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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2319399
In which several familial and potentially romantic connections are made.
Only one other stool is occupied, which means Kai can distract himself by talking to Pepper as long as he wants. Except Pepper is in conversation with someone else. He’s about Kai’s age, maybe a little older. The light from the LED panels behind the bar catch on the turquoise streaks in his hair, turning them almost neon. The black blazer he wears perfectly matches the collar shirt underneath, the sleeves of which are rolled up so Kai can see the tattoo of an ouroboros wrapping around his wrist. He's currently making puppy eyes in Pepper’s direction.
Pepper leans forward, her smile taking on a slightly mocking quality. “So what ‘incentive’ does Bel want?”
The man—Bel—winks at her. “Sex on the Beach.”
Kai chokes on the basil that’s found its way into his mouth, caught off guard by Bel’s blunt answer.
Pepper rolls her eyes. “Don’t you get enough of that off the clock?”
“I do,” Bel leans casually against the bar, his eyes following Pepper as she turns her back to him. “But you’re the only one who does it the way I like it.”
Kai’s fingers tighten around his glass. It’s none of his business who Pepper chooses to flirt with, but did the guy really have to lean so close to her? And did Pepper really have to look like she enjoyed it? The gentle hum of the bar, the clinking of glasses, and the lower murmur of other conversations seem to amplify the one going on in front of him. Before he can throw the glass or any ill advised punches, Pepper turns back to the bar, and the tang of peaches and oranges tickles Kai’s nostrils. The contents of the glass in Pepper’s hand shimmer like liquid sunlight.
“You should teach your boyfriend how to make your favorite cocktail then.” Pepper’s grin is mischievous as she slides Bel’s drink of choice to him across the bar.
“I appreciate the thought, but it’s not just about the drink.” Bel chuckles, shaking his head. “It’s about the atmosphere. This place wouldn’t be the same without the people who make it special—like you.”
Something clicks into place in Kai’s head as Bel’s authoritative presence becomes more evident. There’s a sharp mind and a clear understanding of business relationships beneath his causal demeanor. Bel’s not just a flirt; he’s apparently a key figure in Nightshade’s success.
“Cocktail. Right.” Kai isn’t sure he’s said it out loud until Bel turns to him, his expression turning Kai’s face the same color as the contents of the glass.
“What did you think I meant?” Bel turns his gaze back to his glass before Kai can answer, then looks back up at Pepper. “You forgot my cherry.”
“I would never. ” Pepper drops the little red fruit used for garnish into the glass, and glances at Kai. “I thought you were a VIP tonight.”
“Actually,” Kai makes an effort to sound casual. “My brother’s company is celebrating their new sponsorship, so I came as a plus one. I thought I’d come say hi to you while I was here.”
If Kai’s attempt to sound casual is a cover for his earlier argument with Jet, he hopes it’s convincing. He really doesn’t want to answer awkward questions about his public dispute with his older brother.
Pepper raises her eyebrows. “‘Hi’? That’s all I get?”
Kai avoids her gaze, feeling the heat rise up his face. “You were busy.”
“We don’t mind being interrupted if it’s for a good reason. Your brother works for Manirat Nexus?” Bel sounds genuinely curious.
“Yeah, Jet’s the COO of ManiratInifiniteDrift.” Kai reminds himself that he is an adult, and adults do not pour Thaijito’s all over some smiling jackass’ lap just to get them to leave. Or to get them to stop talking about his older brother. “Maybe you should go ask him if they have any openings.”
“I doubt it,” Bel is laughing now, a rich, warm sound that blends with the ambient music. “I have my hands full with this place.”
“Oh,” Now Kai feels a little stupid, reminding himself Bel is Nightshade's owner, not a random flirt. He fits that role perfectly. He’s just—a little too young, maybe?
“You were going to say I don’t look old enough to own a nightclub, right?” Bel smiles at him, glancing down into Kai’s glass. “If it makes you feel better, you’ll be the first person who hasn’t said it out loud. You don’t look like you need a top up.”
“Actually.” Kai slides the glass across the bar to Pepper. “I need more ice.”
“Are you trying to make this last all night?” Pepper smiles as she picks up Kai’s glass.
Kai’s eyebrows shoot up. “Newsflash, broke uni students can’t splurge on cocktails.”
“Broke uni students can’t,” Bel agrees. “But you can. Anyone connected to Manirat Nexus is family, and that includes you. Family doesn’t pay for anything here, ever.”
Kai blinks, unsure what to say. Thank you doesn’t seem good enough. Pepper’s fingertips graze against Kai’s as she hands him the freshly chilled Thaijito, sending an electric shock up his arm, and down to other places he’s glad are covered by the bar. He’s never noticed her scent before: like orange and mint. A strange combination, but one that suits Pepper exactly.
“I’d take that seriously if I were you, Kai. The Manirats don’t just adopt anybody.” Pepper winks at him, then turns back to Bel. “Now that I’ve got you your drink, I need you to your job and tell your boyfriend to tell your other bartender to stop flirting in corners and come do his job.”
“You don’t trust me to convince my employee to go back to work?” Bel looks offended.
“Kam’s scarier than you.” Pepper points out. “Don’t whine. Truth hurts.”
“Pepper, are you hurting my boyfriend’s feelings?” Someone else slides onto the stool on the other side of Bel, slinging an arm around him.
The newcomer is dressed a little more casually than Bel. Actually, Kai would be intimidated if he didn’t see the mischief in his eyes. His hair is pulled back from his predatory face, and has an ouroboros tattoo too—Kai can see it clearly on the wrist of the arm draped around Bel. The only difference is this guy’s tat is on his right wrist while Bel’s is on the left one.
Bel glares. “Stop treating me like a kid, Kam.”
“But you’re so cute when you act like one,” Kam plants a kiss on top of his boyfriend’s head before turning his gaze back to Pepper. “What did you do to him?”
Pepper shrugs. “I told him the truth. You’re scary and Bel isn’t.”
“I think Bel could be scary if he wanted to.” Kai blurts out, then looks back down into his drink as all three heads turn in his direction. “Sorry.”
But Bel is grinning at him. “I like you. Kam, this is Jet’s little brother, Kai. Kai, this is Kam, my boyfriend. The other owner of Nightshade.”
“The word is business partner,” Kam corrects him, giving Kai the once over. “And only for financial purposes. Jet’s little brother. That means he doesn’t pay for drinks either?”
“Is it my fault I didn’t realize you said that as a joke?” Bel squalls.
“No,” Kam deadpans. “But it is your fault that Zone overheard you taking it literally and now it’s A Thing. Adorable kid.”
“Annoying jackass.” Bel sticks his tongue out at him, then winces as Kam playfully taps the back of his head. “Ouch, why are you hitting?”
“That was deserved.” Kam rubs the spot affectionately. “Welcome to the Manirat extended family, Kai. You’ll be part of it until you die, and possibly even after that.”
“Thanks.” Kai mumbles.
He takes refuge in his drink, trying to swallow the lump that’s built up in his throat as he watches the three of them banter. It’s clear from the way they interact that their camaraderie isn’t a one night occurrence fueled by alcohol. Even the arguments between Bel and Kam seem less like contention and more like casual conversations. Not the constant head butting that he and Jet always seem to be doing. In fact, they all behave like members of an actual extended family.
“You’re the one who owns that Alpha Romeo you keep locked in a closet and won’t let anyone drive.” Kai turns to Kam, forcing a grin across his face and hopes it looks genuine.
“Yeah, that’s me.” Kam’s eyes flash with amusement and appreciation. “But it’s not in a closet; it’s in my showroom. How did you know that?”
“Zone told me.” Kai shrugs. “Told me about the Lancia you got him for his birthday, too.”
Actually, Zone had told him a lot more than that—how Kam had built up Manirat Nexus—his car dealership and car customization company—on his own and gone into business with his brother Kit—who had founded ManiratInfiniteDrift—shortly after he’d graduated university. These two feats alone made the Manirat family corporate royalty as far as the general public was concerned. If Kam’s added running a nightclub to his resume, it’s no wonder Kai finds him intimidating.
“So you’ve been keeping tabs on the whole Manirat family.” Kam’s answering smile is dry, but not condescending. “Posing with that car made my younger brother very popular on IG.”
“Your younger brother is also the reason ManiratInifiniteDrift was able to do that racing sponsorship.” Bel points out. “So don’t sulk, you look like a naked mole-rat when you do that.”
“There are worse animals to look like,” Kam winks at him. “Naked mole-rats are kind of cute.”
“We are not getting a naked mole-rat.” The look on Bel’s face makes it clear the two of them have had this conversation before. “They’re creepy.”
“ManiratInifiniteDrift’s sponsorship would explain why there’s so many people here tonight,” Pepper puts in, guiding the conversation back to where it should be before Kam can launch into an explanation of the merits of naked mole-rats. “Which is why I need Luca over here behind the bar and not seeking out his next nightly conquest.”
“I do not have 'nightly conquests'.” Luca’s familiar voice cuts in. “And even if I did, I don’t have to seek them out. I’m irresistible.”
Bel rolls his eyes. “Keep telling yourself that.”
“I do. Every damn day.” Luca turns to Kai, jerking his head toward one of the darker corners of the room. “I have a question for you, Kai. Who is that?”
Kai glances in the direction Luca indicates. Jet leans against the wall in a far corner of the room. “That’s my older brother, Jet.”
“The ‘asshole’?” Luca’s lips curve up. “Is he single?”
Kam cocks his head. “Are you?”
“I won’t be by the end of the night.” Luca winks at him, moving across the floor to Jet’s corner.
Kam gives Pepper an apologetic look as Luca walks away. “It’s Luca’s night off. He’s here as a patron, not an employee.”
“I can help.” Kai offers. “I mean, I can't mix cocktails, but I can do other stuff. You don't have to pay me, and I don't have anywhere else to be tonight.”
“Thank you,” Pepper blows him a kiss. “I’ll take whatever help I can get.”
Kai glances back as he moves around the bar, following Luca’s progress to the darkened corner occupied by Jet. His eyes narrow as he realizes his older brother isn’t sipping from the glass in his hand, but gulping from it. The guilt bubbles up inside him again. He’s not sure if it’s from their argument or something else, but the way Jet looks right now makes Kai uneasy.
Luca saunters over to the corner of the room. There is no immediate reaction from Jet, who leans against the wall with a steady grip on his highball glass. His posture suggests he’s feeling the effects of the alcohol, but still in control.
Luca gives Jet his best smoldering gaze. “Nightclubs aren’t usually places to be antisocial.”
Jet’s eyes shift slowly to meet Luca’s, his expression a mix of irritation and resignation. He takes another deliberate gulp. “That depends.”
“On the nightclub?” Luca presses, his tone low and inviting.
“On your definition of ‘antisocial’.” Jet’s tone is a signal that he wants to be left alone, but there’s a glint of curiosity in his eyes.
“Well, Luca’s here to redefine it for you,” Luca says by way of introduction, having no intention of leaving. He leans closer. “And I’d say it’s the best decision I’ve made all night.”
“Assuming ‘Luca’ is you,” Jet pushes himself off the wall with a slight effort, his movements deliberate, but not unsteady. “What’s your plan for ‘redefinition’?”
“For starters,” Luca is so close their noses are almost touching. “Why don’t you tell me what secrets are hidden behind those guarded eyes?”
Instead of pushing Luca away, Jet pulls him closer. His gaze locks with Luca’s, the air crackling between them.
“You don’t have to tell me all of your secrets,” Luca murmurs. “One will do for now.”
“You really want to know one of my secrets?” The tips of Jet’s fingers trace a sensuous path along the lines of Luca’s face. Luca’s breath hitches. Jet's lips graze Luca’s earlobe. “I prefer genuine conversations over cheesy pickup lines.”
Luca blinks.
Jet salutes him with his glass. He sways slightly as he moves, throwing a hand out to catch himself. Luca’s own hands shoot out. One catches Jet’s elbow, while his opposite fingers wrap around Jet’s wrist.
“Got you.” Luca can feel the uptick in Jet’s pulse through his fingertips, and doesn’t bother to suppress his grin.
Pulses never lie.
Jet’s on his second drink of the night, and it’s taking its toll.
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills Luca’s nostrils, and he glances down at the dark liquid in Jet’s glass. “Black Russian. Those hit hard.”
“Good.” Jet takes another gulp from his glass.
“Trying to black out?” Luca leans closer. “Or is that your cocktail of choice?”
“Why?” Jet yanks his arm out of Luca’s grasp. He brushes against one of the plush armchairs and nearly overbalances. Given the rapidity with which he’s downing his drink, and the vodka content, that’s hardly surprising.
“Why don’t you sit down before you fall down.” Luca’s tone walks the fine line between amusement and concern. “If that is your drink of choice, then I just need to know your coffee order, favorite breakfast, maybe your LINE ID—”
“Look,” Jet empties the glass and looks up into Luca’s face, his expression almost blank. “If you really want to ‘converse’, then take a seat. Otherwise, go ’way.”
He lowers himself into one of the chairs, his movements slower and more deliberate now.
“Where else am I going to go?” Luca sits across from him, his black eyes gleaming as they meet Jet’s. He gestures to the empty glass. “You want another one? My treat.”
Jet’s fingers grip the armrests as he leans forward, his voice still steady in spite of the slight sway. “Make it double.”
Luca smiles, keeping his eyes on Jet while subtly waving to a server. Two more drinks are placed on the table—Negroni for Luca, double Black Russian for Jet. The server and Luca exchange glances, and the server nods. He knows what Luca is up to. Luca sips his drink slowly, almost absentmindedly, while Jet downs the Black Russian in a few gulps, wincing at the burn of the vodka.
Jet sets the glass down with a soft clink. “You talk too much.”
“You don’t talk enough.” Luca points out. He nods to the hovering server, who slides another Black Russian on the table—another double. “You wanted a double. But you haven’t finished it.”
“Thought I did.” Jet blinks down at the full glass in front of him. “What do you want?”
“Nothing. Just to keep you company.” Luca smiles at him.
“Why?” Jet reaches forward, fingers fumbling against the glass.
“Cause you look like you could use some.” Luca’s response draws a low chuckle out of Jet. “Is that so hard to believe?”
“Yeah. I know your type.” Jet’s words drag a little more than before. “Not interested.”
“In my type or in me?” Luca keeps his voice even, eyes flickering with amusement.
Rather than respond, Jet takes another gulp from his glass, then another. By the time he’s halfway through, his eyes are starting to lose focus. He lowers his drink back to the table, the edge catching on the table rim before he finally sets it down.
“You ok?” Luca palms Jet’s half empty glass, swapping it for another full one. Three. “Want to tell me what’s going on?”
Jet glares at him. “Why the hell do you care?”
Luca shrugs, noting the way Jet’s shoulders are slumping, how the reach for the glass is almost automatic. “I’m here to listen if you want to talk.”
“Kai wanted to talk.” Jet’s snort is more of an exhale. “So damn stubborn.”
“How so?” Luca sips his Negroni, keeping his tone sympathetic. “I think stubbornness is a good thing.”
“Told him I’m not going back to OmniVentures.” Jet leans back, testing his balance.
“You’re not going back?” Luca leans forward. “Why is that?”
“Not me. Kai.” Jet shoots him an annoyed look, his words are bleeding into each other. “Told him he’s not going back. Kai won’t listen…a damn thing I say. Won’t…face reality.”
“Which is?” Luca swaps glasses again, pressing another double into Jet’s hands. Jet looks down in confusion, but drinks anyway. Four.
“Shark.” Jet’s eyes glaze, head heavier, tongue slower, sentences breaking up. “Wants Kai dead. And Mali. Me too.”
Luca takes another sip of his Negroni, keeping his expression interested. Each sip Jet takes is deeper—as if he’s savoring the taste…or struggling for control.
“Jet.” Luca places a hand gently on Jet’s knee. “You sure you’re ok?”
Jet’s eyes snap open, his gaze completely unfocused. “What?”
“Your glass is still full.” Luca performs another smooth swap, the glass halfway to Jet’s lips before he’s even aware. “Why does a shark want you dead?”
Jet lowers the glass. “My sheec—secret.”
Luca nods, guiding the conversation to banal topics, watching Jet’s guard lower with the level of vodka and coffee liqueur in the glass. He keeps his voice calm, and his posture relaxed, taking only the occasional sip of his Negroni. Jet leans forward to place the now empty glass on the table, nearly dropping it. Five.
“Easy.” Luca’s fingers brush against Jet’s, steadying his hand. “I’ve got you.”
“M’fine.” Jet’s eyes are half closed. “Get...get off.”
Luca moves his fingers, sliding another glass into Jet’s empty hands. The sixth—a single, not that Jet’s in any condition to notice. Jet hand shakes, sending some of the liquid sloshing over the rim.
“Shhht.” Jet blinks at the liquid streaming down the sides of the glass, shrugs, then knocks it back. “Can’ feel…m’damn lisps. Lips.”
“It’s ok.” Luca reassures him. His Negroni lies untouched on the table. He’s paced this just right. “We’re almost done.”
“Done…what?” Jet’s awareness has completely slipped away.
“I said you’re fine.” Luca got everything he needed. Well, almost. He taps the glass in Jet’s hand. “You going to finish that?”
“Jus’…jus’ a sec.” Jet stares at the glass that won’t empty. He shoots Luca an accusing look. “Not…drunk.”
“I didn’t say you were.” Luca keeps his voice soothing, almost hypnotic. “You’re perfectly in control. Just—relaxed. Finish your drink.”
“Is shtill…still there?” Jet mumbles, barely aware the glass is now half empty. He blinks up at Luca. “You shtill here?”
“You never told me to leave.” Luca's smile is genuine. “I think you like me.”
Jet’s eyes narrow. He reaches for Luca’s Negroni. The glass tilts. Jet manages to grasp it, though his grip is loose.
Luca watches, making no attempt to take the glass. “That’s mine.”
“Nnnm…nnnot ’nmore.” Jet manages to drain the glass, wincing at the bitter taste.
Luca’s smirks. “Not great, huh?”
“’Noyin’.” Jet mutters, but the word is barely coherent. “Nee’a shec.”
“Fine.” Luca catches Jet’s elbow before the other man hits the floor, guiding him back into the chair. “I’m annoying, and you need a sec. Where’s your car?”
“Car?” Jet’s brow furrows. “Iss…iss in…thhing.”
“Parking garage?”
“Yeah.” Jet grins at him, eyes half-lidded. “Thhat.”
When Jet fumbles at his pocket, Luca smoothly palms the fob. Jet’s eyes are closed, all his defenses down. And it took about six drinks to get him this way. Luca’s chuckle walks the line between amusement, annoyance—and something else. Something Luca is not going to think about right now.
“Fuzzzy.” Jet’s voice is garbled, the word tangled by alcohol. He probably doesn’t even know he said it. “Luca? Why….why…”
“Why am I doing this?” Luca leans close enough to whisper in the other man’s ear. “Because you don’t trust easily. And I need you to trust me.”
Jet mumbles a response, succumbing to the pull of the alcohol. Luca slips Jet’s car fob into his pocket, brushing Jet’s hair back from his face. His fingers linger a little longer than they should, concern flaring up inside his chest.
“And maybe I care more than I should.” The words surprise Luca even as they slip out. “Everything’s going to be ok.”
Jet’s eyes flutter open, confusion and vulnerability clear on his face.
Luca isn’t even sure if Jet understood what he’d said. Without quite knowing why, he guides Jet’s body into a more comfortable position. Jet’s hand shoots out, fingers wrapping tight around Luca’s arm. Luca leans forward, meeting Jet’s bleary gaze. Now Jet’s other hand moves, fingers tangling in the fabric of Luca’s shirt, pulling him further down.
Luca is caught off guard as Jet’s lips find his. The kiss is tentative, raw. Luca tastes the combination of coffee and vodka as his hands move to the back of Jet’s neck, feeling the warmth of the other man’s skin and the tremor in his pulse. Jet pulls back, staring with a mix of confusion and something else. Something Luca is not going to think about right now.
“It’s ok.” Luca swallows hard, tamping down of the emotions bubbling up inside him. He keeps one hand behind Jet’s head, using the other to steady him as he lowers Jet back down into the chair. “I’ve got you.”
“Mmph.” Jet’s head lolls back, expression slackening.
“I’m going to help you.” Luca’s expression softens. The facade of amusement is replaced by something gentler, almost…protective? “I want to help you. If you’ll let me.”

"18. Insight

Read from beginning "1. Ignored
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