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Rated: E · Book · Inspirational · #2157052
There is beauty in all things!
My Outlook on everyday things.

Seeing is believing,  the eyes are the way to the soul.

They say that the eyes are the door to your soul.
They can tell others if your happy, joyful, sad, angry, tired,
even lie or tell the truth, shall I go on or do you get the picture?
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February 27, 2024 at 6:35pm
February 27, 2024 at 6:35pm
Well, my PeEpS!!! I’ve kept this under wraps for a few weeks now. I lost my job in December after Christmas because frankly she really didn’t want anyone after that. I think she knew that she wouldn’t need us so she lead us on to believe that we were going to have jobs after New Year’s. She had me do a few seamstresses jobs then never answered my phone calls or text messages asking for anymore jobs. Writing on the wall folks!

I received a part time job offer from no other company than American Greetings as a retail merchandiser for them. Can you say the prefect job for Ms. "My Secret Valentine and Ms. "Cards of Love herself.

Today was my first day at work and man can I say EXHAUSTED BIGGGG time. I have 1 Walmart and 7 Dollar General stores. My trainer and I were able to get 2/3 complete today and we will complete the setup for my take over. There is still a lot of organizing and labeling that needs to be completed along with a few other things. But, for most part it looks pretty great. It had a lot of holes to be filled and straightened out. They weren’t expecting me to be there for 6 hours today. It is a part time job. 🤦‍♀️ This might take a bit more than they intended for me to do. Hopefully I will get a routine down to only a few hours a couple days a week. The other stores are quick stops 20-30 minutes at the most when I have orders come in and conversions when there is holiday changeouts.

This route is a two hour round trip. I also can pickup more hours when the larger stores need assistance on their conversions.

My trainer paid me the highest compliment today. She told me that she never recommends newbies to be turned loose on their second day in a Walmart. Friday will be my second trip to my “home store.” I start the (DG) Dollar General tomorrow and run through them the next two days.

There’s a lot to learn tablet wise but, it does seem fairly simple. That is if you can get passed the stores WiFi system. Yeah me a whopping 50 minutes later… 🥴😂

Hey, I get paid for everything I do including being on the phone with tech support.

Did I say perfect job for WAHHHH ME!!! I want to say thank you for all your prayers and support. This is an answer to my prayers. I’ve had so much going on in my life that I wasn’t sure if it would ever get turned back around for me. I didn’t lose my Faith I knew He had something bigger and greater things for Fable and I. Our God is so Amazing!!! Thank you, Lord Jesus!!!

Off to figure out how to transmit my hours for today. I will check back in later, if I don’t fall asleep that is. Love y’all 💖💝💖
July 1, 2023 at 5:48pm
July 1, 2023 at 5:48pm
First, I need to apologize I wanted to have this posted sooner but, with all this crazy weather here in Arkansas and power, and wifi outages it has been nuts. I was without wifi for over 18 hours yesterday. It has been this way since June 25. Now, back to the reason I’m writing this letter to everyone.

I have been dreading this day for the past three years. We all were hoping and praying that our beloved Angus would return to roam the hallways of WdC with us. It has been a long journey for him, his sister Lynn and his family.

It breaks my heart to say he will not be returning to our beloved home here. He has not recovered from his major stroke in November 2020. He has battled kidney cancer and numerous infections these past three years. I have permission to let you know some details that will keep him from returning to us. During the stroke, he suffered some memory loss, hand-to-eye coordination, speech, and writing capabilities. Lynn has tried numerous activities to help him gain it back but, it has not happened as we had hoped.

She has asked if we will continue to send him cards and other things, he enjoys having them. He does keep the cards on the wall to look at throughout his day. She’s asking us to keep them all in our thoughts and prayers. The worst thing about one's life is that you will be remembered for the person you are. He is foremost capable to do small things but, reading and writing he no longer can do. He has trouble concentrating and focusing on the small task at hand. Lynn says that he is doing ok for now.

I told Lynn what I missed most about him is the encouragement that he gave me daily and I know that there are lots of other members here who miss him as well! No, matter what time of day it was, he would appear out of the woodwork and give me a shoulder nudge like a big brother would to his kid sister. Sometimes a scare along the way… *Shock2* He always challenged me to a battle of reviewing other member's ports each month. I did beat him once or twice in two+ years. I know that Sum1 Is Home misses us very much. It had gotten where we produced from 60 to 100+ reviews most months, I miss that!

You might have noticed a few changes to "SCREAMS!!! along with other things in his port. His sister and I are trying to preserve his contest in his memory and I will be taking them on temporarily and talking with several members that are involved with his contest now, about how she would like them. I will be emailing them to discuss it.

If anyone wants his contact info to send him cards or letters please feel free to contact me. It breaks my heart that he will not be returning to us. *Heartbroken* *Heart* *HeartBroken*

October 20, 2022 at 2:04pm
October 20, 2022 at 2:04pm

Shocking, isn't it? That's what I thought last Thursday night when it happened. A few minutes after I arrived at work, I was told that I was the girlfriend of one of the cooks. Then she proceeded to tell me that we needed to get married as soon as possible. I looked at who Monica was pointing and enthusiastically talking about. There standing in front of me behind the serving bar were our three cooks, all had big grins on their faces.

I guess the shock of what she was telling me sunk in after I congratulated her on having one of them as her new boyfriend, I misunderstood what she had said to me, and she shouted, "No, Terersa', he's your boyfriend!" Then proceeded to tell me that we needed to get married quickly.

"Estes is not my boyfriend," I replied, as they all laughed at my response. "Estes needs someone younger to marry, cuz, WAIT, How old is he? I looked at him at a glance and back at Monica, thinking she was joking around with me. I laughed but was caught off guard by what was said next.

"You need to marry him so he can stay in America, he needs to stay in America. Then I knew she was serious! You no have to ever work again. He pay your bills, clean your house, and you have food. You marry him." She kept repeating herself!

Estes kept smiling at me and shaking his head up and down. He doesn't speak a word of English. I could feel my face turning beet red. She still hasn't answered my question about how old he is. I look at the other two standing there with big grins on their faces. Then she decided to go another route.

"Then you choose one of them to marry, you need spice in your live, Terersa'! You pick one to marry you have three to choose from. They all need to stay in America. She whispered in my ear. She points at Estes and says he's 19, then points to Juan, he's 53, and then to Winchel, he's 65. You choose one. You need spice in your life and someone to take care of you. They are good men! Marry one of them."

I told her that I would be a "Cougar" if I chose Estes! "No, I'd be robbing the baby carriage." She laughed and told them in Spanish what I had said.

I could feel myself blushing again, and the guys started laughing as I walked quickly out of the server's kitchen back into the dining room, running into my boss. She asked me what was going on, and I told her. She ran into the kitchen, yelling in Spanish and smiling. Monica and her return a few minutes later, wanting me to choose one of the cooks, but more for me to pick Estes. For an hour, they tried to convince me to marry him or at least one of them. I don't feel like being a cougar, I told them. They said why not, you teach! Oh my goodness, I proclaimed that they both were crazy, blushing once more. *Blush* I had to get up and wait on customers that were walking in. I was so glad to end the conversation. We got busy after that, and nothing else was said to me.

Now, I'm not sure how it truly ended because when I said goodnight to everyone, Estes was smiling from ear to ear at me. I think I might be engaged! The language barrier is definitely an issue for us. Plus, he is old enough to be my grandson! I guess I will see tonight when I go in. But I'm definitely NOT engaged! Well, at least I think I'm not. I'd be afraid immigration would be on my doorstep on day one. Ms. Blakely, why did you marry this 19-year-old? *Shock2* That would be the first question they'd ask. I told my sons, and they think I should do it, it would take care of all my problems, and I'd have spice in my life... *Rolling*

October 11, 2022 at 10:55pm
October 11, 2022 at 10:55pm
To James Bond 007 With Love,

I can’t believe it’s been 60 years since my parents introduced you to me. I have been a fan through the years, and Sean Connery was my all-time favorite. To be honest, I think I was even in love with him at the early age of 4.

You never imagined that this would be one fantastic franchise of 25 movies, 25+ top songs, 6 James Bond, and lots of extraordinary Leading Ladies, among many other talented stars, would be so loved by many around the world.

On October 5, 1962, the journey began for all the Bond women in the world, and still, to this day, there are women worldwide who are in love with James Bond 007. His charismatic personality won him over with every heart in listening range. The thought of being charmed by such a man has made every woman swoon over them. It was the same for every generation of Bond fans alike.

My favorite, of course, was Sean Connery, with his handsome good looks and voice that I fell in love with from the start. He has captured my heart for years in anything he has starred in.

I applaud the casting crew that picked the James Bonds of the world. They couldn’t have picked them any better. Now, I’ll name them to their popularity with myself, not exactly in the order that they played James. Sir Sean Connery was in 6 movies, Pierce Brosnan was in 4, Daniel Craig was in 5, Timothy Dalton was in 2, Roger Moore was in the most 7 movies, and although he played only one Sir George Lazenby.

I’m going to be honest here when “Casino Royale” came out, I wasn’t so keen on Daniel Craig and had not seen the final four movies of the franchise. This past weekend I was scanning for something to watch and found four films I had not seen yet. I binge-watched 007 to get myself reacquainted with my dear James. Lots of memories watching them rush through my memory core. I remember watching most of them at drive-in movies as a kid with my family, and the last nine were on television at home. It was always a treat to go to the drive-in to watch them.

I’m glad I found more Bond movies that I hadn’t seen. They definitely won me over with Daniel Craig. I believe the casting crew knew what they were doing when they casted these 6 actors to be 007.

I wanted you to know that the last four movies made me fall in love with you all over again. You worked your way back into this heart of mine. It opened my eyes, and I saw that the writers and directors were true to the original Bond and, without a doubt, stayed true to the franchise. They knew what they were doing when they chose Daniel, after all.

After I calmed myself down from the shock of the last one and wiped my tears away, I found a biography on James Bond music. It was as popular as the role of James. Who was going to do the iconic opening song? They range from Louie Armstrong to Adele and some of the most prominent artists in music. I could only imagine the honor that it was to be able to write and record these songs. Amazing talent!

I hope there will be a new generation of James Bond in the future. Maybe his daughter or an unexpected son that he wasn’t aware of. For this fan, 60 years was not enough. After you read this, I hope you’ll decide to pop some popcorn, grab a drink and watch 007. Enjoy…
September 19, 2022 at 3:07pm
September 19, 2022 at 3:07pm

I always try to stay positive about everything around me. When you are negative all the time or surround yourself with negativity, you stay in negativity. Please, don't take this as negative. I'm voicing my opinion and maybe looking for encouragement to get me to a point where I can move forward.

Most of you know I have a part-time job in a Mexican restaurant. It has been a trying summer with the A/C straining to stay up with the heat wave and me trying to stay cool enough to function and not die of heat stroke.

These past few months, I've been trying to find another job that is easier on this body of mine. But failed due to limitations put on me by SSI. That said, there is no hurry in changing jobs since my trial run is approaching fast enough.

My boss has made a few comments to another hostess and myself that have me concerned if she is being a little racial. She had told me to keep my mouth shut and not talk to the customers, other than sitting them and taking drink orders about a month ago, and cut me back to 3 hours a week. This is what I was doing; I would seat them and ask how their day was going, and of course, they would reply. I only do this if we are not really busy. You know, being friendly, I'm from the "South!" So, I took that as a positive and don't ask too often how they were doing. (So, negative to me not to ask someone how they are. I'm just saying the world would be a better place if we all were kinder to one another.)

Then last week, everyone was in the kitchen talking and laughing, and I heard my name. I was in the server kitchen and popped around the corner and said, "Yes, Ma'am!" She told me that it was the mean Teresa in Mexico they were talking about, not me. I said ok and replied, "Good, cuz I'm starting to get a complex, and I'm thinking of changing my name. Just kidding around! She barked out at me and told me, "Tell you what, if we are talking Spanish, it is not meant for you, and if we want you, they will talk English!!! I said ok, and turned and walked away! Trying not to give it a second thought that she just told me basically that I would not be talked to unless it was necessary.

Yesterday, she came out from the kitchen and spoke Spanish to everyone, then turned to me and started telling me what she wanted me to do for the day. Actually, she was chewing me out in front of everyone once more. I was to sit the customers, do all drinks even refills, chips and salsa. I wanted to verify if I was to do all chips and salsa, including the initial serving. She got pissed off because I asked. (her English isn't good when she is yelling at you) Because two days before, she ordered me to get drinks for a large group in Spanish. The music was too loud, and I yelled, "WHAT?" at her. Not out of disrespect to her, but I couldn't hear her or understand her because she was talking in Spanish. I had to verify. After all, I didn't want her to yell at me again because I did it wrong. And because I asked questions, she told me to zip my lip and not talk to anyone that I talked too much. I told her, "Ok, I will not talk to anyone today!" I twisted my fingers around my lips and threw the key away. She went back to the kitchen. The servers tried to get me to talk, but I just walked away with tears in my eyes, drying them up as I waited on the customers that were coming in. I didn't talk to anyone for almost 2 hours out of my 3-hour shift. What gets me is that everyone else can stand around and talk, joke, and laugh. But, if I do it, I'm told to zip it and not talk.

I work in an all-Spanish speaking restaurant with only one other non-speaking hostess. The boss gives her a hard time as well. The rest of the crew barely speak any English, but we communicate and make it work. Sign language works well... lol It seems that she is the only one who has an issue with me, but of course, I don't know what is being said since they talk in Spanish 100% of the time to each other. I don't take it as an insult anymore. Most of the time, they will repeat to me what is said except when the boss is around.

It's kinda helped me get this off my chest writing about it. I just don't understand why people have to be mean to each other. I work hard when I'm there, hardly sit down for the 3-hour shift, do what is asked of me, and show up on time. Like I said in the beginning, my trial time is almost up, and I will have to quit anyways. I will look for another job in the meantime still. I need to be ready for the change at the right time. Trust me, if I didn't need to eat or have extra expenses that come up, I wouldn't be working.
June 15, 2022 at 11:45pm
June 15, 2022 at 11:45pm
Well, it was a very long day! It ended about an hour ago. After starting at 5 am, I'm a draggin, I'm trying to figure out if today was worse than yesterday. *Think*

My Bloodwork went pretty smoothly, and I was even a little earlier after doing two errands before getting there. Afterward, I dropped in at my son's house to give my daughter a hug and a few things before they headed out for travel ball again. I was late leaving there, putting myself behind. *FacePalm*

I headed back to my town to go to Walmart first and instead went to the Dollar Tree for a few items. There I found out that they are in the process of changing all the stores to "The Dollar Plus" store. I found it interesting because I worked for them back in the day, and my oldest son and I talked about it a few nights ago. *Laugh*

When I left there and headed to Walmart, I remember that I missed a stop and backtracked across town to what was supposed to be my 4th stop. Kala was not a scheduled stop and totally threw my day off. But, she was so worth getting a hug from her before they headed out again.

Suddenlink hasn't been my favorite place for the last two months. Getting internet was supposed to make my life HAPPY, but getting hung up on eight times had me ready to cancel it. Now, for the past nine months, they had a Security guard outside, allowing only one person in at a time. Why, might you ask? Maybe it has to do with their Customer Service or should I say lack of. I exhaustedly told the lady why I was there, and she tried to figure it out as well. After talking to her, realizing why the others hung up was frustrating for everyone involved. For the last 2 1/2 months, they billed me for two months plus 3; 1/2 months. They were bringing my total to 107. It was supposed only to be 34, and I'd already made payments. She still couldn't figure out why they were charging me 3- partial months. Making it 45 more than what it should be. My head was spinning! But, as long as I left happy and satisfied, I didn't care how we figured it out. Ms. Mia had a smile too!

Back to Walmart, I headed and finished up with what I needed, somewhat. My stomach started to hurt, and I got what I had in my hand, which was nowhere what I needed to have that list completed. I started out the door, paying for it, of course! Headed home across town again, passing Suddenlink on the way. Mark that off my list until the next bill. *Think*

I get home, and Fable decides to tell me all about her day as she follows me to the restroom and then outside for her turn. She kept eyeing me to ensure I was not going anywhere without her. Jumping back onto the patio, she smiles as she looks up at me and heads to the door stopping to wait for me to open it. I hesitate because whenever I reach for the doorknob, she darts in her doggy door, causing the door to attach to her bottom side and rip it out of my hand, slamming against the wall. But, today, I was quick and caught it. Haa fooled ya! I politely told her.

I decided to feed us before going to the vet for her unscheduled appointment at the last minute, and he had asked us to come in for a recheck late the previous night. I fixed lunch for us and sat down to eat it, setting my alarm so I would not miss leaving for the appointment, which was back across town half a mile from Suddenlink. *Headbang* We get there, and she gets weighed, and we follow the lady into the next room available. The Tech comes in, and I get her caught up on the previous conversation the night before and the prior two months. Dr. Bill walks in, and Fable sits next to me, staring at him as he's talking to the two of us. Her head moves from side to side. He laughs at her as her pink tongue falls out of her mouth. She's such a happy girl, sitting next to her momma.

We went over a few things I left out in the last conversation, and I told him about one of my backyard neighbors draining his swimming pool into my backyard and how I'm afraid the chemicals have seeped into the ground. It settles at my fence, where she eats the grass when her stomach hurts. He agreed that there could still be some chemicals in the ground that could cause her some of the issues for the past couple of weeks. We devised a plan for her food and medications and introducing scheduled yogurt and pumpkin when needed. He told me that healing her stomach, it would take another four months or more. I will not be planning her spaying anytime soon because it may cause her to stress out again and prolong her recovery. We said our goodbyes, and he opened the door to exit into the back office, and Fable went to follow him. He turned, looked at her, and told her no, she couldn't follow him today, that there might be a kitty cat. She turned and looked at me and whined when he shut the door in front of her. Disappointed, she followed me out into the lobby, whining. She has never done that.

Peeps, my day is not finished yet. I have to take her home and drop her off so I can get her medicine and the supplies I didn't get earlier at Walmart. I drive home and take her in, walking her outside to use the restroom and dart back out the door. I decide to go to the neighborhood market by my house instead of driving across time a 6th time today. I get there and start filling my cart with the needed supplies. I'm noticing that 85% of the items I need do not have prices. I can't comparison shop and decide to put them in my cart anyway. I'm upset because the food items I have to buy due to my allergies have gone up. I get in line, and of course, it's self-checkout. Blast it. They should give you a discount for ringing up and bagging your items!

I scanned everything and looked at the totals of the items that didn't have a price. I asked one of the many associates running around freely if she could remove the toilet paper. I told her I wasn't paying $25 for 24 toilet paper rolls. Did they think it was gold, or were they expecting us to pay for the new remodel? She said, let's hope not and was as surprised as I was that it was that much. What the heck? Paper towels were $13 for six rolls! I was embarrassed by then because I had her remove six items.

Let's see, and this week has been very costly for the American people! Gas prices soared, food prices climbed up and over the walls of the grocery stores, and toilet paper has now been outlawed due to not being cost-effective. My oldest son laughed and said, "I told you so, Mom!"

I called my big brother and wished him a very Happy Birthday. I spoke to my neighbor, and Ms. Grace, aka ghostlylightslanterns texted me, along with two more friends, all simultaneously. *Laugh* I forgot who I was talking to for a second... *Rolling* I'm so glad that our Ms. Grace is safe and the storms have passed over her, and she's asleep and well in her bed.

Oh, I forgot, the doctor's office called with my results while I was at the vet's office. My Bloodwork was normal, and my body is adjusting to the new amount of hormones. Little do they know my body. It says I'm not getting enough, and I'm still nauseous and having migraines. Of course, I will get with my Primary for further medical adjustments. I'm telling you, the world has gone insane, and we are on that run-away roller coaster!!!

It's midnight here in central Arkansas, and I'm exhausted and ready to go to bed! Tomorrow is a new day. Thank you, God! I survived another day. Until, another day, another dollar or two! *Think* Sleep well, my friends! *Heart*

March 5, 2022 at 3:02pm
March 5, 2022 at 3:02pm
Yesterday was so beautiful here in Arkansas and we decided to play in the backyard and mess around in the garden, preparing it for the new season.

I’d bought a black Halloween kettle earlier at a yard sale for a buck. It’s large enough to put several plants in. I decided to paint it bronze to make it festive. I knew that I needed to prime it first. We went to the garage to dig out the cans of spray paint.

I have a raised garden with several tomato cages in it. The previous owner had left and by the looks of it hadn’t planted anything in it for years. I had let the grass die in it at the end of the season last year and I would need to clean it up before planting in it this year.

I use the cages to put my project’s on to paint. They have come in handy more than once. I placed my newly bought gem on top of one and started painting it. The can clogged up and my paint project came to a screeching halt.

The disappointment in not getting to paint it was soon replaced with my second project. Prepping the garden! I gathered up the cages I didn’t want in both hands. Keeping an eye on Fable to make sure she stayed clear of me until I tossed them over the fence to put into the recycle bin for pick up.

I returned to the garden to start pulling the dead grass up and access the ground for the preparation of my plants in the near future. I want to plant some vegetables in it. Going natural will be better for my health.

I start looking for a good spot to start. When I spied some grey fur poking out from underneath some dead grass. I found a piece of wire broken off from one of the cages, don’t worry it wasn’t rusted. I take one end of the wire and stick it in and flip it upwards. I’m very skittish about doing this because in the past I have experienced dealings with rats and we have one in the neighborhood that I’ve seen and Fable has chased it a time or two.

When I flipped it up into the air it landed in front of me it was the size of a softball, nicely rounded, I thought. I was impressed somewhat with it! I returned my focus on the target at hand and starting poking around softly, flipping up the grass in order for me to see what was under it.

Now, if you were any of my neighbors outside you would have been alarmed at what happened next, I even surprised myself. A shrieking squeal came out of my mouth and then a giggle, because I couldn’t believe I screamed! Where did that come from? I looked around and saw Fable running to my rescue.

I turned my focus back to the face peering up to me. It’s pointy little nose and it squealing alarmed me. Had I accidentally poked it with the wire? I thought to myself, What am I going to do with baby rats? I covered them back up after taking a few pics for evidence, ya know I had too!

I go into the house and I call my son. He tells me that they deal with rats every year under their patio. He sends me a screenshot of the trap they use and suggest if I don’t want to kill them to call an exterminator. I opt for the latter and set up an appointment.

He comes out an hour later, we exchange greetings and he greets Fable and we all head to the backyard. I uncovered the nest and he leans down to peer in. He stands back up and looks at me and smiles through his black mask. “Ma’am that’s RABBITS!” My reaction was priceless, “I knew it! That was my first thought, but I pushed it away, because I haven’t seen a rabbit only a rat!”

We talked for a little while and I ended up keeping the three tiny rabbits. Now, Fable and I are co-mommies to RABBITS.

She did scare me when she went back out and had decided to get one. I screamed at her to drop it immediately and she did. I placed it back in the nest after examining it for any injuries and covered them back up. My daughter in law googled how to care for baby rabbits when you’ve uncovered their nest. I prepped the nest for the mother for when she returns to feed her babies with a few tiny branches that she can move easily. That way I have evidence she hasn’t abandoned them.

If I see no activity on her part by tomorrow she has abandoned them to my stupidity. I will have to find a meat to feed and care for them until they are at an age to be on there own.

I’m praying that she doesn’t abandon them and returns the next two to three weeks. I won’t be prepping my garden anytime soon it looks like.

Today, Fable has been attentive to the babies and has checked on them along with me by her side. Guarding them with love and care.

Until next time, be blessed and loved. Teresa, Fable and the Legendary three. 🐾❤️🐰🐰🐰❤️🐾

Keep creating your dreams,

My Masquerade Ball Mask in Red.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Signature for those who are nominated for a Quill Award in 2021
January 24, 2022 at 6:45pm
January 24, 2022 at 6:45pm
I have my test results back and it was not what I was expecting at all. This test was my food allergies test to see what I'm allergic to. The results told me that I now have to revamp my diet, The Whole Diet! Wouldn't you know it, it's most of my favorite foods.

I cried the first two days after I received the message from my doctor on Friday evening, she wanted to see me asap. I had enough time to set an appointment for Monday morning. I sit in my living room starring at the test results trying to understand them. But, I got a pretty good idea what it meant. Every time I thought about it I would burst out in tears. I tried calling friends to talk, but that became useless and what was I really going to say. I had no idea what the doctor was going to say. So, I held it in until I saw the doctor. As soon as I realized that early Sunday night, I had a feeling of comfort washing over me. Thank you, Lord God!

As I sat in the office waiting for the doctor to join me. I started to get a little nervous and the wait was getting nerve-racking. As she walked in she asked, how I was doing, and my reply was "You tell me!" My doctor and I have a great rapport with each other and joke around most of the time. But, she knew I was nervous and upset, all kidding aside today.

We discussed what the goal was for my future and food. We both agreed that I needed to detox myself and start a elimination diet. Then she'll run the blood test again to see if it eliminates a few that might be incorrect positives, due to inflammation. And then I can reintroduce the foods that I love back into my diet one at a time to see if I have a reaction to them.

I was to get with my nutritionist today and done so to choose the best way to do it, since I'm diabetic as well. All these new diets are exhausting me and challenging me to find other avenues to sustain my body. My nutritionist wants me to be careful with introducing them back in my diet, due to them causing anaphylaxis shock. Whoa, does that mean I need an Epi-pen??? Maybe! *Facepalm*

After you see my list you will totally understand why the tears, the nervousness and how I feel betrayed by my own body. Autoimmune is not going to take my body over!

Here is the list of things I'm allergic to the highest to the least.
1. Wheat (gluten) barley, rye 4.9
2. Tomatoes 4.5
3. Maize Corn 4.5
4. Peanut 3.3
5. Cacao Chocolate 2.7
6. Soybean 2.4
7. Casein Protein 2.0 (what all dairy products have) Now, I can be allergic to some dairy, I haven't had any reactions in the past. But, I still have to be careful and eliminate them.
The next 2 are very low on the scale, but I have reactions to them in very different ways then the other food allergies. I'm surprised these aren't higher.
8. Eggs 2.0
9. Coffee 2.0

Here's another box of tissue for you, I'll share! The cost of me to resupply my cabinets of food is mind boggling. I have a friend who has offered to bless me with assistance. Thank God, for others love. Every can of soup I have will have to be donated, due to the ingredients I can't eat. Mainly soybean oil, they are already gluten free! Soups are my go to food when I'm having a day that I can't move from inflammation. The doctor says that once I get my body detoxed and find out what I'm allergic to by process of elimination. My inflammation should be very little. I guess you can say that I've been killing myself slowly these past 20 years and it is starting to show. My body is rejecting more everyday. I'm putting a STOP to it, NO MORE, I say in the name of JESUS CHRIST!

Now, my journey to a new, healthier, and better life. I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of this. I will be cooking and freezing homemade soups, learning new and different foods to cook and eat. Back to the cutting board... 👩‍🍳 Creating new recipes to share with everyone! Are you ready? Am, I ready???

I'm sorry, but, I need my Mexican, Sushi, Chinese, Italian food, and Popcorn!!! *Headbang* *Cry* *HeartB* 💔

January 8, 2022 at 8:55pm
January 8, 2022 at 8:55pm
Someone asked me if I was doing well after the past few months of the family emergencies and such. I know that it would probably be better if I call it what it is, but then it's reality of what is going on in the world right now.

So, here it goes I'm going to call it what it is. Death, and this one has the name covid it keeps coming no matter what you do. But, it seems that it has hit close to home again. It has snuck up on people, without families being aware. I know that you would agree that we all have busy lives. My family has been hit with two new cases and I found out last night that one of my ex-daughter in law's mother had passed away a few months ago as well from covid and before her, her other mother in law as well a few months before that, her death was not covid related. I knew both and they both were beautiful ladies and would do anything for you.

I mourned last night for them both along with my brother in law as I have for the past two months and everyone else who has family members with losses from it. It is an ugly thing that we are facing in our world.

I spoke to my cousin, checking up on family this past week. I try to call the 8 remaining 1st cousin's every month. I missed catching up with him at Christmas time and all. I was so out of touch these past few months. I texted and he returned with a phone call after I had told him about my sister's husband. He had spent the last few months in the ISU himself with covid. He said he thought he was losing his mind and decided it was time to go to the hospital and they aired lifted him to Houston's hospital and began the procedure of curing him. He was so scared and he almost died from it. I'm so happy that he made it and I had him add me as his emergency contact number. I would have never known that he was sick and in the hospital. I can't imagine what if?

I don't know what everyone's situation is with their own families, but you need to take every day and love them. Mend those broken bridges or fences, because nothing is worth missing out on loving each other. Having those heart to heart conversations. Don't let another day go by without saying something to them. These past two years we have secluded ourselves from other humans even family. I have always tried texting or calling my family and friends that I love dearly with just a check on how their doing and say, I love you. ♥️♥️♥️

So, "How am I doing?" I'm hanging in and loving on those I love and that includes y'all! My 3 doctor's reports are excellent and I'm to keep up the good work. Yeah, me!!! A few more blood test were done and I have full confidence that they will be even more excellent than the last ones. Now, if I can just beat the fatigue I will be close to perfect... Lol

I do know that the grieving is a process and will take time to mend my shattered heart. My family and church family losses are to much now, 9 within 5 months. My sister is mending her heart as well and knows that we are near at all times and the rest of the family in their way and time. I'm going to try and see her in a few months hopefully it will be less dangerous (health wise) for us to travel. She said she might come here. Which was their plans before.

Hopefully I will be back tomorrow or Monday to start some revamping of contest and activities. Love y'all and have a great weekend! ♥️♥️♥️
August 26, 2021 at 11:56am
August 26, 2021 at 11:56am
Well, this move sure has put a cramp in my social life at WdC and my outside contacts here. I do see light at the end of the tunnel. Well, maybe it’s a little cloudy here due to some issues with taxes, insurance delays making it dimly lite… *Think* The house may not close in 6 days, it might be 13 days now or longer. *Cry*

So, in the meantime I am pacing myself and not going to stress over it. I always say things happen for a reason. God knows what is best for me. I trust Him and I know that I am in the Best hands there could be for situations like this. 👍🏻

I’ve been listening to my voicemails this morning that I finally figured out how to do on my new phone and it’s been an eye opener having to do everything on my phone right now. I MISS MY COMPUTER!!! I have all my apps, image maker, photos, etc. on it. It sucks not being able to do what I love doing.

Ok, back to listening to my voicemails and I had to share this with y’all. I received it sometime last week. Is there such a thing? Please, tell me, anyone else hear about this? It’s my first time I’ve heard anything about this one and they won’t stop calling!

“6687 hello this is Mary McBride with the division of financial relief and my number is 866-877-0563 so the reason for my call is to make you aware that due to the COVID-19 pandemic the new COVID-19 American release program was just passed to provide financial relief to all US citizens this means that the IRS is now required and must settle all tax debt within the special enrollment. Because you are a US resident you do not need to pay back any past due taxes as they have been deemed as non-collectible and can be forced into a settlement on your behalf but you have to elect to do so within the special enrollment period so please give me a call back and I can get your enrollment documents filled out for you and submitted based on your current situation again my number is 866-877-0563 again this special program is offered for a very limited time so please give me a call at your earliest convenience thank you…”

They are killing me with all these telemarketing call’s! They either call me or email me regarding their products or their scams. Prying on the innocent to con them into submission. I have received so many emails and calls in the past two months I just hit the delete button anymore.

That’s the end of my rant for now I need to get back to packing. I want to be ready to do some awesome things here in September for WdC’s birthday bash and mine. 🥳 🎂 🥳 I want to make it very special for everyone. I feel so empty not being here. I’m having WdC withdrawals… 🤣🥰😵‍💫


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