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by Seuzz Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #2156493
A hub for the "Book of Masks" universe.
The Interactives
"The Book of MasksOpen in new Window.: A high school student discovers a grimoire that can make magical disguises.
"The Wandering StarsOpen in new Window.: Sequel to "The Book of Masks."
"Student BodiesOpen in new Window.: A high school student is turned into a blue goo that can possess people.

For non-WdC Members
"The Book of Masks: ArchivesOpen in new Window.: Dodges the "Servers Busy" barrier!
"The Book of Masks (Abridged)Open in new Window.: Introductory storylines for new readers.

"BoM/TWS Message ForumOpen in new Window.: Community for readers of the interactives.
"BoM/TWS/SB WikiOpen in new Window.: Notes and documentation for authors. Spoilers!

Current Polls

The Latest
3/21: Interactive: "Cody Shows the WayOpen in new Window.
3/21: Public: "Cody Shows the WayOpen in new Window.
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March 21, 2025 at 12:31pm
March 21, 2025 at 12:31pm
I have more chapters to come after today's:

* Interactive: "Cody Shows the WayOpen in new Window.
* Public: "Cody Shows the WayOpen in new Window.

But I'm going to take the weekend off from publishing again. I've been hard at work on chapters in the last area I was working in, but because I want to publish all of those in one giant batch, I need something else to keep the publication pipeline going. So I'm going to take the weekend to write some chapters that will keep things rolling through the end of the next weekend.
March 17, 2025 at 12:10pm
March 17, 2025 at 12:10pm
[Deleted poll] is now closed, and that's the end of the polling, as we have reached an unwritten choice: "Come back later to meet him." That was the overwhelming favorite not only in the Free Vote but in the GP voting as well, with the result that it won the final tally by an overwhelming 80-20 landslide.

So I guess I have to figure out another way for Will and Blackwell to meet up and tango.

Right now, though, I'm resuming publishing with:

* Interactive: "Hang Ups and HangoversOpen in new Window.
* Public: "Hang Ups and HangoversOpen in new Window.

This continues the arc suspended with "Making Mickey," in which Will, Caleb and Keith have been playing with the book, making "new girls" by mixing faces into masks, and becoming acqsuainted with a sophomore girl named Teresa. Last we left them, Will and Caleb had succeeded in making a golem.
March 15, 2025 at 12:19pm
March 15, 2025 at 12:19pm
Once again, there was an upset due to the influence of GP voting. But this time the vote was close enough that it only took one vote of 100 GPs to tip it. Final tally for [Deleted poll]:

* Track Blackwell down at the university: 56.5%
* Keep the appointment with Blackwell: 43.5%

And in the new poll—[Deleted poll]—we reach a chapter with an unwritten choice.

March 14, 2025 at 12:07pm
March 14, 2025 at 12:07pm
The vote in the last poll was relatively close, with "Screw it, stay here" holding a slight lead. But that was narrowly offset by some GPs for the other side, so that is the choice that gets published today:

* Interactive: "She So MadOpen in new Window.
* Public: "She So MadOpen in new Window.

For the record, the final, adjusted tally was:

* Go home: 57.1%
* Screw it, stay here: 42.9%

And this is where I'm going conclude the branch, at least for the time being. It seems like a good breaking off point.

If you read today's chapter, you will also notice that it seems to curve around and intersect the subject of the other poll (still running: [Deleted poll]). That is mostly a coincidence. I had it in the back of my head the entire time that the Libra would reassert itself, and I knew that once it did so, a trip back to Arnholm's would be a possibility. While writing "She So Mad," it occurred to me that if Will and Sara were to meet, The Crystal Cave could serve both as a meeting place and as a way to get Will in to Arnholm's, thus bringing the story to a critical turning point. Perhaps the return of Blackwell in the current poll made this twist more salient to my subconscious. But I didn't deliberately try to force it, and simply accepted what looked like a convenient inevitability.

What next?

I'm going to take the weekend off from publishing and resume on Monday with a sequel to "Making Mickey." After that, we'll see.
March 13, 2025 at 12:02pm
March 13, 2025 at 12:02pm
Once again, a big GP vote swings in to upset things.

In [Deleted poll], "Change your mind and keep the book" was having its way with a majority of the Free Vote, and was also collecting some GPs. But a truckload of points got dumped onto "Sell the book but decline the job," which had been trailing badly. How much did this shift the vote? See for yourself. Final tally [Free Vote in brackets]:

Sell the book but decline the job: 54.3% [15.8%]
Change your mind and keep the book: 30.3% [52.6%]
Sell the book and take the job: 15.4% [31.6%]

Something to keep in mind when looking at [Deleted poll], where the Free Vote is currently very close.

New poll has been posted: [Deleted poll].
March 12, 2025 at 12:08pm
March 12, 2025 at 12:08pm
There were no upsets in the latest poll, with the GPs only reinforcing the Free Vote tally. Final results:

* Stick with those that brought you: 71.3%
* Hang out with Carson: 28.7%

The chosen sequel has now been posted:

* Interactive: "What Happens in the WarehouseOpen in new Window.
* Public: "What Happens in the WarehouseOpen in new Window.

The other poll—[Deleted poll]—is still open and will continue to run until Thursday at noon ET.
March 11, 2025 at 12:09pm
March 11, 2025 at 12:09pm
I guess people learned from the last poll that GPs can make a difference.

In the Free Polls, "Keep investigating the book" and "Plots Have I Laid" held comfortable leads in their respective polls, but GPs skewed the outcomes wildly. Here are the final results, with Free Poll results in brackets afterward for comparison:

BoM Poll: "The Fake Book"
* Return the book to the bookstore: 52.1% [24%]
* Keep investigating the book: 26.2% [40%]
* Show the book to your dad 15.7% [24%]
* Give the book to a friend 6.0% [12%]
* Bury the book in your room: 0% [0%]

BoM Poll: "The Continuing Story ..."
* Making Mickey: 52.5% [24.1%]
* Plots Have I Laid: 26.4% [37.9%]
* Vengeance on an Ex-Friend: 15.6% [27.6%]
* Taking One for Team Kendra: 5.6% [10.3%]

As a result, the choice for "The Continuing Story" been settled, and I'll be continuing "Making Mickey" when we're done with the current branch. Meanwhile, there's a new poll on how to continue the other storyline: [Deleted poll]

And what's going on with the poll that is currently running ([Deleted poll])? We'll find out tomorrow ...

GPs will be parceled out and returned to voters just as soon as I make some complicated calculations.
March 10, 2025 at 12:07pm
March 10, 2025 at 12:07pm
Both choices in [Deleted poll] got GP votes, but these cancelled each other exactly, leaving the final tally to mirror the free vote tally:

* Accept his offer: 57.6%
* Take your pick at the Warehouse: 42.4%

The vote was consistently close, with the choices trading the lead back and forth, until near the end, when "Accept" took a decisive leap forward. Because it was so consistently close, I wrote chapters for both choices. One of them got a lot more sequels, but I'm not going to tell you which way I leapt.

New chapter is now up:

* Interactive: "A Drive to DistractionOpen in new Window.
* Public: "A Drive to DistractionOpen in new Window.

So is a new poll: [Deleted poll], which will close on Wednesday.

Two other polls are also currently running, and will close tomorrow:

[Deleted poll]
[Deleted poll]
March 9, 2025 at 12:11pm
March 9, 2025 at 12:11pm
The poll for [Deleted poll] will be open for another 24 hours, but I'm already thinking ahead. I've decided I'm going to run this storyline for only 5 to 7 chapters in total (we are 3 chapters in), will come back to it later. But what come after that?

Let's do a poll!

So in [Deleted poll] I'm asking the readership to pick one of four semi-recent storylines to continue. Two of these, "Making Mickey" and "Taking One for Team Kendra," would pick up where the chapter concluded. With the other two, there would be further polls to see which particular path would get continued.

The idea is to have a storyline picked when the current one runs out.

Longer term is the choice that gets picked in [Deleted poll]. That poll starts at the beginning of the story, and will run out when we reach a choice that has not been written.

And in this poll I will be posting the entire chapter, along with the choices, in order to mimic the experience of reading the interactive and making a choice. I want to make the experience for the community as close as possible to the actual feeling of reading the interactive (almost as though for the first time, I hope!) and making choices blind.
March 8, 2025 at 12:11pm
March 8, 2025 at 12:11pm
Poll closed.

For most of the 48 hours the Plot Plinko poll was up, "Stick with these guys" held a large lead, but during the last 12 hours "Go home" surged to edge ahead of it.

But even this last-minute come-from-behind move wasn't enough. "Go home" and "Stick with these guys" both fell before a massive GP vote for the Warehouse, so that the final results were:

Warehouse: 40.3%
Go home: 31.5%
Stick with these guys: 28.2%

This is mixed news for me, because "Stick with these guys" was the choice I had written, and had written out to 6 chapters. So now I have to write a different branch than the one I'd been planning. Luckily, that GP vote for the Warehouse came in early enough and was big enough that I was able to prepare, so you do get a chapter for today:

Interactive: "Making a MakeoverOpen in new Window.
Public: "Making a MakeoverOpen in new Window.

And there is a new poll to go with it: [Deleted poll] As with the last one, it will be open for 48 hours. [Closes Monday, March 10, at 12:00 ET].

I choose to look on the bright side. Though my plans were instantly derailed, I do have half a dozen chapters now in the backlog, which I can roll out at some other point.

But for now, I have to scramble to find some way of continuing the story.
March 6, 2025 at 12:07pm
March 6, 2025 at 12:07pm
I was thinking anyway of turning this branch into a "Plot Plinko" game anyway, even before Nostrum mentioned that possibility in the Commentary thread. The new characters are only barely introduced in "Fröhliche Momente mit unbekannten MenschenOpen in new Window., but maybe enough to make a poll meaningful, so there's one up now:

[Poll completed and deleted]

That poll will run for two days, so there will not be a chapter tomorrow and maybe not the next day, even though there is one written. (I won't tell you which.)

This is also a poll where GPs can be voted, so read the rules carefully.
March 5, 2025 at 12:20pm
March 5, 2025 at 12:20pm
* Interactive: "Nine's a CrowdOpen in new Window.
* Public: "Nine's a CrowdOpen in new Window.

I said last time that I wanted to write something that starts near the beginning of the story, with new characters. Today's chapter is a stab at doing just that.

Confession: I really have no idea where this is going. I have no idea how long it will be before masks start being made. In fact, I have a backlog of only two chapters after this one, and I cannot even guarantee that this branch will last longer than those two chapters. This is going to be the most public, high-wire act I've done in a very long time.

I'm even giving readers a chance to critique it in real time: "Commentary: "Nine's a Crowd""  Open in new Window.

Anyway, where are we?

So, our protagonist, Will Prescott, bought a crazy-looking book at the used bookstore, but he didn't much like the look of it, so he buried it in his room and has gone about his life. Feeling restless, though, he has gone out this Saturday afternoon with his two best friends in search of adventure at the local mini-golf course. (Will's horizons are pretty cramped, let's admit right up front.) He has tried flirting with the ticket-seller, and has bumped into some girls from the local private academy. What will he do with these opportunities?
February 24, 2025 at 12:06pm
February 24, 2025 at 12:06pm
* Interactive: "Fading ThunderOpen in new Window.
* Public: "Fading ThunderOpen in new Window.

I have more written in the above line, but I think this is the best place to suspend things. It's an obvious turning point, and this branch has been going on for almost two weeks now.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do next. I have an itch to try starting something near the beginning of the story, and also doing something with new characters. But that would require some serious thought.

EDIT: Forgot to add the commentary thread: "Commentary: "An Alpha of Your Own""  Open in new Window.
February 12, 2025 at 12:18pm
February 12, 2025 at 12:18pm
So, Civilization VII came out yesterday, and I bought it. There goes all my free time.

Well, no, I'm actually forcing myself to budget time for writing, and this morning I already banged out another chapter. I'm also pretty engaged in the story myself, so it's easy to write and I want to get it written. So I don't think I'm going stop writing, at least not right away.

But it might mean that this branch goes on for quite a while, instead of breaking off after 7 or 10 chapters, as these things usually do, because it might be that this branch will have to be the crutch that keeps me working.
February 10, 2025 at 12:06pm
February 10, 2025 at 12:06pm
Okay, I think three weeks is enough of a break.

* Interactive: "An Alpha of Your OwnOpen in new Window.
* Public: "An Alpha of Your OwnOpen in new Window.

The story thus far:

After buying a book of magic in a used bookstore, Will Prescott decided he wanted nothing to do with it, and sold it to his best friend, Caleb Johansson. That was all he knew of the matter, until he got a desperate phone call one night from Chelsea Cooper, the head cheerleader, who wants his help fixing her boyfriend, Gordon Black, who somehow managed to turn himself to stone.

Well, it's all on account of that book he found, Will figures after Chelsea has laid it all out to him. It makes magical disguises and magical robots you can use to replace people with, and Gordon did something stupid with it. The only hope for Gordon is if he (Will) studies the book with the help of Chelsea.

But Chelsea, once she understands the book and what it can do, has plans of her own. Before long, Will is wearing the mask of another cheerleader--Yumi Saito--and helping Chelsea with her scheme to remake the cheerleading squad.

Oh, and Chelsea is impersonating the school's chief drug dealer. (Long story.)

As the story resumes, Chelsea is trying to get Will to make another mask in aid of her scheme; moreover, she has promised Will that she and Will will have the same number of masks, and this new mask will make it even.

So Will has to decide if he's going to turn himself into Amanda Ferguson (a bitchy AP student); into Steve Patterson (a basketball-playing bully); or hold out for a different alter-ego.

I've already written seven chapters in this branch, and I'm still at work. I've got a long-range plan for this one, and there's going to be another evolution coming in the storyline.
January 21, 2025 at 11:53am
January 21, 2025 at 11:53am
* Interactive: "The Hungry OnesOpen in new Window.
* Public: "The Hungry OnesOpen in new Window.
* Commentary Thread: "Commentary: "How Alana Met Marcos""  Open in new Window.

That rounds off this branch. And there's going to be a pause in the publication schedule. I don't have anything else in the backlog and will have to write something.

I do have an idea for the next thing, but I haven't written anything because it's not fully formed in my head. Also, I've been distracting myself with a railroad simulator instead of being productive.

I won't be going anywhere, though, and will be checking in every day.
January 16, 2025 at 11:22am
January 16, 2025 at 11:22am
* Interactive: "Making MickeyOpen in new Window.
* Public: "Making MickeyOpen in new Window.

Last chapters of this branch are now up. Commentary post here: "Re: Commentary: "A Male Mix-n-Match""  Open in new Window.

Next up: "The Girl at the Drive-Thru WindowOpen in new Window.

This is a line in the Sydney-and-Will universe. They started by replacing/impersonating Kelsey Blankenship and Amanda Ferguson. Then they added David Kirkham to their circle, with Sydney under his mask. Now they have moved in on Marcos Rivera and Alana Ocampo, with Will again taking the girl while Sydney plays the guy.
January 9, 2025 at 12:05pm
January 9, 2025 at 12:05pm
* Interactive: "Three In OneOpen in new Window.
* Public: "Three In OneOpen in new Window.

That finishes off this branch, which itself was interrupted about six months ago. Commentary thread, FWIW, is here: "Commentary: "Switching Husbands""  Open in new Window.

Up next is a sequel to "A Rescue and RetreatOpen in new Window., which was the last chapter in the "Conspirators Three" branch, where Will and Caleb and Keith are exploring the book and have unwillingly aded a fourth to their company, a sophomore named Teresa MacNeill.

When last we left them, the guys had made some masks using multiple faces, and had gone out to a party in the country while disguised as girls, where Will narrowly avoided an intense fondling. He is now trying to recover his wits. But Teresa has made a new mask, and is prodding him into helping her out ...
January 4, 2025 at 12:55pm
January 4, 2025 at 12:55pm
* Interactive: "Taking One for Team KendraOpen in new Window.
* Public: "Taking One for Team KendraOpen in new Window.

That's today's chapter, and it rounds off a 7-chapter run. Commentary thread is here: "Commentary: "A Dolt Tries Setting Up a Date""  Open in new Window.

Tomorrow I resume where I broke off when I vanished, with "Solving Other People's ProblemsOpen in new Window.. That's the one where Will and Caleb, looking for a safe place to do magical research (to fix Will's dad, who got petrified into a golem) replaced a school tutor and her university professor husband.

That was supposed to be a five-chapter run, but I left after posting only three chapters. I could have posted the last two chapters, but decided to extend it, so there will be five chapters worth of material starting tomorrow.

(I say "five chapters worth of material") because some of those chapters will be broken up into smaller chapters in order to facilitate choice-making. Short chapters will be posted in bundles.)
December 28, 2024 at 12:08pm
December 28, 2024 at 12:08pm
Today's chapter—

* Interactive: "For the Love of Sarah JohanssonOpen in new Window.
* Public: "For the Love of Sarah JohanssonOpen in new Window.

—brings that short branch to a decision and a resting point. There's a commentary thread here in the forums: "Commentary: The Mother of All Revenge Plays"  Open in new Window.

Next up is a return to a place where Will and Caleb are still friends. Collaborators even. And Gordon Black is there too.

It picks up with "The Temptation To Be What Another WantsOpen in new Window.. This is the branch where Will and Caleb, while playing with masks, accidentally revealed themselves to Gordon, who insisted on joining them. He and Will even swapped lives briefly; as a result, Gordon got thrown out of his dad's house and has moved in with Caleb and his mom. The latest drama: Gordon and Chelsea have broken up, and David Kirkham got turned into a golem. (So Caleb is pretending to be Kirkham these days.)

The branch ended with a couple of different chapters, each pointing in different directions, but I'm picking up the one where Gordon tells Will that he wants to go out with Jenny Ashton; and he tells Will that if he gets Jenny to go out with him, he'll set Will up inside a new mask of someone who can be Chelsea's new boyfriend.

What comes next starts tomorrow.

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