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Rated: 13+ · Novella · Fantasy · #2328502
The first chapters of what will probably end up being my most depression piece to date
Chapter one: Good morning

Chantal slowly reaches her hand out to find Avery laying across from her. Their hands interlock as Chantal finds her and Avery pulls her close whispering in her ear softly. “Good morning, how did you sleep?” Her voice was soft and like honey. Chantal always remembered the soft voice. Even though she was sure it was Avery she just had to be sure. She slowly moves her hands up Avery’s arm and onto her neck looking for a necklace she always wore. A small shell in such a unique pattern that no matter what she could always recognize it: a spiral shell with a small imperfection towards the top.

She started to twirl the shell in her fingers waiting for Avery to speak again. Feeling the shell and her fingers brushing the skin of Avery’s neck and the cold necklace change. “Your hands are cold, Chantal. Let me help you.” With that Avery cups both of Chantal’s hands in her own and breathes hot air onto them.
“Is that better?”
Chandal smiles as she leans forward wrapping Avery in a tight hug.
“It’s perfect..”
Avery laughs and wraps her arms carefully around her.
“We can’t stay in bed all day.”
Avery pulls Chantal out of the bed and smiles warmly.
“What do you want for breakfast? Eggs? Bacon?”
Chantal wipes the crust from her eyes and yawns.
She wraps her arms around Avery’s shoulders and hangs on her back while she makes breakfast.
“Hey. Get off, you’re going to make me burn myself. You’re like a cat, you know that?”
Chantal laughs a little and rests her head on Avery’s shoulders from behind.
Avery keeps cooking and pats Chaltal’s head lightly, careful to avoid the snake bites.
“You’re hair in hangry too, I see.” She says with a little laugh. She feeds one of the snake heads a bit of egg.
“So pretty. You are so pretty.”
One of the snakes nips Avery’s finger for more food and Chantal laughs.
“This is why I don’t feed your snakes, they bite.”
Chantal leans forward and gives her a little neck bite.
“Hey, gentle with the biting.”
Chantal finds the table with her hand and traces her hand along it to find her chair.
She finds a chair and sits down and seems to stare where she thinks Avery is standing and Avery smiles.
“Your eyes are so pretty, I know you can't see them, but I can and they are so elegant.”
Chantal smiles as she hears the plate placed in front of her.
“Thank you, love. Sorry, I wish I could-”
“Hey. Don’t apologize, it’s not your fault.”
Avery sits next to Chantal and places a hand on her neck gently. She nods through her mouth full of food.
She laughs,
“Are we sure you aren’t part cat?”
Chantal tries to push her hands away and misses completely.
“Aww, so cute.”
One of the snakes bites Avery again.
“Ok, ok. So aggressive. I’m sorry.”
Chantal turns away angrily and finishes eating breakfast with the little playful anger on her face. “Ok, that’s enough anger, you’re smiling!”
Avery starts tickling Chantal who falls off the chair and starts laughing as Avery keeps tickling her.
“Ok, ok stop it!”
She says through her laughter.
“I get it, I was just messing with you!”
Avery stops and leans into Chantal and smiles.
“I love you.”

Chantal leans forward for a light kiss and kisses Avery’s cheek.
“Were you aiming for my cheek?”
She blushes and puts her hand on her face and finds Avery’s lips with her finger.
“No, so can you hold still so I don’t miss this time?”
Avery is laying on top of Chantel on the floor of the kitchen and they are both smiling playfully.
“Of course, I won't move. You have my word.”
Chantal leans forward and moves her finger out of the way.
Avery leans into the kiss as their lips touch and moves her hand to Chantal’s neck and she hears the snakes hissing quietly as she pulls away and stops as she thinks for a second.
“You used my perfume last night. I can still smell it.”
She sits up and moves her hands onto Chantals chin and traces down from her chin and to her hand moving all the way down her arm before pulling her up and they both stand in the kitchen, Chantal interlocks their fingers and gives Avery a quick peck on the lips and pulls back again. Avery looks into Chantal's unfocussed, cloudy eyes, “I will never not love that look. You’re a bit red right now. After all this you still get flustered.” The snakes on Chantal’s head hiss and look at her curiously. She had gotten used to the snakes after a few months, at first she was afraid of them, but now to her, they were just another part of Chantal; another part of her to love. Avery gently scratched one of the snake's chin and Chantel smiles widely.
“I love you.”
Those words, no matter how much they were said, they always meant everything.
“Do you want to go to the garden?”
Chantal lit up completely.
“Yeah, the flowers felt ready to bloom.”
They both walked out of the house and into the backyard that was full of different plants and flowers. Even though Chantal couldn’t see the flowers, she always loved her garden. She got close to one of the pillars in the garden and the snakes hissed, making her stop and go the other way. She got to the flower bush she had been excited to find. She reached her hand out slowly, sweeping her hand up the stem of the plant trying to find the flower she knew was at the top. Her hand brushed the soft petals and she smiled.
“It’s finally in bloom.”

She gently cupped her hands around the flower, careful not to remove it from the stem or break any petals. She leaned closed and the snakes hissed quietly as Avery crouched down next to her.
“Two springs later and you finally got your blossom. Can I touch it?”
Chantal reached out one hand out and placed Avery’s hand on the flower. Avery was shocked by how it felt. It was soft and velvety, covered with a small amount of morning dew that wet her finger as she held the flower in her hand.
“I see why you love them so much.”
She closes her eyes,
“Even if you can’t see it, the beauty is still there.”

The snakes reach out towards Avery to get her attention, Avery looks over to see a small sweet smile on Chantal’s face.
“It’s such a pretty day to be outside… Do you have to go to work?”
Avery laughed.
“I’ll be back, I promise.”
“I know, you always come back. I’m not a kid.”
“You’re not, but I just like to make you sure you know.”
“Ti amo, amore.”
“I love you too.”
Avery stood up and helped Chantal to her feet.
“Make sure to be careful.”
She looked into Chantel's eyes.
“See you when I get home ok?”

Avery worked as an art teacher in a studio, where she taught classes and sold her paintings, sculptures and other art pieces. Chantal stood in the door listening to Avery’s footsteps get quieter before hearing the car door open and then close. Then she heard Avery drive away. She stands in the doorway from a bit longer listening to the sounds around her before closing the door and going back inside. Chantal walks into the art room tracing her hand along the wall, and sits down in front of the piano. She places her hands on the keys, feeling the cold plastic against her fingertips. She slowly starts playing a song, listening to each note carefully.

She starts playing faster, and quickly gets into a rhythm as she starts adding notes to the song that weren’t there. After about half an hour she stopped and heard the notes ringing in the back of her head. She smiles and recalls the notes playing them slowly out of order as the snakes hiss softly.
“That was good right?”
The snakes hiss in agreement.
“I’m glad you think so too.”
Chantal stood up and started walking toward the door. She was going to go on a walk in the spring to enjoy everything around her; she was excited to head to the park this time of year. Once she gets to the door she puts her shoes on, grabs her walking cane and heads outside and starts walking, her snakes watching out for anything to avoid. She gets to the park and sits down on the bench, listening to everything around her, the birds, the wind, people talking. Not focussing on one sound, but on everything around her. Then she hears a little kid's voice talking to their parent.
“Dad? Why does that woman have snakes for hair?”

When she hears those words she feels a sense of anxiety wash over her and she feels as if everyone is staring at her.
Her heart starts racing as the feeling of everyone judging her gets worse and worse. She feels someone tap her shoulder and the small movement grounds her. “Can I help you?”
The little kid’s voice is heard again. “Miss, why do you have snakes in your hair?”
The innocence of a child talking to her like that, no intention to judge her, just curiosity. She smiles at the kid.
“Well I’m a gorgon. I have snakes for hair, I always have.”
She heard the kid sit down next to her.
“Did your parents have snake hair?”
“I don’t know, I was adopted so I’m not sure.”
“Oh, well I’m Jason, it’s nice to meet you.”
“I’m Chantal.”
“That’s a pretty name, I’m here with my dad, he’s over there.”
Chantal chuckles as she assumes Jason is pointing at his dad.
“I can’t see him.”
Jason sounds confused.
“How? I’m pointing right at him.”
She smiles.
“I’m blind, I can’t see.”
“Oh. Well, hmmm? I have an idea, I’ll be right back.”

She waits and the snakes hiss as Jason comes back with his dad.
“Chantal, this is my dad. Dad, this is Chantal.”
The man’s voice is calm and sweet as he talks to Chantal.
“Hello, nice to meet you. Sorry if my son was bothering you. My name is Luke.”
“Oh, no. He wasn’t bothering me.”
“That’s good. Chantal right?”
“That’s a very nice name.”
“Thank you.”

Chantal smiles as she hears the two sets of footsteps leave. She took a deep breath of the cold spring air as she smelled the flowers and freshness of the air. After a while she started walking home. She had learned the way from Avery and it had taken her almost a year to memorize it, even with the help of the snakes. Chantal knew how to find her house once she found the street. She would drag her hand along the mailboxes and feel for a metal flower wrapped around one. A flower Avery had made as a marker for Chantal. She felt the thin metal petals under her fingers. She walks along the path to her house. The snakes made a loud hissing noise whenever Chantal got close to hitting something, that didn’t stop her from bumping into a few things as she traced her hand along the rail as they carefully found the door and went inside.

The house was warm compared to the cold spring, the smell of flowers even stronger inside than it was outside. She could feel the sunlight through the windows that lined the back of the house. Chantal smiled to herself as she sat on the couch. So many people told her gardening was a visual hobby but they didn’t see the way she did, the feel, smell and sounds of the quiet garden was enough for her. Even so a few times she almost quit from how many people told her she couldn’t do it, but one person never did that. Avery was always there to make her feel better, no matter what problem it was she was always there. The only thing Avery couldn’t do is make all the problems go away, but she could make it feel less overwhelming, through every anxiety attack, through every breakdown, through all the tears, she was there. Chantal only wished she could be there for Avery more.

Avery was all she had left, the only person who stayed with her through everything. Most people were scared of her, or thought she was helpless. Even her adoptive parents who said they would love her no matter what, they loved her when she was a gorgon, they loved her when she was blind, but that all changed one day. The day she brought her first girlfriend home. That day had shattered all that love. The two people she had loved and trusted, who said they would be there for her had turned their backs on her. That was back in high school, Chantal had been sixteen. Even eleven years later that feeling still hurt to think about. Her thoughts start to spiral and she leans back on the couch panicking. Her thoughts go to different things, both real and imagined about why she was given up for adoption, why her parents hated her, how everything was all somehow her fault. That she made a mistake and pushed everyone away.

Her emotions take hold and she starts crying. The tears stream down her face and it goes from a silent crying to hyperventilating. She tries to control her breathing but with each shallow breath the thought gets worse and worse. Then the thought she always hated the most
“What if Avery is only here because she pities me?”
“What if I'm just her charity case?”

Her heart rate speeds up and she feels her throat start to close up. Each thought clear in her mind, each thought making it worse. The thoughts spiral even more as she tries to stand up tracing her hand on the couch and side table. Chantal ends up falling to the floor, her hand slipping off the table. The snakes hiss but the hissing morphs into all the whispers she's heard.
“That girl’s a monster.”
“Look at that freak.”
“Why did her parents want a girl like that?”
She gripped the side table but can’t find the strength to stand so she buries her face into the couch as she starts screaming
“Shut up, shut up,shut up! It’s not my fault! I didn’t want to be a monster!”
She leans forward into the couch still hyperventilating as her hands tremble.
“I don’t want to be a monster!”
Chantal’s hands reach the base of her hairline and she keeps crying as her nails slowly start to dig into the back of her neck.
“I’m not a monster!!”
Her grip tightens even more, the nails leaving indents behind her neck.
“I promise I'm not a monster…”
Her voice drops to a quiet whisper until it just becomes quiet hyperventilated sobs. She starts to lose track of how long she's been crying when she hears footsteps behind her. Chantal feels a rough but gentle hand on her own hands as the hand carefully moves her hands away from her neck.
“Hey, hey, hey… I’m here. I’m here, Chantal”
Avery’s voice reaches her ears as she's pulled away from the couch and into Avery’s arms. Chantal cries into her shoulder, her hands wrapping around Avery’s shoulders. Avery speaks quietly and slowly, doing her best not to trigger Chantal again.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner. I’m here now.”
Chantal feels two hands on her back, holding her close and she feels safe again.
“I’m here.”

Avery didn’t ask what had happened, she just hugged Chantal close.
“I’m here love…”
Chantal didn’t answer, she just pulled her closer still crying.
“I’m sorry… It’s gonna be ok. They won’t hurt you, I won’t let them.”
Chantal felt Avery push her back and her hand cupped her cheek gently.
“You’re perfect, others may not see it. But you’re my Chantal, and I will never hurt you.”
Avery’s thumb brushed Chantal’s eyes, wiping away the tears the best she could.
“I love you, if the others don’t then they are missing out on an amazing person.”
She stayed silent as she listened to Avery’s voice as she rub rubbed her back.
“You’re safe, I won’t let them hurt you again.”

Avery knew to speak quietly as her fingers brushed against the nail indents on Chantal’s neck.
“Oh my god… Chantal.”
Her voice cracks as feels the small cuts and she hears Chantal’s quiet voice.
“I- I’m sorry.”
“No no no, don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault, ok? Not your fault. It’ll be ok.”
Chantal hugs her even closer as if scared if she lets go of Avery she’ll disappear.
“I won’t disappear.”
Those words of comfort grounded her back to reality and who Avery was. Chantal knew she wouldn’t disappear.
“I know. I know, you won’t.”
“Do you want to go get dinner? Or do you want to order take out?”
Chantal smiles still leaning into Avery.
“Can we do take out? Please?”
“Sure love, whatever you say… Sure…”
Avery kept her hand tightly on Chantal’s back listening to the quiet hissing of the snakes that occasionally brushed her hand.
“I love you, please. It hurts to see you like this.”
Chatal’s rests her head on Avery’s shoulder quietly hugging her hearing the small hisses. This always felt right, carefully wrapped in Avery’s arms, nothing else mattered when they were like this, not the past, not the future, not anything.
Dinner was quiet that night and even that night as they got ready for bed Chantal seemed tense even as Avery traced her nails along her arms and stopped at her shoulder a clear playfulness in her movements, but something calming.

“I love you…”
The small words were always sweet when Avery said them in that soft voice of hers. The night seemed colder than it normally was and Chantal woke up, felt around Avery in the bed and felt her lying next to her talking her hand and pulling her tightly into a hug…. “Mmmhm, you’re warm.”
Avery turns around to hug Chantal. “Ah ah, you are my teddy bear. Not the other way around. You’re mine… My Chantal…”

Chapter two: Boxes

The coffee shop wasn’t far and Avery drives while Chantal stares blankly out of the window hearing the engine and tires along the road. The sun was bright and Avery moved the window shade so she could drive without the sun in her eyes. The trees cast a shadow over her as they drive to the coffee shop. The soft colors of most houses contrasted by the occasional brick or old gothic house with blackout curtains. People walked on the sidewalk, some with full cover garments and sunglasses. Others barely bother to fully cover up and opt for short shorts and a sports bra or no shirt.
Avery couldn’t help but feel jealous at the couples walking hand and hand without a care in the world, just holding hands and walking with large smiles. Couples that could just be couples without being scared of who they were. The sudden red light snaps her out of her self pity and she slams on the brakes.
She shouts back at Chantal. They drive silently until they arrive at the Coffee shop and Avery steps out of the car before grabbing her purse and going around to help Chantal.
Avery said half jokingly. Chantal smiles as they enter the cafe and sit down, Avery sits across holding her hand the whole time. Rubbing her thumb over Chantal’s hand.
“I’m glad we could do this, it’s been too long since we’ve had a moment together out of the house, as much as I love your cuddles, it’s nice to be able to be girlfriends outside.”
Chantal couldn't help but smile, it had been too long and no matter what she was always nervous out of the house, but Avery was there. Nothing could go wrong, not while she was there. The barista comes over and Avery orders their food knowing exactly what Chantal wants before she chooses her own drink. “Thank you.”
Avery leaned into Chantal.
“Hey, I know that look. It’s ok, the people here are accepting, I promise. By the way, do you want to go to the studio tomorrow? I’m not teaching a class, but I am meeting with a few old friends of mine. I really think you’d like them. I’m sorry, I know it’s your rest day- Only if you want of course.”
Chantal can’t help but laugh a little at Avery’s apology. “Of course I want to go, love. It sounds like a lot of fun.”
Avery hugs Chantal. “I’m so glad I get to introduce you to my old friends.”
For the longest time Avery had kept her life in little boxes and when she met Chantal, she got her own box. To her these boxes were sealed shut never to be opened except to move things into their own boxes. Her parents were supportive, but when you read so many horror stories about what could go wrong, it’s hard to tell what someone might say. So they had so far only met Chantal as a friend of hers. Her life with Chantal was something she loved dearly, but she couldn’t keep it secret forever.

Even with no bad reactions with anything she did from her parents, minus an awkward conversation about dating in highschool and of course the thing every teen dreads ‘The Talk.’ The thing is they never talked to her about girls, only guys. When she realized she likes girls she hid it away until she had a plan. She had planned to run away, have her own life away from everyone she knew. Build a new life with new boxes.

Then she met Chantal and everything changed. Chantal was her own box, and Avery was out of space for new ones. So she put her plans on hold and fell in love. It was the greatest choice she made in her life, but friend Chantal and girlfriend Chantal still stayed in different boxes and that’s how it’s always been. On the outside Chantal was a friend, but Avery knew better. She had a girlfriend and she couldn’t pretend she didn’t forever, Chantal didn’t even know about these boxes… No one did.

Avery had kept to herself about this one thing, something that was so close to her heart, stayed there. That made life easier for everyone, but she couldn’t hide her life forever, not for herself but for Chantal, Chantal who had to hear herself referred to as a friend in front of everyone.
A sudden tap on her shoulder once again snaps Avery out of her thoughts.
“Avery? Hey, hello? Earth to Avery? Earth to sweetheart.”
“Hm? Oh… yeah?”
“Ok, good, you’re still here. Are you ok?”
Chantal’s tone was playful but laced with worry as Avery looks at her and tucks a piece of Chantal’s hair behind her ear.
“Are people staring? We can leave if you want-”
“No no… it’s ok. I want to be here, I want to be with you. I want to be your girlfriend. I want to be able to be there for you. I want us together, outside, I want you in every part of my life, not just as a friend… And I’m sorry I told people that, you are so, so much more than just a friend. I am sorry I made you think I was ashamed of you because I’m not… You are the best thing to happen to me, and I’m sorry-”
Chantal stands up tracing her hand on the table until she finds Avery’s hand tracing her hand to Avery’s shoulder and pulling her into a hug.
“Don’t be sorry. I love you so much. If you aren’t ready to tell anyone then don’t, if you want the whole world to know, that’s your choice. But you are my girlfriend no matter what you tell people.”
Chantal leans forward one hand reaching Avery’s shoulder before finding her neck and going up to her cheek. Her finger brushes over Avery’s lips before she leans forward and kisses her gently before pulling back.
“We’re not together for them, I’m with you because I love you. And I will always love you. You are my girlfriend, and no matter what… No matter if you tell them or not, I will be your girlfriend.”
Chantal sits back down as their drinks arrive. The waitress places the drinks down and they start drinking the coffee. Avery had been stunned into silence until she spoke up after a few minutes.
“Thank you, love. I needed that. I never should’ve put you in a box, because you mean far too much to me for that. I love you to no end and I hope you understand just how much you mean to me.”
Chantal could feel her face heating up, I love you was still everything to her,
“I mean a lot to me too. No, you mean everything to me.”
© Copyright 2024 Axel R. Lennon (fantasynerd029 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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