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Just a blog containing my daily activities, interests, rants, etc. Enjoy.
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Neko wishes everyone a wonderful summer!

I paint my face with blackend lines,
carving my soul into darkness.
I rip my flesh into tiny pieces,
as I scream - so wreckless.

I can't stop going on this path,
the path I chose long ago.
I can't keep from making them,
those same mistakes, over again.

But I can try to keep going,
to live, to love, to laugh.
To cry, to scream, to swear...
as long as I go on, even if I'm "half".

Half alive, half dead, trying to live,
will I ever be whole, who knows?

Started: 9th of May, 2007
Agenda: I will tell of past experiences, current experiences, and future experiences I wish to have. This will be a way for me to relieve some stress and to try and better my writing style.
Credits: Thanks for checking my blog out, and if you read it, I hope it isn't too boring~! *Pthb*

P.S. I'm going to try *spiffing up* my blog later on this month or next month, depending on how much time I have. *Bigsmile*
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September 23, 2007 at 2:20am
September 23, 2007 at 2:20am
Hey hey hey! Sorry for the delay. *Smile* Been a while since I last updated, and to you all I sincerely apologize!

Lots of things have been going on. Namely, my parents allowed me to finally get a webcam (which Jamie sent me). It's pretty cool, and I love being able to spend time on it with Jamie. *Bigsmile* We can do things together now *sorta*. It's like we're together, even though we're far apart... if that even makes sense.

We've gone through some difficult times, but I think we have a wonderful relationship. We both care about what the other thinks or feels, which is the most important thing to me in a relationship.

On to other things: Left WoW and going back to FFXI. I'm giving it a second try. *Smile*

Had my birthday Friday of last week, it was great! I got many wonderful gifts and a nice, delicious dinner. *Bigsmile*

Uhmmm, aside from those things, I've brought up my grades in school... and... uh... I don't know, I guess that's it.

*Bigsmile* Thanks for tuning in!

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August 25, 2007 at 12:47am
August 25, 2007 at 12:47am
Howdy, to all of my wonderful fans! *Kidding* I'm sure you've all been eagerly awaiting my next blog post. Well, here it is! *Smile*

I've been having a bit of a difficult time lately. Mainly just with Jamie (but that's over now) and thinking about future things. I guess I just think too much, because I end up depressing myself, which is definately not good. *Frown* The good thing though, is that I talked to Jamie about it. He calmed me down, and really made me feel better. Right now, I am so happy, and so thankful to God for allowing me to have met him. He makes me feel better when I am down, or hurt for any reason. Jamie is always there for me, and no matter how much I complain about something, he is always understanding and patient. *Smile*

School has started for me, of course, and it has been tough to get adjusted. I miss the days that I could just sleep till noon or longer, play games the rest of the time, and spend time with Jamie. My classes are really stressing me out, especially Advanced Math. For some reason, I just really have a hard time understanding what we're doing. Currently I have an F in the class, though we've only taken one quiz thus far. *Coughs*

Scars from the cat are healing up nicely, thank goodness. However, the one on my lip is still slightly noticeable, as are the ones on my right hand. Time will, hopefully, cause them to fade away.

Ian finally unblocked me, yay. Though, we haven't been talking as much as we used to. *Frown* Oh well, I guess.

I've decided to start playing World of Warcraft again. It's tons of fun, and I enjoy playing it with my sweetie. *Smile* Leash, Seth, and Vaught are also playing it. (These three are some of my best friends. *Heart*)

Hmm... let's see. What else? Uhhhm. Hmm. I don't think there is anything, but if I do think of something later, then I will be sure to add it.

Thanks for tuning in~! *Wink*
July 30, 2007 at 9:33pm
July 30, 2007 at 9:33pm
*Smile* Okay. So... as you see in the title.. cat scratches are the subject of this little blog.

Well, here's the deal. I went to my grandma's on Wednesday, I believe, or perhaps it was Tuesday. Whichever day it was, it was not a good day.

First of all, we had found this stray two days beforehand, and we decided to bring it over to our Mawmaw's since it was very sweet towards people. Not to mention our Mawmaw had been wanting a cat, so we wanted to see if she'd take her.

Everything went fine at first, it was friendly with everyone, and not skittish at all. However, sometimes it would bat at you, but in a playful way, without it's claws out.

Here's where the problem came into play. Our Mawmaw has another cat, a male cat. And though the cat we'd brought was friendly and sweet... it did not like other cats near it, or even around it. When our Pawpaw accidentally let their cat in... the cat we had brought jumped him. Fur was flying, and both were of course, screaming.

Dad tried kicking at them to seperate them, but nothing worked. My Mawmaw was screaming at them, and saying, "You can't bring cats over here like that! You just can't!" So before she jumped Pretty Boy (Our grandparent's cat) again, I grabbed her by the scruff of the neck. Apparently, I didn't have hold of her well enough. She twisted about and latched onto my hand, attacking me instead of Pretty Boy. Finally she started to go another way, and I fell on the floor and grabbed her again, knowing she'd go after Pretty Boy again if she got the chance. This time, she decided to attack my face. She ripped through my lip, as well as hung on the sides of my face with her claws. I was actually in a sort of shock, not even crying or screaming. She let go finally, and ran towards my sister, who was able to grab her, though she recieved minor scratches as well. After that, my sister had to throw a towel over it's head to get it back in the cage.

However, I was still in a kind of shock. Staring at my hand as blood started to drip down onto it from my face. Sis was watching me, saying, "Oh my God, Jackie. Oh my God, are you alright?" Obviously, I wasn't. Dad grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap, grabbing some towels to wipe up the blood, and even getting some on his shirt. After that dad took me to the after hours doctor office, and had them give me a check up, They decided not to put stitches in, because of the risk of infection, and instead gave me some anti-biotics and pain killers. *Heart*

And... to make it short, hand swelled up for a few days, couldn't move fingers, lip was fine, and NOW everything is pretty much all right. The cat was taken to the vet for observation.

Off topic: Ian didn't accept my apology the other day I think. I really was sorry about the things I said, I had been angry at the time I'd typed them up. I guess he doesn't want to be friends at all anymore... *Frown* which really makes me sad...

In other news: Jamie and I hit a rough spot for the first time, but we resolved it, and I think it'll be okay. We're going to start off with a clean slate this time.

Gaming: Ehh... liking RO, but I lag a ton on it. My net is pretty bad, and I'm getting fed up with it. I also kind of miss WoW, always had something to do on there, but on RO I get really bored really easily. Kept dieing all day, hopefully tomorrow is better.

That's it for now. Thanks for tuning in~! *Bigsmile*
July 21, 2007 at 5:12pm
July 21, 2007 at 5:12pm
Back from vacation, as you can see. I had a wonderful time in Europe, though, I really missed chatting with my friends, and mostly of all, my boyfriend, Jamie.

I've also discovered that Ian has blocked me. When I first found out... I was really, truly sad. We were together for so long, not to mention we were very close. And just like that, he blocked me. He didn't even attempt to talk to me, or discuss it... I wish it hadn't of ended that way. Honestly, I will miss him.

I'm playing RO once more, on Vermillion RO, if anyone is interested let me know.

Other than that, my health is not so good. I got sick while I was away, and since then haven't really recovered yet. Hopefully I'll get over it soon.

Dad went and got me the 7th Harry Potter book today! I'm so excited, and I can't wait to read it; however, I'm a little sad since it is supposedly the last in the series. Oh well. Also, I will be going to possibly see the movie tonight. I hope it's good. *Smile*

That's it for now, and a blog of my trip is soon in coming. *Heart*

June 24, 2007 at 2:20am
June 24, 2007 at 2:20am
Well, I've switched from Finaly Fantasy XI to Flyff (Fly for Fun). I and Jamie had been discussing it for a while. We decided that it cost too much to play FF on and off, and that it would be better to save for the future. We also decided the same of WoW, but said if we ever got bored of Flyff then we could go to that. I enjoy Flyff, so I can't say I'm sad we switched, however, I did have a lot of fun on FF, and I wouldn't have minded if we had continued.

Other news: I think I've pretty much gotten over my shyness in talking with Jamie. Since... Hmm... what day was it? Well, whichever day it was, we've been talking all day long since. It's fun, and I love it. Hearing my sweetheart's voice just makes me want to giggle. *Blush* In fact, it DOES make me giggle. His voice is so cute! It makes me want to smother him to death. *Smile*

Health: Doing alright, feeling a bit under the weather though. *Frown* And so I shall blame it on Jamie--for making me talk so much and keeping me up so late at night! XD Kidding *Heart* maybe...

Anywaayyyss, that is all for now... don't really have anything else to say except that I've written a couple more poems... and am getting frustrated with one in particular (Cruel Love) because I keep getting some rather discouraging reviews on it. But I'll just keep editing until I and others are happy with it.

*Heart* Goodnight writing.com!
June 16, 2007 at 8:35pm
June 16, 2007 at 8:35pm
Hello to anyone who reads this! How are you doing? Great I hope.

Anyhow I've jumped onto the FFXI bandwagon, as I mentioned in an earlier blog. It's not too bad. The graphics could use an update, but they're alright, and live-able. Though, the music makes me somewhat tired, it needs a little more pep into it. I've finally gotten used to walking around in it, and resting as well as casting. Today I started to do melee as well as casting at the same time. It was a little tough at first, but I got the hang of it after a while. Supposedly I will be partying with a group of people tomorrow, let's hope that goes well.

Leashy, Muffin, and Sethy, three of my best friends, joined up on WoW. However, I already canceled that subscription, but hey, who knows, maybe I'll play it again at a later time. Though, I might try to help them before my subscription runs out, which is on the 20th of this month.

I'm going to my mawmaw's on monday, yay. We're going to go to the mall and get some more manga and anime, and possibly a video game or two.

I recently started talking to my friend, Megan, again. We haven't talked much since high school began, and one of the reasons is that we don't usually have classes together. Mayhaps we'll have some with eachother this year. Oh, and I hope I get Mr. Vandenboom as my Math teacher again, he was great (and sexy). I also hope I get Mr. Patla as my Physics teacher. I had him for Freshmen Religion, but I've heard he is a great Physics teacher. The only problem is he only teaches one CP (College Prep) class, and he also said he may be going back to school to look into another career.

Well, that's all I can think of for today. Hope you enjoyed my randomness. *Smile*
June 14, 2007 at 12:16am
June 14, 2007 at 12:16am
Hello, one and all, boys and girls, men and women... and uh, anything in between! How are you all doing this fine evening? Well, I'm not doing so bad myself.

Switched to FFXI, so I quit WoW. Yay. Uhm, Jamie and I have been doing fine as well. Ian.... still not doing well, but I think he's doing better. I got back into myspace recently, so if anyone wants to add me here's my space: myspace.com/sentaku. If you need anything let me know.

My cat, Baby, has been waking me up an awful lot, so I haven't been able to get much sleep, and I've still been getting my dizzy spells. From what the doctor said I have something called Vertigo, which is like a Middle Ear Infection.

I just wanted to do a short update today, so that's all I have for now. Goodnight to you all! Farewell~!
June 6, 2007 at 11:14pm
June 6, 2007 at 11:14pm
Hey guys, it's me again, lol. (No duh.) Well, as you can see, the main topic for today is-----RO Stress! *Laugh*

Yesterday, on my sister's server, VermillionRO, I had a little run in with one of the GMs and a player. GM00 (Vaught) decided to hold a word association event. Hopefully, all of you know what word association is, but if not, here's an example--ex. I say Cat and then you say the first word to pop into your mind, maybe whiskers, or something like that. Then the next person would say what they thought of when they had heard whiskers. Anyways, so I was doing pretty well, and got to the last three. Someone said 'luck' so I said 'god' as in 'the god of luck'. Then Fafnir decides its 'esoteric' and lets Vaught know this. So Vaught changes the rules, and says esoteric words aren't allowed, and kicked me out. He also let Fafnir JUDGE the game, something a player should never be able to do. *Angry* I ended up arguing with Fafnir, and Vaught muted me without warning. In the end, I talked with Vaught about it, cleared it up, but with Fafnir I'll probably have a grudge for a while. *Frown*

Because of this bit happening, I've decided to try CeresRO, mainly because I need a place with not too many conflicts. However, if Ceres doesn't turn out too well, then I may go back to Vermillion, it all just depends.

Two more days of Driver's Ed left, let's hope they go smoothly. There was this one annoying kid in the class that kept bothering me and eating my food, maybe he won't bother me tomorrow.

As for my doctor's appointment, my dad never made one for me. *Sick* So he'll be getting me one friday or monday, depending on how I feel and if they can fit me in at the place. At the eye doctor's I finally got some new contacts. It's been quite a while since I last had any on, and it feels somewhat weird. Things are kind of blurry... which makes me think I may need the more expensive ones. We got the cheaper ones which were not my exact prescription, mainly because the doctor said he thought I could handle these. We'll see once I get used to them. *Rolleyes*

Mm, for lunch today I had Piccadeli (spell?) *Bigsmile* it was delicious *Heart* I had roast beef and macaroni and cheese two of my favorites. For dinner I'm eating a sandwich with all sorts of meats and cheeses on it, it's pretty good~!

Yup... and that's it for my boring day. *Heart* Bye guys!


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June 5, 2007 at 10:51pm
June 5, 2007 at 10:51pm
Hi-ho the merry-o! It's me again, as you can undoubtably see.

Well, as you *may* have known Ian visited last week. The first few hours went by well.... until he forced me to hug him, raided my computer, and was a bit obnoxious. That whole day after I pretty much avoided him, stayed in my room, cried, went a bit overboard. To be frank, I wasn't happy. However, the morning after that incident we talked, and, as his mother suggested... via internet. It was pretty odd, him being in the next room and all, yet we were talking by MSN. We did clear some things up though, and I told him that all I wanted was to be friends. Although, he still has yet to get that through his head. *Frown*

Also, Jamie and I are definately back together. He is now my boyfriend, and so far we are very happy together. In fact, I can't stop myself from smiling when even thinking about him. *Blush* We haven't had any fights, and are both respectful of the others personal space. In Ian's case, we always fought and he never hardly gave me time alone unless I talked to him about it. So, all in all, everything is going great. *Bigsmile*

As for WoW- I think I may take a small break from it. I want to spend as much time as I can with Jamie, and WoW doesn't allow me to do that easily. We are currently taking up RO on my sister's server, VermillionRO. This will allow us to spend time together as well as play with eachother.

Health- Hmm... this is a toughie. I don't think I'm doing to great. For the last four days I've been light-headed and dizzy. I'm probably going to the doctor tomorrow, so hopefully they'll figure out what's wrong.

I've also started Driver's Ed, after years and years of protesting. I don't really want to drive. I'm sure I'll get lost, and probably hit a few people along the way. *Cry* Wish me the best of luck!

Any-who~That's all for now. Thank you for reading! *Bigsmile*
May 18, 2007 at 12:20pm
May 18, 2007 at 12:20pm
Hello, hello! It's been a while since I posted. I've been extremely tired lately, thus why I haven't posted anything new in the last few days.

I think I may still be sick, but with what I have no clue. Once I return home from school, I immediately fall asleep. There's only been two days out of this whole week that I have not fallen asleep right when I got home.

I'm thinking about creating a Poetry contest called "~*Crimson Twilight*~ Poetry Contest", as well as a review forum called "The Graveyard". I choose the first name because, back when I was playing RO, it was my sisters guild. The second name, "The Graveyard," was chosen because I understand that many peoples work on this site goes un-noticed. In other words, I'd like to bring them 'back' from the dead. Of course, this is still a work in progress.

Today is the last day of 'school'. Next week we'll be taking exams. Hopefully they're not too hard, but I will definately need to study for Chemistry, History, and Math. History only because I suck at maps. Chemistry I just suck at in general, and Math I'm so-so with.

Anyhow, I'll see about getting those forums up.

Thanks for reading! *Bigsmile*

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