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Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2336733
When an accidental bump proves to be much more devastating to someone tiny in size.
The vibrations in the floor beneath me were so light as I came out of my slumber. Sounds of heels walking around outside grew distant at times before getting closer once again. I knew Calleigh was walking around doing something but wasn't exactly sure what. Pulling myself up so I could sit and rub the sleep from my eyes, I decided to crawl forward and see what all was happening. My eagerness to get out was not only to see Calleigh, but also to make sure everything that happened really did and that she herself was still real. It's hard to comprehend it even when I had seen it, knowing this all should only be fake. Shrinking as well as such characters as my favorites from CSI Miami don't exist in the waking world.

Finally getting to the opening, I peered into the light to see the beautiful Calleigh Duquesne standing before me as she was putting her earings in over by her dresser mirror. Her black overcoat laying over a white shirt, black slacks, and black thick heels was a golden outfit for her figure. She was pure goddess, one that I would do anything for even at my height. Shaking my head, I continued out until I was standing out in the open on her bedside table. It was then that Calleigh had finished putting her last earing in and looked my way. Her warm smile made my fears lighten up, "Good morning! I was just coming to wake you. We're about to leave if you're ready."

Clearing my throat, I nodded as she started to walk towards me, "I'm ready whenever you are." Her approach made my heart race again, knowing such a huge being with her beauty really exists. Calleigh could end my existence without even feeling it. That both terrified me and excited me at the same time. Lowering her hand down, I wasted no time climbing into it for the ride I always looked forward to. The warmth of her hand was so welcoming as she wrapped her fingers over top of me in a protective cocoon while she gathered her things with her other hand.

Once in her car, Calleigh uncurled her fist to talk to me more clearly, "It's easier for me to drive with both hands so I'm going to place you in my pocket. I wore one of my shirts that have buttoned pockets so you could be carried safely and also stay hidden." I nodded, "I like that idea. No chance of me falling out or accidentally being smashed by something from the outside." "My thoughts exactly." Placing her fingers on my front and back, Calleigh lifted me up before slowly lowering me into her breast pocket. My feet touched first so that I could get it inside, then felt the release from her fingers causing me to fall the rest of the way in.

Sliding to the bottom of the pocket, I noted not only how warm it was, but also the constant thumping of her heart and sounds of her breathing. I relaxed in the inner corner against her chest, sending regular shivers all over my body at that thought that just on the other side of this fabric was Calleigh's breast. Rubbing my hand on it was probably the closest I'll ever get to actually touching it. I wouldn't mind staying here forever, for this was my heaven. My mind stayed focused on the symphony of pleasuring sounds along with the scent she gave off. Please let me stay here, I asked in my head.

Arriving at the Crime Lab, I clearly heard as Calleigh talked with other people and enjoying the jiggle of her breast with each step she took. Definitely a lot better hiding spot than her pants pocket. Not sure I would want to go back in that hideaway. Out of all the voices I heard speaking to Calleigh, only one made me smile. Natalia's closeness as she spoke made me want to climb up and see her, "Hey Calleigh. Where's Melissa?" I felt a gentle pressure lightly push me into Calleigh's breast, "Right here." That movement made everything inside tingle. It excited me in more ways than one. I knew I had fallen in love with her character on the show, this just pushed me that much more over the edge. My feelings for them both is one thing I haven't told them and I wasn't sure I would be able to. Though I did think I should. Lying to them is not something I wanted to do.

Natalia's next question interrupted my thoughts, "Can I see her?" That was all I was waiting for to get me moving. Right away I started to climb up to the top. Once I got there, I poked my top half out to see her smiling face, "Hey girl. How are you?" "Warm. It feels really nice in here." "That's why I wore this today," Calleigh said as she adjusted her top jacket a bit. "It was a great idea I see," Natalia said motioning towards me. I slid my hand across the seam of the pocket a few times, "I think so." Looking back at Natalia, I said to her, "I look forward to going to your house." "And I'm looking forward to you coming to my house." Calleigh closed her locker, causing me to jump at the sudden noise, "Sorry. I forget sound is different to you." "It's okay."

Before she started walking, Calleigh said to me, "Better get back in. We have to get to work and I would feel better if I knew you weren't hanging around at the opening." "No complaints here." Sliding back down to my piece of heaven, I heard Natalia say, "We'll chat later. Be careful." I kept myself relaxing against Calleigh's chest as she did her job to collect evidence, then running tests needed to catch a killer. At least once an hour, Calleigh would ask if I needed anything. Normally it would just be to use the bathroom or get a drink of water. Lunch time was brief since there was a lot of work to do today.

It wasn't until late afternoon when I was brought out and placed in her left hand while Natalia stood by. They were standing in the locker room so they could chat for a second with me. Their backs were turned towards the entrance so that anyone passing by wouldn't see me. It was when one lab worker walked in that Calleigh was slightly bumped in the shoulder. She started to close her hand to prevent me from being seen or fall out, but it was closed too late. The slight bump was enough to jar her hand and cause me to stumble over the edge.

It happened so fast that I didn't get a chance to scream out. Through my watering eyes, I tried to see where I was falling but only saw a wall of black coming up beside me fast. When I hit, the speed of which I was falling was too quick for me to be able to grab onto it. Half rolling and half sliding on it, I got to the bottom pretty quick even at my size. My body landed on a solid, shiny black surface, winding me in the process. As I tried to catch my breath, I began to slide off to the side. I was too disoriented to try and find something to hold onto so I didn't fall even further. It wasn't until I fell again onto another hard surface that I realized where I was.

Looking up with my vision clearing, I saw that I was in between Calleigh's feet. My heart stopped knowing that I had just landed on the top of her pump and slid off to the floor right next to it. Backing up quickly, I knew I had to move. If she hasn't noticed I'm missing yet, she could shift her foot over and that would be the end of me. I frantically scanned for somewhere safer, but the only thing I found to even remotely shield me was one of the few benches that sat in the middle of the locker hallway, right on the other side of her right foot. The only problem was, the quickest way to get to it is to run underneath the heel.

Not giving myself another moment to contemplate if it was the best option, I pushed myself to run as fast as I could right under the arch between the sole and spike. As I was under it, I looked up for only a second. I was more than terrified to think that I was down here and she had no idea. It felt like I was never going to get there but the moment I grabbed onto the leg of the bench, I collapsed with exhaustion. Catching my breath, I leaned from behind the pole to see that other person was leaving and Calleigh taking notice that I wasn't in her hand. Worried, she said, "Oh no, I think she fell when I was bumped into." "We've gotta find her," Natalia told her, sounding just as worried.

Checking around their feet first, I saw they took a large step backwards once they knew I wasn't around them. I watched as they scanned the area hoping to spot me. Just before I came out into the open, sounds of footsteps entered the locker room, causing them to halt their search. "Hey, what are you looking for?" It was Erik Delco. Not sure if it was good for him to know about me yet so I ducked behind the bench leg again. Calleigh thought fast for a believable answer, "I thought I dropped a pen, but I don't see it so I must not have." They proceeded to get into a conversation about the case, joined by Ryan Wolfe a few seconds later.

While they were talking, Calleigh and Natalia took turns discretely glancing at the floor. I noted this and thought I might be able to have them spot me while staying hidden from the guys at the same time. Slowly walking outward at a diagonal direction away from them, I saw that the seat of the bench blocked their view but not from the ones I needed to find me. Even from this point of view, I could tell how nervous they were about me either not being found, or someone else spotting me and thinking I was a bug.

Taking this chance was a great risk but I knew I had to take it. Once I was a good foot out into the open, Natalia moved her eyes over to my location and locked right onto me. Directing her attention back to Eric and Ryan, she lightly elbowed Calleigh who immediately looked in my direction. A wave of relief washed over me at the realization that I had been found. It was what she did following her spotting me that confused me at first. Taking a few steps toward me, I ran back under the bench just as her right pump landed almost where I had been standing before becoming still.

Removing her foot from her heel, my eyes widened when Calleigh's toes lowered directly in front of me, spreading out as far as she could get them. My confusion lasted only as long as I could blink when I felt like I synced with her way of thinking. Doing something I never thought she would do made me do something I only fantasized about. I ran right in between her big and second toe, face first against her skin that was dampened with sweat. That helped me stick to her as she scrunched her toes to keep me from falling out. Lifting her foot with me attached, Calleigh placed her foot back into her pump, sealing me in a hot, humid darkness.

Swallowing hard to keep myself from throwing up out of fear seeing the top edge of the heel glide over top of me until there was nothing else to look at. Besides the heat and sweat, there was a distinct odor from the insole where her toes lay. I always hated the smell of shoes but I was at least thankful that she didn't wear sneakers to work. Those are the worst with the rubber they were made out of at the bottom. When Calleigh put weight down, the pressure increased quite a bit. With my position though, I was not in any danger of being crushed under her foot.

Turning myself around was difficult since I was already getting glued in between her toes, basically becoming Calleigh's living toe jam. I wanted to be facing outward so that I could breathe better. I finally managed to wedge my back into her toe pit and sit down. Not knowing how long I was going to be in here, figured I might as well get as comfortable as I could. The timing was just right because the second my butt touched the insole, there was a sudden lurch as she swung her foot sideways to take a step. It was placed down softly but I still was jarred a bit. Her next step was more extended, followed by falling sensation and then a slam of the toe section as it hit the floor.

Since Calleigh wasn't very tall being 5 foot 3, her strides were short and quick which barely gave me any time to think before her next step happened. The more she moved, the more thankful I was that her sweat held me in place, slowly coating me as well. I was never in any danger of falling beneath her foot. Calleigh kept her toes slightly scrunched as she walked just to make sure I stayed put and adding security, which made me happy. She put me in a situation that could kill me instantly if it all went wrong, but I had so much trust in her that I had very little fear.

The only reason my heart was beating as hard as it was is because of the thought that far above me was a goddess that was knowingly walking on me. The feeling it gave me was that if being dominated. A bigger turn on than the initial fact of Calleigh being a giantess. I wouldn't mind ever coming back here, though I definitely would think twice if given the choice. The constant motion was sickening at first and the slamming of her foot hitting the floor was bone shattering, but eventually I became accustomed to it. It was several steps ago that I stopped counting how many she took, or how many stand stills that I quit trying to time how long she stood. I just waited for the moment for me to be retrieved.

At one point I did hear a muffled conversation with Natalia as she asked, "Did you really just stuff her into your shoe?" Calleigh told her yes, "We had to get her off the floor and it was the only thing I could think of that the guys wouldn't see." "That was quick thinking. Where exactly is she at?" Wiggling her toes, I knew she was trying to feel me. Patting her big toe a couple times, I heard Calleigh say, "In between my first and second toe. I've been walking carefully and she hasn't moved so I think she'll be okay." "When are you getting her out?" "It needs to be at the right time when nobody else is around. I'm thinking when I finish with this, I'll go into the break room. I'm almost done." Natalia sounded anxious, "Okay. Text me when you go. I know you're being as careful as you can, but I'm sure she'll be happy for some fresh air." Calleigh laughed, "I do believe that. I'll text you.

Going silent once again, the movements of Calleigh's foot was pushing against my consciousness with the heat and lack of cool air. I was soon finding myself drifting off to sleep when a different kind of motion happened. Calleigh's foot was being pulled out of her heel to blind me in the florescent light. Adjusting quickly, I saw above me Calleigh's eyes looking down at me apologetically. Placing her hand below me, she spread her toes so I could drop down into it. With every attempt I made, my body would not separate from hers. It was this conclusion that she noticed I was struggling to pull myself off but stuck fast to her skin.

With a look of guilt and a hint of amusement, Calleigh used her finger to push in between my back and her toe crevice, forcing me away from the sweaty mess that I had become one with. The drop was a free fall I was looking forward to, landing into her soft palm with great relief. Lifting me up to her face while she put her heel back on, she tried to smile at me but I could tell she felt bad, "I am so, so sorry I put you through that. I hope you're not hurt." I shook my head, "I'm perfectly fine. You did what you had to do so I wasn't spotted by anyone else. And you got me off the floor."

Calleigh was noticeably feeling better as she spoke, "I'm glad you knew what I was doing." "I was surprised at first, but it clicked pretty quickly what your intentions were. Not gonna lie, it was kinda fun. " Natalia walked in to join us at the back table just as Calleigh laughed, "What's so funny?" Looking over at her, I smiled, "Oh, just saying I can cross one more thing off my tiny bucket list." "Really. What was already crossed off?" Swallowing hard, my quick answer made me nervous about telling them the rest of what goes on in my head, but I reluctantly did, "First one was being on the floor. That was checked twice. Second was being in a pocket, also twice. I was in food twice, and held in a hand lots of times. While on the floor this time, I ran underneath the arch of Calleigh's heel, then placed inside it. Both are something I've always wanted to do. Then I got real aquainted with her toes. Lots of marking off from yesterday and today."

My face burned from embarrassment when they both looked at each other, then back at me causing me to add, "Told you I was weird." Lifting me up higher, Calleigh said to me, "And we told you that there's nothing wrong with how you think. Everyone is different and this just happens to be your thing." "That's right," Natalia agreed. "We are not here to judge you. If we did, then we would have to judge every single person just for thinking differently than we do." I couldn't help but smile. My heart was melting at how genuine their kindness was, even when I was so vulnerable.

Bringing my gaze up, glancing back and forth between their goddess forms, I said, "Thank you. Really. It means so much with how nice you are to me. I hope I can always stay in your lives, no matter what happens to me." Lowering her hand down to be level with Calleigh's, Natalia said in such a soothing voice, "We will be here for you with everything you go through from here on out. You will never be alone for anything ever again." Crawling from the center of Calleigh's hand, I made my way into Natalia's before she brought her finger down next to me, giving me the opportunity to hug it.

Standing up, Calleigh announced she was done for the day, "I will let y'all two have some time together now. Don't hesitate to call or text if you need anything." Nodding, Natalia said, "Sure thing. I'm thinking of giving Melissa some floor time at home. The last two times she was on it, it wasn't in a good situation. Why not let her do it one time without having to be scared of getting stepped on?" Calleigh looked at me becoming a little nervous, then said to Natalia, "Just please be careful." "I won't take my eyes off her."

Saying bye to Calleigh, Natalia got into her jeep to drive home all the while holding me in her loose fist. My mind raced with what she said about being on the floor without having to be scared. I haven't thought about that being possible but I will soon find out what that feels like to not fear for my life when other times I had to. I didn't want to get worked up on that right now, instead I just focused on another thought. I will be completely alone with Natalia, no one else being around. Her personality is much different than Calleigh's where she was sweet like honey. Natalia's from the show is a bit spicier, but still caring at the same time. I had a strong feeling that this alone time is going to be way different then the last one...and I couldn't wait.
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