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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · History · #2328551
An excerpt of a banned journal sharing the story of the world... well some of it at least
         Seven          Continents: 1950-1975
         Pag.          9-11
                             , of course it was more than anyone could ever imagine. The world          had finally begun to recover from the devastation of WWII and things          were starting to settle down for the first time in a while. If only          we had been so lucky, but I'm rambling here. Let's just hope I          can finish
                   this book before they find me. I know they have such a strong reach          and now... God I never thought          . No one could have even guessed the          world would end like this.
                             sure, but not this. Never this. I'm getting ahead of myself here,          this isn't a clear history textbook by any means, but it's the          best i could do here, to make up for... make up for everything.
         I          don't claim to know everything,          , but someone
                   should know, someone has to know, if you are reading this my name          is          I grew up before the war, well the main war. I grew up around          WWII and have always been surrounded by war and I got lucky. Being          born in 1928 I never thought I'd be around to witness the                    . The          government said that would never happen and the Church said it was          not yet our time. I guess they were          . A lot of people          . My childhood          really isn't important, not for the most part.
                             I was born into the Great Depression so there is that detail, I grew          up in Hamburg Germany, didn't get much of an
                             or a          . Parents sold me off to WWII two years before the end of the          war. I was fifteen and to get it off
my chest somewhere, I regret everything I did. Every person I shot, every time I listened to          , I regret all of it.

          I don't want to bore anyone with unimportant information, but at this point I don't know what's important and what isn't. I suppose a brief explanation of          would be an order so you can understand the rest of my mindless rambling. Look, these are only details I have been directly told or eventually figured out for myself, this is not the full story it can't be. There is so much I'm missing, so much I was told that          true.

Six years after the end of WW2 a
known as the Seven Continents placed seven strategic bombs around the world, targeting seven of the world's most important monuments and locations. This led to the destruction of religious and historical artifacts. With the tension still left
over from WW2 it didn't take long for the blame to start. The Soviet Union were          and
The Soviet Union made the first move in what would soon escalate into the nuclear war that came to be known as World War III or The Final World War.

          The war lasted from 1952-1959 and completely destroyed both the population and society. The war was centralized in North America and East Asia. The Soviet Union and much of the Americas were nearly completely wiped out in this war. Much of the world was turned into Wastelands and a desolate dessert with little to no life left.

          As the years went on society slowly began to rebuild itself. In 1970          a society was now in different places around the world. Only around half a billion people remained. In 1975                    a government rose to power, this government was implemented by Seven Continents. This led to cites popping up around the globe and the largest city being in the former Vatican City and Rome Italy. This city was called the Capital City. Capital City was a well guarded city with very strict rules. All of the cities were like this. They gave safety to the people                              .

          That's just a quick summary of everything, of course I will try to go as deep into detail as I can and ensure that what I tell you is as          as I can make it, but knowing          I doubt anyone will see this and if they do,
          The people in power have always been untrustworthy, the government, the Church, the people who claimed to want to help and I promise you this time, it is different.

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