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Rated: GC · Book · Experience · #1260114
Just a blog containing my daily activities, interests, rants, etc. Enjoy.
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Neko wishes everyone a wonderful summer!

I paint my face with blackend lines,
carving my soul into darkness.
I rip my flesh into tiny pieces,
as I scream - so wreckless.

I can't stop going on this path,
the path I chose long ago.
I can't keep from making them,
those same mistakes, over again.

But I can try to keep going,
to live, to love, to laugh.
To cry, to scream, to swear...
as long as I go on, even if I'm "half".

Half alive, half dead, trying to live,
will I ever be whole, who knows?

Started: 9th of May, 2007
Agenda: I will tell of past experiences, current experiences, and future experiences I wish to have. This will be a way for me to relieve some stress and to try and better my writing style.
Credits: Thanks for checking my blog out, and if you read it, I hope it isn't too boring~! *Pthb*

P.S. I'm going to try *spiffing up* my blog later on this month or next month, depending on how much time I have. *Bigsmile*
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August 31, 2009 at 10:45pm
August 31, 2009 at 10:45pm
So... I decided to drop my German 1102 class. It was way too overwhelming. I couldn't understand a thing Frau Hulse (my teacher) was saying, nor could I understand my homework, what was in the book, or anything else.

I talked it over with my parents. Since today is the last day to drop a course without getting a "W" (for withdraw - we only have a certain number of these we can use), I decided to just drop the German and wait for an email from my teacher. I asked her earlier what I should do, and told her my concerns. Hopefully she'll email me back soon.

The 2nd is the last day to ADD a course. So if Frau Hulse convinces me to come back, I can re-add the class. If I still decide not to go back, I'm going to pick up World Archaeology with my sister. This way, if I do bad in one of my classes, I still have the "W" to use and I'll be able to escape a bad grade.

Next semester, I think I'll take Jogging. *Smile* It sounds nice & easy... plus it'll get me in shape! (If only a little...)

Sigh... anyhow, I'm totally anxious about all this dropping classes and crap. However, I know that I would have failed German if I kept up the way I had been. If I do not pick German back up again on the 2nd, I'm planning on getting a tutor to help me till I next take the class. This way, I'll be better prepared.

*Worry* Or so I hope....
August 26, 2009 at 12:50am
August 26, 2009 at 12:50am
Thought this music video was rather interesting. *Laugh* I really love the song, and the video itself is kind of cool. *Smile* This is my first time hearing this band; I wonder if any of you out there have heard of them before? (It's Rock, for those of you who want to know).

Here it is:

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The band is Soulidium and the song is called "Live Forever". Warning: It has some sexual/violent aspects to it. Enjoy!
August 25, 2009 at 11:54pm
August 25, 2009 at 11:54pm
Sooo~yesterday I said I'd add onto my course list. I had one more class to add, so here it is.

*Star*10:30-12:00 T/TH [American Literature - Amer Lit I] *Right* Seems like this will be an interesting course. I really thought it was going to be boring when I signed up (because I prefer British Lit) but I thought wrong. The teacher told us a lot of interesting info about the Puritans today, which is one of the groups we'll be focusing on. We only have to write two papers; one is opinion based and the other a research. And get this~we get to pick any story/poem we want as long as it's in our textbook. *Smile* Huzzah! (And only 5 pages each!)

Now for the extra... I am soooo stressed out about German. I can hardly understand what's going on in class because the teacher speaks to fast (and mostly in German now) so I'm really lost and confused. Hopefully I'll start understanding more of it as time goes by.

Also, I think I'm getting sick. *Frown* I'm feeling REALLY tired, and for the last five or so days my nose just won't stop dripping. I feel like a leaky faucet. *Angry* At least it's not "stuffy" though... I can't take that. Makes me feel like my heads about to implode or something. *Rolleyes*

Next... I'm thinking about making a story based around this poem:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1593216 by Not Available.

Let me know whether or not you guys think I should. *Blush* I was also wondering whether I should make it a short story or something longer... hmm... That's certainly something to ponder. *Bigsmile*
August 24, 2009 at 4:02pm
August 24, 2009 at 4:02pm
Hello from school, guys! *Smile* Bored, so I thought I'd tell you guys how it's going.

Here's how my day has gone, roughly:
*Star*8:30-9:30 MWF [Psychology 2000: Introduction to Psychology] *Right* Typical class. The instructor seems nice. Hopefully the class will be as interesting as I thought it would be.

*Star*9:30-10:30 MTWTH [German 1102: German 2] *Right* Yes, the dreaded German 2. I barely scraped by in German 1 with a B... hopefully things go better this time, but it's doubtful. At least I have an awesome teacher though! *Bigsmile* I love Frau Hulse.

*Star*11:30-12:30 MWF [Classical Studies ???? (too lazy to look up): Green & Roman Mythology] *Right* This seems like it's going to be a really fun class. *Smile* The professor is really wacky and excited about the subject... so I think I'll enjoy this subject. I've had previous experience through my Latin class, so it's not as if it's the first time I've heard of some of these myths, etc.

*Star*2:30-3:30 MWF [Biology 1001 - Introductory Course] *Right* Typical biology course. Doubt I'll enjoy it, but one can hope. Instructor seems nice so far. Huge class. *Frown* And I do not like clickers.

I'll add the last subject I have, English - American Literature, once I've experienced it tomorrow. It's a TTH class. Hopefully it goes over well. *Smile*

August 23, 2009 at 10:17pm
August 23, 2009 at 10:17pm
I was wondering if anyone else thinks "whore" seems a tad strong for a 13 year old to read? *Blush* My reason for asking is that it's apparently okay to have in a 13+ rated item. I'm not really demanding things be changed or anything; instead, I just want to know if others have the same thinking about it as I do? I honestly have to say that I wouldn't want a 13 year old coming across one of my items and reading the word "whore" in it (especially when used in certain contexts). My little cousin (who I love very much) is 13, and I can't imagine allowing her to read something like that in my work. (Maybe when she's a little older though...).

So yeah, even though I now know "whore" is 13+, I think I'm still going to keep my items rated 18+ where that word appears. *Blush* Just because of personal reasons.

Anyone else agree with me on this one? (Or don't agree?). I'd love to hear some opinions on this. *Smile*
August 21, 2009 at 6:09pm
August 21, 2009 at 6:09pm
For the past week or so, I have been feeling extremely full... though I've hardly been eating anything. Yesterday I didn't eat lunch, and when dinner came around I was going to munch on a brownie. I took a few bites... and voila! I was full. Ended up having to give the rest to my sister. Seriously, what's wrong with me? I'm never hungry. I haven't eaten ANYTHING all day and I still don't feel hungry. (And include the fact that all I ate yesterday was 3 bites of a brownie). It's been like this the entire week. I feel like if I eat more than what I have, that I'll end up throwing it up or something. *Sigh* I'm considering talking to the doctor about it, but I don't know if I should....

Since it's my Grandpa's birthday, we're going out to eat tonight. I'll see if I have any success eating then. If I don't, I might make an appointment.

Anyone have any advice on this?
August 20, 2009 at 1:14pm
August 20, 2009 at 1:14pm
I keep wondering: Is it my birthday? Why do I wonder this? Well... I'm getting an unusually large amount of reviews this week! *Shock* I got like, 15 or so in three or four days... AMAZING! *Laugh* That may not seem like many to some of you, but I don't go out purposefully trying to get reviews. Usually, I only get like... maybe one review a week, if any at all. The only poem I actually posted on the review page was "Invalid Item, because I wanted to fix something that was bothering me... and needed help. (Which I got from the awesome šŸ’ŸCrissy~Hijacked and also mARiā˜ StressedAtWork ). I tightened the syllable counts and am still trying to work on the last two lines of the first stanza. If anyone has suggestions, lemme know.

Okay, anyway, back to the original subject. Only 4 of the reviews I received were from a plugged item. The rest were on some newer stuff & even some old writings. So I'm a very happy kitty this week, at least about that.

Also... sweet Stephanie Grace awarded my sig shop, "Invalid Item, an awardicon! I was so surprised and honored. *Bigsmile* I even won a place in two of the contests I entered--see below:
"Invalid Item won 2nd place in "Invalid Item
"Invalid Item won 1st place in "Bite Size Poetry Contest

So yeah... I'm wondering still, is it my Birthday? *Confused*

(Thanks everyone for making this a special week! *Heart* It's like an early birthday gift! *Laugh*)
August 20, 2009 at 9:32am
August 20, 2009 at 9:32am
Hehe... soooo the festivities are getting to me, and I decided to make a signature for myself. It's for September only (since my birthday is in September, as is Stephanie's! Stephanie Grace ). Let me know what you guys think. It's not all that fancy... but... I was in a rush. I still think it's cute though! *Heart*

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(Click the image above to join in the festivities!)
*Star*"Invalid Item*Star*

The image links to Stephanie's "Birthday Bash" which she is holding to honor WDCs (and our) birthday this month. *Smile* Please support it if you can~! I swear you'll have fun. *Heart*
August 20, 2009 at 12:36am
August 20, 2009 at 12:36am
Okay, well this is a mildly weird blog post. Or... maybe not. But anyhow, here it goes.

The other night I was having some trouble falling asleep, so I put on some boring TV show and settled down with my kitty. She was laying on top of my arm and along the side of my body. In other words, in the space between my side and my arm. As I just started drifting off to sleep, I was suddenly awoken by pain. Baby was scratching the heck out of me. *Frown* For some reason, she must have gotten startled. Maybe she was having a nightmare? Not sure, but either way it hurt.

I had to get Sam (my sister) up to help me clean off the scratches. There was one on the top of my hand, on the underside of my wrist, and near my elbow (this one I didn't even notice until my sister pointed it out). I was kind of scared baby had gotten my face, but luckily my face was scratch free. So we cleaned it off, got some band-aids, and then I was ready to go back to bed. But when I got back in my room... I had to clean off blood stains. What fun. Yeah, the scratches were bad enough to make stains. *Sigh* I forgive my Baby though; she's too cute to be mad at, plus she only did it because she was startled. *Rolleyes*
August 18, 2009 at 1:26am
August 18, 2009 at 1:26am
Okay, so some may have noticed my "Angry Kitty" handle. Welllll ~ it's because of the further annoyance and stupidity that Blizzard has exhibited. Jamie, my boyfriend, tried emailing their support (the email which THEY gave him to send questions to about the ban). They emailed him back today with the stupidest thing ever. A "How well did we do?" survey. You know... that CERTAIN survey businesses or whatever gives to a customer asking them to let them know how much they enjoyed (or disliked) the service/support they received. How stupid is that? He emails them asking why the hell they banned him, and they return with a stupid survey. Obviously, he gave them 0s in each category. I mean, come on... I would have given them a -13,711,973,071,097 if I could have. Why would a customer rate your customer support anything more than a 0 when you gave them none?

Needless to say, I'm still pissed off about this. Someone who has paid for a service for more than two years should not be treated like crap nor banned for no reason. I'm planning to never step foot on World of Warcraft again. It'll be hard (because I really did love that game) but it's not worth it if this is how they're going to treat their paying customers.

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