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Rated: E · Book · Biographical · #2177669
A metaphor for my take on life and how it affects me.

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March 23, 2025 at 11:20pm
March 23, 2025 at 11:20pm
Another day another dollar, but who works for that amount of money? Some phrases are not always understandable. Maybe they're just thoughts to ponder.

The day is Sunday and I did make it to Church this morning, and a Bible Study class this evening. Both were enjoyable, and informative. I've been reading the Bible for a number of years now, and find it sometimes kind of Black and White. I'm in two Bible Studies and both have been helping me see the Bible in a different light. I've found out things I didn't see by myself, but being guided by our Pastors they are helping to give me a better understanding of the Bible.

I do look forward to the time I spend reading the Bible and my prayers to God. It's nice to know someone is listening to my concerns. I am a believer in Jesus Christ and I'm proud to make that statement!

I think that's enough for now
Life is Good and God is Great
March 22, 2025 at 5:13pm
March 22, 2025 at 5:13pm
WEIGHT - I'm tired of getting on and off the scale and watching it make the climb. I realize I'm not the only person fighting this battle. I'm sure there are more than a million people out there (general population) who know how hard it can be to maintain or lose a few pounds. At one point I reached the 200 pound mark, but after going through 3 major surgeries, I dropped down to 158 pounds. I've been dealing with the sea saw, up and down going on 8 years. I know that's not a life time but for me it feels like it is!

I've never really dieted, we have (my wife and I) given it a few half hearted attempts, but non stuck and non really helped. We have both carried more weight than we should have, but it's so easy to let things slide! I now weigh in at 165, and I'm doing my best to maintain, but the want, is to lose. I'm not a couch potato, I take my dog out for a walk every day going 2 to 3 miles. I drop Gracie off after a mile and half, (she has a heart murmur). I continue to walk during the day and I get 10,000 to 14,000 steps in a day.

You would think the weight would just fall off of me, but that's not the case. That's the reason for the blurb! I do try and watch what I eat, and I do my best to keep the in-between snacks down to a minimum. I need to quit all snacks but I'm human and I find that hard. Sounds like a personal problem, and it is!

I haven't said much but I did get a few things off my chest! Unfortunately it won't equate to the loss of weight because what was on my chest was just AIR!

That's enough for now
Life is Good and God is Great
March 20, 2025 at 10:10pm
March 20, 2025 at 10:10pm
Another day has passed by and I've been getting somethings done on this app. I been increasing my posting of different writings. Some I wrote back in 2014; It is my hope when I get everything updated I will start writing again with current material.

There's always something to look forward to. I have written some stuff that has been posted, and I'm looking for ward to getting back on an even keel.

The weather has been beautiful today, the temps have been moving up and may hit 80 by the weekend. Can't ask for anything better than that. Living in the High Desert gives us the opportunity to feel many different temperatures. In the winter they drop into the low 30's and sometimes into the 20's and come summer 110° and above are normal, but not daily though sometimes they are consecutive. We've learned to enjoy whatever the day brings and think the Lord that were able to enjoy it.

That's all for now
Life is Good and God is Great!
March 19, 2025 at 10:41pm
March 19, 2025 at 10:41pm
The time is 7:10 pm and the day has been good. I started the day by reading the Bible and My Daily Bread, then I striped the beds and put them in the wash, once they were run through the washer and dryer the beds were remade and I had help from my wife. The rest of the morning I spent having breakfast and getting ready for my appointment with my podiatrist. Having Type 2 Diabetes allows me to have a podiatrist to keep my feet in good shape.

After the appointment I stopped at Walmart to pick up a prescription, and a Birthday Card for my son who will turn 50 this year. I picked out a good one that said Older People should be addressed as Sir and on the inside it says One should always show respect to your elders. I'm plan on writing You've reached the halfway point best of luck during the next 50 Years! Brings a smile to my face.

I took Gracie (my dog) out for our walk - better late than never - I dropped her off after a half mile because she has a ear infection, and the wind was blowing at 12mph and it was a cool 61° while we were out. I did 2 miles and then came in for lunch.

my wife received a sign she ordered saying "Twisted" which she hung up on the fence in the back yard above our picnic table. My wife likes Twisted Junipers and we have 29 of these strategically placed in the front and back yards.

I made a run to the store and then came home and showered and started adding some additional stories to my portfolio.

The sun has called it quits for the day and darkness has arrived. It was a beautiful day the Lord has made, and I feel blessed that I was able to enjoy it!

Life is Good and God is Great
March 18, 2025 at 3:24pm
March 18, 2025 at 3:24pm
I've said that more than once, or twice, but I'm here to say I'm going to give it another go!

On the home front things are going well. My wife Lou has added some 2x2 foot pavers to our back yard, 8 are going east to west in straight line out from the patio. Then she has 4 on each side that are in triangle pattern plus she has several others in total we have 14 pavers all surrounded by crushed rock. Working outside is what gives my wife pleasure, and she does have our place looking very good.

I'm not one to spend a lot of time outdoors working, not my cup of tea though I've been known to give her a hand. I spend time in the mornings walking, trying to get in at least 2 miles, and try in the remainder of the day to add to my step count outside in the back yard trying to get minimum of 10,000 steps and try to get up to 14,000 steps when possible.

I've been attending a new Church and have been enjoying the people and the Pastors. I've also started attending the two Bible Study classes they have during the week. I'm doing my best to try and get a better understanding of the Bible. Sometimes I can see the picture, but at other times It's just black and white. I know and feel the Bible is alive and the stories are worth studying, but it's work.

The weather today has been cool 35° this morning when I got up, and it was 39° when I took my dog Gracie out for our morning walk. The sky is clear and the temp has risen to 54° at 12:14pm. The forecast for the rest of the week has the temp going up to 80° by the end of the week. Hopefully that will come about because I'm ready for some warmer weather!

That's good for the day
Life is good and God is Great
February 21, 2025 at 8:45pm
February 21, 2025 at 8:45pm
The trouble with trying to reconnect is; it's not as simple as it sounds. I've moved my writing, to my computer room, actually a bedroom where I have my computer. I'm trying to isolate myself from the TV going in the next room. Actually I have three computers and I'm not using any of them to their fullest potential. Actually two of the computers have been deemed out of date and I can't get them updated, because they're old. I think that's a direct reflection on me. Like my computers I've aged and can no longer keep up with the changes.

I realize this sounds like a personal problem, and it is! I'm doing my best to stay abreast of these changes. A lot of what I do is repetitive, and I work within these perimeters.

I do enjoy writing but I also feel there's more to life than sitting here. It's easy to lose yourself in what you're doing. If you're having difficulties with an app or some other problem time flies, and before you know it several hours have passed by.

I want to create new peaces along with continuing this blog. Only time will tell if I'm able to follow through. I'm willing to give it a try and see where it goes.

That's all for now
Life is Good and God is Great
February 19, 2025 at 10:39pm
February 19, 2025 at 10:39pm
I've had a review of one of my stories, specifically the one about Memories. It was a nice review and gave constructive points on improper spelling in my peace along with the correct spelling. He also suggested that I lengthen the essay by adding additional memories and expanding on them.

I have given this some thought and I believe I will follow up on his Idea. It was nice to have someone tell you that your essay had merit and it could be improved on.

This person has given me some inspiration and incentive to continue writing and working on new projects. Hopefully I can come through with a plan to put this into motion.

Now that I know what I need to do I better get Started!

That's all for now
Life is Good and God is Great

February 18, 2025 at 10:32pm
February 18, 2025 at 10:32pm
It appears that I dropped off the map, I seem to have lost my way.

I'm trying to write and I have an intruder in my presence, Greta my sphinx cat is sitting on my arm while I'm doing my best to put words down in my blog. She is not cooperating and refuses to get off my arm. Now my dog has jumped onto my chair and is between my legs. This is becoming more difficult and I don't really want to shoo them off. I feel my creative juices going elsewhere.

Life is certainly a challenge with them on my body, I'm finding it hard to concentrate. I don't know whether to laugh or cry,

As in any scenario life goes on, and I must persevere. So I will try to keep going and see if I can put down anything worth reading.

Our weather has been pretty good here in the High Desert, our temperatures have been in the 60's for the last few weeks. We did receive one inch of rain last Friday, and that was the third storm to come through. The two previous storms only gave us a 1/2 inch of rain per storm.

I have continued to walk my dog in the mornings when the temperature reaches 40° or above. It's a little chilly but we seem to manage. I wear a hoody, wind breaker jacket, and gloves. I usually have on sweat paints and a long sleeve shirt. We've been covering 2 miles daily.

I've now completed 3 different doctor visits with my Oncologist, Cardiologist and Urologist, I still have to see my diabetic doctor next Monday. So far all have given me a clear bill of health and told me my blood work looks good. Keep up the good work!

I've turned in our paper work for Taxes, to my CPA and I expect to hear back from him shortly. I think I'm good for surviving February and I might start looking forward to March.

So much for now - Remember
Life is Good and God is Great
January 4, 2025 at 11:00pm
January 4, 2025 at 11:00pm
When I awoke this morning it was 41° outside and though brisk it wasn't bad., Once the sun came up I was able to take my dog Gracie out for our morning walk. We had been doing 1 and 1/2 miles and this morning I bumped it up to 2 miles.It felt good and I enjoyed the walk. I'm sure my companion enjoyed it also. She's always ready to head out anytime I ask her to go!.

The high temp today was 63° and it was comfortable. It looks like the next five days will be in the mid 50's to mid 60's, not bad for winter. Of course we're talking about California and the High Desert in Apple Valley. The home of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. For those who are not familiar with these two people they were, (both have passed) western movie stars in the 50's and through the 70's. I never met either one but I've seen the homes they lived in.

Our temps make me feel happy I'm not living on the east coast with the storms that are coming there way. At one time I did live in the San Bernardino Mountains, in a city called Crestline. That's where I found out a snow shovel doesn't fit my hands. One winter, when I was first married, we lived in an A frame cabin, and I was working in Los Angeles. I would get up at 3am and shovel my car and my wife's car out and put chains on both cars. Then drive down the hill and take the chains off and then drive to Los Angeles about 60 miles away to work. Once the day was over I drove home and put chains back on and then had to shovel my way back into our parking space because the snow plow had come by. The lessons you learn as you get older!

I think that is enough reminiscing
Life is Good and God is Great
January 2, 2025 at 11:01pm
January 2, 2025 at 11:01pm
Day 2 of Year 2025, nothing new locally, the news is about the truck plowing into the people in New Orleans and the Tesla Truck that blew up in front of Donald Trumps Hotel in Las Vegas.

One wonders what the world is coming to! Coexistence is no longer in our vocabulary, you're either on one side or the other. There is no common ground, no meeting in the middle. I wonder how we'll ever get any laws passed when people can't work together. This year will probably be one we never imagined. Of course this is pure speculation on my part, and if I was a betting man I would put some money down.

Can we come together with the new President and the people he is selecting to help run the country? Are there Congressmen/women and Senators who will put there ideology to the side and work together pass laws that are needed in so many areas.

I don't know that I'm an optimist but I'm ever hopeful that life will get better for the general public. We need someone with direction and not a dictator. Let us build something we'll be proud of!

This was somewhat DEEP - so I'll call it quits for the night
Life is Good and God is Great

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