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Rated: E · Editorial · Educational · #998437
Importance of Synergistic Blends in Supplements and Nutrition
Everything is not always as it seems, always remember this. When all is said and done---your health is all you really have.
Now, you can have obtained nice expensive autos, boats, 4-wheelers, and all kinds of expensive adult “toys”, Tractors, Big screen TV’s, motor homes, whatever.

You can acquire nice expensive homes with wonderful window treatments, dress in the finest attire, eat in the finest restaurants, shop in the grandest retail boutiques, join the best gym, Country Club, as well as other social clubs, and social events are an absolute must for appearance sake.
But, I am here to tell you, just in case you are one of the people who get caught up in the material things of life, that this is not all there is.

If you are not in tune with your body’s health and nutritional needs, your health will slowly begin to show signs of aging. You will start to realize that you seem to be prone to “catch more colds” than you used to and the upper respiratory problems, asthma, bronchitis, and just a whole host of health challenges that were not there just a few years ago. Now you have these nagging little pains and aches that come as we age.I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way at all. Yes we are all going to age, and don’t you think that growing older gracefully is so much nicer than having our wrinkles having wrinkles.
You will not be 18 years old for very long. It will only last for 8760 hours, which turns into 365 days, which turns into 52 weeks, which turns into 12 months, which turns into just one year.

Well it is very clear that we can no longer get the proper nutrition our bodies need just by eating our veggies. Our soil has been depleted of its nutrients over the years. All you have to do is pick up just about any magazine out there these days whether it be Readers’ Digest, Prevention, Good Housekeeping, even Dr. Phil’s latest book has a section included about the importance of taking supplements. There seems to be an abundance of supplements currently available to consumers today. Why, you can even buy them at grocery stores, discount stores, drug stores and yes even health food stores.

There is only one extremely important thing you need to make sure of when purchasing supplements and vitamins… they need to be “synergistically blended”. Now you might say… just what exactly does that mean? I will try to explain it to you in a very simple way, since this is the best and it is easy. “Synergistic Blend” means quite frankly…. “the right recipe”. If you are going to make a Carrot Cake and the recipe calls for 2 cups of flour, and you decide to add 4 cups instead, can you see that your cake will become a disaster? Well, with supplements the same can happen if the right recipe isn’t followed.

That is why I titled this column “Everything is not always as it seems”. Supplements should always be complementary with prescription medicine that sometimes is necessary to take. Supplements should always be synergistically blended if you are very, very serious about your health. So do yourself and your health a favor and become educated on the subject of supplementation and your health. Don’t just decide that because your friend, Mary, takes a certain herb, so you might as well try that also. What you may not understand is that “Mary” may not need to address the same symptoms as you do. Everyone is made up differently. What I market can not be duplicated From any “Health Food Establishment” or any other so called place of business.

Bottom line; Educate yourself before wasting your money on supplements or vitamins that may be full of “fillers”. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to swallow sand.
So my question to you is simple….. Do you know anyone who would be interested in finding out more about what I market? You would also gain your own “Personal Health Coach” to help you find out what you should be consuming.

If you need advice from an expert in this field, don’t hesitate to phone me at 803-366-8525. or e-mail me at: LB_Starplace@comporium.net
and in the subject line, enter the word SUPPLEMENTS

Linda Bradford
Nutritional Consultant
Expert Health Coach
Rock Hill, SC
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