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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Inspirational · #2326456
Winnie’s tenacity ends in Celebration
Written for Writer’s Cramp (1000 words min)

Prompt: The number 24 is considered an ‘angel number’ and means that the road to success is just in front of you. The number is thought to have big energy around your soul purpose, not just the vision, but the actions needed to turn your dreams into reality.
Write about a character turning their dream into reality!

856 words

Winnie waited impatiently for the starting flag to drop in the Senior Games Triathlon Race. The first leg was a 24-Yard Dash. No prob-lem-o for her.

The flag dropped and she sprinted away at a fast walk; however, surprisingly by the time she got to the finish line, she was shuffling. And the line kept fading away.

Winnie, never a quitter, kept shuffling. It kept fading. She wondered if she was about to faint.

Angel 24 said to Angel 25, “Will you look at this 84-year-old Great Grandma! She has been running for almost 24 hours.”

“Yeah, she’s one of those ‘Never Give Up’ stoics. But she isn’t going to make it past my year. She’s due for a heart attack. Just more paperwork for me.”

“Well, since her time is short, I’m going to break the rules.”


“Hey Winnie, looks like you could use some help.”

The line magically reappeared, floating slightly above the road surface. 24 flinched when exhausted Winnie didn’t notice and tripped over it, sprawling like a piece of road kill.

Angel 25 whispered, “Nice going, 24. Don’t forget her bones are brittle.”

“Shut up. You’re the one that’s going to kill her.”

Gently picking up the breathless woman, he brushed the dirt out of her thinning, very short, fluffy white hair.

“You okay Winnie?”

“I skinned up my knees. But I crossed or kinda fell over the finish line. I think.”

“Still counts. I have your bike all ready for you. See, it’s got this cute little basket I filled with snacks and electrolyte water. Drink up before you take off again. And eat one of those power bars. The chocolate ones are the best.”

“Thank you, …er Gabriel,” she read off his official name tag.

“I’ll see you at the end of the next leg,” he assured her.

He patted her on the back and re-pinned her Contestant Number. “Can’t lose this. I see you drew the number 24. Great number.”


Angel 25 asked, “How long has she been at it?”

“23 hours. If she can make it one more hour, I can give her a hand. But her blood pressure is pretty high.”

“Better ready the Defibrillator. Otherwise she will die on ‘your’ number and you’ll have to do all the paperwork.”

“Don’t need a machine. All I have to do is touch her. You know that.”

“Ohhhh Yes, I forgot you are the ‘Mighty Angel 24.’ With all his special gifts!”

“Jealousy is not allowed 25. Knock it off.”


Number 24 held his breath as Winnie took a tumble into the bushes. He couldn’t help her yet. Ten minutes to go.

Winnie slowly climbed back onto her bike. This was the longest 24-Yard bike ride she had ever taken. Seemed she had been peddling for hours, but that was no doubt fatigue and lack of electrolytes. So she took another sip from the strawberry infused drink before dragging her foot back in place on the top pedal.

Pop! Gabriel appeared in front of her, holding a banner that read: FINISH LINE for BIKING.

When Winnie’s bike wobbled at his abrupt appearance, he quickly stepped forward and touched her shoulder. Her whole body spasmed, her vision went black, and a burst of electricity shot out the top of her head, adding three inches of new hair growth and filling in some of the bare spots. 24 thought she would appreciate that side effect.

“It’s okay, Winnie. You did it.”

Disoriented she stared back. He gave her a few minutes to collect herself.

When her pupils started to dilate properly, he continued, “Ready for that swim to the island? Just 24 Feet, not 24 Yards this time. You can see it from here.”

“Okay,” she replied weakly. He led her to a tent and handed her a one-piece bathing suit.

“You can change in here.”

She examined the suit like it was made of a material she had never seen before. And indeed, she was correct. It was made entirely of spectrum light and it was radiant. Without complaint she stepped into the tent and was immediately clothed in the miraculous garment.

When she emerged from the tent, Gabriel walked her to the shore of the Jordan river, where she hesitated; nervous, unsure what she should do.

“It’s warm Winnie. Give the water a try. This is the last leg of the race. If you finish it, you will be a winner.”

She cautiously stuck one toe into the water and immediately felt younger.

“Ohhhhh, this is wonderful.”

“The promised island is right there. See it, Winnie?”

“Yes. It looks like it is floating…is it floating? I think I’m floating.”


“So, how did her swim go?”

“Without a hitch. She was ready. I don’t mind the extra paperwork.”

“Better put in your earplugs. Winnie’s Celebration Party is so loud you won’t be able to hear yourself think.”

“She deserves it. She reached her goal.”
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