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Lifelong friends take a chance on love & tomorrow ~ 1st Place Short Shots 5/09 |
Weariness marked every step as the leggy young woman made her way through the dark neighborhood, a bottle of laundry detergent in her hand and a backpack hanging from her thin shoulders. Gnawing on her full bottom lip, Jude forced her thoughts from Garrett to the more immediate problem of money. Absently she fingered the wadded bills and handful of coins in the pocket of her black Adidas track pants. After this week's rent and a load of laundry, it totaled an anemic forty-eight dollars and change. The job at the diner hadn't paid the best but it had at least put one meal a day in her belly and gave her something to pacify the landlord. Now Sal said they no longer needed her. She had seen the regret in the big Italian's eyes, but times were tough and business was business. Normally impervious to time or trends, even small town Trinity had felt the effects of the sinking economy. The nearby DaimlerChrysler plant had lain off hundreds. Small businesses found credit scarce and folded under the impossibility of competing with the big chains. Teens found even the minimum wage jobs, traditionally their niche, being swept up by desperate adult professionals as both savings and unemployment benefits ran dry. For-Sale signs dotted the green lawns of suburbia, as many headed for the larger cities, or even out of state, in hopes of finding work. Garrett had taken a different course, joining the Marines in an effort to secure a future. It was a future he was now offering to share with her. She closed her eyes, the ache in her chest intensifying. The mental image of Garrett's hurt and confusion flashed before her mind's eye. They had been best friends since diapers. She couldn't imagine life without him, and yet she had never dared allow herself to dream of more between them. His proposal had caught her off guard, striking a nerve deep within her. The tracks didn't run through Trinity, but that didn't hinder the town's understanding of social hierarchy. As accepting as the Brawer family had always been of her, it had only taken a chance encounter between her mother and his to fan the flames and remind Jude she didn't belong. Thunder rolled and the wind shifted, bringing with it the strong acrid scent of smoke. Jude pulled herself from her reveries, brow furrowing as she glanced up and down the quiet street, noting the empty front porches. Nervously she clutched the strap of her backpack, pace quickening. Bravado deserted her as she cut through a narrow alley at a run. The smoke was stronger now and an eerie glow lit the sky. Her breath came in harsh pants by the time she rounded the corner to chaos. Emergency vehicles in every shape, color and designation sat in the middle of the street, lights flashing. People milled around aimlessly, craning their necks and gawking. Slowly she pushed through the crowd, her heart sinking as her eyes locked on the familiar boarding house, now completely engulfed in flames. Her backpack slipped from slumped shoulders to dangle from the crook of her elbows. Numb, she let it slip free and swing around to land gently between her feet as she dropped to sit on the curb. Her grandmother had always said the good Lord didn't give one more than they could deal with. Cancer had taken her just over a year ago. The loss of her grandmother, best friend, job, and now even her home in the last eighteen months, it was a lot to ask anyone to shoulder. Desperately choking back tears she stared into the roaring flames, a feeling of hopelessness washing over her. She had never felt more alone than she did right then. Reaching up, her slender fingers closed tight around the ornate Celtic cross dangling from a ribbon choker about her throat, gripping it until it dug into her palm. In misery, she pulled her backpack close with her other arm, rocking softly, trying to ease the nearly unbearable ache in her throat and chest. She had prayed for a sign ... was this it? Another peal of thunder heralded the downpour. She looked up as the sky opened, finally giving in to let her tears mingle with the rain. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Garrett loaded the last box and eased the deck lid down, patting the sixty-one Impala affectionately. "I can't believe you're going to drive that jalopy across country. Aren't you afraid all the other Marines will laugh at you?" Rune teased. "Not more than once," Garrett answered, jabbing him hard in the shoulder. Rubbing his shoulder ruefully, Rune held up a palm of peace as his little brother taunted him with raised wrecking ball like fists. "Point taken," he confirmed. "Besides, she's a classic. We wouldn't be having this discussion if it were a sixty-one Harley Panhead." "Now that would be a classic." "Yeah ... but the trunk space sucks," Garrett cracked. Rune ran an uncertain hand through his lank blond locks as the merriment faded. Garrett traced a finger intently over the Impala's raised SS logo, seemingly no more sure of how to say goodbye than he was. Reluctant to drag out the farewell like his parents had, Rune offered a hand to Garrett then pulled him into a hug. "Be safe, bro." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Garrett drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, contemplating the crossroads. Right would take him to the highway and on his way to his first duty station, but his heart yearned for the road into Trinity. Jude's rejection had stung more than his pride, yet a part of him couldn't blame her confused caution. Friends for as long as he could remember, they had never tried to take things to a romantic level, though not for lack of fantasizing on his part. He was thankful for the cover of night as heat flooded his cheeks. A wry grin lifted the corner of his lips as he recalled his DI's opinion on blushing Marines. Shaking his head, he made the left turn and headed into Trinity for another shot. A frown furrowed his brow at the hint of smoke on the night air. The accelerator pedal kissed the floor, unease twisting his guts. Rounding the last curve, an ominous orange glow lit the night sky. The Impala's 409 roared as Garrett raced through the back streets. A hundred different scenarios flashed through his mind as he found his way blocked by emergency vehicles at the end of Jude's block. The passenger front tire jumped the curb as he wrenched the car to the left. The motor running and the door hanging ajar, he leapt from the car, sprinting down the sidewalk. As with any happening in their small community, most of Trinity was turned out to gawk regardless of the pelting rain. Heart hammering, Garrett scanned the crowd for the familiar brunette. He cursed under his breath pushing through the mass of bodies. Firemen swarmed the boarding house, struggling to contain the blaze. Spotting a still figure on an EMS gurney, fear gripped him. Bile rose in his throat at the mass of dark hair against the stark white sheets. Sloughing a trembling hand over his handsome features, he shouldered his way to her side, his pale blue eyes meeting the paramedic's in haunted question. "Daisy Sanchez," his former schoolmate identified with a downward nod. "Last I saw her; Jude was sitting over there on the curb, man." His gaze following the direction the paramedic pointed, relief and gratitude rushed through Garrett. Clasping the other man's shoulder he started for the far side of the street only to hesitate and look back. "Daisy will be okay," he reassured with a small smile. With a quick nod, Garrett pushed across the street. A lump formed in his throat as he spotted Jude. His willowy beauty looked like a little girl, her knees pulled up to her chest and long locks plastered to skull and face. "Baby ..." his voice broke in a strangled whisper. Jude's head jerked up and her crumpled face tore at his heart as she leapt to her feet and into his arms. Sweeping her up, he snagged her backpack and detergent, then strode purposefully back to the black Impala. She wouldn't let go of him to slip her into the passenger side so he slid across the seat, her cradled in his arms. Pulling both doors shut he turned the heat on and fished blindly in the back seat for a blanket. Snagging one from one of the laundry baskets he had packed there, he wrapped it around her shivering form and hugged her closer. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Jude leaned back against the solid wall of Garrett's chest, her teeth chattering. His strong arms closed around her bringing warmth and a feeling of belonging she had never found elsewhere. He had been her best friend and protector for as long as she remembered. The lump in her throat swelled again until a sob broke from her. How would she go on without him? Twelve weeks of Basic Training in San Diego, followed by another three months training at Camp Pendleton, at least they had given her days to count down, time frames she could deal with. Now she was looking at years ... maybe forever. Garrett's heart hammered painfully. Making the decision to leave Jude behind had been a difficult one even when he had thought it temporary. He knew if she could get past her fear, she would see they were right for one another. "I'm not him," he rumbled in her ear. She tugged on an arm, wrapping her own around it and hugging it tighter to her chest. Knowing memories of her father's desertion and broken promises still haunted her, he pulled her closer, resting his chin on top of her head. "I'm not asking you to wait. No one is promised tomorrow. Come with me now." She tensed. He waited. "Why now?" "I have something to offer you now." Jude's head whipped around and she stared up into his somber gaze. Her mouth opened and closed as she struggled to even form an incredulous reply. "My old man always told me to enjoy the easy pieces while you're a kid and bust your ass so you have something to offer the one you don't want to, or can't, live without." Catching her chin, he brushed her lips with his. "I don't want to try living without you." "We've never even ..." her voice trailed off, but the blush told the tale. "If you can say you haven't thought about it, you are stronger than I am," he murmured with a waggle of his dark brows. He laughed as her telling blush darkened. "A bit full of yourself aren't you, Brawer?" she asked with a haughty little sniff. "Eight hours to Vegas and you, Mrs. Brawer, could be full of me." Laughter bubbled from Jude's lips and she twisted in his arms to face him. "You are as big a hog as that Harley you ride!" she accused, slapping his broad chest. "And I will be in hog heaven if you will agree to be my wife." Jude rolled her eyes. "How could I refuse such a display of undying romance?" "Are you holding out for the ... did you say yes?" "Changing your mind already?" Jude teased, but Garrett could hear the uncertainty in her tone. Settling her back on the passenger side, he turned in the seat and shifted the car into gear. Jude fidgeted, listening to the tire hum. Glancing in the side mirror she watched Trinity grow smaller before falling away entirely as the powerful engine ate up the miles. "Are you going to tell me where we're going?" Garrett flashed a grin and a saucy wink. "Vegas, baby." ~ Word Count ~ 1970 ![]()