Contest is closed for the holidays
I love contests! I just can't stand waiting for month at a time for the results. I have come to the conclusion that I should stop my whining about waiting for results and do something. I have decided to dedicate myself to this daily contest, announcing daily winners on a weekly basis! In addition to the daily winners, I also announce one Weekly Winner every week for the big prize.
![Read the Rules image [#1792277]
Read the Rules image](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif) ![Read the Rules image [#1792277]
Read the Rules image Read the Rules image](
Poetry only.
Rating content can be up to 18+, nothing over this.
No erotica please.
Submit the poem in b-item form. Find out how to use b-item in this link."Invalid Item" 
Submit the poem ready to be judged. I can not tell you that you should not edit your work once submitted. If it needs edited, then edit it. However, I judge throughout the week and will judge what I read at that moment in time.
40 line max, no minimum. Please list line count in entry forum.
Each day will have multiple prompts. You only have to use one prompt. Click on the dropnote for the day to see the prompts. Each entry must be entered on or prior to 11:59PM WDC to count for that day. The new round begins at 12:00 AM WDC time. No exceptions.
You are not required to enter everyday to enter the contest. The rounds are daily. You do not have to enter every round, but you can if you want to.
 When posting an entry, make sure that it follows one of the prompts for the current day. For example, if the day is 10/24, then you should only use a prompt from 10/24. Hence, you cannot post an entry for a previous day or a future day.
Do Not edit the post/forum after you have submitted your item. If you feel you need to edit the post/forum, Don't Do It. Instead email me and let me know what you need changed in the post (ex. wrong link, messed up link, line count, etc) If you change it yourself, your entry may be disqualified.
Only one poem per person per round (day). New or old poems are welcome. Poems awarded by other contests are also welcome. However, you can only submit the poem once to this contest. Do Not submit the same poem multiple times.
Please mention the Prompt you chose for your poem in the subject line (ex. Prompt 3).
The daily winners should be announced on the weekends. I will also be announcing the weekly grand prize winner at this time. However there may be times when the the announcement is delayed a day or two, but the winners will always be announced as soon as possible. 
 Prizes Prizes Prizes Prizes Prizes Prizes Prizes 
Weekly Grand Prize Winner wins 10K Awardicon in addition to daily prizes
1st Place Winner wins 4000Gps AND 1st Place Trophy
2nd Place Winner wins 2000 Gps
3rd Place Winner wins 1000 Gps
Honorable Mention wins 500 Gps
Only 1st place will be awarded with fewer than 5 qualifying entries. At least 7 quailfying entries are required to award all prizes.
These stipulations and rules are subject to change upon the discretion of the judge.
 Donations Donations Donations Donations Donations 
A continual inflow of donations is vital to keep this contest alive. All donations are appreciated. To donate to this contest please go to " A Poem A Day Fund Bank"  or just make a post in the forum below.
For donations in size of 35,000 or more, a Merit Badge will be awarded. Donations of 1K or more will be listed on the " Gracious Donors"  page.
 Judging Judging Judging Judging Judging 
Every Saturday, I will reveal the winners of each day from the previous week. Then, I will award a merit badge to the best poem of the entire week.
I will judge throughout the week; therefore, you should submit your poems edited and ready to be judged.
I will be judging how well the poem fits the chosen prompt. I will be judging how well the poem fits its form of poetry. If it requires syllable count, I will be judging syllable count. If it requires rhyme, I will be judging rhyme.
I will be judging content, texture, and clarity. I will judge overall meaning and its effectiveness.
I will be judging grammar and punctuation. Punctuation is very important to poetry, it can change the meaning and the impact of the poem. I will be looking at the punctuation as the writer intended it to be. Meaning if the writer intended to write a poem with end stops, caesuras and enjambments, then I will judge according to that style. However, if a poem has natural punctuation, I will judge that style.
Click on the date to find the prompt for the day.
Please list which prompt you have chosen for the day either in the subject line or in the message area.
Only one poem per day. Must follow one of the prompts of the day.
Each round begins12:00AM WDC time - and ends 11:59PM WDC time
Support this contest by purchasing your raffle tickets here:
![Prompt Image [#1849093]
Prompt image](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif) ![Prompt Image [#1849093]
Prompt image Prompt image](
Nov 17, 2012 Saturday ▼
Prompt 1: Write a poem using the words "idle" AND "dancing" OR "dance"
Prompt 2: Write a poem about blessings
Prompt 3: Write a Rhupunt Poem
This form consists of 3, 4,or 5 lines per stanza (your choice)
Poem consists of at least 2 stanzas
Each line is only 4 syllables.
Rhyme scheme for 3lined Rhupunt aab, ccb, ddb, eeb,...
Rhyme scheme for 4lined Rhupunt aaab, cccb, dddb, eeeb......
Rhyme scheme for 5lined Rhupunt aaaab, ccccb, ddddb, eeeeb......
Example: #1
This is the end,
Love will not mend,
I'll walk away.
I cannot lie,
I watch you cry,
I cannot stay.
Example #2
This is the end,
Love will not mend,
Don't condescend,
I'll walk away.
I cannot lie,
I watch you cry,
My eyes are dry
I cannot stay.
Example #3
This is the end,
Love will not mend,
You're not my friend,
Don't condescend,
I'll walk away.
I cannot lie,
I watch you cry,
My eyes are dry,
This love has died,
I cannot stay.
Nov 18, 2012 Sunday ▼
Prompt 1: Write a poem using the words "wintery" AND "cover" OR "covering"
Prompt 2: Write a poem about food
Prompt 3: Write a Seox Poem
Each stanza has six lines.
The poem consists of at least one stanza
The syllabic structure is 3-7-6-5-4-3
The poem is unrhymed
Angel's Dilemma
Some angels
quit their duties, leaving for
more pleasant dimensions.
Earthlings don't get it.
Love not evil.
Light not dark.
Some angels
would not leave their dear Earthlings
to their own weak devices,
still hoping free will
will tweak a bit
to the good.
My angels
are compassionate and kind,
tell me to shape up, heal,
get my knees going,
rely on hope—
Nov 19, 2012 Monday ▼
Prompt 1: Write a poem using the words "outrage" AND "outpour" OR "outpouring"
Prompt 2: Write a poem about ungratefulness
Prompt 3: Write a Clogyrnach Poem
Each stanza consists of six lines
The poem consists of at least 1 stanza
The syllable count is 8-8-5-5-3-3
The rhyme scheme is a,a,b,b,b,a
The last two lines may be written as one line if desired. See example #2.
Example #1
Hidden in the shadow, I find
A butterfly; carved and black lined.
As you fly away,
touch blossoms, do play.
My love, stay!
Heart, be kind.
- by Bianca
" Clogyrnach"
Example #2
Smooth lines with the color of peach,
time invites them to dream and reach.
Discovery waits,
lust lures, promise baits,
a world waits, ours to teach.
- by Judi Van Gorder
Nov 20, 2012 Tuesday ▼
Picture Prompt 1: ![Old Cemetary [#1904053]](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Prompt 2: Write a poem using the phrase "a king's ransom"
Prompt 3: Write a Ae Freislighe Poem
This poem is written in quatrains (4 lined stanzas)
This poem consists of at least 1 stanza
Each line has 7 syllables
Rhyming scheme is abab cdcd....
Line 1 and Line 3 must end with a 3 syllable word
Line 2 and Line 4 must end with a 2 syllable word
Syllable and Rhyme structure look like this:
x x x x (x x a)
x x x x x (x b)
x x x x (x x a)
x x x x x (x b)
The last line or word of the poem should cycle back to the first line or word, using the first syllable, word, or entire first line
Parting Words for the Child Leaving Home
Wander forth with dignity
child, dining on life's marrow.
Don't eat from sinly misery
nor drink her wells of sorrow.
Learn from men with wilderness
hearts, awe struck by this pure bliss;
Souls wrapped not by bitterness
shall remain free from abyss.
Have love for one another-
transgression lies out yonder
-caretaking of your brothers
down all the roads you wander.
-by K. McGee
Nov 21, 2012 Wednesday ▼
Prompt 1: Use this quote as prompt for your poem: "People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." ~ Rogers Hornsby
Prompt 2: Write a poem using the words "wall-to-wall"
Prompt 3: Write a Cameo Poem
The poem consists of 7 lines total
The syllable structure is 2, 5, 8, 3, 8, 7, 2
The poem does not rhyme
Cameo Turtles
Trapped in a glass bowl
Watching the world outside each day
Freedom sounds
Round and around the bowl they crawl
Searching for freedoms portal
Sphere closed
-by Nancy Lee Shrader
Nov 22, 2012 Thursday ▼
Prompt 1: No Prompt
Nov 23, 2012 Friday ▼
Picture Prompt 1: ![Rabid Dog [#1904049]](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Prompt 2: Write a poem using the words "daffodil" AND "secret" OR "secrets"
Prompt 3: Write a Redondilla Poem
Each stanza is four lines
This poem consists of at least 1 stanza
Each line has 8 syllables
The rhyme is abba
A People Betrayed
I hear some voices in my head
Saying that they are here for me,
And they will tell me what they see,
But like some stars, their light is dead.
In the spirit of what they shout,
They dress in light while wearing black
And like the stars, they keep their track,
Speaking as if I should not doubt.
Pondering the questions of truth
While being told that night is day
And that black is the color gray—
O' how I am missing my youth.
I see some hands gloved in a cause,
A covering for the reason
Behind such obvious treason
To which there seems to be no pause.
-by jimmyfin 
" Invalid Item"
Nov 24, 2012 Saturday ▼
Prompt 1: Write a poem using the words "haze" OR "hazy" AND "camouflage" OR "camouflaged"
Prompt 2: Write a poem about family dinners/gatherings/reunuins
Prompt 3: Write a Rhyme Royal Poem
The poem consists of a 7 lined stanza
Poem consists of at least 1 stanza
Each line consists of 10 syllables exactly
The rhyme scheme is a,b,a,b,b,c,c
Bird's Eye View
The queen, upon her high Madrone-limb throne,
was taking count of those who serve her court
when, through the glass, she spied her kind. Alone,
oh how she longed to join in their cavort.
Although, her royal duty can be sport
if feline subject dares to lurk too near,
then beak and talon strike, enforcing fear.
-by Judi Van Gorder