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Written to explain why I choose Jesus and not Muhammad. |
Who is Jesus? Jesus is son of Mary and Joseph, born in Bethlehem. He is who Christians believe to be the Messiah. He was of Jewish decent and grew up in Nazareth. His father was a carpenter. Mary, his mother, was believed to have conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit, making his biological father, God. She was believed to be a virgin at the time of his birth. Jesus grew up and began preaching at the age of Thirty. He chose twelve disciples to minister with him. He performed many miracles. He was often referred to as "Rabbi" and interpreted the scriptures with divine authority. There is historical evidence that Jesus did actually exist. For one thing, our timeline is based upon his existence. Jesus and his life are accounted for in the four Gospels in the New Testament of the Christian's Bible. Jesus is believed to be God incarnate and the Messiah who came to save the people from their sins. He was arrested, put on trial, and crucified. It is believed among Christians that he rose from the dead and ascended back to Heaven from which they await his return again. Muslims believe Jesus was born of Mary but was neither God nor the son of God. Most Muslims believe that Jesus wasn't crucified or killed but was raised to Heaven while he was still alive to be with God. Who is Muhammad? Muhammad is associated with Islam. He is their prophet of prophets and is credited with inspiring the Word of God, Quaran. He was sent to guide people to Islam. He is also considered the final prophet. Muhammad was sent to the Arabic people to deliver them from their immortality. He preached oneness with God in order to rid the area of idolatry. He is believed to have cleansed Arabia from polytheism. He is considered the perfect role model. Muhammad is also believed to have continued in his primordial form so that Muslims can develop a relationship with the prophet of prophets. He is mentioned in the Quaran only four times. Muhammad is believed to have been physically illuminated. His face was radiant and shone like the moon. He also performed many miracles. He existed around six hundred years after Jesus Christ. Why I Choose Jesus I grew up in a Bible believing, church going family. I first asked Jesus to come into my heart and was baptized when I was three years old. Then I grew up. Believe it or not, I became a bit rebellious. I can leave some to the imagination when I say my Daddy was a preacher. When you are in a preacher's family, there can be an unbelievable amount of stress to be and act a certain way especially around other church people. I learned how to pretend to be this sweet little Christian girl especially in certain groups of people. I knew I needed Jesus all of this time. There were many times growing up I would stand in front of a congregation and rededicate my life to Christ. I wanted to be good, but my heart was rebellious. I felt like I wanted to live a little and experience life for myself. When I was old enough to leave home, I got my own apartment and went wild. I partied. I drank alcohol to get drunk. I smoked pot. I had inappropriate sexual relationships with men and women. I would still attend church and pray through all of this and act like I had it all together, but I didn't. Through most of my twenties I continued to act like this. I would go through periods of time where I would ask God for forgiveness and try to clean up my act a little bit. But these times didn't last. I was a self-righteous hypocrite. Even in some of my darkest times, I thank God that he still allowed me to experience his spirit and presence in my life. I did not fear God. Previously, as a teenager, I told God I would serve him as long as I had shelter, food to eat, clothes to wear, and a bed to sleep in. Looking back, I realize how foolish that was now. In my Thirties, I began to settle down some. I began to figure out who I was as an individual. I had suffered from several different abuses in my life. I had to learn how to cope with them and to process my emotions. Toward the end of my Thirties, I felt broken and miserable. I began researching religion in general and looking for the meaning in my life. I thought within myself, if the Bible is truth, then it will withstand questioning. I began some really deep soul searching. I checked books out from the library. I watched documentaries. I searched out information on the internet. I compared different religions. Deep down, I always came back to the Bible in my heart. After searching things out to my heart's content, I decided, "What did I have to lose by trusting Jesus no matter what?" It was at this point, I decided to follow Jesus even if I was hungry, or naked, or homeless or without a place to lay my head. (No turning back) This is when things began to change for me. I began to read my Bible for myself and pray more regularly. I began letting it speak to me personally. The Bible became alive and interesting to me. I started learning new things almost daily. God began revealing answers to prayer and restoring things I had lost because of sin. Before I would read the Bible and pray on occasion, hit or miss, more miss than hit usually. I hated hearing the Bible read or preaching. I thought it was boring, repetitive, and redundant. I began watching the church services online regularly with my best friend. Now, I am understanding the Bible more and more in a way I have never understood it before. I feel like a starving soul that is finally getting fed the proper word of God. I thank God that he has given me understanding and has opened my eyes to the truth. I feel there now has truly been a change in my life and heart. I don't only desire salvation to save myself, but I desire to actually live for Christ and to see other lives changed as well. Notes ▼ |