I want to take a journey into Psalms this year, 2025. I just came up with the idea so first I have five days of catch up to get me rolling. I am using the book The One Year Book of Psalms published by Tyndale publications. I will take it chapter by chapter and see what and if I understand what the Psalms are telling me. January 1-5 Psalm 1:1-6 There is joy if we do not follow the wicked or hang around sinners. Watch out for scoffers. Those who please the Lord do so by doing what he tells us to do. We thinks about pleasing Him day and night by doing what his laws say. And in doing what our Lord wants, we prosper. It relates us to strong trees growing along the banks of a river, strong, bearing fruit without fail. In contrast, God tells us this is not true of the wicked. The wicked, or those that do wicked things, are compared to chaff, worthless and scattered by the wind. Those will be condemned at judgment day. Psalm 2:1-6 We are asked why nations rage? We are questioned why we waste our time with futile plans (useless things such as games, laziness). There are those who plot against the Lord and against his anointed. Many consider it slavery to be in God presence. They want to be free. But our ruler in heaven laughs, he scoffs at us and in anger He rebukes us. We should be terrified with his fury. He tells us, he is in control. He has placed His chosen king on the throne. Psalm 2:7-12 God is in control of the earthly kings. He chooses them. He will be their father. He wants them to act wisely and serve the Lord with reverent fear but rejoice with trembling fear. We are to fear Him out of respect and find protection in Him. Psalm 3:1-8 Here David is telling us of his sorrows and strife. He is crying out to God for comfort. He tells us he is safe, to rest, to sleep. God will protect him and David owns that assurance of what the Lord will do. We should also feel safe knowing He will do as He promises. It is nice to know we can lie down and awake in safety, knowing the Lord is always with us. Psalm 4:1-8 Once again, David is reassuring himself (and us) that when he calls upon the Lord, the Lord hears him. David speaks of the joy that the Lord gives us. David has reassured his readers that the Lord we keep him safe and will take care of his enemies. We learn that peace comes in believing in our Lord, trusting He will do what He says if we honor him and obey His laws. We all should lie down for sleep in peace knowing everything will be alright. January 6 Though Psalms are poetic in nature, they teach us so much. We can learn prayer at its best. Some are geared toward instruction that we need to stay tune to the Word and God. Others help us to be part of our community. We also learn thanksgiving, blessings and special occasions. They are beautiful songs, expressions of experiences that we all can learn from. Psalm 5:1-6 Here we see that David is starting out by getting God's attention (not that He isn't attentive to us always). He asks God to hear him; he says LISTEN to his cry and he tells God he would not pray to anyone else. David also acknowledges that he brings all request to God and he waits expectantly. This is probably the hardest for all of us...waiting. I find it interesting that in the next breath David assures God that he is aware of what God is and does. David mentions that God takes no pleasure in wickedness, does not tolerate sin, the proud do not get to stand in God presence, God hates evil, liars, murderers and deceivers. After reading this, something came to mind. Even though most of us would not murder, we must not forget that even to think of it, speak of it in anger, we are guilty of it! That is a wake up call. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Today is January 7. Yesterday I was trying to set up a bank account and when leaving the bank went home to make a transfer from one bank to another and that wasn't working. This morning, Miss Google (assistant device) failed. Just out of the blue she says she is off line. The internet was still active however, so I reboot, no luck. Now it has me into the app! Holy Cow....I didn't set it up original. My husband's grandson did so I am at a loss...frustrated with the device. Where does this go or have to do with anything related with Psalms? Oh how I need Psalms today. I need to mellow out, read my Bible and take a breath because these devices drive me crazy! So now back to what I need the most. Psalm 6:1-10 David, in this Psalm is really crying out to God for help. He is tired, sick in body and sole. Do you feel like that at times. I am going through a time similar. Things happening too quickly. I have a bug problem inside my house. I had a new roof installed a few years ago and a new bedroom window several months and I have a leak at the new window. The contractor says it is not the window. I had the roofer come out and fix what they thought may have failed. I still have a leak at the roof. Get my drift?? Contractor and myself did a hose test on the roof and the window. The window didn't leak so I had the roofer fix that area of the house. The window still leaks!! I feel like things are falling apart, including me. I am 79 and have felt aging a lot in the last 3 to 4 years. Reading Psalms 6 helps because my problems I know are not that severe but controlling my temper to my problem, I need to calm.. Psalms calms! David speaks to God all that he is feeling. He asks God to make he enemies to go away. He tells God he knows he will take care of him. It is the best of communication with Our Lord and man that can take place. It shows us how to really pray...how to ask God for his help. Oh how I need your help Lord, I pray, Amen! January 8 Psalm 7:1-9 Wow, this Psalm is full of action to the point that it drains me. And to think that it was a song that David sung to the Lord. I wonder what that sounded like? David asks the Lord if he has done anything wrong. Knowing we sin and I am guessing David knows that, I would be afraid the Lord would answer back. But David's communication to his creator is such that in his misery he wants to know. And he also asks the Lord to send on his enemies for his punishment. I could not do that. We do know that God uses other people to interact with us for good and for bad. Strange concept don't you think? On the other hand, David does say that he is innocent and wants God to declare him righteous. David tells us that God looks deep into our minds and hearts. That is a reminder that I needed to hear; how about you? As I study this Psalm, I see that David tries to solve his problems but does realize he needs God to get them done. Sometimes we wait too long, problems get bigger and we have even more problems. We need to stop and ask God for help before that happens. January 9 Psalm 7:10-17 This group of Psalms speak of justice. David sees the unjust not for himself but for others. He tells God that He is a fair God but that there is so much injustice and those who cause it do not seem to become punished. David knows that if he ask God for justice that he will deliver. He will punish those that are unjust. He thanks and praises God for his ultimate justice. Life is a game and sometimes it seems that it is not played fair with others. What is out-of-bounds for some seems not to be for others. God judges and makes the appropriate decisions on punishment. He will correct, He will punish, He will provide justice. Our nation just went through a lot of unjust actions, I believe. The political party that seem to rule the country was losing. We now have a new controller in the country and the other side is reacting poorly. I believe our new ruler has God on his side. Maybe now things will be more fair, more just! January 10 Psalm 8:1-4 This is one of the prettiest Psalms as it give acknowledgment to our creator. David once again writes a Psalm that is to be accompanied by music. I love this so much that I am going to quote in here in full: "O Lord, our Lord, the majesty of your name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens. You have taught children and nursing infants to give you praise. They silence your enemies who were seeking revenge. When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers -- the moon and the stars you have set in place -- what are mortals that you should think of us, mere humans that you should care for us? So true, what are we compared to all that he has created? Amazing to me that I can be a part of His great creation! January 11 Psalm 8:5-9 This Psalm is one of the shortest. However that doesn't take away for its message of God's greatness. David reminds us of the wonder of God, His creation and that He has given man the responsibility to care for His creation. This Psalm tells us that we were made a little lower than God and crowning us with glory and honor. What a responsibility we have been given! But does man really understand that? I am not so sure. God put us in charge of all his creation, animals including the birds in the sky, fish and the earth. He is a generous God, a loving God, a trusting God, but our we as trusting? Do we give God the same respect and acknowledge Him as the amazing creator that He is by honoring him with the love and respect that he deserves? Let us give that respect and lets us be the great caretakers that God expects of us. January 12 Psalm 9:1-10 This group of Psalms is giving thanks to God. David explains that enemies are in trouble as God has listen and has judged David's enemies and overthrown them. Prayer is powerful and God does hear us. David has acknowledged what God has done to protect him and to protect us. Our lord reigns forever. He loves justice and rules the nations with fairness. God protect and shelters us and watches over all forever and forever. How wonderful is the thought of our lord How majestic, how powerful, how everlasting Not unapproachable, not standoffish Like many men in high places My lord is always there for me Always accessible, ready to hear me I feel Him in a gentle breeze I see Him in the falling of soft rain His strength comes to me as I look upon the Redwoods Oh how I love to think of our Lord! January 13 Psalm 9:11-20 Singing praises to the Lord is something I do not do enough of. I do think of Him a lot and talk with Him during the day. I hope that counts. David is asking his people to sing praises to God and to tell the world about his deeds. David is concerned about his people and he knows God is truly concerned about the poor, helpless, sick. His Psalms tells us what God will do to those who do not believe in Him, praise Him. David reminded us that we are mere mortals and that we will be judged. David prays to God to judge the nations, make them tremble in fear; let them know that they are merely human. Human, yes. I believe man is so wrapped up in himself that he forgets he has a creator! But as I read more and more, I see how frail we are, how depended upon our creator for His guidance, His forgiveness, His shelter, His gift of breath! January 14 Psalm 10:1-11 This Psalm, as I read it, sounds as if it is describing today and our current world. It touched my heart as I read it. The Psalmist is asking God many questions, so many "why" questions like we do sometimes. We may not get answers in our lifetime here on earth but I truly believe God will revile them to us in the next life. I do not believe God would allow us to exist in his world without giving us answer in the future. I do believe if we had the answers now, we would not continue to pursue things in life. He wants us to continue, fight the good fight even if things seem too tough for us. I encourage you read this Psalm again and again. We as a nation have not been left behind. God know our hearts and wants us to know His. God bless you for reading this. Seabreeze January 15 Psalm 10:12-18 Where do we put our trust today? Is it in man or God. I am guilty in trusting outside things before trusting God first. It is easy to get caught up in man's promises toward solving problems. But experience tells me that man cannot solve them and only God can solve or allow them to be solved in his great plan. We need to trust in God first, only He has the power to solve and He wants us to seek Him out, trust Him and have faith that He will do as He promises. January 16 Psalm 11:1-7 We have come a long way since the King of England when James VI took away what freedom the people had. We are still seeing persecution of believers but we do have so much freedom to worship our creator. Most of us don't realize how blessed we are and how much we owe of beloved God. Psalms reminds us what true evil is like and teaches us how we should pray to God for His protection. He is a righteous and loves justice. If we do right He promises we will see His face some day. As it says in the first verse of Psalm 11: verse 1, I trust in the Lord for protection. So why do you say to me, "Fly to the mountains for safety!" January 17 Psalm 12:1-8 This first part of this Psalm makes me think of today; Help, O Lord, for the godly are fast disappearing! I don't know about you, but I feel this past year that there are a lot of ungodly people, especially in high places. It says to quote, "We will lie to our hearts content. Our lips are our own--who can stop us?" But our Lord is not silent. He hears, He sees and He says He will rise up to rescue them. Our Father is constantly telling us He will protect us. This Psalm is very calming and reassuring. No matter what our circumstances today, people of the past have gone thru similar or maybe the same situation. Reading Psalms can give us incite to our problems as we read and see what others have gone through. I am praying I will pick up some of that through my journey of Psalms. January 18/19 Psalm 13:1-6 Once again David is crying out to the Lord. David feels as if God has forgotten him. He feels that God doesn't know him and David feels so much anguish in his soul. He communicates to God how he feels but he also tells God that he trusts Him. David rejoices in being rescued in the past and so David knows he will be again. God has been so good to him. Psalm 13 has given us a look into how many of us see God when we cry out. We have five areas that we seem to fall into when it comes to viewing how we see God handling our problems. 1) we feel forsaken by God, 2) our prayers are not answered, 3) we are discouraged with life's possibilities, 4) we have difficult financial and/or physical stresses; and 5) we are stuck in a job or family situation and feel hopeless. David was going thru some of these and he reacted by: a. complaining about two of them; b. then he is praying, c. by the end of his Psalm, David shifts and he has eyes on God instead of himself. He is trusting in the Lord. Let us avoid all that David was stuck in and trust in the Lord with prayer and thanksgiving to our savior. We can benefit from David's trials! January 20 (no contribution) January 21 Psalm 14:1-7 It is hard to believe that when God looks down on us that He cannot find one soul that is good or does good. One out of billions? It is more amazing that we have a God who loves us that he cares for all souls given how many He has under Him? Also, I am most amazed that really bad souls can change for the good. In this Psalm, the phrase "There is no God" rings to many of us who at one time or another have felt that way, maybe even for a moment. But then, God does something amazing to us or for us and we see the light! The poem Amazing Grace, which became a song, tells us how wonderful God is and most of us have sung that song over and over. But just that one verse reminds us how blessed we are to have a loving God: Amazing Grace! how sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found, Was blind but now I see. Does this resonate with you? I hope it does. Praise our amazing God! January 22 Psalm 15:1-5 This is a very interesting Psalm. It is about who can enter God's sanctuary. What is required of us to do so. David tells us that we must be blameless in our lives; speak truth from our hearts; keep our promises; don't charge interest, on and on. But I am not so sure If I agree with David completely. This may have been true of his time, trying to enter into the temple. But God is always here for us and we can enter His sanctuary just by asking Him. We can be with Him even though we are not in a physical sanctuary. We can be in the sanctuary of His heart! After all, we are not perfect. He will let us in if we ask! January 23 Psalm 16:1-6 This Psalm speaks of our inheritance! We come to Jesus for his forgiveness but also for his protection. He gives us so much; we have so much to be thankful for. David reminds us that God is our master. He watches over us, gives us wonderful things; blesses us. We have so much available to us if we would be His. We have beauty in land, sky, animals, people. We have the best gift even; life! What a wonderful inheritance! January 24 Psalm 16:7-11 The One Year Book of Psalms tells us that Psalms 16 references the resurrection! Can you imagine living in those days? Someone you have loved, walked beside, was willing to die for is taken from you; he dies. And then, you see him again and again and then you know he is alive; you touch him and speak to him. What a time to be living in! "I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me." We can claim that same statement from Psalms 16, because He has risen, he is alive for us as well. January 25 Psalm 17:1-8 This Psalm tells us how much faith David had in the Lord. One statement that touched me is, "Bend down and listen as I pray." said David. He is giving us a true picture of how immense God is! David continues with "Show me your unfailing love in wonderful ways. You save with your strength." How wonderful it is to have a God so loving and so powerful! January 26 Psalm 17:9-15 Such a beautiful Psalm. Much of what is said here gives credit to God for he loving and caring nature. It speaks of the assurance of hope, in this life, and in the next. To think, as a believer, that I will see the face of God: Psalm 17:15 "But because I have done what is right, I will see you. When I awake, I will be fully satisfied, for I will see you face to face." January 27 Psalm 18:1-6 David once again shows us his faith in God. He praises God, and tells God how he trust him and knows He will take care of him. David is thanking and thanking God over and over. I believe God never get tired of us giving Him praise. January 28 Psalm 18:7-19 This Psalm gives me mixed emotions. It sounds like it is out of a fairy tail. It is very poetic. The last stanze, however, gives you a feeling that the writer feels the presence of his Lord. "He reached down from heaven and rescued me..." This tells you of the relationship that the writer has with his creator. He goes on to say that he is delivered from his enemies and is lead to a place of safety. Oh to feel that feeling of safety! This Psalm speaks of a God who shoots arrows and flashing lightning. We who believe feel this is possible because God is so powerful. He is a God of loves His people, who promises to take care of them if they obey. We know He delivers. Our God is magnificent! January 29 Psalm 18:20-30 I Father in heaven knows when we do right be His standards. He knows when we are innocence. He rewards those who do what He wants. David has acknowledged his weaknesses. He knows that God sees him as a sinner, when he is weak, when he is good and when he needs help. David recognizes that God is all powerful, knows all and blesses those who believe. David tells us that through God strength. David can crush an army and with God, David can scale any wall. This reminds us that we can do anything that is good with God's help. Psalms speaks of a new covenant. As we look at the meaning of covenant: an agreement, a contract. God has made an every lasting covenant with and for us. His son, Jesus, has sealed the deal for us, all of us. He died for us, for our sins. This is still hard for me to comprehend. We only need to accept the covenant, the gift as presented. What a beautiful gift it is. January 30 Psalm 18:30-36 This is a beautiful Psalm, like many. Here we read: "For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock? Solid rock, wow. We can depend on Him not to wavier, to change, to differ between us. We know no one like Him. We know that humans can play favors between friends, family but not our Lord. His promises are for all who obey and claim his true Love. January 31 thru February 2 Psalm 18:37-50 Psalms has amazing poetry. There is something to read just for pleasure, for beauty. There is something we can read for knowledge, for comfort, for the strength we need to carry one. So much beauty, protection, for to assist in our daily life's living. In the above referenced Psalm, David has given us a taste of his life and how God has been a rock, an inner strength that many of need from time to time. Psalm 19:1-6 This Psalm speaks of the glory of God and especially in his creation, his beauty, his craftsmanship. David speaks of the heavens, the sun, the warmth it gives. It makes me think of our Lord, how He rediates life, beauty, and assures us of our salvation. To reference Romans 1:20, From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made....So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God. February 3 Psalm 19:7-14 We all have sins, some we feel are more severe than others. I suppose to God a sin is a sin. But I have felt that I do not do enough for God or to honor or to express my love. Not doing, must be a sin. Psalm 19 speak of praying to be following God's laws, how they are rewarding to us. How do we know all the sins we have, God knows and all we need to do is ask him to cleanse us from our sins. It all leads back to pray, pray and more prayer. February 4 Psalm 20:1-9 In this Psalm, it speaks of nations falling and collapsing. In fact, "Those nations will fall down and collapse, but we will rise up and stand firm." We, the United States use to be that nation. One nation under God? I believe we are coming back thanks to President Trump's encouragement. We cannot forget God and survive as a nation. February 5 Psalm 21:1-7 David is speaking of himself and thanking God for his love, his glory. He states that God has welcomed him back with success and prosperity. I wonder if that was when David sinned, and temporarily left God. David recognized the Love of God. He states that, "The unfailing love of thee Most High will keep him from stumbling." I believe David has awaken and realize the love and strength God brings to him. February 6 Psalm 21:8-13 Here David speaks of all that God will do. Capturing His enemies, distroy them in a flaming furnnace, shooting arrows at them... God will protect us if we surrender to Him. He is our father, our protector, our guide, our caretaker, our creator. He loves us and wants us to love Him. Praise our father for His justice, His rightousness, His sovereignty. February 7 & 8 Psalm 22:1-10 Psalm 22 is a look at David crying out to God for His help. David feels like many of us have felt, abandoned by God because we do not get an answer. But David sees the work of God and he know what God can do for his people. We also know, if we believe that God's time table is not like ours. He has His time schedule, which may involved others He wants to bring in the equation. We must develop patiences, continue to pray, continue to trust our God. We must remember, even when Christ was on the cross He felt abandoned. But God had other plans for Christ and it involved our salvation. What an amazing plan, and what agony God went through with His beloved son dying on the cross for His beloved creation. Can we even really comprehend it? February 9 Psalm 22:11-21 This particular Psalm speaks of what Jesus went through. Maybe the writers wanted us to know that our Lord understand anything we possibly could go through because He has gone through the worst of the worst. The fact that the Psalm writer wrote this is amazing in its own right. My source tells me that the crucifixion had not even been invented when this Psalm was written. And how could the psalmist have described something that happened hundreds of years later? This is true inspiration from our God. February 10 Psalm 22:22-31 This Psalm has a very interesting comment at the very end. As it is speaking of praising the Lord and speaking of His grace, magnificent deeds, it says this in the last sentence: His righteous acts will be told to those yet unborn. They will hear about everything he has done. What could this mean. Does it mean that mom's carring their babes, that they will tell their children about our wonderful God? Or does it mean that we our God's children, written in his book until we denounce Him or do not accept His beautiful gift of salvation? February 11 Psalm 23:1-6 Most of us, at least those who believe, know this Psalm. Paraphrased, The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need. It speaks of peace, which we all want. It speaks of renewing strength, which we all need from time to time. He tells us He is with us as we walk through all types of trials and tribulations. It says He prepares a feast for us and He does this in the presence of our enemies. Oh what an amazing God we have. Psalm 23 is very popular. In The One Year Book of Psalms, the authors decided to spend extended time of Psalm 23. It should be a bigger part of our lives, especially is trying time as these today. It is so refreshing to read and to ponder. They have taken each paragraph and broke it down for a study. One so powerful to me is the third paragraph: He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. This is so much of what we want and need of the Lord. We need renewed strength every day, whether we realize it or not. We need His guideness as we go through life's daily challenges. And, we need to bring honor to our beloved Lord's name. In Psalms 23:6, it speaks of goodness and unfailing love. Many of us feel we have little, if any, goodness. But God is there to reassure us that we are worthy of His love and foregiveness. If we try to run from Him, He will find us, catch us, cause He loves us. He pours his goodness and unfailing love on us. Should we not all want to "... live in the house of the Lord forever."? February 12 Psalm 24:1-10 This Psalm speaks of the glory of Lord. It tells us that the earth and everything in it belongs to Him. He has created it. He has created us. Who is worthy to be His? It gives praises to Him and it the author says, "Open up, ancient gates! Open up, ancient doors, and let the King of glory enter." Many of us keep our door or gate closed to our Lord. We must open it and let Him in. February 13 Psalm 25:1-6 I believe we all what to besure we know where we are going. We want to have a clear path. God can help if we ask him to guide us but we must be willing to listen to Him. In this Psalm, David Is asking God to lead him. David lifts up his soul, offering himself to God to lead him. We all need to do that. How often do you feel that you are misguided, lost direction and not sure what to do? Ask God to show you the past, to point out the light to guide you, lead you by His truth. This is so powerful. He is indeed our shepard. Let's ask Him to lead the way. February 14 Psalm 25:7-13 We all have sinned and are of sin. We know that when we recognize it that we can ask for forgiveness. David is asking for forgiveness and he is also claiming the mercy of God asking God to look at David with His unfailing love. Wow, to think we could remind God of anything. It seems a bold move on David's part. David also says that for the honor of your name (God's name), forgive my many sins. We just need to focus on and believe in what our Lord promises us. But we must remember to not sin, try not to sin but to claim God's promises of forgiveness. We must seek to put away our sinful ways. February 15 Psalm 26:1-5 How many of us could live up to this Psalm. David starts with "Declare me innocent, O Lord." He asked God to put him on trial and cross-examine him. Wow, that is bold. But if we love our Lord, we should be totally honest with Him. February 16 & 17 Psalm 26:6-12 This Psalm is all about giving praise to the Lord. David has declared that he is not like others, that his hands are clean, asking God to not let him suffer the fate of sinners. He says he does what is right and ask for mercy and to be saved. David says he has taken a stand, and he will publicly praise the Lord. Do we take a stand and publically praise our Lord? February 18 Psalm 27:1-6 Some days seem harder than others; harder to get through all the fuss, confustion, injustice, on and on and on. This Psalm is beautiful and reading it can assure us He is there for us. We need to stand firm and remain confident that our Lord is standing by us, there for us. As the verse 5 begins: For He will conceal me there when troubles come; He will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock. Then I will hold my head high, above my enemies who surround me. February 19 Psalm 27:7-14 David once again is pleading for mercy. He is asking God to hear him and be merciful. Don't we feel that way sometimes? We need to speak out, speak up, talk to God as if He is in the room with us, as He is. Don't hold back. As David said, "Yet I am confident that I will see the Lords's goodness while I am here in the land of the living." Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.
February 20 thru 22 Psalm 28:1-8 In this Psalm of David, it speaks of safety, of being protected. Do we fear our lives today? Yes, with such open borders, it is becoming harder and harder not to. Listen to my prayer for mercy, it says. He is asking God not to be silent. And if God is silent, he might as well give up and die. Powerful words. And toward the end of this Psalm, David praises God for He has heard my cry for mercy. Do we have or can we have the faith that David had? "The Lord is my strength, my shield from every danger. I trust in him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving." Abraham had a very close relationship with the Lord. He listen to the Lord who told him He would protect him. Abraham believed God and God declared him righteous. Such wonderful, strong faith. It is difficult to have faith for things we cannot see. But this is the essences of faith. We are to believe and trust even when we cannot see. February 23 Psalm 29:1-11 When I think of the Lord I think of immense power. Power in the rain, power in the wind. Thunder storms, bolts of lightning. And then, after there seems to come a peace. We can marvel at all that our Lord can do. The rocks rushing in the ocean; the flock of birds flying in a pattern in the sky. I am constantly amazing at our Lord, His power, His grace. February 24 Psalm 30:1-7 David's beautiful Psalm is speaking of praise and restoration. It talks about how God can bring peace to us - we just need to ask, to pray. I remember years ago my son had to get a divorce. He didn't want the divorce but his step daughter didn't want him in the family and wrote in her diary that she was going to separate them. She lied that he had molested her, which she later told her aunt that it was a lie. My son had to go through hell for several days and immediately had to leave his home. I prayed for the family with the mother. I remember feeling so lost and betrayed. The next day was more clear and I felt that I did all that I could and I felt peace. As God does, he took care of it. All true out to the very best that it could. My son's name was cleared. He takes care of us. He loves us. February 25 & 26 Continuing on in Psalm 30 In times of difficulty, prayers carry us through: "All through the night I wept full sore, But morning brought relief. That hand, which broke my bones before, Then broke my bonds of grief." by Charles H. Spurgeon Psalm is a sacred song or poem. Such beauty has been given us in these Psalms. In Psalm 30:5 it speaks of anger. We all get it now and then. He states that anger endureth but a moment, a moment compared to time...and in the morning comes the break and hopefully joy as the anger passes. February 27 & 28 Psalm 31:1-24 There is a lot here to take in. 31:5 says: "Into thine hand I commit my spirit; thou hast redeemed me, O Yahweh El of truth. Truth is something we hear a lot about these days but in a very condensating way. Your truth, my truth. How can this be? Two separate truths. It cannot. Focus your truth on God's truth; there is no other. Let us rejoyce in His truth. 31:7-8 states: "I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy; for thou has considered my trouble; thou hast known my soul in adversities; and hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy; thou hast set me feet in a large room." God is so loving, care and He knows our soul. He is the only one who truly knows are soul. That is powerful! 31:17 says: "let me not be ashamed, O Yahweh; for I have called upon thee; let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave." We don't ever need to be ashamed for our love for God. It is those who choose not to love him that should be ashamed. March 1 Psalm 31:7 "I am overcome with joy because of your unfailing love, for you care about the anguish of my soul,..." He truly cares like no one we could possibly relie on. Psalm 31:15 & 16 "My future is in your hands. Rescue me from those who hunt me down relentlessly." Yes, we want Him to rescue us but we must be attentive to Him. We must speak to Him and be ready to listen. "Let your favor shine on your servant. In your unfailing love, save me." March 2 Psalm 31:19-24 We know of the profits who went through so much but remain faithful. Jonah comes to mind; can you imagine being in the belly of a fish. I sure can't. Jonah prayed for God to rescue him. Yes, Jonah was a complainer but he still knew that God was who he needed to turn to. We need to give praise and thanks to God continuously. March 3 I find it is hard sometimes to post daily. But I do want to stay on target with my entries. Psalm 32:1-5 We are have felt guilty at times. It could be because we hurt someone's feelings or we broke a promise. In this Psalm we hear of the joy that comes from knowing we can be forgiven if we admit our guilt, ask for forgiveness, especially with God. He takes joy in us coming to him and we receive joy knowing He loves us and wants us to be free from sin, from guilt. "I said to myself, "I will confess my rebellion to the Lord." And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone. March 4 Continuing on in forgiveness: Therefore, let all the godly confess their rebellion to you while there is time, that they may not drown in the floodwaters of judgment. Now that is a heavy statement given above. "...while there is time." We only have tell Jesus comes back and it could be any time. March 5 Psalm 32:6-11 In time of need, we may refer to God as our hiding place. A place of need to rest, a refuge. "For you are my hiding place; you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory....32:7" What could be more beautiful to know we can go to Him for comfort, rest, security. "Hide me, O my Savior, hide, Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide; O receive my soul at last!" Charles Wesley |