Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2012080-Interview-with-my-14-year-old-self
Rated: E · Interview · Biographical · #2012080
14 year old girl looking for answers!

Interviewer: FWi: My 14 year old self
Interviewee: FWh: My present self

FWi: Woah so that’s what I look like when I get old?
FWh: Hey! Less of the old, please. I’m only 29!
FWi: Old enough! Okay, okay. Life is looking pretty sucky right now, what should I be doing differently?
FWh: Absolutely nothing. Honestly.
FWi: That really does not help! There has to be something.
FWh: I’m being deadly serious. Just keep at it. Really, life isn’t that sucky, is it? Didn’t you break a World Record a few months ago?
FWi: *laughs* yeah I did! That was pretty cool. But I’m pretty sure I’m going to fail school, mum is miserable and Andrew kinda scares me! What do I need to do?
FWh: *nods* Mum isn’t good, I know, but she’ll get over Dad one day. I’m afraid she’ll have to go through that one by herself. Just keep making her laugh – she loves that. Andrew will always be a puzzle. He is your brother and you love him, but you can’t fix him. We are still trying to work him out, to be honest. He will never hurt you though. With school, it’s not great I know. But this is not your time to shine. I’m not saying don’t try. Just that this school is not the end.
FWi: Err okay. But does that mean I’ll never get an education?
FWh: I can’t go into it too much. But you’ll find your way and you’ll be thrilled with the results.
FWi: Sweet! So, you’d do nothing differently?
FWh: Nothing specifically, no.
FWi: So, absolutely no regrets? I don’t really believe you!
FWh: Well, obviously I’ve done things I wish I hadn’t and been in situations I didn’t really like. But all in, all, no I wouldn’t go back and change anything. The things that go wrong in life, can always serve a purpose – if you let them. I’m a pretty strong person these days, because I’ve learned lessons from my mistakes.
FWi: Sounds sensible but really hard to do!
FWh: Oh there is one suggestion I can make. Learn to be yourself more! Aren’t you sick of wearing that mask?
FWi: Yes, but I’m pretty odd and quirky!
FWh: People love your quirkiness! I promise!
FWi: *looks down at FWh’s left hand* Oh my god! You’re married? I get married?
FWh: Yes, very recently in fact! He loves me for me – quirkiness and all. He calls my odd habits “Franny’s little ways”. We laugh every day!
FWi: He’s a he? I always figured…
FWh: That’s all I’m saying. Although, I’ll tell you, he took a while to find. Your future relationships will teach you a lot about yourself. Learn the lessons!
FWi: Huh! Interesting! Soooo… Do I become a world renowned swimming god?
FWh: *chuckles* I’m not sure I can tell you that. Train hard and you’ll find out. Swim for as long as you enjoy it, then carry on for one extra year. You’ll learn more.
FWi: It’s all about the learning with you!
FWh: Yup! Now, don’t you have to go training?
FWi: But, but… there is more I want to know!
FWh: Go! Oh, and actually get in the pool. Don’t just wet your costume and towel to make it look like you’ve been.
FWi: *sulk*

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