated a package to "Invalid Item: Review three poem and give an awardcon to my favorite.
*BoxCheckR* Set up template for July fantasy newsletter.
*BoxCheck* Finished and submitted "Invalid Entry to "Comma Sense Classroom Forum.

21  Baha'i Words for June 14, 2017

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