Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1646231-A-Love-Of-Her-Own-For-Jane-Austen
Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1646231
I will be writing as Jane Austen as she meets a special man.
Jane Austen was a great author but was never married. Her novels always had a happy fairy tale ending but I never read that she had someone special so I am writing as her and she meets someone special. I hope you will enjoy reading this.

Bath, England

Jane Austen:

I can't believe I ran out of paper and ink. I have a great novel in mind and I can't keep my characters waiting. I wish I had bought more paper and ink when I was in town with my family a few weeks back. Father is using the carriage so I will ride my horse into town and get my writing supplies. It was a nice sunny day and I rode Barley, my beige horse by the pond and things were going well until that sly fox Mr. Crafty ran right into Barley and I fell off my big horse. Mr. Crafty twitched his whiskers and ran off. Oh that Mr. Crafty! They can never catch him on Fox Hunting Day! I don't believe in hunting foxes but Mr. Crafty did this on purpose. How many times have I distracted the men from hunting him? No more Mr. Crafty! Look at those sweet eyes! Oh! The pain in my ankle. I feel it is swelling. Mr. Crafty laughs and smiles. If foxes could laugh and smile. Barley just ran off. I will try to stand and make it back to my house. I can't stand. What ever will I do? The ducks are in the pond eating bugs. Right now, I wish I was one of those ducks. I hear a carriage approach. Oh! It is a fancy big, black luxury type with lights on the outside. I am embarrassed. Some fancy pompous ass who will laugh at my blunder. Some rich man like Mr. Tilly in one of my novels I have written. I will keep a stiff upper lip. I lift my dress and look at my ankle. It is bruised and swollen. I am ready to cry. A gentleman all dressed in tails and top hat gets out of the carriage that has stopped. Lovely! The man approaches me and says: "Miss, are you hurt? May I help you?" I look into the dark blue eyes of a man with a captivating smile and dark hair past his ears. His eyes are piercing my soul. Oh my gosh! He is Mr. Darcy. I should say he is how I pictured Mr. Darcy that I wrote about about. Could it be? My own creation coming to life! I hear him again say: "Miss, are you hurt? May I help you?"

I look at him and smile as best as I can. "Sir, I was thrown by my horse Barley. I am afraid I have sprained my ankle."

The handsome man says: "I will help you and escort you home in my carriage. I am Devoe Beaumont.Who are you?"

"Miss Jane Austen." Mr. Beaumont carries me into his arms into his carriage. He has strong gentle arms. I have never been this close to a man. No man has ever taken an interest in me. Mr. Beaumont has his driver take me to my home and he has his driver send for the Doctor. My ankle is swollen and I am to stay off it for awhile. Mother is grateful to Mr. Beaumont and has him stay for dinner. I drink tea and I smile at Mr. Beaumont. Is it just me or can't he take his eyes off me? I am no one special or beautiful. I am just plain Jane. Mr. Beaumont is so nice to me. My heart flutters and for the moment my ankle doesn't hurt.

I sleep that night and dream of Mr. Beaumont and I dancing. As he is about to kiss me, I wake up. What a pity.

The next morning, Mr. Beaumont comes over to check on me and brings me flowers,paper and ink. His men found Barley, my horse who ran off. Mr. Beaumont has a castle near by three miles away. It is secluded so I have never seen it. I have heard of the Beaumonts being the richest people in Bath but my family and I never met them.

It has been two weeks since the accident. My ankle is better and Mr. Beaumont has been over every three days to check on me. We talk about his family's tea business and I told him about the books I write. We walk out to the flower garden and he holds my hand. He asks me to the dance that is being held at his family's castle home. I am so excited that he asked me and I accept. He kisses me on the cheek and says he will be away on business but will stop by in four days. I am on cloud nine.

Mother and I went to town and had a light blue fancy dress with lace and pearls ordered. I can't wait until the dance. Mr. Beaumont stops by as promised five days later. He brings me a tiaria to wear to the dance. I am in love with Mr. Beaumont. We go to the pond to feed the ducks and he asks me to dinner at a fancy restaurant in town. I accept and his fancy carriage and him pick me up. The dinner consists of steak, mashed potatoes, vegetables and blueberry cobbler. He reaches out and touches my hand and tells me that I am the most fascinating woman he knows. I accidently call him Mr. Darcy. He just laughs. He read the novel Pride and Prejudice I wrote. He is sorry that my name isn't on it as the author as Henry, my brother takes care of my publishing. The evening is over before we know it and he walks me to my door and kisses me. I have never been kissed before. I feel the kiss all the way to my knees. I could kiss him all night. At last we say good night and he leaves. I hope he loves me and asks me to marry him. Do I dare hope?

It is the night of the dance. His carriage and driver come to pick me up. I arrive at the mysterious castle. It is huge, big and gray and the moon has just started to shine. I am wearing the blue fancy dress and tiaria. I feel like Cinderella. I look again at the castle. I can't imagine Camelot looking any better. The driver helps me out of the carriage and I walk the steps to the door. So many steps. I lift my dress and I go carefully up the stairs. My Mr. Beaumont greets me at the door. He hugs me and kisses my cheek. He says: "You look beautiful, my Dear.." I am his Princess. I will cherish this moment forever. He introduces me to his parents. They are so nice to me. I hope I made a good impression. Mr. Beaumont and I dance the first dance. I love this. He looks so handsome. Have I been dreaming all these weeks? We dance a few more dances and we go outside on the veranda. We are alone and he hugs me and kisses me passionately. He asks me to marry him. I say "Yes" and we kiss some more.He has a surprise for me. My parents have arrived at the dance with my sister Cassandra. Mr. Beaumont asks my father for my hand in marriage. My father is pleased. My Mr. Beaumont's father approaches me and grabs my hand and says he heard Devoe and I are to be married. Devoe? Oh, yes. My Mr. Beaumont. I will have to address him by his first name at times if we are to be married. He kisses my cheek. I just hope this isn't a dream.

Three weeks later, my Mr. Beaumont and I are married. He is my Mr. Darcy. I smile to myself. I am happy. As we are riding in his carriage two months later, I look into the woods and there is Mr. Crafty. I laugh and blow him a kiss. Mr. Crafty lifts his paw and smiles. That is if a fox could smile. I owe that fox a lot. Maybe the fox planned this. Is he that crafty? I see Mr. Crafty lay down and eat an apple. An apple he has stolen from the Beaumonts' apple orchard no doubt. He has earned it. My "Mr. Darcy" touches my cheek and asks if I am alright. I snuggle up to him and say "Yes." I am expecting our child in several months but I will tell him later. The castle will be full of our children. Our fairy tale. Like my novels, I, too have a happy ending.
A pretty Jane Image by best friend Angel.

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