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Water creature created for Creature Creation Contest. |
279 words. Sea Runners range in height from four to six feet tall with pointed ears and aqua eyes. They have humanoid bodies completely covered with rainbow colored fish-like scales and can breathe using both gills and lungs, which lets them to move freely between land and water. These creatures are skin changers, with the ability to transform themselves into any type or size of water creature. Sea Runner is a misnomer, given to them by sailors who thought they saw the creatures running on the surface of the ocean. Sea runners neither walk nor run on water. However, when in their humanoid forms they do have the ability to weave illusions, especially when in the presence of large bodies of water. Moreover, they have an extremely bizarre sense of humor. Sea Runners are the most intelligent, curious and emotionally unstable of all the water elementals. These traits coupled with their peculiar sense of humor makes them quite unpredictable. A sea runner will become irate because of a shift in the wind, even when there is no wind. Fortunately, they do not stay mad very long, but they do get even by perpetrating practical jokes. While Sea Runners can and do live in salt water with no ill affects, they will drink only fresh water. They have the ability to detect any type of water pollutant and the power to change any type of liquid into fresh water. In fact, Sea Runners are infamous for turning wine into fresh water, hard liquor into fresh water, or milk into fresh water. This, of course, is an exceptionally useful power in the presence of contaminated water; it gets a bit aggravating in taverns. |