sis·ter·hood (sĭsˈtər-ho͝odˌ)
1. the state or relationship of being a sister or sisters
2. an association of women united in a common interest, work, creed, etc.
3. a belief in or feeling of unity and cooperation among women
4. The quality of being sisterly.
5. A society of women.
Association or unification of women in a common cause.
moth·er (muhth-er)
1. A female person who is pregnant with or gives birth to a child.
2. A female person whose egg unites with a sperm, resulting in the conception of a child.
3. A woman who adopts a child.
4. A woman who raises a child.
5. Used as a title for a woman respected for her wisdom and age.
6. Maternal love and tenderness: brought out the mother in her.
verb tr.
1. To give birth to; create and produce.
2. To watch over, nourish, and protect maternally.
verb intr.
To act or serve as a mother.
This group is founded on the belief that we are sisters.
As such, we hope to promote a spirit co-operation and encouragement between our hard-working mothers.
It is through intimacy that we can give the most encouragement.
It is for this reason that, while there is no current size restriction on our group, we are seeking those who are looking for a supportive and encouraging group.
This is not a reviewing group, there is no minimum number of reviews a member must complete, but affiliated reviews will be rewarded.
There will be no review forum but I will be checking our Affiliated Reviews.
Also, since this group is about "Sisterhood", each review of a Sister will receive double the GPs per review.
(I'll start out at 100 GPs/review and 200 GPs/Sister Review. This will go up with memberships and donations.)
Please fill free to add the following tag to your reviews:
Just copy and paste the following:
{c:violet}{size:4}{b}{i}{font:comic}{center}You are being reviewed
{item:1753841} {/center}{/font}{/i}{/b}{/size}{/c}
Group Forums:
Monthly TOPICs will be posted for discussion in "
Invalid Item"

. Participation is not required, but the more involved you are the better the group will be.
Content Rating:
Please keep all posts and b-item contents at PG 13 or less, for our children who may see them. Thank you.
Group Leaders:
A certain level of participation is required to maintain leadership positions.
But no member will be removed from the group or penalized for inactivity.