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contest entry for dialog 500 |
Missing Pieces “Hey, Sweetheart, where ya’ going?” “Leave me alone, you freak!” “I was only trying to offer you a ride, Honey. What are you doing out here walking by yourself at almost midnight anyway?" “That’s really not your business now, is it? Question is, mister, what are you doing driving around at midnight trying to pick up little girls?" “Oh, no, Hon-…” “I’m NOT your Honey!” “O.K, I’m sorry. But, you got it all wrong. I was just driving home from work and I’m just concerned about you that’s all. I have nieces your age. What are you, twelve?" “Eleven. I’ll be twelve in December, and I’m running away from home. That creep is not going to hurt me anymore.” “Hey, listen. It’s kind of hard to talk to you through the window of a rolling car. There’s a doughnut shop not far from here. Why don’t you get in and we’ll go get some donuts and hot chocolate, and we can talk. You can get in the backseat if that would make you feel safer." “Just so you know, mister, I’m prepared to protect myself. This bag’s got more than my clothes in it.” “All right, thanks for the tip. Hop in.” “I’m Mike, and you?” “Amy.” “Who do you live with Amy?” “My stupid mom ran off and left me with my stupider step dad. I hate him.” “Is he the one that hurt you?” “Hey, let’s go to this Castle Burger instead! I like their food.” “You got it! I’ll pull right in here.” “So, little lady, shall we sit at the counter or take this booth?” “Booth! Here comes the waitress.” “Hello there, and what are you having, sir?” “I’ll have your number five please.” “Gotcha. And what for your daughter?” “She’s n-not…Uh-hmm. Ah, what are you having, Honey?" “I’ll have the same with my favorite, banana shake, Dad." “O.K. -- be right back with your order!” “You caught on pretty quickly. That sly smirk you had on your face tells me you're a natural prankster. If I had a kid I’d want them to be sharp and witty like that…You know, Amy, after we talk a bit I’m gonna have to call Children’s Services to make sure you’re put in a safe place.” “Whatever. Mike, you seem like a nice person so why don’t you have any kids of your own? You got a wife don’cha?” “Yeah, I -- I have a wife – Cheryl. We tried for a long time but, uh, we couldn’t so we finally accepted it wasn't going to happen. So, now we're thinking about adop-…” “Well, go on.” Uh, Amy, I just thought of something. You know my wife, Cheryl, is actually a much better listener and talker than I am. I think I’d like to go call her and have her to come down here and join us. I have a feeling she’d love to meet you.” “Whatever. What does she like? I’ll order her something.” “She loves banana milkshakes.” 500 Words |