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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2329036
Shadows are just the absence of light. Aren't they?
Prompt Day 2: "We all go a little mad sometimes,"—Norman Bates

"I told you, there's nothing down here but shadows, Heidi," my dad said. He yanked the chain on the light. It didn't help; the swaying of the naked bulb made the shadows of everything grow and shrink.

I wrapped my arms round my chest and gripped my sides. Why were my parents moving me down here? I could've just moved across the hall with my sister, Jenny.

"Oh my gawd, dad! I'm only fifteen, you guys didn't plan on having this oops baby so why're you making me suffer?"

Dad's cheeks flushed. "Look, kid, we may not have planned this but that's no way to act! Make the most of it. You have your privacy. We've already put your bed down here and you're close to the laundry. Goodnight."

I sighed my most angsty, woeful sigh. Dad just ignored me as he tromped back up to the land of the living. Well, the viewers on my channel would hear of this. Then he'd be sorry he made me live like a common troll.

I opened up the SnapTube app on my phone. "What's up my real fam?" I monologued. "This is my new room thanks to my all knowing, all controlling parents! I'm crammed in the basement with all our forgotten junk while the new baby will—"

There was a crash and a clatter in an unlit corner of my subterranean prison. "What the hell? Oh my god...what just happened? If thats a rat or something I'm literally going to cry! Thats right you'll see me burst into tears right here on SnapTube."

I held my phone up as I grabbed a hairbrush to throw at whatever was down here with me. Why had my parents decided to have separate switches for all the lights down here? I flicked the second switch.

All the light showed was that some boxes of canned goods had been knocked to the floor. Not a tail or whisker in sight. This was lame.

"Well there you have it. Thanks, dad, for not stacking these cans right. Now my Cinderella-slash-Harry Potter experience is complete. I've got to clean up...see you if I survive this night. Don't forget to heart and follow my channel! Stay real."

I stopped streaming and jammed the phone into my back pocket. I didn't need mom murdering me for breaking my screen again. Besides, these looked like I'd need both hands.

I was about to pick up my first load when I spotted something. There was a handprint in the dust near the stack of boxes that had fallen. How had that gotten there?

The basement didn't have windows and the only door was at the top of the stairs. It had been just me and dad down here. I'm pretty sure neither of us had touched any of the emergency food in years. Maybe it was like a fossil hand print. That had to be a thing. Didn't it?

After I finished picking up all the spilled cans, I checked the time. My phone said it was eleven-thirty. I didn't feel tired but I had school tomorrow. Hooray for getting up at five-thirty in the morning.

I pulled back the single blanket and sheet my parents had seen fit to spare me. I pulled the light chain off, crawled in bed and closed my eyes.

I didn't even have time for a REM cycle before I felt something wrap itself around my neck. I gripped something solid but cold. My eyelids burst open but I couldn't breathe. There was a shadow person on top of me. Almost exactly like me only with no facial features. The thumbs of this entity felt like ice cubes pressing on my wind pipe.

I braced one knee and pushed myself so hard I fell out of bed. I scrabbled to my feet and yanked the light back on! I took in my surroundings as I coughed and gagged. Nothing there.

I ran up the steps and blocked the door with a kitchen chair as soon as I was through. "Mom, dad, help!" I screamed hoarsely.

There was a loud thump as someone upstairs responded. A scratching and rattling noise came from behind the basement door. I pleaded with the universe that whoever was coming would get there soon.

The kitchen lights came on. Mom and dad stood in their pajamas gaping at me. I ran over and hugged my dad crying. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't make me go down there."


"Babe, look, there's bruises all over Heidi's neck. What happened?"

Oh my god. They'd lock me up as a crazy person if I told them about the shadow me. "I, uh, must've clothes lined myself when I woke up from a nightmare."

"These look like finger prints though," mom said. "Oh my god, Howard. There's a maniac in the basement! Call the cops."

The police couldn't find any sign of anyone down there. No broken glass, no sign of forced entry. Just the puddle of blankets and bedding I'd tossed on the floor. The lead investigator handed dad his card and looked at me sympathetically. "These things happen," he said. "Not that it's any of my business but I'd move your daughter back upstairs just in case. Oh and maybe look into getting some counseling. Have a good night folks. Call us if you need to."
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