"Karla. Can't you say anything pleasant about your
"Yes. He's dead."
That was a week ago.
Three women sipped from their
coffee cups, cast in the Limoges
pattern selected by this law
firm for the sole purpose of impressing
their current and any
potential clients. These attorneys did not
leave such details to
chance. They were very good at making sure,
in any set of
circumstances where there was money to be made,
they were the
ones to make it - for their clients of course.
Sometimes they
represented corporations, sometimes whole
countries, and
sometimes individuals.
Washington, D.C. was a place where
any one of those entities
could offer such a challenge to a
group of legal eagles who were
always on watch for the next
lucrative prey. Like these women, for
example. Today the firm
was representing a man who had recently
passed away, leaving
behind an estate to be divided among his
heirs. Those heirs were
primarily these three women.
beverages being sipped were telling indicators of the
between the ladies. One ordered coffee - black no
sugar. One
replied to the offer with a hesitant - decaf, please, with
cream and three sugars. And the third at first said, "Nothing
me thanks," but with urging accepted a green tea with lemon,
you very much".
Attorneys at Braxton, Braddock, Bedford
and Associates, were
accustomed to pandering to the rich or soon
to be. It was their
stock in trade. But of all the myriad
glimpses into the human
condition these lawyers had experienced
in their century-plus of
will reading, from the ridiculous to
the sublime, this reading was an
odds-on favorite to be the
stuff of telling and re-telling over fingers
of Johnny Walker
Blue Label for years to come. And with three
women involved and
only one deceased husband, the smart money
was on the ridiculous
- not the sublime.
The women sipped, seated on three
sides of the conference table
that mirrored their imagines in
its high gloss finish. The imagines
were also accompanied by
reflections of the china settings, a
centerpiece of fresh yellow
roses and blue iris in a Waterford
crystal bowl, and issues of
The Washington Post, The Wall Street
Journal, and The New York
Times, Monday, May 23, 1994,
editions. An attorney who held
their collective fate between the
crisp pages of the last will
and testament would take his place at the
head of the table when
the precise time for the reading arrived.
That was only moments
away. For now, the women sipped - each
lost in thought,
wandering through her own memories of the
events a mere six days
Other places are quiet.
Arlington is still.
The cherry trees, the stark white crosses, the Stars of David,
winding avenues ascending to the Custis-Lee Mansion; all
that is
It is funeral teams in Dress Blues.
Statuesque. Eyes front.
Shoulders back. Not a wrinkle on their
uniforms. Not a shadow
their brass. The sun glinting off the luminescent steel of
bayonets. Every deep blue jacket embroidered with
decorations in
flawless alignment as per troop-adopted
regulations not yet written.
Every pair of bright blue trousers
showing a bold golden stripe
down the full length, straight as
an arrow on men standing at
attention out of respect for their
fallen comrades. Some of those
comrades fell on battlefields
that are still hot today with M-16 fire.
Some died in their beds
with uniforms hanging in their closets that
had only seen
service in feeding the mole population for decades.
Today it was
an officer drop. The First Battalion of the Third
better known as The Old Guard, did hundreds of them
every year.
Their assigned station was the place they knew as "The
Honoring America's soldiers who have gone on to their
was the duty they pulled. These men performed
professionally, and sometimes consciously. They could
do it in
their sleep. The march, the turns, the gestures were
not any
different this time from all the times, all the times
It was rare, though, to do a drop for nobody but
the corpse and
the Arlington Lady. Arlington Ladies were
blue-haired volunteers,
mostly wives of retired officers living
in or fertilizing the D.C. area.
One Arlington Lady came to
every funeral as a courtesy and
insurance that all protocol was
properly observed. The conviction
among these black-draped,
grief groupies was that even if this Full
Colonel being buried
today didn't rate a single mourner, by Army
regulation he
rated as dignified a ceremony as a Patton or an
Eisenhower. If
they are all going to push up fescue together, they
all deserved
a proper burial - the famous all the way down to the
known but
to God.
The soldiers stood there. Gazing past the
flag-draped casket.
Hardly blinking. Allowing movement in their
chest cavities barely
sufficient to sustain much more life than
the corpse. The rookies
might wonder how this bastard bought it.
The vets knew better
than to give a damn.
As the team
went through their paces, a white limousine slowed
to a stop at
the curb. It would have gone totally unnoticed except
for one
fairly green troop who had it directly in his eye line with
marble grave markers framing the polished Lincoln. As it
his focal point, he remembered a late model limo roaming
area earlier. It was not a particularly familiar sight in The
most non-military vehicles being confined to tourist
Without moving his eyes from the required
position, he saw the chauffeur emerge, open the
rear door and,
without a doubt, a woman's leg appear. This was
where the years
of self-denial and dedication paid off. Only a
Strack, gung-ho type
troop could master this skill. With perfect
appearance of attention
in posture and eye position, the
soldier's acutely developed
peripheral vision allowed him not
to miss the emergence of a first
class pair of legs. A lesser
soldier would have missed the show.
What he saw could be
cataloged as three-inch burgundy heels
tapered to show a
delicate instep, slender ankles, artisan calves
nicely tanned,
and a straight, dark gray skirt starting just above
knees then stretching slightly over what had to be satin
thighs. Then a subtly plaid gray and burgundy jacket
cropped at
a hand-spread of a waist, flaring to reveal an open collar
blouse that was obviously silk; moving with breasts the way
but silk can. If only, the soldier thought, they gave a medal
Dark auburn hair was close-trimmed around a delicate
face in
what would have been a severe style except for a burst
of soft curls
at the top of her head falling into bangs just
above her large green
eyes. She didn't appear to be wearing
much make-up, and she
didn't appear to need much. This woman
looked to be in her early
forties or late thirties: alluring but
commanding. The kind of
woman who could hurt you, the soldier
thought. But if given the
chance, he'd play with pain -
She approached the casket deliberately, ignoring
even the
Arlington Lady. She exhibited no evidence of crying,
and she shed
no tears over the coffin. She positioned herself
beside the gaping
grave, opposite the casket team and its
burden. At this point, the
young soldier lost the stunner from
his line of sight and turned his
attention back to the task at
The Army Chaplain officiating the ceremony nodded
towards the
woman and began an enthusiastic reading of the
Now that he had a genuine audience, he allowed his
words to be carried on a northerly breeze. Before he
conclude his Shakespearean recitation, a yellow cab pulled up
the limo, distracting the Mac Beth out of him.
The front
door of the cab opened, and a woman could be seen
leaning away
from it, apparently paying the driver. With some
difficulty she
had climbed out of the low car parked too close to
the inclining
curb. "Heavy-set" would describe her graciously.
would also be kind. "Oriental" would boarder accuracy.
was most likely Korean from the wide face and narrow slit
She wore a multicolored floral dress that would define the
One of those frizzy permed hairstyles was cut
too short to fall
nicely around her face but was left too long
to stay neat in the
breeze. She had to be 45 or more, and she
seemed more concerned
with getting her change into her worn
wallet while pulling her
black, cardigan sweater closed around
her barrel chest than with
the notion anyone might be watching
her. She almost staggered to
the grave site, collecting her
shoulder bag along the way.
Stopping at the foot of the casket,
the woman took several
moments to arrange herself. She became
aware of the Chaplain still
working his way through the Psalm,
made the sign of the cross,
and bowed her head to stare at the
pile of mud at her feet.
The Chaplain came to the last chorus,
"And I shall dwell in the
house of the Lord forever. Amen."
The frumpy woman repeated the Amen and crossed herself
As the rifle team moved into place, a late model, white
Grand Am
pulled up behind the D.C. cab, the driver's door
abruptly. A rental decal was displayed on the trunk, which
is as
far as the young woman got before realizing she'd left on
lights. She did a combination skip-run back to the driver's
flung it open, and extinguished the lights. It was a sunny
and, not being part of a funeral procession, the
headlights were not
required. Perhaps this young woman thought
being in a cemetery,
probably for her first time, was reason
enough to observe this
was definitely a natural blonde because no woman would dye
hair that dirty-yellow color intentionally. She had cow brown
and eyelashes exceptionally dark for the rest of her coloring.
was young looking, but not particularly pretty. Five feet, two
would be a good guess at her height. Fully-pleated gray
and an oversized, black blazer hung on her too-small frame.
appeared to be solemn from her appropriate facial expressions
too young to be present at a funeral unaccompanied. She
herself up with the burial team as if becoming a part of it.
eyes stared straight ahead, becoming expressionless, while
the team's next command with obvious knowledge of the
of the ceremony.
Three authentic mourners: an ageless babe,
a frumpy broad, and
some kid girl, made up the entire assembly
to see this Full-Bird
planted. The volleys of the twenty-one-gun
salute rang through the
stillness. Three volleys with seven
rounds each for Colonel Michael
Jefferson Madison, III. Kid Girl
stiffened, squared her shoulders,
and stood at attention but was
involuntarily jolted by each
explosion. Ageless Babe stood
unmoved by the gunshots, as if she
didn't hear them. Frumpy
Broad made it obvious that she had no
idea what the Hell was
going on, jumping with every blast.
"Jesus Christ," she
blurted out holding her hands over her ears
and twisting and
turning to locate whoever was making the racket.
Kid Girl
flashed a disapproving glance in her direction. Ageless
just stared off into the distance, composed but braced for the
portion of the ceremony: the always-unnerving strains of
"Day is done . . ." As the bugle tribute was played all
women were frozen by the simple notes clearly sounded over
funeral party. Only Ageless Babe moved in any noticeable
She closed her eyes, took in a deep breath, and held it
until the last
strains were carried away by the breeze.
The casket team began the mechanics of folding the flag,
the coffin. Movements honed in repetitions, faithful to
never questioned. The same gesture of respect regardless
race, religion, regardless even of that most sacred to the
rank. Protocol dictated Old Glory in a triangle be
presented to the
wife; if none, parent; if none, child; if none, nearest
along with the delivery of the same remarks: "-with the
of a grateful nation."
The Officer in Charge made no
excuses for the fact that, at this
you couldn't tell the players
without a program. The service
began with only those present who
were under orders to be there
plus the always-faithful Arlington
Lady. It was ending with the
arrival of three unannounced women.
Who they were and what their
reasons were for being in attendance
was anyone's guess.
The OIC, a Colonel, required to render honors to his
comrade of the same rank, made a rapier about-face at the
head of
the coffin and, using the full dignity of his command
voice, broke
the silence. "The flag will be presented to the
nearest family
member of the deceased. Is Colonel Madison's
wife present?"
Ageless Babe, Frumpy Broad and Kid Girl all
stared directly at
the officer and made this drop even more
bizarre with their
response. All three answered in one voice:
his wife."