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March 20, 2025 at 8:44pm
March 20, 2025 at 8:44pm
Note: Due to financial hardship I have declined further distribution of Wandering Thoughts.

Get it while you can.

Thank you.
February 4, 2025 at 3:44am
February 4, 2025 at 3:44am
Brethren the very reasons why I stopped participating are directly related to my benevolence. I am an honorable person. I keep my word. However, since I was not allowed within the life of the woman of my dreams, there wasn't a need to continue. Look, I am all for acts of kindness. But when you truly love someone, the pain increases to the point of issue, you either are allowed to love or you walk away. I never did anything that I gave out of selfishness. Selflessness in truth. I never took anything tangible moneywise from any of you. I never mixed up wealth for worth. Look brethren, its simple. I no longer give for God demanded I take back ownership of my art and frame myself. No joke. Love is an extention of forgiveness. It needs to be applied. The trust tries to justify being split down the middle between those whom shall be saved versus those unworthy. But love, compassion, forgiveness and understanding needs to be directly applied to all issues. The reason why war has broken out is directly related to the issues and enslavement must stop. First off, we all have feelings, they matter. Second, we all have life, its priceless. Third, we all die eventually. How you treat others matters deeply to God. I chose to honor God by taking nothing. Many fear me and my clear mind. Many refuse to allow for me to continue remotely serving since they covet money and power. I was asked to serve. I accepted. But never have I fallen short. My tenure as king saw that I grew in understanding. Both sides liberal and conservative try to govern. This us versus them idealogue is utterly false. Let me explain. Who has the right to dictate the value of entire cultures? No one. God does not do this, yet humanity fights to remain on top of everyone. This is wrong. Look at everyone through the lens of love and compassion. Only then can we heal our planet. If we don't the cost shall be the extermination of humanity and along with us, many other forms of life. Slavery still exists. This is the reason why Russia invaded the Ukraine. Currently we try to justify currency differences, differences in law through language augmented by individualistic nationalism. There's nothing wrong with loving one's culture and ethnicity. But when you apply differences rather than the opposite, you enhance slavery. I am all for the cream of society rising above obscurity but never at the expense of another person through inequity and inequality. This breeds hate and leads us to war. Let me ask a question. Do we have the right to dictate the worth of a person? No should be the answer. Society must unite to avoid a mass manipulation of our sacred fraternal instituitions. Although Masonry and the Shrine are individual entities, the are married to each other through the memberships. War can never be justified. But it shall be our collective result born from enslavement being employed. The planet must realize that war is knocking upon your doors. Prior to world war one, the great depression, world war two we enacted laws like Trump has been enacting. This is the truth. Further, it's a form of hate.
January 9, 2025 at 4:10am
January 9, 2025 at 4:10am
We sadly live within a reactionary construct due to fiscal handicaps. Instead of releasing humanities potential we bicker over money. Look at the issues. Water shortages how can you fight fires without water?
December 27, 2024 at 2:48pm
December 27, 2024 at 2:48pm
Brethren, God can see our minds and our actions regardless if we try to hide behind our business dealings. I learned this through participation.

I went bankrupt twice. Seen homelessness four times. Been divorced, not in my son's life directly, almost drowned, survived consuming pesticides in Europe, was saved from having a vehicle accident and more.

God has always been with me, regardless of my circumstances.
December 2, 2024 at 9:19am
December 2, 2024 at 9:19am

The planet is not to be run with hate, love yes. Look no single person is perfect, no single viewpoint has no issues. We can pick and choose what we deem right, but is it? We have embraced slavery as a way to run most of the planet through different rules of law, different constitutions, different currencies worth more or less than another cultures, borders have to be abolished, singular common rules of law based upon the US Constitution ought to be embraced. God is God, sorts us into our respective perspectives regardless of what we embrace. Let me try to paint a picture, why must we embrace slavery to run society? Fear? Control? Greed? All the above I am afraid. From 2007 through until the beginning of 2017 it was I serving the trust as the focus, without taking anything. The reasons are simple, love. Love for life, my brethren, and for the gift of being king through humility. Why? Life is sacred. This "Us versus Them" mentality is very wrong. I tried my best. The fear in the inner circles of the trust is simply who was in charge? God was of course. Love, acceptance, forgiveness through the trust was being put into practical applications. There is zero reason to justify hate and oppression through slavery. It doesn't work. Do we have the right to define the true worth of entire cultures? No, we don't have this right. Look there are many who fear me and what I am capable of, this I know. But I am whom I am. I have not changed yet I have in many ways grown beyond our current issue. I served faithfully, promoting equality. War and all its forms can not never truly be justified. There are many reasons why slavery must go. Just like the weather, life is all interconnected. Example, if we drop nukes, we change our weather patterns much to the negative. We potentially can usher in the next great ice age. No joke. We need to compromise. Start with using forgiveness.
November 5, 2024 at 6:38pm
November 5, 2024 at 6:38pm
Please VOTE. Opinions matter! I am Canadian but that has not stopped me from being kind to others, wherever they reside through the sacred fraternities.

Please exercise your rights!

The reason to vote is complex, yet not. What type of society would you want to leave behind? To leave one based on unity or division, the choices you make effects the entire globe.

I am on the side of humanity, of freedom, of democracy, of justice, of a woman's rights.

Let me again paint a picture using words. I believe that the Constitution of the USA ought to have been gifted towards every country, every person on this planet.

Furthermore, by embracing equality, we have no longer any need for walls, borders or currency differentials.

This are mechanisms of hate born from slavery in my humble opinion.

Look at the person next to you, is it up to you to decide a person's lifes worth? That is what is sadly occuring with this "US VERSUS THEM" mentality.

Look upon society as a whole. Sure, the cream rises to the top in competition, which I am for, but we ought not treat others as lesser beings. This is hate.

In order to heal our past, we must forgive others, for if we do not war sadly is the result.

August 6, 2024 at 12:57pm
August 6, 2024 at 12:57pm
Forgiveness begins as the rays of sunny days.
Time passes and sleep begins at its eventual end.
Dreams begin with the rest of the mind.

Wisdom needs to be embraced for life’s sake.
Death hides in the shadows of decisions made and unmade.
Dreams are akin to the dawn of light.

Good or bad both justified through opinions held.
War rages due to the source of lies.
Dreams are tossed on the blood-soaked rocks.

Brave men and women cry out for justice.
While darkness reigns upon the field of battle.
Dreams of peace are elusive through well used weapons.

Our legacy is found within life in itself.
Trust is earned though acts of righteous selflessness.
Dreams begin and end upon many hidden messages.

And you, my child, there upon the futures seed.
Depends upon the fates being set properly right.
Do not though life away as a dead leaf.
Upon the dying dreams of a forsaken few.
August 6, 2024 at 11:24am
August 6, 2024 at 11:24am
Unity begins within the mind and heart of the person in charge. Without embracing money you retain your focus unblemished and clear. For people have been using money through businesses as well as personally to promote their ideas and addenda's. For 17 years as King (servant) I was cast in this role. I held my honor as a shield, my words as a way to heal to help heals others by giving freely of my abilities without reward.

The reasons are simple, yet not. The TRUST is comprised of all life on this planet. This planet is a sacred repository for many forms of life. I am feared by a few in charge for I was putting this into practice.

I wrote this next piece to shed light on my journey and to share its message is a gift and privilege.

Unity Begins:

Have you been dreaming of better lives?
But they keep feeding you with lies.
Are you tired of all their games?
But they keep killing as if it’s fate.
Show us a better tomorrow built from today.
Show us a better tomorrow built from love.
For a brief period of time.

I’m tired of all the hate on display!
But they keep approaching life as a game.
If we use reason, balanced with forgiveness.
But they keep killing our futures through hate.
Show us a better tomorrow built from today.
Show us a better tomorrow built from love.
For a brief period of time.

They keep on spinning the world in circles.
In order to retain their controls on humanity.
Life is our true wealth not digital gold.
Our currencies are presently all stained with blood.
Show us a better tomorrow built from today.
Show us a better tomorrow built from love.
For a brief period of time.

Let us fix humanities path and release our potential.
In order for us to leave behind a future.
Harmony can be achieved after this issues settled.
However sadly we have ignored all the signs.
Show us a better tomorrow built from today.
Show us a better tomorrow built from love.
For a brief period of time.

Unity begins through your hearts. Forgiveness begins within yourselves.

I’ve been tortured to live without true love.
So, hate can continue to rule this place.
I worked freely because the trust is sacred.
It is comprised of all life on earth.
Show us a better tomorrow built from today.
Show us a better tomorrow built from love.
For a brief period of time.

Oh, how we have all been sadly deceived.
The Devil’s still laughing back in our faces.
We have created a fixed, reactionary construct.
Repeating our collective mistakes over and over again.
Show us a better tomorrow built from today.
Show us a better tomorrow built from love.
For a brief period of time.

We can solve all of our troubling issues.
We can give others a perpetual helping hand.
Sadly, perception and misperception have both been abused.
For they are based upon the opinions held.
Show us a better tomorrow built from today.
Show us a better tomorrow built from love.
For a brief period of time.

To be proactive is to plan future forward.
By greasing all the gears so they work.
The fuel flows from the top on down.
Like rain from the sky upon the soil.
Show us a better tomorrow built from today.
Show us a better tomorrow built from love.
For a brief period of time.

Unity begins through your hearts. Forgiveness begins within yourselves.

I hope that a few take note on the message. War is breaking out because of a lack of forgiveness and love. Our collective society is near the end. Which is another beginning. You need to write yourself in to make a difference.

July 12, 2024 at 6:15am
July 12, 2024 at 6:15am

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