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Rated: E · Non-fiction · Spiritual · #2335853
Short lines on any given topic on any given day about any given thing. No holes barred.
Squibbles mean taking a small portion of another person's something, such as a small hit off of a pipe, a bite of food, a sip of a drink, a drag of a cigarette, or a short saying of any kind.

The following are my squibbles about various aspects of life, faith, beliefs, and other things stated in one or two lines to inspire and provide a different way of thinking.

I write at least one squibble every day. Most are posted on my Malinda Miles Facebook page while others are sent to my texting fans.

The most recent squibble will always be posted on the top. The farther down the in this reading the older the squibble. The squibble is ageless and should be read when necessary or just for a good read. Should you choose to quote it or use it in some manner, please note that it is copyrighted, and is my product.


Live life while you can! Live it so that when you are older, you will look back with few regrets. Create great memories and share!

Never give up on what seems like unanswered prayers. God may be waiting on your transformation, or your readiness to receive them, or He could just be testing your faith

Peace, blessings, grace, mercy—are yours always at no cost! Spend freely on all you come in contact with! Go on a spending spree.

When you step out this morning, step out on FAITH to make sure your feet land on solid ground! Quicksand is still out there!

Many of us did not get the lesson the first time, so a refresher course was inevitable! Let's not repeat it a third time.

Many of us were born for times like these! Our very existence depends on our resilience and abilities to COPE! Stay in the fight.

The struggles of life are real! Your struggles may be different, but everybody struggles! There is protective armor available.

Don't sit on the sidelines of life. Get into the game. Play hard! Be an active player because you have something to contribute!

When we stop to smell the roses, coffee, or danish, we sometimes realize we don't stop because we are allergic! Stay awake!

Months turn into weeks, weeks into days, and days into hours. Where, oh where, has the time gone? Time passes. So will you! Live.

What makes you stop -- bad behavior, thoughts, ideas, etc.? Is there a moral compass or core values that guide you? What?

I am always amazed at how amazed we are about the weather, regardless of the season! It is winter. It snows, The wind blows!

Say a prayer, then dive into the water. Looking down into it is a lot more scary than getting into it! Trust God, then yourself!

Today is a very special day in our lives, one we have never seen before. REJOICE IN IT. Thank God for keeping us. Glad He kept us!

Mistakes are often made purely by accident. Fix them as quickly as you can and minimize the damage. To err is human!

No matter how clearly we see life now, our views may change later. We seem to mellow out a tad! Life lessons change us.

Everyone who can write a check for $1 million isn't happy, and every homeless person isn't unhappy. Which one are you?

Trying and wanting to do better is not enough. A few other things are necessary to bring about lasting change. Put in some work!

Are you still struggling to be obedient to God's will? Are you still questioning His judgment? Step aside. Allow Him to lead you.

We are taught to compete rather than appreciate and share our uniqueness. There is no one on earth exactly like you on PURPOSE!

Good morning! Even when you sit or stand by and do nothing when something is wrong, there are consequences for your actions!

The light of day breaks across the sky earlier and stays longer; that simple act improves many spirits. Come out of the darkness!

Do not take this day for granted! Rise under the umbrella of prayer, pray, and give praise throughout the day.

Every day you wake up should be a day of rejoicing because you have another opportunity to do something good for someone else!

It is true we must exercise our minds and bodies to keep both in shape. One without the other is a complete loss! Get started NOW!

Cleanse your mind of all past negativity to bring forth the best possible you. Leave the trash behind! You are better than that.

The world we live in is different, and changes have occurred gradually over the past 100 years. We have changed too!

In a world where right has become wrong, and wrong has become right, remember that the Bible foretold this time. Be prepared.

An amazing day is dawning before us; no matter what comes with this day, God can sustain and KEEP US. Trust Him! He has your back.

Abundance may be our downfall. We have so much that we forget to be grateful for what we have. Enough is never ENOUGH! Clean air.

Our days come and go, and so do opportunities. The one constant is change. God can change us and our outlook if we let Him!

Lord, yesterday was hard and straining, yet very good. Thank you for seeing us through it and bringing us to today! GRACE!

Salvation is FREE to us, but somebody PAID FOR IT in advance. What a long-term investment!! Value it and use it wisely.

When there is absolutely nothing else, no place to turn, no money, and no friends, TURN to God. He is always there just for YOU!

This morning, walk into the presence of God with boldness, truth, and gratitude, for He is your father, and He loves YOU! ME TOO!

Sometimes, we unwittingly get caught up in things without questioning, and then we are shocked by the results! Be mindful.

This Friday, January 10, 2025, is a wonderful day. It is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it! Join me.

No matter where you are, who you are, where you have been, or think you are going, know that God is and always will be!

Become part of something bigger than you and lose the self-centered focus. You will be surprised at the difference you will make

Two-way communication works best for all involved! Practice active listening. Try to respond to the issue, not the person!

If you feel like life is passing you by, IT IS! Each day you live is one less day left, and there is no getting it back. Be wise!

When you are blessed and know it, you should really show it by sharing some of your blessings with others. Do it today! SHARE

Where will your soul spend eternity? Take out insurance on your soul now while you are living! No insurance, no guarantees!

Tragedies, like successes, are a part of life, and they can usually not be avoided! Stay the course, stay focused, and SUCCEED!

The holiday season is over for many, but the feelings linger on. Don't lose the special feeling, but address any depression.

Be extra careful today as you venture out into our world! Challenges still await each of us, even on Christmas Eve. Be safe!

As you climb the mountains before you, shed some of the weight by giving your burdens to the Lord. Let Him carry them for you!

Growing up, I was told imitation is the best form of flattery. Now, it is called jealousy or Jones' syndrome. Just be yourself!

Today, this very minute, I am remembering what is really important in this life -- What you do for the living REALLY MATTERS!

I am so thankful that grace and mercy never leave me, my home, my family, or my friends. May they continue to be with you!

Yesterday is behind us. It's over and done. Now, we face today with all of its potential and possibilities. Make the best of it.

Yes, God knows your struggle! He lived on earth for 33 years and suffered cruelty and hatred firsthand. Trust Him to get you thru!

Most of us are born into families. We did not pick them; God did. Be thankful and do your part to be a family. No one is perfect!

May God bless this day and this brand-new week. May we all seek and receive His blessings for ourselves and others.

So much to still learn and do! Where do you find the time? To accomplish everything I want to do, I will need another 78 years!

Do not let your life's circumstances dictate your future or your final resting place. Keep the faith—you will get through this.

Great morning, rising! GOD is a miracle waiting to happen in YOUR life! Miracles are still happening today. Watch as well as pray.

In a world full of challenges, decide not to go it alone. There is someone who will walk with you and even hold your hand!

What many of us take for granted, others can only dream of, knowing it will never happen in their lifetime. You are blessed.

Before your feet touch the floor this morning, give God praise for waking up in your right mind. That's a blessing by itself.

Would you prefer a sedentary life, an active life, or something in between? Keep in mind, if you don't use it, you will lose it!

There was a short power outage on 30th Street, at least on my end of 30th. The lights just came back on. Thankful for Lanterns.

Good morning! With the sun shining brightly, it's hard to think unpleasant thoughts. Be of good cheer. We pass this way only once!

Monday morning -- 29 days before 2025. God has kept us through 337 days of this year! Many others are gone! Give thanks for favor.

This, too, is the day the Lord has made, though it may be grey, cold, or raining. You are alive! REJOICE and be GLAD IN IT.

WOW! The first box of new coats just arrived at TFPM!! Thank you to the donor! Let's make our families warm!

Never stop remembering loved ones. If they have transitioned, they can live on through your shared memories! Always remember them!

No matter what you do, remember somebody is watching you, and it is not your neighbors, friends, or enemies. He keeps a book!

I am always, and I mean always, thankful that God is always on duty in my life! Another day rising. Blessed.

The beauty of God is that you do not have to know Him or be in trouble to call on Him. He is always on CALL, and He already knows.

God is often painted ordinary or heavenly, not colorful, yet He gives us the most beautiful colors to behold His creations!

Well, it is Monday morning. Time for my eye injection. Happy and scared.Happy to still have sight. Scared of the shot.

Last night, I had dinner with one of my special people, White Chocolate at the Texas Road House in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Each one of you made my birthday special. Thank you for caring enough to post, call, email or text me birthday,, wishes !

My big day came as I sat in an airplane 32,000 feet in the air!!! 78 years old -- just Like that.

Thank you, Lord, for a full year of gratitude! Please grant me this year of Praise! Happy Birthday to ME!

Never stop doing what you enjoy doing because you may live long enough to regret it! Your time is now.

Gratitude forever for the growth, development, and safety of the world in which I live! Loving the good and praying for the rest!

Another great day, topside! Just smiling in thanks and gratitude for rising this Sunday morning and seeing another day.

Appreciating life's small or little things makes room for receiving the big ones! Never take any gift for granted. Gratitude.

Do not wake up today requiring mental therapy! God is still in charge. Some folks didn't want our candidate or to save America!

Good morning to family near and far. May your day be filled with blessings, sunshine, happiness, hope, calm, and PEACE!

It is the first Sunday in November. The sky is clear. The weather is a little nippy, but all in all, things are well with my soul!

No matter who you are or where you live, you influence somebody's life! Be a good role model and set some standards for yourself.

Looking backward, what do you see? Is there room for improvement? There is no better time to do that than now!

Every day brings about change, which may or may not be good. Most people recognize the change, make the best of it, and move on.

How is it that we expect God to forgive us, but we will not forgive others? Or we will forgive but NOT forget. How does that work?

Sometimes, we confuse love with talking, e.g., I love you, but you never call, come to visit, or __! Be clear love is an action!

Today, remove evil thoughts, hatred, selfishness, mean spirit, ungratefulness, worthlessness, and all other undesirable things.

Like the weather, we are forever changing. Like the weather, we can't and don't please everybody. Best tip: be who you are!

Setbacks are going to happen, and will last longer than we think necessary. Don't give up. Stay on task. The results will come.

© Copyright 2025 G. B. Williams (mgmiles01 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2335853-Squibbles-by-G-B-Wiliams