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Rated: 13+ · Word Search · Emotional · #1856366
Talks about life in general and compares basic nature of an individual.
We live and we learn and we take life the way it comes.  We go through all hardships a human heart is capable of rendering to itself and yet we live a happy moment in our minds over and over. Doesn’t it all seem simple? Doesn’t it give one the feeling “ oh yes, I ‘ve been through it before, I can do it again”? Life doesn’t seem hard, its eventually what you make of it. Isn’t that what its all about?
        Life comes with many baggages. It teaches us to be sentimental, some instances in life teach us to be emotional. Many a times, life leaves us completely astound by the fears which  at that time conquer the very confidence of an individual but at the same time, it gives the courage to pick up ourselves and start fresh to many of us. It gives us the chance to form solid bonds based on trust and transparency and finally follow our hearts and our ambitions and dreams which our eyes seem to be full of since the very beginning. 
      Life with its elements is simple. The emotions which build up the individuals are just like the lego building blocks. If the foundation or the base of our very building blocks isn’t strong the entire building collapses and emotions of all the humans out their in the world are no less. Our sentiments from the very beginning characterize our emotions in the latter half of our little role in this play of life. Didn’t we all just love the building which was finally made with those small pieces? It was the cause of celebration for us when we were five. Our emotions and sentiments, later in life, should make us as well as the others around realize that with the right emotions and sentiments we have already overcome the major downs in our lives.
          Fear which is another important function of life is just like a pathetic mosquito. It is utterly successful in sucking out the very confidence of an individual and sometimes is the reason behind the occasional emotional as well as mental break downs which life throws at us. I hate it when I get a mosquito bite. Don’t we all? It is but a very apt notion that time heals all wounds and just like the mosquito bite fades away with time, we all gather the courage to gather ourselves at once and over rule our fears and just in the snap of fingers, life is easier and less troublesome.
        Trust, in life is just like the house of cards. It takes time building it. It requires patience and no hindrances at all. And no sooner does the wind hit it, the cards which up until now were perfectly placed lose their balance and bring us back to square one. Trust, the same way takes it own sweet time to build up and one single blow affects it deeply leaving our hearts battered and the second attempt to build up the same level of trust just like building the house of cards again not only becomes monotonous but may take forever and ever.
              Experiences speak a lot. They eventually make us who we are and they are just like food which is the one of the highlights of life of us individuals. A bad food always makes us curse ourselves for eating it in the first place and makes us more cautious in the near future. Good food on the other hand makes us savor every bite of it and makes us look forward to it and makes up for all the bad food which we have ever tasted. Come on, pizza beats brinjal any day right? The same way, our lives are characterized by those moments which always bring a smile on our faces and which make up for all those experiences which make us regret our actions back then.
            Love in our lives is just like New York city. It sometimes is the reason behind all the liveliness which has crept into our lives recently or is the devastating fact behind the empty tissue boxes. Love is something we all look forward to just as we all dream of going to New York one day. It is what makes to the top 3 things which take place in the life of an individual just as trip to New York city is the highlight of our trip to the never ending United States Of America. If Carrie Bradshaw can find love at the age of 40 in New York then I don’t think age is a problem and we’ll all get there. If not right now, one day we will all find the ‘right one’ and even if you are one of the few to give up on this feeling, you wont even realize when you’ll be swooning in awe of the other person. Just as we all swoon in awe of New York the city of love, life and happiness.
              Dreams are just like clothes. We may have loads of clothes and sometimes it becomes tough for us to pick out the right outfit. We keep trying and finally out of the bundle there comes out a dress which is just perfect. It makes you look good and it is just…..right. We may have many dreams and ambitions ultimately we all shine out in one particular ambitions and it defines us and suits us so well that all at once, everything seems right and once again life is at peace.
              Life is this huge canvas and you are none other than the painter. Life is ultimately what you make of it. It is the picture you design for yourself. It is the minute features which give way to the bigger picture of one’s life. Make sure the bigger picture is worth all the efforts and tears and smiles and remember that it is up to you to paint it in white and black or the shades of grey.
Find the following words arranged forwards or backwards,
in any direction: horizontal, vertical or diagonal.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/wordsearches/item_id/1856366-Shades-Of-Grey